Not with a Fizzle, But with a...

By Sara_Reed

67.2K 713 38

Christian Clark has made it his mission to stay away from Emerson Sinclair in the office of his company, Harv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 Part I
Chapter 61 Part II
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 53

876 7 0
By Sara_Reed

As I sit on the edge of the pool I watch as Christian downs the rest of his full glass of wine. I knew he was upset, he had every right to be. When he sits down next to me he says, "I saw the look, I'll stop drinking."

I frown, "Christian...I know you're upset. I get it."

He shakes his head and kisses the top of mine, "I'm sorry."

I look up at him and kiss his jaw, "Mm forgiven."

He chuckles and pulls me into his side as we hear a squeal, I look up to see my brother kissing some girl.

I scrunch up my nose, "Hey Ben, get a room."

"At least I'm not using the kitchen."

My eyes widen and Coraline comes up to me, "What is he talking about?" 

I narrow my eyes at my brother and say, "He's talking about when we skyped. Christian surprised me while I was visiting mom."

She looks surprised and looks at Christian, "You actually surprised a girl? Did you hit your head?"

He scowls, "No Coraline."

When I hear Ben walk behind us I say, "Where are you going?"

He grins, "I'm taking your suggestion and getting a room. I suggest not coming upstairs for an hour or two."

I all but gag and Coraline smirks, "Wow I'm glad my bedroom is on the next floor."

Christian nips at my ear and says, "If you want to really bug him we could always go at it louder."

I shove at his arm and say, "First of all, no way in hell. Second of all, he'd murder you. I don't really want you dead. That would be so hard to explain to your family. Well my brother killed him because he was screwing me too hard. Not to mention I'd never live it down with Jude and Will and Jessica."

"Em, Jude is here."

I sigh, "Oh thank god."

As Coraline gets a drink Christian says, "You don't by chance have a volleyball net do you?"

I frown and shrug hopping out of the pool and walking over to the storage chest. A minute later, after digging for it I feel a smack on my ass. I turn around expecting Christian, but instead I find Jude smirking.

I smack him upside the head, "Uncalled for."

"Did you seriously just smack Em's ass in front of me?"

Jude shrugs as he looks at Christian, "Maybe. It depends on how mad you are."

Christian glares at Jude and pulls me into his arms, kissing me gently before saying, "You look too damn good in the bikini."

I wrap my arms around his torso and say, "Hmm well I think I prefer you without a shirt on." 

He chuckles and slides his hands over my ass, "I prefer your skirts."

"Hate to interrupt but I was told you were looking for a volleyball net?"

I glare at Jude, "Yes, and I found it. Too bad I let go when someone smacked my ass!"

He shrugs and looks at me innocently, "Christian is the one who said you'd kill me if I did it. I had to see if it was true. I'm still breathing."

I glare at Christian who pouts, "I'm sorry princess."

Jude bends over into the storage pin and I snatch Christian's towl and snap Jude with it. He straightens up and drops the volleyball net on the ground, "Why you little..."

I gulp as he glares at me and I give him my best smile, "I'm sorry?"

He shakes his head, "Not working."

I bite my lip and bat my eyelashes, "I'll be the best...friend of your fiance and future wife ever if you don't come after me."

He narrows his eyes and takes a step forward as I take a step back, "Not working Emerson."

I take my chances and run, but I'm not fast enough. He catches me by the pool and carries me to the edge, "I'm going to guess you were trying to not get your hair wet."

I hit his back, "Jude put me down!"

"What are you going to do if I don't? Avery isn't going to be mad at me for this."

"Jude put me down! Please!"

I gulp at the thought of being thrown into the water and I met Christian's gaze, pleading with him with my eyes. Coraline touches his shoulder and says something to him as Jude continues to tease me. He looks up and starts walking over as he says, "Jude put her down."

"Oh come on, I'm just teasing her."

"Jude she's not messing around, put her down. Now."

Jude seems to realize my panicked state and sets me down in front of him, I practically fall into him, he hugs me tightly, "Shit Em. I'm sorry."

He pulls back and Christian pulls me into his arms, cupping my face he murmurs, "What did she do Em?"

I hold back a sob and say, "Do you see the bars for the tent?" He nods silently and I say, "Suspension." 

His eyes widen and he lightly traces the bandages still covering my skin, "Em I'm sorry."

I shake my head, "I didn't know that was going to happen. I didn't know I was going to freak out."

Jude clears his throat, when I look up he says, "I'm sorry Emerson, I never would have done that if I'd known."

I shake my head and step back from Christian to hug Jude, "It's okay, I didn't even know." 

Jude kisses my forehead and cups my face, "Are you okay for the pool?"

I nod, "I can swim."

He smiles slightly, "So I can kick your ass in some volleyball?"

I grin, "I'm good at volleyball, you have no chance."

He rolls his eyes, "Oh please."

Coraline sighs, "Actually she was on the volleyball team at school. She's going to kick your ass." 

Christian wraps his arms around me and says, "You want to get in?"

I nod and he leads me over to the steps, "You get in with your sister, Jude and I will hook the net up."

"If memory serves correctly it needs held on the bottom and the top. So go on."

A few minutes later it's set up, I pull Christian onto my side and he stands behind me in the water, "Hmm it's going to be hard to concentrate with you practically naked."

"Ditto buddy." 

I serve first and Jude dives for it, when it sails over Christian slams it back. Coraline misses it and goes under. I laugh and Christian chuckles, when she comes back up he says, "You okay?" with a cheeky grin.

She looks at Jude and Jude shrugs, "Christian and I played at home. He's competitive. Hence the business he owns."

I can't help but laugh. After about a half hour of volleyball the guys take down the net and my brother and his girl come outside. I scrunch up my nose and Coraline does the same, except she shouts, "I hope you showered!"

Jude chuckles, "He was heating her up some food. But from what I heard he wasn't using the kitchen as efficently as Em and Christian did this morning."

I glare at Jude and Coraline scrunches her nose up, "I hope you didn't use the counter or table."

I roll my eyes at her, "No, and my brother has no idea what he's talking about."

I eye the girl and say to Coraline, "What is her name anyway?"

She shrugs, "Hell if I know. I think he called her Katy before."

I surpress a sigh and watch as she comes over to the edge of the pool with Ben.

"This your best friends guy?" Ben asks.

I nod, "Ben this is Jude, Jude this is Ben and?"

"Katy," she says with a smile, then she frowns, "Wait, you look like Emerson Sinclair...but if you were Emerson Sinclair that would make you two Jude and Christian Clark."

Christian almost looks uncomfortable at the thought of someone recognizing him and I say, "You know, I actually get that a lot."

She narrows her eyes, "Is it true you're pregnant?"

Ben almost chokes on his beer and says, "He better hope not!"

I roll my eyes, "No, I'm not pregnant. I wouldn't be wearing a bikini if I was."

Christian kisses the side of my head, "I wouldn't be breathing if she was."

"Yeah I'd kill you," Ben mutters.

"No," Coraline says, "I'd kill him. That's my baby sister. And you're my baby brother."

Christian shudders and whispers, "I could actually see that."

I giggle quietly and Jude says, "I think I know what we should play."

Christian grins, "I think you're right."

I frown and Ben grins too, "I totally agree." 

I shake my head, "Nuh uh. Whatever the three of you have planned must be evil."

"Come on, just a bit of chicken and marco polo." 

I sigh and Christian shrugs, "Come on baby."

 Once it's Christian's turn I know he's going to be set on getting me. I stay to the side of the pool and far away as Christian calls out, "Marco?"

"Polo," we all say in usion.

He seems to be listening for my voice and moves a few feet in my direction. Jude holds in his laugh and Christian again says, "Marco?"

I don't answer with them this time, but I do move and lower myself into the water. I judge the distance before taking a deep breathe and heading underwater. I open my eyes once under and swim far around him. I come up on the other side.

He turns once I'm up and says, "Marco?"

"Polo." This time only Katy and I answer. I glare at Ben, Jude, and Coraline. 

He moves closer and says, "Marco?" This time Katy and I look at each other, Christian smirks, "You know I'm going to get you one way or another." 

I plead with my sister and she holds up her fingers, one three we both say, "Polo."

He shakes his head, "You really think I can't tell the difference in your voices?"

Katy sneaks around him and leaves me all alone.

I decide to try to move around him as best as I can, I'm near the corner when he says, "Marco?"

They all answer, "Polo."

He stays still for a moment before moving closer and saying, "Marco?"

"Polo," we all answer.

He moves closer once again and I back up completely against the wall of the pool, I move around the corner and he walks even closer, "Marco?"

He's too close for me to even breathe as everyone else says, "Polo."

He wraps his arms around me and I pull the blindfold off of him, "That is not fair."

He smirks and kisses my forehead, "How is it not fair?" his lips brush against my ear as he whispers, "Maybe because I know you so well."

I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me deeper into the pool as Ben and Jude laugh. I shoot my brother a dirty look and say, "You know, I'm your little sister. I thought big brothers were suppose to be more concerned about guys grabbing them?"

He rolls his eyes, "Why be concerned when I know he's going to do it anyway?"

Christian chuckles and cups my ass as he holds me against him and says, "He has a point."

"He still could have helped me."

His lips graze my ear and Coraline says, "Can we play chicken now? I really feel like pushing Em into some water."

"Hey!" I protest.

Christian grins, "I won't let you fall baby."

I pout, "You better not."

A few minutes later I'm sitting on his shoulders, he grips my thighs and kisses the inside of my knee, "Hold on okay?"

"I know. I happen to be very good at this game."

Once we're up I grip his hair, he groans, "Em."

I snicker and kiss the top of his head, "Sorry."

He squeezes my leg and says, "I'm going to get you for this later."

I look up and come face to face with my sister, she smirks and we brace hands, Ben shouts, "Go!"

She first tries twisting my arm and I yelp, "You little-"

She shrieks as I pull on her hair, "Not fair Emma!"

"You did it in highschool!"

"I was trying to embarass you in front of all those guys!"

My jaw drops and I push at her arms so she's leaning back, "Why on earth would you do that?!"

"Because you stole my date to the dance!"

She pushes me back and I squeal, but Christian keeps a steady and tight grip, "You dumped that poor guy! I was being nice when he asked me. It's not lke I wanted to go with him."

"I didn't dump him he dumped me!"

I shove her hard with my hands against hers and she goes falling back, only she catches me by surprise and takes me with her. As I see the water growing nearer I close my eyes. When arms wrap around me after a loud splash I open my eyes in surprise. I look back and see Christian holding me.

"You okay baby?"

I nod and gulp, "That was way too far of a fall."

He kisses the tip of my nose and says, "I know baby girl."

"You little bitch!"

I turn and see my sister moving towards me, my eyes widen and my first instinct is to move behind Christian, "Stay away from me," I warn.

She rolls her eyes, "What are you going to do? Use your boy toy as a shield?"

Jude's eyes widen as Christians gaze hardens and I say, "Just back off Coraline."

Christian glances back at me and moves my hand up to his shoulders, "Why should I?" she snaps.

"Because I haven't done anything to you!"

She snorts, "Oh please. What haven't you done?"

I gulp thinking of all the things I actually had done, one of them being the man standing in front of me protectively, "Okay...maybe I have done a few things. But I didn't do them on purpose. I wouldn't have done the things if I'd known."

"But you don't regret anything you've ever done to me?"

I frown thinking about it, "No. I don't. And if you knew what I did for wouldn't be complaining Coraline."

She frowns and Christian looks at me wide eyed, he mouths, "Victoria?"

I nod and his gaze hardens and he looks back at my sister, "How much did you drink tonight?"

She shrugs, "Too much."

I sigh and Christian frowns as Ben says, "Sis, go on in. I'll be in soon."

She shoots me an apologetic glance before getting out of the pool. Katy and Ben say goodnight before following her inside.

Jude leans against the edge and says, "What was all that about?"

I sigh shrugging, "A lot of stuff. She was my older sister, I looked up to her for a really long time."

Jude frowns and glances at Christian and then says, "You sure it isn't over him?"

My jaw drops, "No. Trust me, I fucked things up with Coraline a long time ago. It's part of the reason I didn't want anything to do with her when I left. Same thing with Ben."

Jude nods and Christian says, "She's still angry about me, which is why I'm staying away this weekend while she's at your place."

I pout, "But-"

"No Emerson. Please don't," his expression is pained, "Please."

I shake my head, "That isn't fair."

He pulls himself up on the side of the pool, "I'm not arguing about this Em. We talked about this Tuesday. We agreed it was best if I backed off while she was there."

I frown, "But now I have no clue how long she's going to be there."

He narrows his gaze, "And I'm not even suppose to be sharing a bed with you. I almost hurt you."

"But you didn't."

"I could have Emerson. That's the point." 

"Wait...I'm missing something here."

I look at Jude, "Long story short, he slept with Coraline years ago, and while we were in New York he had a flash back dream and almost hurt me in his sleep."

Jude's eyes widen and he looks at Christian, "Dude...what about some sleeping pills?"

Christian shakes his head, "I have them, I just haven't used them."

I frown, "When did you get them?"

He sighs, "Tuesday when I went back inside the clinic, Fallon gave me a small pack. But between last night, and now the alocohol...I can't."

I wrap my arms around his neck, "The only time it happened as after seeing the apartment, and you hadn't been drinking. You sleep sound when you've been drinking."

He sighs and brushes his nose against mine, "Okay. Bed is fine. But not around your sister."

I deepen my pout and Jude says, "Wait...where are you sleeping while she's there?"

I sigh, "My bed. I'm on the couch."

Jude frowns, "Well Matea hasn't exactly moved in yet. And you have like...a zillion empty furnished apartments."

Christian frowns and looks at me, "Do you want your sister living anywhere near you?"

I shrug, "I don't really care. I probably wouldn't see much of her anyway."

He presses his lips together, "What if I just offer her one of the furnished apartments? A studio? You're planning on rooming alone or with Jess right?"

I nod, "Yeah...but is that a good idea? Isn't she suppose to detach from you?"

He nods, "Yes, but I don't deal with the apartments," he smirks, "Just yours."

I frown, "Wait...there's a studio in that building?"

He nods, "A studio loft. I renovated it."

"Is it empty?"

He smiles, "It is, and I'm guessing you want it huh?"

I bite my lip and nod, "Kind of..."

He kisses my jaw, "I'll keep it for you. It's top floor."

"And where will you stick Coraline?"

He shrugs, "Far away from you?"

I nod and kiss him, "Perfect."

I look at Jude who yawns and say, "You've been drinking, there is no way I'm letting you drive back to the hotel."

"But my clothes-"

"I have clothes," Christian says.

"And so does my brother. Although...I wouldn't recommend going in there tonight."

We end up getting Jude clothes and towels to use in the guest bedroom. While I change the sheets on the bed Christian gets a shower in our room. It's then I take the opportunity to look at the playroom.

When I'm inside I sit on the floor and rest my chin on my knees, I try to think through everything that had happened. I stare at the bed, and at the big table with the mat and chains where almost everything happened. 

When I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jump some. Chrisitan's voice shushes me, "I'm sorry I scared you...Em...what are you doing in here? This can't be good for you."

I hold back my tears and say, "I had to face it."

"Do you want to be alone?"

I shake my head and he sits down, letting me crawl into his lap, "I never want to be alone." 

After a few minutes of silence he says, "You can cry about it you know."

I shake my head, "Not in front of you."

He pulls back and cups my chin, "Why not?"

I shrug, "'re like...made of steel half the time Christian. I just can't."

He kisses my gently and says, "Oh Em...I am not made of steel. You break me Em. You completely baffle me."

"I baffle you?" I question.

He shakes his head, "In a good way. You just make me question everything Emma. You make me question what I really want and who I really am. It scares the shit out of me and excites me, and just make me want more Em. I want more of you."

He pulls me as close as possible and presses his lips to mine, capturing me for a kiss. A perfect kiss.

Once I'm showered I crawl into bed where Christian lays on his laptop typing away.

"You haven't been writing," he murmurs.

I shrug, "I haven't had any ideas."

He frowns, "You need a break."

I roll my eyes, "Christian. I went to work one day this past week." 

He frowns, "Well the work load shouldn't be too bad next week. I'll need an ad put out for a new secretary."

"What about bringing in Pearl and finding someone else new for Grace?"

He shakes his head, "No way, she'd kill me."

I bite my lip, wanting to ask him something. He looks up at me after a few moments and says, "What is it?"

I sigh, "Well...when I was Grace's secretary I saw you come out of her office a few times..."

He sighs leaning back to rest his head on the headboard, "I thought she was a mole so I was trying to get close."


He presses his lips together, "I may have fooled around with her once or twice but I never slept with her if that's what you're asking Em."

He kisses the back of my hand and I say, "Then why was she making sure to make it seem like she was? Or is? I just don't see the point."

He shrugs, "Because I run things, she wants you to be afraid of her, afraid of me."

I frown at the thought, "What could she possibly have to benefit from me being afraid?"

He shrugs, "I don't know. She's a women who wants power. And she has a wonderful working ability. It's the reason I hired her Em. She's not exactly my favorite person..."

I frown, " said you thought she was a mole?"

He nods, "Yes, although I couldn't find anything. I think she's just nosey."

I shake my head, "No...Christian that would make sense. Someone close...and then the stories with me in them as soon as you moved me to your floor..."

He frowns and says, "She doesn't write. Not like you."

I narrow my eyes, "And that is the perfect way to seem innocent Christian."

He shakes his head, "I can't see Grace doing something like that to either of us."

I pick up my phone from the nightstand and dial a friend from Vocal, Hello?"

"Hey Raquelle can you do me a favor?"

Of course.

"Could you set up an interview with a Grace Rayson?"

Of course, with you?

"No, I'll get a hold of Jessica. She'll be wanting to do this one. I guarantee it."

Alright, I'll be calling.

We both hang up and Christian frowns at me, "Em please be careful."

I sigh and kiss his cheek after I set my phone down, "I'll be fine. Promise." 

It had to be fine.

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