Drawing Each Other (Birdflash)

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Wally <3: Hey Dick!
Dickie-birb <3: What's up, Walls?
Wally <3: I need u for my art class!
Dickie-birb <3: Why do you need me for your art class??
Wally <3: I have to draw "something important to me" that means you <3
Dickie-birb <3: I'll be at the Cave on Saturday. That work?
Wally <3: That works! <3
Dickie-birb <3: <3

Saturday came soon enough and the boys found themselves in the living room lounging on the couch various school books spread across the floor and table.

"Where are M'gann, Zatanna, and Conner?" Dick asked.

"Zatanna is on a date with Artemis right now, I think." Wally said, pushing the books further away from him.

"And M'gann and Conner?" Dick asked again.

"Not sure. Give me a sec." Wally said before taking off running. "Garage with Sphere and Wolf."

"Want to get started on your art project then?" Dick asked. "Were you wanting to draw me as me or as Robin? Cause either works for me." Dick added, blushing.

"Either, but I am going to have to write a paragraph explaining my choice so... maybe you as you. Want to go to one of the spare rooms so you can have your sunglasses off?" Wally asked, grabbing a sketch pad from one of the piles on the floor and some colored pencils from his bag.

"Sure. Not like I'm going to be getting anything done while you work anyways." Dick laughed.

The two went to the room they used together on the rare occasions they stayed at the Cave overnight. Wally spent the next couple hours slowly drawing Dick and coloring it in carefully.

"Y'know, you're cute when you're concentrating." Dick commented partway through.

"I'm always cute." Wally replied, not looking away from his work.

"Well, yeah, but when you're really concentrating you blep and it's adorable." Dick laughed.

That made Wally stop for a minute. "I blep?" Wally tilted his head in confusion.

"Yep. Look it up."

"Maybe later, babe. I need to finish this today, unless you think we can hang out tomorrow too?" Wally looked at Dick excitedly.

"Not likely, unless there's a mission. Sunday is cleaning day at the manor. You know that. No way I can escape Alfred. B maybe, but not Alfred. He's too smart for all of us." Dick laughed.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Maybe I can come by and speed things up?"

"That was bad. And B wouldn't allow it anyways." Dick shook his head. "You should get back to work so we can finish the rest of our homework. I doubt anyone wants to have to clean up the giant mess we left in the other room."

"Ok, ok."

After Wally was done with the drawing, he proudly showed it off to Dick. "Woah! This is so cool, Walls!" Dick exclaimed, grinning.

"Only thing I need to add is my paragraph about why you're so important to me. And that's the easy bit." Wally winked at his boyfriend.

"Can I try drawing you?" Dick looked up, blushing slightly.

"Of course!" Wally handed the sketch pad over to Dick along with his pencils.

"I'll try not to take as long as you."

Dick did spend a good hour on his drawing and while he didn't have the best art skills in his opinion, he did like how the finished product looked.

"If this is how you see me, I can tell why you fell for me." Wally winked.

"Nah. Didn't fall for you cause of your looks, Walls." Dick grinned. "I fell cause you're my best friend."

"You're such a sap, babe."

"Come on, let's head back out and finish the rest of our homework before B comes to get me." Dick pushed his boyfriend away and slipped his sunglasses back on before heading to the living room where their mess was.

"Hey Rob, when you say B, do you mean Batman or... the other name?" Wally asked while organizing some of his homework.

"I mean Bitch."

"Recognized. Batman 0-2"

"Don't tell him I said that." Dick whispered.

"If you think I'm going to say that word in front of the Bat, you're nuts." Wally laughed.

"Ready to go, Robin?" Batman asked as he entered the room.

"Sure thing, B. Just let me clean up my homework first."

"Wally, why are you laughing?"

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