Soulmate AU (Birdflash)

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AN: Anything in italics is spoken in Romani. I didn't want to attempt a translator for it like I did for the Latin I used for spells in previous chapters.

There were three things Dick knew from a very young age. One, his parents were soulmates. Two, he wanted a love like theirs. Three, he had two soulmates.

"Mom, why do I have two soulmates when you and dad only have one?" Dick asked once when he was young.

"Well, my little Robin, it means you have enough love in you for more than one person. But listen, just because they're your soulmates doesn't mean you have to love them the way your dad and I love each other. They could be your very best friend in the whole world. Friends can be much more important than loves." His mother tried explaining. "Why don't you go practice your English so you can learn to read what they say?" She suggested when she noticed his confused look.

"Okay!" He grinned, jumping off her lap to go to his family's compartment.

His parents knew what his soulmate lines were and were willing to tell him, but he wanted to learned the language himself and read them by himself. Since a lot of their shows were in America it was easy for the young boy to learn English while traveling. By the time he was seven he knew what both his soulmates lines were. The first, which sat across his left hip making it very difficult to read by himself, said 'Ohmygoshitssocooltomeetyou!' without any spaces, making it even more difficult to read for a new English speaker. He had his mom write it down and add the spaces for him the first time he tried to read it.

"Why aren't there spaces?" Dick had asked.

"Maybe they talk fast." His dad had laughed.

The second one sat over his heart and read 'Dude, I'm so glad you trusted me.' The second one confused him because why would the first thing his soulmate say to him be about him trusting him? He liked that it sat over his heart though. Dick thought about what his mom had told him about how one of them, or both of them, might be just his best friend in the whole. He liked the idea that the one on his hip was his best friend and the one over his heart would be his partner. Didn't mean he loved either of them more than the other.

Dick loved meeting knew people and getting to know them. Part of it was because he wanted to meet his soulmates as soon as possible, but part of it was because he just loved being around people. Part of being in the circus was always being around people, he was never alone.

At least until that day when he was eight and his parents fell. After that he was always alone. Even after being taken in by Bruce Wayne, he was alone in a large mansion. He'd lost his parents but also his circus family and they couldn't be replaced by an old butler and a guy who never seemed to be home.

He felt less alone after learning Bruce's secret and becoming Robin, but only because that meant Bruce was actually spending time with him, he was still more alone than he'd been in his whole life.

"Hey Bruce, what's your soulmate line?" Dick asked one night over dinner before patrol.

"I have two actually. Why?" Bruce replied, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"You have two also?!" Dick jumped up from his seat in excitement.

"Also? Do you have two soulmate lines, Dick?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah! I used to try to meet everyone who came to the circus in case one was one of my soulmates." Dick smiled to himself sadly at the memory.

"Have you met them?" Bruce asked.

"No." Dick said with a frown. "What about you?"

"I have, both of them in a way." Bruce smiled.

"In a way?" Dick asked.

"One belongs to Catwoman, the other Selina Kyle. In becoming two people as Batman and Bruce Wayne and her becoming two people as Catwoman and Selina Kyle, we became our soulmates twice. So, one person, two lines. Does that make sense, Dick?" Bruce asked.

"I guess. Does that mean I might have only one soulmate then?" Dick asked.

"It could. Or Dick Grayson has two. Don't take my experience with having two as universal. Okay?" Bruce asked.

"Sure, Bruce."

"Are you done eating? Ready to go on patrol?" Bruce asked, getting up from the table.

"Yeah!" Dick jumped up and ran to the library to head down to the Batcave.

"Master Dick, please don't run in the hallways." Alfred reminded him.

"Sorry, Alfred." Dick felt his cheeks heat with a blush.

While on patrol Dick tried continuing their conversation from dinner. "Does it bother you that your soulmate is a criminal?" He asked while they drove around in the Batmobile.

"It did at first but she's tried to be better since we figured it out. But I don't plan on changing her to fit what I think she should be." He explained.

"Oh ok. Do you think my soulmates could be criminals?" Dick wondered.

"I don't know anything about your soulmates, Dick, but I know you. If they're your soulmates then they're going to be great people and worthy of your love. I believe that. Wholeheartedly."

"Thanks, Bruce." Dick grinned at his mentor.

A few weeks later Bruce had a surprise for Dick before patrol. "We're meeting up with Flash and his new sidekick tomorrow to work on a case together. He's a couple years older than you."

"Really?!" Dick jumped off the trapeze he was on.

"I figured you'd like to make a new friend. You can't tell him your identity though, got it? He'll only know you as Robin. Promise me." Bruce looked at Dick sternly.


The next day as soon as school was out for Dick, Bruce and Dick got dressed for meeting up with Flash and his sidekick.

"What's his name?" Robin asked.

"He goes by Kid Flash. I'm not going to give you his secret identity unless Flash agrees. But don't ask him for it." Batman told him.

"Okay. Are they meeting us here? Are we going somewhere?" Robin asked.

"We'll be going to Central City. No metas in Gotham, you know that."

"Except Ivy." Robin pointed out.

"You want her to go to a different city to wreak havoc?" Batman raised an eyebrow at Robin.

"You know I can't actually see you raise your eyebrow, right?" Robin laughed.

"You knew what I was doing though." Batman pointed out.

"So how are we getting to Central City? Zeta? Batwing?" Robin asked, going back to his original set of questions.

"We can do either but the zeta is faster and I figured we get there early and finish quickly, you and Kid Flash can... hang out a bit." Batman said.


"Recognized. Batman 0-2, Robin B 0-1."

"Batsy, you're here early." Flash threw an arm over Batman's shoulders when Batman and Robin arrived in Central City.

"Robin was excited to meet Kid Flash." Batman deftly removed himself from under Flash's arm.

"The kid is excited too." The Flash pointed at a kid a little taller than Robin who was jumping up and down and zipping around the young hero.

"Ohmygoshitssocooltomeetyou!" Kid Flash said so fast that Robin barely caught the words.

"Dude, KF, slow down! I can't understand you!" Robin laughed before his brain caught up with what Kid Flash had said. His head whipped around to Batman with wide eyes.

Kid Flash on the other hand tripped over his own feet when he realized what Robin had said. At least, that's what Robin figured caused him to trip.

"Kid, you ok?" Flash asked, helping Kid Flash to his feet.

"Of course, Flash." Kid Flash grinned at Robin. "I've waited my whole life to meet you." Kid Flash's eyes were wide and sparkly.

"Kid?" Flash asked.

"Soulmates?" Robin asked.

"Soulmates." Kid Flash nodded.

"Look like we're gonna be spending more time together, Batsy." Flash laughed, throwing his arm back over Batman's shoulders.

"Really, Robin? A speedster?" Batman shook his head.

"Hey how many soulmate lines do you have?" Robin asked Kid Flash, ignoring Batman.

"Two." Kid Flash blushed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Me too!" Robin exclaimed.

"Where's mine?" Kid Flash asked.

"Hip." Robin pointed to where the words were. "By the way, very hard to read when you're learning English and there's no spaces cause you talk too fast." Robin pouted slightly.

"Sorry." Kid Flash laughed. "Yours are on the opposite hip, actually." Pointing to his right hip.

"Robin, time to work. Remember what I told you." Batman said, once again removing himself from under Flash's arm.

"Sorry, B." Robin blushed as he turned back to Batman. "So what's the case we're teaming up for?"

"Please tell me it's going to be awesome." Kid Flash threw an arm over Robin's shoulders and the two boys grinned at each other.

"Of course it'll be awesome." Robin rolled his eyes but continued grinning.

Over the next few weeks Robin and Kid Flash got together as often as they could for team ups or just to hang out. Never at either's house, of course. Kid Flash told Robin that he wasn't allowed to tell him his name yet even though he really wanted to. Robin told him basically the same thing. Weeks turned into months and soon enough they were best friends.

"Hey Rob!" Kid Flash called when he saw his best friend coming towards him for their latest team up.

"Hey KF!" Robin ran up to give him a fist bump.

"Who's all coming today?" Kid Flash asked.

"Us and the new kid, Speedy I think. GA and Flash will both be there too." Robin said, climbing onto Kid Flash's back to get to the meet up spot quicker.

"Where's Batman? He not coming today?" Kid Flash asked.

"Nah. He's dealing with Ra's and Talia. Last time we saw them they kidnapped me so I got out as fast as possible. Y'know, for a non-meta." Robin laughed into the wind.

"That makes sense. Have you met the new kid yet?" Kid Flash asked after they got to the docks they were meeting at.

"Not yet. You?"

"No. I don't like his name though. Speedy. Makes it seems like he's a speedster." Kid Flash pouted.

"Dude you gotta chill." Robin laughed.

"He's not a speedster, right? He's got GA's shtick?" Kid Flash asked to make sure.

"Pretty sure. Would suck if I'm the only non-speedster." Robin laughed again.

"You wouldn't be the only speedster if GA is coming too." Kid Flash grinned.

"Only non-speedster sidekick then." Robin shrugged.

"He's not a speedster." Flash said, coming up behind the two boys and startling Kid Flash.

"One of these days he's going to get you too." Kid Flash pouted at Robin who just laughed at him.

"So what's the new kid like?" Robin asked Flash.

"Well, he's older than both of you for a start." Flash laughed. "Only a few years though."

"And he's got the same shtick as Green Arrow?" Kid Flash asked.

"Yes. They'll be here any minute." Flash told them.

Eventually the three boys became close and Speedy joined the two on as many team ups and hang outs as he could, not caring that the two were younger than him. They met Aqualad as well and though all four never managed to get together at the same time, they all became close anyways.

One night when Dick was visiting Kid Flash by himself in Central City he decided that he needed to tell his best friend his real identity. Even if Bruce told him not to, his best friend and soulmate deserved to know both sides of him.

"Hey Rob. I talked to Flash today and he said I could tell you my secret identity." Kid Flash grinned at his best friend who was hanging upside down on the jungle gym.

"Yeah?" Robin flipped on the bars to sit on the top next to Kid Flash.

"Yeah. I mean, you are my best friend and one of my soulmates. There's no one I trust more." Kid Flash blushed a little.

"KF, can I tell you a secret?" Robin asked.

"Of course, dude." Kid Flash nodded.

"My real name is Dick Grayson. I trust you too." Dick said, taking off his sunglasses.

"Dude, I'm so glad you trusted me." Kid Flash said.


"My real name's Wally West." He added with a grin.

"Someday your brain will catch up to the rest of you." Dick laughed.

"Wait... Dick Grayson?" Wally almost fell off the jungle gym in surprise.

"Yeah. Pretty sure we're soulmates. Again. Unless your other line isn't what I think it is." Dick started to ramble when Wally didn't respond right away.

"Dude. We're so totally soulmates. Again." Wally grinned as he hugged his best friend and soulmate.

"Wait." Dick pushed Wally away just a bit. "Where's your other line. I wanna know."

"Over my heart." Wally blushed again.

"Mine too." Dick felt his cheeks heat up in a blush too. "One thing though, I didn't tell B I was going to tell you who I am, and I didn't ask either."

"Is he going to kill me?" Wally asked.

"Nah. Not when he learns we're soulmates." Dick grinned. "He'll understand better than you'd expect. He has two soulmate lines too, one soulmate. Same as us."

"Batman has a soulmate?" Wally looked shocked.

"Of course. Everyone has one, silly." Dick laughed as he flipped back upside down on the jungle gym.

"I'm glad you're my best friend, Rob. I'm even more glad that you're my soulmate, Dick Grayson." Wally grinned and flipped upside down to join his soulmate, though not as smoothly.

"So I know all about Rob. Now, tell me about Dick Grayson. I only know what the tabloids say. I may or may not have been obsessed with following you since Bruce Wayne took you in." Wally grinned then his expression dropped. "Wait. If you're Robin, does that make Bruce Wayne Batman?"

"Yep. I already know that Barry Allen is the Flash, he's your uncle, right?" Dick asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I'm a detective, Wally."

"Oh yeah. Now tell me about Dick Grayson."

"Only if you tell me about Wally West."

"Anything and everything you want to know."

AN: I have one last chapter planned. It's going to be another soulmate au. Now, it's either going to be this chapter but from Wally's POV or a different ship. I'm going to let you guys choose! Well sorta, I want to get started writing soon so you'll only have a day or two after this is posted to comment which you'd like!

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