One Deages (Birdflash)

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Be careful I sense powerful magic here. Zatanna told the Team through the mind link.

Who do you think it could be? Aqualad asked.

With how powerful it feels, probably Klarion. Should we alert Batman? Zatanna asked.

Not until we can confirm it's him. Aqualad sighed to himself.

Batman would be angry if we called him for nothing. Robin pointed out.

Then let us continue. Aqualad said through the link. Find a computer Robin and get the information we need so we can go.

On it.

Kid Flash, meet up with Robin to watch his back. Aqualad directed.

Got it, boss. Be there in a flash, Rob.

Since you can't see it, I'm rolling my eyes. Robin said through the link.

Kid Flash are you at Robin's location yet? Aqualad asked.

Just arrived.

"Now who do we have here?" Robin and Kid Flash heard behind them.

Someone notify Batman. Klarion is here. Also, we might be in trouble. Kid Flash said through the link after turning around to see Klarion behind him and Robin.

"Klarion." Robin said while detaching his glove from the computer he'd been hacking.

We've alerted Batman. Can you get away or do you need backup? Aqualad asked.

Backup would be nice. Kid Flash said.

Sending Miss Martian on ahead in camouflage mode.

"What are you two doing here?" Klarion asked.

"What are you doing here, Klarion?" Robin asked.

"I asked you first." Klarion glared.

"Well we asked you second!" Kid Flash stuck out his tongue at Klarion.

"You want to act childish? Et iuvenes rursus ad puerum!" Klarion said before opening a portal behind him to escape the young heroes.

Klarion got away, please update Batman. Robin said through the mental link to Aqualad.

On it. Please return to the bioship as soon as possible.

I still have some hacking I need to do but we'll be there soon. Robin replied.

But then he noticed something was wrong with his boyfriend. First off, he was glowing. Secondly, he seemed to be... shrinking?

Actually, something's up with KF so we're heading back now.

What's wrong with Kid Flash? Miss Martian asked.

Not sure, remember the last time we saw Klarion and he said a spell and then we all glowed? After hearing affirmatives from multiple people he continued. Well Klarion said a spell and then KF started glowing and now he looks like he's a toddler. I'm going to try to get us to the bioship but can you ask Batman to get Flash to the Cave?

Will do Robin. Get here as quickly and safely as you can.

"KF?" Robin asked the toddler in front of him where his boyfriend had been before. "Are you whelmed?"

"Whelmed?" The toddler repeated before laughing. "Whelmed, whelmed, whelmed!" He ran around Robin at super speeds.

"KF!" Robin shouted to get his attention. The toddler stopped and gave Robin a quizzical look. "Can I pick you up so we can go find our friends?" Robin asked.

"Up!" He giggled, reaching up towards Robin.

Robin sighed and picked up the toddler. "So not feeling the aster."

"Aster! Aster!" The toddler giggled again.

Batman said that Flash and he are both waiting for us back at the Cave. They tried calling Doctor Fate as well but were unable to reach him so far. Aqualad told Robin as he made his way back to the bioship.

Thanks, Aqualad. Did Miss M drop the link to KF?

I didn't but I think I was kicked out of his mind after Klarion's spell hit him. Do you want me to relink him?

I wouldn't suggest it. He looks about 2 or 3 years old. I don't think the whole Team needs to hear him giggling over the word aster.

Are you close to the bioship? Aqualad asked.

Nearly there. Is the bioship ready to fly?

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