Accidental Time Travel Pt 2 (Birdflash)

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"Zatara has found a spell that he thinks will work to send you all home." Batman said the day after Nightwing and the older Wally had shown up.

"Already? I thought we'd have a few days." Nightwing pouted from where he was lounging on the couch with the older Wally while the Team was away on a mission.

"What were you planning on doing besides trying to change the timeline?" Batman asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about B. I did no such thing." Nightwing shrugged.

"There are cameras in the Cave and I know how to read lips." Batman reminded him.

"Are you sure?" Nightwing questioned.

"Really?" Batman raised an eyebrow under his cowl.

"Did you forget about the cameras?" Wally asked, laughing at Nightwing.

"Shut up, Walls, it's not like you remembered." Nightwing shoved Wally playfully.

"Aqualad to Cave, we are incoming." The trio heard over the comms.

"Batman to Aqualad, everyone head to debrief as soon as you arrive." Batman said into the comms.


"Come on, Walls, let's go see the minis." Nightwing flipped over the top of the couch to head to where Batman would do the debrief from the mission.

"Race you!" Wally called before speeding off.

"Cheater!" Nightwing laughed.

"You're so mature." Batman rolled his eyes.

"I mean, I am Batman." Nightwing said, lowering his voice in a poor imitation of Batman's growl.

"No, you're not." Batman said.

"I am this month." Nightwing shrugged.

"Are you coming or not?" Wally asked, speeding back to where Batman and Nightwing were walking.

"Let's just get there before the Team does." Batman sighed.

"Yes sir." Nightwing mock saluted before taking off running to meet up with the Team.

"Hey mini-us!" Wally called as the Team left the bioship.

"Hi!" Miss Martian smiled and waved at the older Wally and Nightwing.

"Are you two done?" Batman asked, coming up behind them.

"Sure." Nightwing shrugged.

"Team, report." Batman said, turning away from Nightwing who took the opportunity to mock Batman behind his back. "Nightwing stop it."

"How did you do that?" Nightwing asked, jaw dropping.

"I mean, I am Batman." Batman parroted back to Nightwing.

"Dude, did Batman just tell a joke?" The older Wally asked, throwing an arm over Nightwing's shoulders.

"I think so. It's hard to tell." Nightwing smiled.

"Also, I think he broke the mini-us-es." The older Wally laughed, pointing at the Team who were all slack-jawed.

"Nightwing, Wally, if you can't behave you can't be here. I need to debrief the Team." Batman said.

"When we finish can we hang out with them some more?" Kid Flash asked.

"That's up to Flash for you but Miss Martian, Superboy, Aqualad, and Artemis are welcome to stay." Batman said.

"What about me?" Robin asked. "I want to know more too."

"You are needed in Gotham." Batman said.

"For what?"


"But B! It's not every day we get to meet someone from the future!"


"Don't argue with him, Little Wing. Homework is important." Nightwing said.

"I thought Jason was Little Wing?" The older Wally asked.

"Maybe I call him that because I heard myself called it when I was Robin. Have you thought of that?" Nightwing asked.

"Now you're being ridiculous. Do you remember meeting your older self? Cause I don't. So, either something erases this from their memories, or by being sent back an alternate timeline was created and they will grow up in this new timeline while we'll go back to the original timeline." The older Wally said.

"Sometimes I forget how smart you are." Nightwing smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How could you forget that?" The older Wally asked.

"Well, most of the time you're a doof." Nightwing shrugged.

"He's not wrong there, at least about you." Artemis said to Kid Flash with a sneer.

"Hey!" Both Wally and Kid Flash exclaimed making Nightwing and Robin laugh.

"That's too freaky." Artemis said, glancing between the two pairs.

"Ok, B. Stop giving me the look. I hope you know it hasn't worked for years. We'll be on the couch, whoever is joining us, join us there when you're done here." Nightwing said, turning away from the Team with a wave.

"If it hasn't worked for years, why did it just work?" The older Wally asked Nightwing in a loud whisper.

Once the Team had given Batman a report on their mission and Robin sent back to Gotham with Batman the rest of the Team came joined Nightwing and the older Wally by the couches.

"Recognized. Flash 0-4."

"I think B called your uncle, Walls." Nightwing said to the older Wally.

"Hey Kid! We have to go!" Flash said as he entered the room.

"Why?" Kid Flash asked.

"Mirror Master has escaped and we need to recapture him." Flash said. "Unless of course you have something better to do?"

"Of course not, Flash. Let's go." Kid Flash said with a sigh.

"Recognized. Flash 0-4, Kid Flash B 0-3."

"Well, I guess it's just us then." Nightwing said to Kaldur, M'gann, Conner, and Artemis.

"Tell us more about the future." Artemis told them.

"What do you want to know?" Wally asked.

"Oh I know! You mentioned yesterday that your Wally had lost his wedding ring before while in costume. How'd that happen?" M'gann asked.

"You really want to know?" Nightwing snickered.

"No, they don't want to know that." Wally said, trying to cover Nightwing's mouth.

"Oh we definitely do now." Artemis laughed.

Nightwing flipped over the back of the couch. "I'll tell you all in the training room." He said before taking off running.

"Oh no. I know his plan." Wally said, speeding to catch his husband and pick him up.

"Walls, let me down!" Nightwing said, struggling in Wally's arms.

"No. I know your plan. You're going to the training room to get up high where I can't reach you to stop you from telling them how I lost the ring." Wally said, tightening his grip.

"You know I can get out of this right?" Nightwing said.

"Nah. Not without hurting me." Wally said.

"You heal fast."

"My heart doesn't." Wally pouted.

"Fine." Nightwing stopped struggling to get out and instead went limp.

"Dude, you're like pure muscle, do you know how much pure muscle weighs as dead weight?" Wally asked, staggering a bit.

"More than you can carry?" Nightwing asked with a wink to his friends' younger selves.

"I'm stronger than you think." Wally said before staggering again under the dead weight of his husband.

"Maybe. But are you as strong as you think?" Nightwing countered.

"Are you two always like this?" Artemis asked, distracting the two men.

"Like what?" Wally asked. Nightwing took Wally's momentary distraction to maneuver himself out of Wally's arms to try to get to the training grounds again. "Oh no you don't." Wally said grabbing Nightwing again.

"Like children?" Artemis clarified.

"Are we acting like children?" Wally asked Nightwing who had managed to get onto his shoulders and was perched there, forcing Wally towards the ground.

"I mean, probably?" Nightwing said from his perch.

"Oh you are." Artemis said.

"Indeed." Kaldur agreed.

"Better than being like B and serious all the time." Nightwing shrugged before climbing off Wally's shoulders.

"Wally, why won't you just let Nightwing tell us the story?" M'gann asked.

"Fine." Wally said pouting as he went to go sit on the couch.

"Let us all sit down." Kaldur suggested.

"Okay, so we were in Blüdhaven fighting Killer Croc." Nightwing started. 

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