Fake Boyfriend AU Pt 3 (Birdflash)

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"I want to thank everyone again for coming this year. Especially those from overseas that have never been before." Lex Luthor said finishing the welcome speeches.

After putting their stuff away, Dick and Wally were told they were required to attend a dinner where they'd get to hear from the benefactors for the week and get an itinerary of the week's planned events. First Simon Stagg from Stagg Enterprises thanked them for coming and about how he'd be there for anyone who wanted to chat with him about the future. Then Maxwell Lord from Lord Technologies said basically the same thing. Finally Lex Luthor from Lexcorp said basically the same thing but seemed to be rubbing the fact that they needed him to expand to outside the US in the faces of Lord and Stagg.

"Did you get anything from that?" Wally whispered to Dick as they ate after the speeches.

"Just that all three have massive egos and think that they can influence these kids to turn to them once they take over their families' companies. Despite the fact that nearly every kid here has a million people telling them the same thing and all of them know BS like that when they hear it. Nothing that helps us." Dick shrugged.

"Oh ok."

"Once we get back to the room I can do that thing we talked about in the car then we can go over the itinerary to see what we what to do."

"Sure, Dick." Wally smiled at his best friend/fake boyfriend.

"What are you doing here, Grayson?" A voice sneered from behind them. "This isn't a place for circus freaks."

"Hello, Warren. I didn't know they opened the invites to animals this year." Dick said without turning around.

"Dick?" Wally asked cautiously.

"Warren, you've heard about my boyfriend, right? This is Wally West." Dick introduced, finally turning around. "Walls, this is Warren Lawford, Armand Lydecker, Gunther Hardwicke, and Rebecca Fallbrook."

"Hi." Wally gave a small wave.

"Whatever. Grayson you're not supposed to date the help. But I guess you wouldn't know that, would you, circus freak?" Warren laughed, Armand and Gunther joining in.

"Wally is not the help, Warren. He's a better man than you and your cronies."

"Is he a circus freak like you, Grayson? Or did you manage to find some gay freak even lower than that?"

"He's not a freak, Lawford." Dick stood up, forgetting that no one is intimidated by him, especially the taller, older boys.

"Dick, calm down." Wally put a hand on Dick's to draw his attention away from Warren and the others.

"Walls, he has no right to treat you like that though." Dick sat back down, forcing himself not to punch Warren.

"He's just a jackass. Look at me." Wally waited until Dick looked away from Warren. "He can't hurt me like that. You know that."

"Sorry, Walls." Dick gave Wally a small smile.

"Now, Warren, I think you've harassed my boyfriend long enough. I think you and your friends should leave him alone from now on." Wally stood up to look Warren in the eyes. From where Dick was sitting, he couldn't see anything but Wally's back.

"Whatever, freaks. Let's go, guys." Warren, Armand, Gunther, and Rebecca all left the large dining room.

Once they were completely out of the room, Wally sat back down. "You ok, Dick? You don't usually let your emotions get the better of you like that."

"I'll be fine. Let's just head back to our room." Dick stood up, offering a hand to Wally who took it and followed Dick back to their room.

Once back to the room, Dick took a few minutes to search the room for bugs and cameras while Wally flopped on the bed. "So anything exciting happening this week? I didn't actually look at the itinerary thing they gave us."

"Seriously, Walls? It was only like 2 pages." Dick rolled his eyes. "Nothing too exciting. Probably nothing you'll find interesting and nothing we're required to go to. Only thing we're required to attend is dinner every night. We could spend the week in the pool and no one would say anything."

"I'm bored, come cuddle me." Wally whined.

"Sure Walls." Dick laughed. He grabbed his phone before flopping on the bed next to Wally and curling up against his side.

Dick: Bugs in the room, no cameras. Plan?
Bruceman: I can hack them from here and replace the audio if needed but try not to give yourself away in case they have people live monitoring.
Dick: Sounds good.
Bruceman: I'll send you the schematics so you can find your way around.
Dickie-birb <3: There's bugs in the room and B can replace audio but wants us to be careful anyways. Anything case related, text it.

Dick felt Wally move away enough to grab his phone then nod. "What's the plan for the rest of the night?" Wally asked.

"It's not too late, we could check out the pool and hot tub or we could stay here and cuddle or we could get up and find a movie or something to watch."

"I'm fine with whatever, babe." Wally said.

"I kinda just want to cuddle." Dick said, snuggling more into Wally's side.

"Sure." Wally closed his eyes and relaxed against Dick.

Dick spent the next two hours thinking. Not about the case like Wally probably thought he was doing, but about his reaction to Warren Lawford's comments about Wally. He knew he liked spending time with Wally and Wally was his best friend, but to let his emotions take control like that was... unexpected. It was expected of him, as Robin, to not ever let his emotions control his actions. Especially anger. Letting anger control you could get you killed, or expose your identity, and yet a couple comments from someone like Warren Lawford made him furious. Comments he was expecting too. He knew what Warren and his buddies were like and knew they would make fun of his background, Wally's background, their relationship, anything to get a rise out of Dick.

"You're thinking deep thoughts." Wally said, breaking Dick out of his thoughts by poking his forehead.

"Probably. Been trying to avoid thinking deep thoughts the last couple weeks actually." Dick said.

"Want to let me in? Talking it out might help."

"Not yet. Soon though."

"Sounds good. Do you want to head to bed soon or do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Bed I think. I'm gonna head to the bathroom to change and brush my teeth. Then you can go." Dick reluctantly pulled himself off the bed and headed to the bathroom with his pajamas.

"Are there any events today? Or any we're going to I mean." Wally asked as they sat down to eat the next morning.

"Have you really not looked at the itinerary yet?" Dick laughed. "There's a couple but they sounded lame so I figured we'd spend the day at the pool unless you want to go to something."

"Why would I say I want to go to anything if you just called them all lame?" Wally grinned.

"I suppose that's true, but I know you didn't look at what events are today so I didn't feel bad about calling them lame." Dick shrugged. "So, pool?"

"Sounds good to me."

The two boys changed into swim trunks and headed to the pool. Dick hoped that Warren, Army, and Gunther weren't there. He knew that one or more of them would make another comment about him or Wally and Dick wasn't sure he could keep his temper a second time, even with Wally there to keep him calm.

"Hey Dick!" Someone called when Dick and Wally got close to the pool.

"Hey Bunny. This is my boyfriend, Wally West. Walls, this is Bunny Vreeland. Her mom, Ronnie, is friends with Bruce."

"Nice to meet you, Wally. I saw the interview Iris West did with you guys. You seem close." Bunny smiled.

"Nice to meet you too. Yeah, we're best friends. You know my aunt?" Wally asked.

"A lot of people know your aunt, Walls." Dick laughed. "She is a reporter."

"Oh yeah." Wally blushed. "Sometimes I forget that other people know her."

"You hanging out at the pool all day, Bunny?" Dick asked, shaking his head at Wally.

"Part of it. There's one event after lunch that I wanted to check out."

"Sounds fun. Which event was that?" Wally asked.

"Wally hasn't looked at the itinerary yet." Dick smiled.

"It's one about how big businesses can reduce their pollution. I figure it's something that's needed in Gotham. Mom might not own a business but we're friends with big business owners. Were you planning on going to it too?"

"No. Wayne Enterprises and all its divisions are very careful about that kind of thing. Bruce would be pissed otherwise. You should have seen him when someone in the company tried to put his name on a project that would destroy a rainforest."

"What about you, Wally?"

"I'm just here to hang out with Dick. If he's interested, I'd go, but I'm not really interested in business." Wally shrugged.

"What are you interested in?"

"Science. Physics mostly."

"Don't get him started on science, Bunny. We're gonna get in the pool. We'll see you later." Dick smiled and gave her a wave while dragging Wally towards the pool.

The boys spent the next couple hours swimming and playing in the pool. Around lunch they went back to find food then they went back to hang around the pool to sun bathe.

"Do you tan, Wally?" Dick asked as he relaxed on a beach chair next to the pool.

"Mostly I just burn." Wally shrugged before continuing to put on sunscreen. "What about you?"

"I can burn but usually I just tan. Not that I'm in the sun a lot. Gotham is very overcast. Could you imagine trying to use the batsignal in Central, Keystone, or Metropolis?" Dick laughed. "It would shine into the sky and no one would see it."

"I suppose that's true." Wally laughed. "Did you want some sunscreen?"

"No thanks."

Wally: Are we doing anything for the actual mission today?
Dickie-birb <3: We can after dinner tonight. I want to get into the security office and hack into their computers.

"Don't fall asleep in the sun if you're not going to use sunscreen." Wally warned, after Dick closed his eyes after sending his last text.

"Walls, relax. I'll be fine."

"It's Dick, right?" A voice asked next to Dick.

"Sapphire Stagg. I'm surprised you stopped to say hi. Yes, it's Dick. Grayson, not Wayne." Dick sat up to look at her.

"Mind if I use the chair next to you?" She asked.

"Not at all. Sapphire. This is my boyfriend, Wally West. Wally, Sapphire Stagg." Dick said pointing to each person as he said their name.

"Nice to meet you. Your dad is one of the guys running this thing, right?" Wally asked, reaching out to shake her hand.

"He is. I wouldn't have come otherwise; I find the whole thing incredibly boring." She laughed, shaking Wally's hand. "I haven't seen you around before."

"Wally doesn't come from money. I met him through his Aunt Iris. I haven't dragged him to any galas yet so he hasn't met very many people in Bruce's circles." Dick explained.

"Iris West?" Sapphire asked.

"That's her. She's the best aunt." Wally grinned.

"I don't know about that, but she's a good interviewer and reporter." Sapphire smiled.

"That's true." Dick agreed.

"I'll leave you two alone now." Sapphire laughed, leaning back in her chair.

"You ready to get back in the pool, Walls?" Dick asked.

"Sure." Wally grinned.

After the next couple hours in the pool, Wally and Dick went to their room to shower before dinner. Wally texted Dick while Dick was in the shower, and Dick responded while Wally showered.

Wally: What's the plan after dinner?
Dickie-birb <3: Sneak out, find the security office, hack?

Wally laughed after reading the text from Dick. "Funny meme?" Dick asked.

"Something like that. I'll send it to you."

Wally: That is worse than a normal Team Plan tm

"You're right, that is funny." Dick grinned.

Bruceman: What's your plan?
Dick: Are you somehow reading my texts??? Or reading my mind??? Wally and I were just discussing that.
Bruceman: Plan?
Dick: Sneak out, find the security office, hack. Obvs.
Bruceman: Please tell me you have a better, more detailed plan than that.

"Bruce is a mind reader." Dick said, showing Wally the texts.

"Does that surprise you?" Wally asked.

"I suppose not." Dick shrugged.

Dick: Nope. That's the whole plan. Unless you have a better plan
Bruceman: I hope you're taking this mission seriously, Dick.
Dick: Always.
Bruceman: Good. I'll check back in later unless you find something.

"You ready for dinner?" Dick asked, putting his phone into his pocket.

"Always." Wally grinned.

At dinner Dick took a piece of paper and a pen and started doodling while he ate. Once he was done he showed it to Wally. It was the route Dick wanted to take to the security office to hack their files. Not that it would look like that to anyone else. Wally, Bruce, and Alfred were the only people who could recognize what it was and be able to follow it without questions. Wally looked at it briefly then nodded. Dick assumed he committed it to memory so he took the page back and crumbled it up, shoving it in a pocket to dispose of later.

"Almost done?" Dick asked five minutes after he'd finished eating.

"Nearly. You try having my metabolism. See if you like it." Wally said, finishing the last of the food on his plate.

"Ready to go then?"


Walking hand in hand, Dick lead Wally the way he'd shown on the map he'd made. They didn't run into anyone most of the way and Dick assumed it was because most of the staff were working in other areas. There were no events happening in this area of the main building. Once they got close to the security office Dick ducked into an empty room nearby, pulling Wally with him.

"I think I can get in from here with my phone." Dick whispered into Wally's ear, leaning into Wally to get close so even if a camera saw them, they couldn't read his lips. He felt Wally nod slightly.

Dick pulled back just far enough that he could hold his phone between the two of them. Wally leaned forward and put his forehead against Dick's, distracting him slightly. Dick seemed to be extra aware of Wally lately. The phone Dick used was one that Bruce had made that basically worked as a portable, civvie version of his wrist computer. It wasn't as cool cause it didn't have a holographic screen but Dick supposed that if it had a holographic screen then it wouldn't be as innocuous as it was as a normal phone.

"Done." Dick whispered, dropping the phone back into his pocket. "I'll send everything to B once we're back in our room."

"Let's head back there now then." Wally whispered back.

Dick took the lead again, heading back to their room, walking hand in hand with Wally. Just as they were leaving the hallway the security offices were in, Dick heard someone coming towards them so he quickly pulled Wally into a random room. Thankfully it was empty. Dick stood against the wall and listened at the edge of the door.

"Someone coming?" Wally whispered, leaning in like Dick had done in the previous room.

Dick nodded, only barely paying attention on Wally. He knew Wally could take care of himself if needed.

"Check that room." They heard from outside the room.

"Dick, if we're caught what'll happen?"

"Lex happens probably. We have to maintain our cover if they enter the room."

"Do you trust me?"

Dick finally looked over at Wally, surprised. "Of course."

Just as the door opened, Wally took Dick's head in his hands and quickly brought his lips to Dick's.

Dick's world seemed to freeze. He felt Wally's hands gentle on his face, pulling him towards him. He felt Wally's lips, soft against his own. He knew that there was something important he was supposed to be focusing on, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember. Once his brain restarted, he started kissing Wally back. He put his hands on Wally's waist, pulling him closer.

"What are you two doing here?" The man who'd walked in asked.

Wally pulled back, cheeks bright red. "Are we not allowed in here?"

"No. This whole area is off limits."

"Sorry. We'll leave now, right Dick?" Wally turned his attention back to Dick. "Dick?"


"You ready to head back to our room?" Wally asked.

"Whatever you want." Dick smiled at Wally. He knew why Wally had kissed him, but something in Dick clicked when he did.

"Are we okay to go back to our room?" Wally asked the man.

"Yeah, sure, kid. Just stay out of this area from now on." The man moved out of the way while Wally grabbed Dick's hand and pulled him out of the room.

Once back in their room Wally grabbed his phone.

Wally: You ok?
Dickie-birb <3: Let me text B real quick then we'll talk

Dick: Got the files, sending now. I need time to talk to Wally out loud without anyone listening in. Can you hack into the feed to replace audio so even if someone is live monitoring they won't hear us?
Bruceman: Got them. I can. Give me a few minutes. I'll let you know.
Dick: Thanks

Dickie-birb <3: Bruce is hacking, he takes way longer than me so give him a few minutes then we'll talk
Wally: Ok.

Bruceman: Done. Remember, I can still hear you. I'll get to work on those files you sent.
Dick: Thanks B

"Ok we're good now." Dick said, putting his phone down.

"So, you wanted to talk?" Wally asked.

"That kiss..." Dick started, turning away from Wally when he felt his cheeks heat up.

"I'm sorry. I figured getting caught making out would be better than getting caught sneaking around."

"Don't be sorry. You were right. I was just surprised."

"Dick, I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't think it was necessary."

"You wouldn't have?" Dick moved to the other side of the room and sat down on the bed.

"Where are you going with this, Dick?" Dick heard Wally move towards him.

"What if I wanted you to kiss me?" Dick asked quietly, still refusing to look at Wally.

"Dick?" Dick felt Wally sit next to him. "Look at me please?" When Dick wouldn't, Wally sighed. "I need you to look at me. Is this those deep thoughts you mentioned you've been avoiding?"

"Yeah. It started after you asked Artemis to keep an eye on me at school. She asked why I would date you, like you told her to. I gave the answer you'd asked me to, that it was your natural charms, but then I figured I'd give her an answer that she'd be happier with. I told her about how you see me, not a rich boy or whatever but Dick Grayson; a kid from the circus who likes video games and superheroes."


"And I realized it was true. Most people get to know me because of Bruce and his money. You don't care about that beyond the amount of food I could potentially buy you."

"Dick." Wally gently grabbed Dick's chin and made him look turn to look at him. "Do you like me?"

Dick pulled his chin out of Wally's grip. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I did but then that thing with Artemis got me thinking about it, and I managed to avoid thinking about it too much until yesterday when Warren Lawford made those stupid comments about you. I couldn't control my anger and that's not like me. I knew he would make comments to get a rise out of me, but he insulted you and I saw red."

"That's what you were thinking about yesterday when we were cuddling?"

Dick nodded. "I'm not good at the emotions thing. I blame Bruce. And yes, I'm saying that knowing he'll hear it. I couldn't figure out why Warren Lawford made me so furious."

"Did you figure it out?"

"You know in movies when the couple kisses for the first time? Everything slows down and freezes, the background fades away so you only see the couple? It was like that when you kissed me. God that sounds so cheesy." Dick buried his head in his hand to hide his blush. "You say something now."

"That was probably the cheesiest thing anyone has ever said to me." Wally laughed. "Dick, look at me please. I need to see your gorgeous eyes."

Dick finally looked at Wally. "Gorgeous eyes?"

"Dick, I've liked you for years."

"Years? You never said anything to me. I never knew."

"Of course not. You're my best friend. What I said when we were discussing everything before Aunt I interviewed us was partially true, I didn't have the nerve. What if you were straight? What if you liked guys but just not me? What if I told you and it ruined our friendship? I couldn't risk losing you. So I tried to ignore my feelings. Flirt with anyone else around you so you'd never guess. I mean, try hiding a crush from one of the greatest detectives on earth."

"But you just said you'd never have kissed me if you didn't think it'd been necessary."

"I wouldn't have because we're not really together and I would never force that on you. But, if we were together, for real, then of course I would kiss you."

"You would?"

"Can we cuddle?" Wally asked.

"Sure." Dick gave Wally a confused look but moved with him to lie on the bed more properly to cuddle.

"So, what do you want to do? We can go back to ignoring our feelings and hope they go away and keep being best friends. We could try dating and basically be best friends who also kiss and whatever. I'm fine with either and will leave it up to you. I've had a while to come to terms with having a crush on my best friend. If you've just figured out you like me, you might want to stew on it a while to figure out what you want before anything else happens." Wally said after the two got comfortable.

"I don't know what I want."

"That's fine. Look, if you figure out you want a relationship with me or not, let me know. If you don't, I can keep trying to move on. In the meantime, we can keep things how they've been."

"Wally, I'm glad you're my best friend." Dick snuggled closer to Wally's chest.

"I'm glad you're my best friend too, Dick." Dick felt Wally press his lips to the top of Dick's head.

"I think my phone is going off." Dick said, slowly pulling away from Wally.

"It's probably Bruce. You better check it before I somehow end up in trouble." Wally grinned. Dick grabbed his phone before curling back up against Wally.

Bruceman: The retreat will be attack by mercenaries one of the nights. I'll send the Team in once I finish the rest of the files, hopefully the date and time will be in here.
Dick: What are you gonna tell the Team about where I am? They'll see Wally.
Bruceman: Solo mission in Gotham. Are you and Wally done talking? I'd like to end the hack so they're less likely to notice it.

Dick looked at Wally who nodded.

Dick: We're done. If we need to talk more, we can text each other. Thanks for doing that.
Bruceman: Any time, chum.
Bruceman: It's not my fault you're not good with emotions.
Dick: Of course it is.
Bruceman: If you want to be with Wally, I won't disapprove but we would have to set up some new rules for when he stays over.
Dick: If Wally and I get together does that mean you'll have to interact with Flash more?
Bruceman: Don't remind me.

Dick laughed and showed the texts to Wally.

"What does he have against my uncle?"

"He's too outgoing for him I think."

"I guess that makes sense. So, we doing anything else tonight? Movie? Sneak out to the pool?"

"Wally we spent all day at the pool." Dick laughed. "We could watch a movie if you want."

"Let's do that." Wally said, pressing another kiss to the top of Dick's head before getting up to move to the couch.

The next morning Dick woke to a text from Bruce.

Bruceman: Looks like it'll be tomorrow, halfway through the retreat. Not sure if the plan is to use it to get money from the families or to swoop in and rescue everyone before heroes show up. Either way, the Team will be prepped and ready to go. They'll be nearby so send a signal when it goes down and they'll move in.
Dick: Sounds good.

Dick and Wally spent the day in their room rather than the pool, watching movies and playing video games that were provided in their room. That night they curled up together on the bed like the two previous nights.

"Did you know I have nightmares?" Dick asked quietly in the dark.

"No. What are they about?"

"Usually my parents' death. I watch them fall night after night. It's not as bad as it used to be, but I still get them. It's not always my parents I watch fall though. Sometimes I'm the one falling. Sometimes it's Bruce or Alfred. Sometimes it's you."

"I'm sorry you go through that. Have you talked to anyone about them?"

"Bruce mostly. He told me he still gets them too, of his parents' deaths. You know what though?"


"I sleep better curled up with you. It's like you anchor me to here and now. It's like, I know I'm safe when I'm with you. You wouldn't let me fall."

"I'm glad you sleep better. But you know you say the cheesiest things, right?" Wally pulled Dick closer. "I'll always keep you safe. Now go to sleep, there's work to do tomorrow." He whispered in Dick's ear.

The next morning after breakfast Wally and Dick went back to their room where they curled up on the couch to cuddle. "I know it's only been a day, but have you thought about us much?" Wally whispered into Dick's ear as quietly as he could.

Dick nodded then grabbed his phone.

Dickie-birb <3: Of course, probably haven't thought of much else
Wally <3: Have you made a decision yet? I don't want to rush you into a decision... but...
Dickie-birb <3: But????
Wally <3: Well.... I want to kiss you more... and I don't feel comfortable doing that without us actually being together....
Dickie-birb <3: I liked kissing you too.. And I would like to kiss you more..
Wally <3: But????
Dickie-birb <3: I'm worried about two things mostly
Wally <3: Well talk to me little bird
Dickie-birb <3: First, if we actually get together, I'd want to tell everyone. Especially the Team cause they're like family and I know they'd be supportive. But the problem with that is I'd have to tell them my secret id cause there's no way I could only half date you if we were really together. And you know B's Rules
Wally <3: I get that. It was hard this last month only half dating you. Well, half fake dating you. Sounds like you might have to talk to B before making a decision if it's worrying you that much. What's the other thing?
Dickie-birb <3: What if actually being together hurts us in the field? Like one of us gets distracted by the other and makes the mission fall apart or one of us gets hurt and distracts the other cause we focus on the other instead of the mission and then we both get hurt???????
Wally <3: First of all, Dick, I've liked you for years. You think that you doing some super impressive flip isn't distracting?? Or that I wouldn't tear through any enemy if you were hurt? Even if we're not dating, my feelings for you are deep and real. Dating or not doesn't change that.
Dickie-birb <3: I suppose that's true.. Give me a little more time?
Wally <3: As much time as you need

That night during dinner, before anyone had finished eating a group of men dressed in black with military style vests, black ski masks came into the dining hall waving guns around and yelling at everyone to get on the floor and put their hands on their heads. Dick quickly grabbed his phone and used the emergency signal installed to alert Batman and the Team to come in.

"No one touches their phone!" One of the men yelled, pointing his gun at one of the girls that Dick barely knew, he couldn't even remember her name.

Another man pulled out a handheld video camera and focused it on the first man who'd spoken. "Ok, we're going live in 30 seconds." He said, nodded to the first man.

Just then the Team came in, they quickly rounded up the men and used zip ties to tie their hands together.

"Everyone, you're safe now. We've alerted the Justice League and your parents or guardians who will be picking you up later today. In the meantime, we suggest everyone move to another room so you're away from the criminals while waiting for the police to pick them up." Aqualad said in a loud voice to the room while Artemis and Miss Martian moved the guns away from the men and Superboy made sure there were no concealed weapons on them.

Dick saw the moment the Team noticed Wally. He also noticed Wally wince when he was added to the mental link. He kinda wished he knew what they were saying, but as he wasn't Robin, they didn't add him in. But it looked like Wally was getting yelled at.

"Wally you ready to go with everyone else?" Dick asked innocently.

"Oh uhh..." Wally looked back and forth between Dick and the Team.

"I know you're a fan of superheroes, but if what Aqualad said is true, it might be safer to head to the other room." Dick said.

"Are you Dick Grayson?" Miss Martian asked, floating higher and eyes sparkling.

"I am. You're Miss Martian, right?" Dick smiled his most charming smile at her.

"You know who I am?" She asked.

"Of course, I mean, my boyfriend here is obsessed with superheroes." Dick grinned, pointing at Wally. He knew Wally would get him back for that one eventually but messing with him and the Team was too much fun.

"Oh is he?" Artemis asked, a smug look on her face.

"So are you, Dick." Wally said.

Dick noticed they seemed to be having another silent conversation. "Excuse me, are you guys having a psychic conversation? 'Cause I can't decide if that's cool or, uh, really rude." Dick said parroting what Zatanna said when they first met her. Everyone's eyes widen slightly when they recognized what he'd said.

Artemis took a long look at Dick, almost glaring at him, before her eyes widened again in shock. "M'gann, add him to the link."

You're added to our mental link. Though, why, I don't know. Miss Martian tilted her head in confusion.

I think because she figured out who I am. Dick grinned.

Robin? Miss Martian asked, recognizing his mental voice.

Dick nodded before grinning.

"Dick, we're supposed to go." Bunny Vreeland called from the dining hall doors.

"I'll head out in a minute, Bunny. I promise." Dick shot her a charming smile before turning back to the Team.

How do you do that? I just saw you become a different person. Zatanna questioned.

Oh that's nothing. He isn't even doing his Robin right now. You should see him go from Dickie to just Dick to Robin. Wally laughed.

Oh hush. Dick grinned and shoved Wally. You're being quiet, Artemis.

"We'll laugh at this someday?" She practically yelled at him, surprising everyone when she spoke out loud.

"I'm laughing at this." Dick shrugged.

What are you both doing here? Aqualad asked, crossing his arms.

What else? Batman sent us undercover and I'm the one who alerted you to come in. Dick explained with another shrug.

Are you two even really dating? Or did you just want to spend time with your best friend? Artemis glared at both Wally and Dick.

Wally looked at Dick, Up to you.

Dick looked between Wally and the Team. We are dating, for real.

Wally looked at Dick with a question in his eyes, one he managed to keep the Team from hearing through the link. Dick saw and nodded, making Wally grin. We need to go with everyone else. Dick added before grabbing Wally's hand and headed to the doors. And remove us from the link please, we need to act normal and that's hard with people talking in your head. He said with a pointed glance at Miss Martian.

"Thank you for the help." Dick smiled at them before leaving the dining hall with Wally.

Once they were in one of the lecture halls with everyone else, Wally turned to Dick. "Did you mean that? Really?"

"Not yet." Dick pointed to his ear then put his finger to his lips. "Conner." Wally nodded.

"What took you guys so long?" Bunny Vreeland asked after seeing them come in the room.

"Sorry Bunny. You know what big fans of superheroes we are." Dick grinned at her. "Seeing five that aren't from Gotham is just too exciting to pass up."

"If you say so. Well, I'm going to go find my friends." Bunny waved at them before heading off to another part of the room.

Bruceman: Police have picked up the men and the Team is off site. Alfred will be there in less than an hour to pick you and Wally up.
Dick: Thanks B

"We can talk if you want or we can wait til Alfred picks us up and we're off site too." Dick said, showing Wally the text.

"I can wait."

"Hey Mr. Luthor, my butler will be here in less than an hour. Can we go pack up our stuff?" Dick asked Lex, who had been standing near the doors with Mercy, Maxwell Lord, Simon Stagg, and Sapphire Stagg.

Lex looked at the others before turning back to Dick. "I don't think we should have anyone out without adult supervision right now. You can pack after your butler shows up."

"But Superboy and the other heroes already took care of the men. Shouldn't it be safe enough now?" Dick asked, tilting his head in confusion. He saw Lex clench his jaw when he mentioned Superboy.

"Just go sit down and wait." Lex glared at the boys.

Within half an hour Alfred showed up to pick up Wally and Dick. "Master Dick, Master Wally, are you ready to go?" Alfred asked when he saw the boys.

"Alfie!" Dick jumped up from where he'd been sitting, dragging Wally to the door. "Not yet. Mr. Luthor wouldn't let us go pack until you got here." He pouted in the direction of Lex.

"I'm sure he was just looking out for you, Master Dick. Let's go pack then we can head home." Alfred said before turning to Lex and the others. "I'll be taking these two young gentlemen home now. If there are any problems with that, I suggest you contact Master Bruce and talk to him. Come along boys." Alfred led them down the hall away from everyone else.

"We can go pack on our own, Alfred." Dick said, turning towards their room.

"Of course not, I've been instructed to stay with you until we get onto the plane." Alfred said.

"Let's just hurry, Dick. There's stuff we should talk about." Wally said.

Once the three were in the car Wally turned to Dick. "So, were you telling them the truth or just saying what was needed for the sake of the mission?"

"Truth. I want to actually date you, Walls. I can't imagine being happy with anyone else." Dick smiled at Wally shyly. "I'm being cheesy again, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but it's ok. I like it. I don't think I could be happy with anyone else either. And I've tried." Wally put an arm around Dick and pulled him as close as he could in the car. "Does this mean I can kiss you?"

Instead of answering, Dick leaned up and kissed Wally quickly. "That answer your question?"

"I'd like to congratulate the both of you, but must ask you to refrain from kissing in the car." Alfred said from the front seat.

"Sorry Alfred." Both boys said together.

"So, who's telling Batman and the Flash?" Dick asked Wally.

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