Patching Each Other Up (Birdflash)

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It started out like any other mission. Batman had given them the briefing and sent them to the bioship. Apparently the Shadows had kidnapped Queen Perdita of Vlatava, refusing to release her unless her advisors made Count Vertigo the new King of Vlatava.

Batman told them that they thought the Shadows were holding her in nearby Markovia so the Team was being sent in to covertly find her and report her position so the Justice League could come in and provide a public rescue.

It was supposed to be like any other mission.

So of course it went like every other mission, right down the drain almost immediately.

Cheshire, Black Spider, and Hook were all there. It was like the Dr. Roquette mission all over again except the other way around with them searching and the Shadow assassins playing babysitter.

Robin and Miss Martian were supposed to sneak in while Superboy, Aqualad, Artemis, and Kid Flash patrolled the perimeter to make sure there were no surprises. Miss Martian linked everyone up as she landed the bioship half a mile from the abandoned building where Batman suspected the young queen was being held.

Everyone online?

Various affirmative responses came through the mental link.

Let's go. Aqualad thought to the Team.

Miss Martian camouflaged and Robin did his ninja disappearing act.

Remember to stay out of sight. Aqualad added.

That means you, KF. Robin added, laughing quietly to himself while in an air vent.


Miss Martian made her way through the building from the North while Robin worked from the South, stopping long enough to hack the cameras he found along the way.

I can see the queen. Robin let everyone know through the link. Southeast corridor, Miss M.

Got it, Robin. Miss Martian headed in that direction, being careful not to be seen.

We should get out. The mission was to find her then leave it up to the Justice League to rescue her. Aqualad reminded them.

Yeah, yeah, I just want to check something real quick. Robin told him.

Be quick, Robin. Miss Martian return to the rest of us so we can return to the bioship together. Aqualad directed.

On my way, Aqualad.

Umm.. KF can you come here?

What's wrong, Rob?

Cheshire found me. Need you to run me out.

On my way.

Kid Flash found Robin and Cheshire fighting in one of the Southeast hallways and it didn't look good for Robin. By the time Kid Flash reached them, Robin was on the floor with Cheshire pinning him down with a sai against his throat and multiple cuts on his arms. The sleeves of his uniform shredded. Kid Flash didn't waste any time. His anger at seeing his best friend and boyfriend hurt had him moving faster than he thought he could. He shoved Cheshire off Robin, grabbed the younger boy in his arms, and sped off towards the bioship.

I have him. Get the bioship ready.

I'll be fine, KF. Robin added, snuggling closer into Kid Flash's chest.

Kid Flash snorted. Sure.

They're just flesh wounds.

And you're bleeding on my uniform. Think how dead I'd be if Bats saw you like this. We're going back to the Cave and I'm patching you up. Got it?

Got it. Robin sighed.

The Team rushed back to the Cave in the bioship. Once they were far enough away that the Shadows couldn't interfere with their comms, Aqualad radioed the Justice League to let them know they found the queen but had been discovered and they were probably going to either move her or kill her and quickly if they didn't get there fast to rescue her. He added that they were headed back to the Cave to provide first aid to the Team but didn't expand on it.

Once at the Cave, Kid Flash rushed Robin to the infirmary to clean and bandage his wounds.

"Walls, I told you, I'm ok." Dick tried to tell Wally as Wally carefully removed the torn uniform from him.

"But Dick, I like taking care of you. Let me." Wally gave him a look.

Dick blushed as Wally brought Dick's arm towards him and began slowly and carefully cleaning each cut. "Ok, Walls."

"You gonna leave your mask on, birdie?" Wally asked, moving onto the other arm.

"Someone could walk in, Walls. You know The Rules." Dick told him.

Before Dick could blink Wally had run over to the door and locked it, rushing back to continue working on Dick's arms. "And now we'll know in plenty of time if someone tries to come in."

Dick sighed but reached up and removed his mask. "Happy?"

"Always when I can see your pretty eyes, birdie." Wally grinned at Dick.

"You're such a dork, Wally." Dick said.

"True, but your blush says you like it."

Wally finished cleaning the cuts on both arms and started wrapping gauze around them.

"Y'know, I was looking something up the other day and found something that's gonna piss you off." Wally said as he finished bandaging Dick's arms and started on the small cut Cheshire had managed to make on his neck.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"Whelmed means the same thing as overwhelmed."

"What? You can't be serious!"

"Yep." Wally laughed. "And after the big deal you made about being just whelmed."

"Don't tell the others! They'll all laugh at me." Dick pouted at his boyfriend.

Wally continued laughing as he finished with the small cut. "I won't tell them, Dick. Don't worry. Now, is Bats gonna kill me? Or is Alfred? Cause honestly I'm probably more scared of Alfred."

Dick laughed, a real laugh, not his Robin cackle. "You should be more afraid of Alfred, but no, don't worry about either of them."

Wally gave Dick a small kiss on his forehead before Dick put his mask back on so they could rejoin the rest of the Team for the mission debrief.

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