Elite 4

By TeamViper

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Leigh-Anne, Jade, Jesy, and Perrie are in for a wild ride when the get turned into elemental werewolf's and s... More

Chapter1:Transformations part1
Chapter 2:Transformations part2
Chapter 3:Confrontations
Chapter 4:First Full Moon
Chapter 5:The Aftermath
Chapter 6:Heartache, Heartbreak, and Battles part1 (Leigh)
Chapter 7:Heartache, Heartbreak, and Battles part2(Perrie)
Chapter 8:Heartache, Heartbreak, and Battles (Jade)
Chapter 9:Heartbreaks, Heartaches, and Battles( Jesy)
Chapter 10:Charmed
Chapter 11:New Kids
Chapter 12:Elite 6?
Chapter 13:Perrie's Skate Date
Chapter 14:Jade's Sanctuary Date
Chapter 16:Training Day
Chapter 17: Vamps- Part 1: Meet the Pack
Chapter 18: Memories
Chapter 19: Revolations
Chapter 20: Operation Baby Gang is a go
Chapter 21: Dragons
Chapter 22: Surprise?
Chapter 23: Jesy's Day
Chapter 24: A Sirens Call
Chapter 25: Lets be Heros
Chapter 26: The First "I love you" is Hard
Chapter 27: Bring on the Heat
Chapter 28: God Mode- Part 1: Perrie
Chapter 29: Football Game
Chapter 30: God Mode- Part 2: Leigh-Anne
Chapter 31: Meeting the parents
Chapter 32: Dance for you life
Chapter 33: God Mode- Part 3: Jesy
Chapter 34: Into the 2nd Dimension
Chapter 35: A Normal Day
Chapter 36: God Mode-Part 4: Jade
Chapter 37: Shameless
Chapter 38: Valentines Prep
Chapter 39: Happy I Love You Day
Chapter 40: Periods
Chapter 41: Hail The Queen- Part 1
Chapter 42: Hail The Queen-Part 2
Chapter 43: Fight of our Lives
Chapter 44: Elite Babies
Chapter 45: Second Dimension(again)
Chapter 46: One Year
Chapter 47: Fun Fair
Chapter 48: That one Crossover Pt.2
Chapter 49: Finals
Chapter 50: Promposals
Chapter 51: Prom
Chapter 52: Graduation and Summer Time

Chapter 15:Leigh's Alternative Date

254 10 18
By TeamViper

A/N: I'm back from the dead and ready to update. So Leigh and Kamille are gonna go on a date but Leigh decides to change it up. Also imagine Psycho with more muscle. And we're gonna be getting a special someone this chapter. That's all, bye now.

Leigh's POV

Once Jade leaves, I quickly put on a pair of shorts that came up shorter than usual. "Hey Jes, do I look fat to you? My pants are too short.", I ask turning around. "What no? You're one of the skinniest people I know. Wait a minute, why is the ground so far away?", she asks looking down. I follow her lead and bend down to touch the ground before realizing it's not as close as before. "Did we get taller?", I question. "Yeah you did. I think it's a side effect of being dudes. You gained more testosterone. You already had some in your bodies from you know the things in you pants but that gave you more, I guess it boosted your height.", Psycho explains.

I relay the information to Jesy and walk in my closet to get some of my over sized clothes and change into those instead. They're still a little bit long but fit to the appropriate lengths that I want them to. "Alright I'm off. I'm pretty sure there's a family of deer in the woods not too far from here so don't eat my food Jessica.", I say walking out the door. She calls out a whatever as I mount my bike and ride off. "Stop at the base master Leigh. We have a gift for you.", I hear A.R.C. say in my helmet. I speed up as I get closer to the woods and turn off onto the trail. When I get to the cave base, I pull into the garage and notice all different types of vehicles.

"You can choose a new one. Your bike needs upgrades.", Zedd says. I walk around until I come to a blue and black Jeep. I press a button on the console and it starts hovering. "I want this one.", I say excitedly. I grab the keys from the table behind me and climb in. I take it out of hover mode and pull off. When I arrive at the movie theater, I see Kamille outside pacing. "Are you alright?", I ask once I make it to her. She jumps before looking over to me and placing a hand over her heart. "You scared the crap out of me. And yeah I'm fine, it's just these guys from my old school are in there and they weren't the nicest to me.", she answer looking down.

"Well now you have a strong Leigh-Anne to protect you. Trust me I know what it's like.", I say grabbing her hand. She looks up and smiles at me as we walk into the theater again. She pauses when two guys that look like twins come up to us. One has curly black hair, and the other with dreads going to his shoulders. "Well look who it is. It's little Kamille, and who's this?", the one with curly hair asks. "I'm Leigh-Anne. And you are?", I question. "I'm Devin and this is my twin brother Kevin. We used to go to school with Kamille.", Devin answers holding his hand out.

I shake it and he tightens his grip on my hand making me pull away. "Listen we won't beat around the bush. She used to be our little play thing for when we got bored. Yet she still hasn't learned her place.", Kevin says stepping forward. "Well I'll give you guys two options. You either leave with your bones in tact or I rearrange them then you leave.", I say cracking my knuckles. "That's where you're wrong. We came with back up. It's just you.", he responds snapping his fingers. "I'm honestly flattered. You need four guys to fight little old me.", I say getting in a fighting position.

"You need some help?", Psycho questions. "That'd be appreciated.", I reply ducking a punch. I feel my body grow cold signaling that my powers are kicking in and smirk. "Honestly, this is sad. You four are losing and I'm just getting started.", I say flipping someone over my shoulder. "We're going easy on you. You're just a girl, a object at most.", one guy replies. "I'm not even a girl and that just made me mad. Let's finish this.". Psycho says. I wait for all of them to come towards me before dropping down and sweeping their feet from under them.

"And that's how you defend yourself.", I say dusting my hands off. I hear cheers from around me and smile before grabbing Kamille's hand and walking out the door. "Thanks for that. You didn't have to do it thought.", she says. "I wanted to. Plus, it had been a while since I'd done that.", I reply helping her up into my new car. "Have you gotten taller? You look taller.", she asks as we drive away. "I think I have. This morning my clothes didn't fit.", I answer as we drive off. "So where are we going now?", she asks breaking the silence. "There's a carnival in town and I want to take you on a date there.", I answer not noticing that I said date.

"I love carnivals. I haven't been to one in years, and I'd love to make it a date.", she says placing her hand on top of mine. I smile and continue to drive to the carnival. When we get there, I buy the passes and we indulge in fun activities. When she drags me over to a fish game I smirk. "One round please.", I say. "Get all three rings on one bowl and win a fish.", the guy at the booth says. I ask which fish she wants and she points to a exotic looking fish with all types of different colors.

I mentally connect to the water in the little bowl and throw all three rings at the same time. They land on the bowl perfectly and I give the booth owner a smug smile. "Congratulations he's all yours.", he says handing it to Kamille. "His name will be Lee in honor of the person who got him for me.", she says look up at me. "Now I want to get another one just so I can name it after you.", I say as a joke. We walk around until we come up to one of those basketball games, you know the one where the booth owner has a button that moves the rim just slightly so you miss every tine.

"I want to play it but I know it's rigged.", Kamille sighs. "I got you. I've mastered these types of games.", I say grabbing a ball. As the owner of the booth is stepping away I shoot the ball using a little bit of super speed to make it before she gets all the way to the side. "I'll take my bear now.", I say holding my hands out. The lady rolls her eyes before handing me a giant panda. We walk through the area some more before I see a pug. "What is this game and how do I play it?", I question. "If you can guess how much he weighs, you can keep him.", the last answers holding the little pug up. I use my nerd skills and my love for pugs to an advantage.

"He looks about maybe four inches tall since he's a baby, and that would mean he weighs anywhere between five and ten pounds, but judging by his current body I'll say he is four months old and weighs three and a half pounds.", I finish squinting at her. "You hit it right on the head. Congratulations he's all yours.", she praises setting him in my arms and handing me all his papers. "He's so precious. Your name is Harvey, and you're my son.", I say rubbing his head gently. "Are you actually gonna keep him?", Kamille asks startling me. "Definitely. I don't even care if my mom gets mad at me, he's my new child.", I say cuddling Harvey closer to me.

"Wait can I talk to him?", I ask in my head. "In your half shifted and wolf forms yes, but not in human form.", Psycho answers monotonously. "He's so small I could probably keep him in my pocket.", I say testing my theory. He has more than enough space so I leave him there as we decide to keep going on. We play some more games before we come across one that makes Kamille gasp. "I love piano games, but I don't know how to play.", she says pouting. "You're in luck. I used to be a band kid and it stuck with me.", I say sliding on to the seat. To win, you have to mimic the song that's playing perfectly, and I used to be good but I don't know if I still am.

I close my eyes and let my instincts take over as my fingers glide over the keys as the melody plays out. I get disturbed when a bell sounds out making me snap my eyes open to Kamille holding a giant bunny. "That was really good. And thanks, this thing is so cute.", she gushed hugging me. I nod and excuse myself to the bathroom after handing her Harvey. After I relive myself and wash my hands, I walk back out the bathroom only to get met with the sight of Kamille talking to some guy. They're laughing and smiling at each other like there's no tomorrow and my blood boil. Well not boil but turn cold. I know I don't have a right to be jealous but I am. "Calm down before you turn blue on the face.", Psycho says.

I walk back into the bathroom stall I came out of and place my head in my hands. "How could I have been so stupid? Of course a girl like her wouldn't like me.", I say to myself. "Dude, are you dumb? I can see the way she looks at you. It's the same way you look at Rihanna, with absolute admiration.", Psycho tries. "Whatever you say.", I sigh. When I feel my arm get heavier, I look down to see it frozen over. "Should this be hurting this bad?", I question picking at my arm. Blue smoke gathers at my feet before swirling out in front of me and taking a human shape.

It solidifies and becomes a light skinned guy with blue hair. "It's me Psycho. I'm here to help you calm down so you can fix your arm.", he says coming closer. I hold my arm out to him and he takes it in his hand. He squeezes, making me wince as he breaks the ice leaving my arm cold and pale with an new layer of ice coming on. "Get control over your emotions or you powers will go haywire.", he scolds. I take a deep breath and force myself to calm down and not let my anger control me. I open my eyes and sigh. "Did it work?", I ask. "No it seems that it's gotten worse.", he murmurs.

I look into my phone screen and see my blue eyes staring back at me. I close my eyes again and think about things that calm me down. I think of my new little pug Harvey and feel a smile take over my face. I think about his little paws, and his cute twitching nose accompanied by his floppy ears. I open my eyes and look down at my arm to see it back to its normal state. "I'm gonna stick with you through the day to make sure you don't slip up again. Oh quick reminder, only other super naturals can see me so don't worry about people getting suspicious.", he says as we walk out the bathroom.

"Oh hey just who we were talking about. Leigh this is my favorite cousin Jasper, and Jasper this is my date Leigh-Anne.", Kamille says introducing us. "Now what did I tell you? I would love to laugh in your face but I won't.", Psych comments from behind Jasper. I hold my hand out and he takes it in a firm handshake. "I'm Jasper Purcell, pleasure to meet you.", he says with a smile. "Leigh-Anne Pinnock, right back at you.", I say giving him a tight lipped smile. We converse for a little and I found out that Jasper is gay and that makes me calm down. A taller man that looks similar to Jasper comes over and Kamille squeals. "Uncle Kayden. It's great to be seeing you again.", she says hugging him.

"It's always a pleasure to see you too. And who's this tall glass of water?", he asks looking in my direction. "I'm Leigh-Anne Pinnock. We go to school together.", I say sticking my hand out. He shakes it as a fair skinned lady comes over to him. I notice Kamille's and Jasper faces harden making me get a bad vibe from her. "This is my wife Isabella, honey this is Kamille's friend from school Leigh-Anne.", he says motioning to me. "That's my homophobic step mom. I suggest you not get too close.", Jasper whispers. I laugh at his shadiness and give her a nod of the head.

"You're a very nice looking young lady. Your hair also looks very healthy.", she compliments looking me up and down. I take a closer look at her and see a green aura around her. I try to catch her scent and when I do, it makes me inwardly gag. "She smells like rotten food and onions.", I say in my head. I rack my brain to remember our lessons on species identification when I get it. Green and rotten, smells like the rear end of a donkey, it's a zombie. I look down at the anklet she has on and realize that it's her stabilizer.

I grab Harvey and tuck him back in my hoodie pocket before getting as far away from the zombie as possible. "Oh here he is, the man of the hour. This is our oldest son, Joshua. It's his birthday and he wanted to come here today.", Isabella says grabbing his shoulders. A group of guys gathers around us and I sigh. "You can call me Josh. And what's your name cutie?", he asks with a wink. "Ew that's nasty.", Psycho says. "Not interested, my name is not interested.", I respond with attitude. He laughs before doing that classic lip bite and hair slick. "You don't gotta play hard to get baby girl, I'm all yours.", he says stepping closer. "So that's not what we finna do here. You're talking like you have game when really the only game you have, is your collection of video games. Now back off or get punched.", I say pushing him away.

He suddenly grabs my waist and presses our lips together. I push him off and lose the fight with my inner beast. "I'm going to kill you, you little shit!", I yell tackling him to the floor. I wrap my hands around his throat and he scratches at my hands making me get a grip on myself and pull him up before putting my head down to cover my eyes. "Never do that again if you want to keep your life.", I threaten walking away. I mentally scold myself for losing control like that as Kamille comes up to me. "That was really cool what you did back there. He honestly deserved it.", she says nudging my shoulder. "Are you kidding. Yeah he deserved a slap in the face maybe, not strangulation.", I say throwing my hands up.

"I never liked him. And I'm not gonna lie to you, I actually found it a little hot if I'm honest.", she confesses. I could feel my face heat up as I stammer and try to find words. "You think I'm hot? I could make a two hundred plus slide show on why I think you're hot, but it still wouldn't mater because there aren't enough words to sum up how hot you are. Not even hot, beautiful but I'm going to stop talking before I say something stupid.", I ramble. "It's cute when you ramble. And I'd appreciate it if you really took time out of your day to make a slide show that long.", she says laughing. "I'm actually on slide one hundred ninety eight.", I answer seriously.

"Send it to me when you're done.", she winks. I freeze for a second before using my watch to finish the last two slides before sending it to her. "I didn't know you were serious. This is so cool.", she says swiping through it. "Come on let's get something to eat it's already pretty late.", I say grabbing her hand. I feel Harvey moving against my stomach and use my free hand to scoop him up. "I now say he is our son. We shall raise him together, and we will have the best parents ever.", I say. "I've always wanted to be a dog mom. You've made my dreams come true.", she says hugging my arm.

We climb into the car and I set Harvey on her lap, making sure to not knock over her fish, before pulling off towards a restaurant I know. "So where we going to eat?", she asks. "It's a pet friendly restaurant so our children can come too. Only the best for my co-parent.", I say joking. "Why are we co-parents? We're just regular parents unless you want to tell me something?", she says raising a eyebrow. "No no definitely not. Then it's settled. We are officially parents.", I say. She laughs and we make jokes on the way and we pull into the little parking lot. We walk into the building and I get met with the smell of steak.

"Awe look at the little bull dog. He's adorable.", Kamille says bending down to pet him. We wait to be seated at a table and get handed menus. "Hello ladies welcome to Saint Lou's. Can I get you started with some drinks?", the waiter with Rachel written on her name tag. "I actually know what I want I don't know about her thought.", I say looking up from the menu. "I know what I want as well.", Kamille answers locking eyes with me. I motion for her to go first and she does, ordering a burger and lemonade. "I'll have a steak and fries with a strawberry lemonade. And for the pup, the organic salami mix", I say handing the menu over.

"You drinks will be right out, and the food will take a few minutes. We'll get that salami mix right away fro you.", she says before walking away. "This place is something I tell you. It's fancier than my aunt at the family reunion.", I say looking around. "I don't know if you're serious or joke.", she laughs. "I'll have to bring you sometime, it's a learning experience to say the least.", I mumble. "Why is that?", she asks. "Maybe because almost the entire side of my dads family are homophobic so they try to set me up with guys the entire time.", I answer rubbing my temples.

"Poor thing. Maybe you should bring a girl so they know you're serious.", she suggests. The waitress comes back and sets our drinks down and a dog bowl on the floor. "Your food should be out in a few more minutes.", she says as I place Harvey on the ground. He sniffs at the food before basically shoving his head into the bowl. After a quick 15 minute wait, our food is placed in front of us and we dig on. "I like the fries, perfectly salted.", I say. "I like the burger. It has really good seasoning.", she responds taking another bite.

This goes on for a little while, before I get a glimpse of the time. "It's getting late, why don't we get going?", I say standing up. I pay for everything and we leave, after I make sure to grab Harvey. We ride in a comfortable silence with her giving me directions every few minute. I make it to her house and get out to open the door for her. "I had a good time with you today, it was fun.", she says hugging her big bunny. "Can't forget about this little guy.", I say handing her the fish. She waves as she walks back into her house and walk back to my car. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?", Psycho says as he reappears in the passengers seat.

"No it wasn't. So since when could I physically see you?", I say changing the topic. "I've always had a physical form. But now that I'm a spirit, I can make my self basically invisible to mortals.", he answers. "What was that with my arm earlier?", I ask. "It was a power surge. You're emotions got the best of you and your powers responded to it.", he replies messing with the radio. "Hey there isn't anyone around, kick the thing into hover mode and drive over the woods.", he says turning to me. I pull into a small clearing before pressing the button and feeling the car start to levitate. I press the gas down and we go flying through the air.

"This is a lot more fun than I thought it would be.", I say laughing. When we arrive at my house I turn hover mode off and walk in to be greeted by my mom and sent upstairs. I open the door to my room to be met with Jesy and Perrie watching tv and talking. "Two of my favorite faces. How's it going ladies?", I ask kicking my shoes off. "I've been vegging our all day and Perrie got back from her little date thing a few hours ago.", Jesy answers. "My feet are killing me. I found a pair of skates in the cave, and they hurt like a bitch.", Perrie whines. "I got you blondie.", I say grabbing her foot.

I make my hands colder and wrap them around the sole of her foot making her sigh and slump back into my headboard. "I swear your hands are magical, it's like I'm getting a cold massage.", she mumbles. I switch to the other foot and laugh. "Maybe you're supposed to adjust them.", Jesy calls out from the bathroom. I pull my hands back and she gives me a tired smile. "I'll check tomorrow at training. I'm too tired now.", she says waving her hand lazily on their direction. "When do you think Jade will be back?", I ask laying next to her. "It's already ten thirty so maybe another hour and a half.", she shrugs. "I need back support, I'm getting in the floor.", Perrie announces suddenly rolling off the bed.

I think to myself what I'm forgetting when I hear a small whisper. "Oh girls, come meet my new son.", I say talking Harvey out of my hoodie. "Oh he's so cute. Where'd you get him?", Jesy asks. "He was a prize from the carnival along with these bears.", I say setting Harvey on the floor. "Is everything alright up here? I heard a thud.", my mom asks knocking on the door. "Yeah we're fine, it was just Perrie being Perrie.", Jesy answers. She walks away and we go back to the floor. "Somebody come be my human pillow.", Perrie says making grabby hands. Jesy lays down on the floor and Perrie uses her stomach as a pillow. "Scoot over Perrie, you're gonna be my human pillow.", I say.

She moves her legs and I lay down on her stomach after turning the lights out. I make sure to leave the window unlocked for Jade and drift off to sleep.

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