Never Have I Ever

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"Now, are we doing anything else during this sleepover or are you all just going to cuddle Robin all night?" Artemis asked.

"You can call me Dick now. As long as we're not in uniform." Dick laughed.

"That might take some getting used to." Zatanna said moving over to her girlfriend.

"What other sleepover games are there?" M'gann asked, still hugging Dick with Kaldur, Roy, Conner, Zatanna, and Wally.

"Well, there's spin the bottle." Wally suggested with a wink to Dick.

"No thanks, Baywatch." Artemis glared at him.

"What's spin the bottle?" Conner asked.

"You sit in a circle and spin a bottle that's in the middle and have to kiss whoever it points to." Roy told him.

"Yeah, let's not do that one." Conner said, finally moving from the cuddle pile to the couch.

"We could do blind makeovers." Zatanna laughed with a pointed look at Wally.

"What?" Conner asked.

"You blindfold a person and they do the makeup for someone else without being able to see what they're doing." Zatanna explained.

"No thanks." Wally shook his head.

"Why not, Walls? I would look great in makeup, even poorly done by you." Dick laughed.

"That's true, but I don't think I would." Wally shrugged.

"What else is there?" M'gann asked again, getting the boys back on track.

"Never have I ever?" Roy suggested.

"That would work." Artemis said, nodding along with Zatanna.

"Isn't that usually done as a drinking game?" Kaldur asked.

"Usually but I'm sure we can come up with a kiddie version for the others." Roy shrugged.

"Hey!" Dick shoved Roy out of the pile.

"Aren't you 17, Kaldur?" Zatanna asked.

"There's no legal drinking age in Atlantis so I've tried some when hanging out with Roy." Kaldur shrugged joining Roy, leaving M'gann and Wally on the floor with Dick.

"Roy isn't 21 either though." Wally said.

"You're not my dad." Roy pushed Wally's foot with his.

"Anyways, are there versions without drinking?" M'gann asked.

"B would be pissed if we got drunk. Plus, I don't think Wally can get drunk so there's that." Dick said.

"We could do shots of soda or something gross?" Roy suggested.

"Umm... what exactly is this game?" Conner asked.

"It's a drinking game where everyone takes turns saying things they have never done. The other people who have done the thing take a drink." Roy said.

"But there are versions where you don't drink?" Conner asked.

"Probably?" Roy shrugged. "Like I said, we could do shots of soda or something gross if you want to try that."

"While I can't get drunk, I can get sugar highs, at least for a little while. Do you want a speedster on a sugar high?" Wally asked.

"So gross shots?" Roy asked.

"Like what?" M'gann asked.

"Pickle juice, vinegar, ketchup?" Roy suggested.

"There's vinegar in the kitchen! I use it for cooking sometimes." M'gann got up to go get the bottle.

"What would we use for shot glasses though?" Artemis asked.

"Uncle Barry has some. I could run home?" Wally asked.

"Go buy some in town." Dick said.

"With what money?" Artemis asked.

"B's obviously." Dick rolled his eyes. "I'm rich remember? Or at least I have access to lots of money."

"Let's go do that real quick." Wally said, pulling Dick to his feet. "Hop on." Dick got on Wally's back and the two sped off towards the nearest store.

"I got the vinegar!" M'gann said as she reentered the room with a large bottle of vinegar in her hands. "Where's Wally and... Dick?" She asked after a quick glance around the room.

"They're off buying shot glasses apparently." Conner told her as she sat next to him on the couch.

"Oh ok." M'gann said.

"We're back!" Dick called, jumping off Wally's back holding a bag from a local store.

"We got enough shot glasses for everyone and they're even personalized for everyone!" Wally grinned.

"For Wally we got a Flash glass with the lightning bolt cause he's lame and picked it out himself, Roy got one with a red arrowhead, Artemis got a green arrowhead, Kaldur got an octopus, Zatanna got a unicorn cause unicorns are magical, Conner got one with Anger from Inside Out, M'gann got a NASA logo, and mine is a clown that looks remarkably like one from the Haly's circus when I was little." Dick said, passing them out as he described them.

"Clowns are creepy." Artemis said, setting her shot glass down in front of her.

"Not good ones. One problem with a lot of clowns is they don't follow the clown code." Dick started.

"Clown code?" M'gann asked.

"Yep. It's too much to go into right now but that's part of why people don't like clowns is cause of the few that don't follow the clown code. The other problem is as a clown you're supposed to take aspects of yourself and exaggerate them to the point of hilarity, a lot of clowns in media and such don't do this and try to make their clowns happier than they actually are and our monkey brains recognize the lie and don't like it. That's why people think clowns are creepy." Dick continued.

"What about the Joker?" Roy asked with a smirk.

"Please don't get him started on the Joker!" Wally clamped a hand over Dick's mouth to cut off the rant he knew was coming.

"I thought the Joker was a clown?" Conner tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm begging you to drop this." Wally said as Dick tried to force Wally's hand off his face.

"Ok, ok, Baywatch we'll drop it. For now." Artemis laughed.

"Are we going to play or not?" Kaldur asked, raising his eyebrow at the group.

"Of course, first we should fill everyone's glasses so they can drink faster." Zatanna started filling the shot glasses with the vinegar M'gann had grabbed from the kitchen as everyone got back into the circle they'd started the last game in.

"Who's going to start?" M'gann asked.

"Let Dick start, he was the last one in the last game. It would have been his turn if we'd kept going." Roy said.

"Sounds good to me." Kaldur nodded.

"Ok... Let's see... Never have I ever... gone to the hospital in an ambulance." Dick grinned.

"Seriously?" Wally made a face and reached for his shot glass.

"Drink Wall-man." Dick continued grinning. Wally, Roy, and Artemis all drank their shots of vinegar, Dick and Zatanna laughed at the funny faces they made.

"Dick you've never gone to the hospital?" M'gann asked.

"Well, yes and no. B's taken me to Dr. Thompkins's emergency clinic before and Alfred has done emergency work on me at the Batcave before but I've never gone to an actual hospital in an ambulance before." Dick explained, refilling the few glasses.

"Should we just go around the circle this time?" Kaldur asked.

"Probably." Artemis said. "So who's next, Roy or Wally?"

"Me!" Wally raised his hand in the air excitedly.

"Sure, Walls." Dick said.

"Never have I ever... used a baby spoon to eat ice cream to make it last longer." Wally said with a pointed look at Dick and Roy.

"This is payback isn't it?" Dick said, picking up his shot glass.

"Of course it is." Wally said with a shrug.

"And what did I do to deserve it?" Roy asked with a frown as he also picked up his glass.

"You're like an older brother, means I get to be an obnoxious little brother." Wally shrugged. Dick, Roy, Kaldur, and Zatanna all took drinks.

"Really, Z?" Artemis asked.

"It makes it taste better." Zatanna shrugged.

"This is awful, why did I suggest we do something gross?" Roy asked himself.

"Because you're an idiot?" Artemis asked him with a laugh.

"My turn." Artemis said after refilling the glasses again. "Never have I ever been on TV."

"Civilian or Hero?" Dick asked.

"Either, both." Artemis shrugged.

"Dang." Wally and Roy both said, picking up their glasses. Wally, Roy, Dick, and Kaldur all drank from their glasses.

"It would only have been me if you hadn't added in as hero." Dick laughed after he set his glass back down. "Poor Roy."

"Your turn, Z." Artemis said after refilling the glasses.

"Never have I ever worked on a car or motorcycle."

"Fuck." Roy swore as he picked his glass back up.

"At least you're not alone." Dick said. Everyone except Zatanna and M'gann drank.

"We don't have either of those on Mars and I don't really help Conner work on his. And bioship doesn't need help." M'gann said as explanation before refilling almost all the glasses.

"M'gann it is your turn." Kaldur reminded her.

"I'm going to need to buy more vinegar for the kitchen after this game." She laughed. "Let's see... there's lots of things I haven't done yet on earth. Never have I ever... stayed up all night?"

"I hate this game." Roy said with a frown.

"Me too." Dick agreed. Roy, Dick, and Artemis all pick up their glasses and drank.

"Your turn, Conner!" M'gann said with a smile, refilling the shot glasses.

"Hmm.... Never have I ever..." Conner looked at Kaldur to make sure he said it right, after Kaldur gave him a small nod he continued. "Lied about where I was going."

"That's because you're basically a baby." Artemis said as everyone but Conner picked up their glasses.

"You guy weren't kidding about the taste." M'gann shook her head slightly.

"Who suggested this game? I think we should kill whoever suggested this game." Roy said with a grimace.

"You suggested it, Roy." Kaldur gave Roy a sympathy pat on the shoulder.

"Well fuck me then." Roy crossed his arms in annoyance.

"My turn." Kaldur said as M'gann refilled the glasses again. "Never have I ever pretended I was running from zombies while on a run."

"Why Kaldur? I told you that in confidence." Roy almost cried. Kaldur just shrugged at him.

"What are zombies?" Conner asked.

"We'll explain later." Dick told him. Roy and Wally both drank their shots of vinegar.

"Finally it's my turn; that means I won't have to drink this round." Roy said, turning his empty glass upside down.

"It'll have to be the last round too. We're almost out of vinegar." Zatanna said as she refilled Wally's glass.

"Never have I ever gone on a secret covert mission only to almost immediately get the attention of everyone there." Roy said with a smirk.

"That's not fair. You would have if you'd joined the Team when we first asked you to." Wally glared at Roy.

"That's not my fault. Maybe you guys should be better at the covert thing." Roy shrugged as everyone but him and Zatanna drank their shots.

"Ok, I think we're done with that game." Wally said with a grimace.

"What else do humans do at sleepovers?" M'gann asked.

"Other than play games and watch movies?" Dick asked. M'gann nodded so he continued. "Stay up all night telling ghost stories, play video games, draw on the face of whoever falls asleep first." He shrugged.

"Dick usually manages to stay up all night and makes breakfast in the morning. Unless we're at his place. Alfred is always faster at making breakfast." Roy said.

"I think it's his super power. Remember when we decided that we were gonna eat breakfast at, like, 4 in the morning so he'd be sure to be asleep and we could make breakfast without disturbing him?" Dick asked.

"But somehow he was already making breakfast for us by the time we snuck down to the kitchen?" Wally added with a laugh.

"Who's Alfred?" Conner asked, his head tilting slightly in his confusion.

"His butler." Roy and Wally answered in unison.

"You have a butler?" Zatanna asked.

"I've seen him before! He's the one who picks you up from school, right?" Artemis asked.

"He's not technically the butler anymore. And yes, he picks me up from school." Dick said.

"Technically?" M'gann asked.

"Well, he was Bruce's parents' butler. But when they were killed he was put in charge of the entire Wayne fortune and the care of their son until he turned 18. So, technically, he's Bruce's adoptive dad?" Dick tried to explain. "But he prefers not to be referred to that way."

"You have a butler." Artemis said.

"Not really. He's kind of like a grandparent that cooks and cleans." Dick shrugged.

"Have you ever mentioned him before here?" Kaldur asked.

"Probably. In mask we refer to him as Agent A. He's pretty bad ass. Used to be a bunch of stuff before becoming a butler to the Waynes; he was an actor, British Intelligence, probably a couple other things too." Dick grinned.

"Alfred also makes the best cookies of anyone ever." Wally added with a nod.

"So are we going to do anything else or just sit around talking about Dick?" Artemis asked.

"Let's tell spooky stories!" M'gann said with a smile. 

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