zodiac house ver2

By kyu_mi911

9.7K 123 32

cancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to e... More

the pool
the party
the "after"party
truth or dare pt1
Truth or Dare pt2
Who are you?
Explain, Now
A Long Drive pt1
A/N: I Found A Glitch
Long Drive pt2
Camping Pt1
Camping pt2
Camping pt3
ROS:#1 Scorpio X Aries
ROS:#2 Virgo X Cancer
Movie Night
What is Orion up to?
3 Confessions, 3 Outcomes
Thanks I Guess
Shopping pt1
Shopping pt2
Implications ;)
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt1
ROS:#3 Virgo x Pisces
Lovey Dovey Disater pt2
Random #Pride
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt3
Kyu's Birthday
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt4
ROS:#4 Capricorn x Aquarius
Lovey Dovey Disaster pt5
To Japan
Random #Pride 2
A Long Flight
A Surprising Pick-up
Random #Pride 3
Childhood Home

ROS #5:Cancer x Leo

181 0 0
By kyu_mi911

Same old same old. Genders ain't changed, everything's the same, nothing is cannon unless stated.


Cancer sat at the same bench he and Leo hung out at for 3 years straight. He had two sodas, one for him and one for Leo, along with a large bag of chips. He was casually scrolling through his phone, sweating nervously at the news he would have to break to her.

He then heard her cheery voice,"Hey Cancer! How are you?"

He smiled as he tossed a soda to Leo and he responded,"Well, I guess you could say I'm doing pretty good."

She sat down and sighed,"Man, we haven't gotten to talk much since we moved into the house eh?"

Cancer agreed,"Yeah, remember? This is where you had your first kiss."

Leo laughed,"Oh yeah! And you watched it, haha. Man, that was some weirdness! But how about the time you and that girl went out here to do a project and I interrupted the session?"

Cancer groaned,"Ugh, yeah. You just had to say we were on a date. Anyways, Leo."

Leo asked,"Yeah? What's up. You don't usually sound so serious."

Cancer opened the bag of chips and said,"I found out something and I wanted you to know first."

He ate a few chips as Leo got concerned,"Oh no, what happened?"

Cancer sighed,"I got accepted into an Ivy league school. Also, I finally got a chance to do stand up comedy on the Aresenio Hall show. And they want me to take up some roles for certain movies."

Leo's mouth fell agape,"W-what!? You git all that!? Oh my god, we have to celebrate! I cam't believe it's all working put for you! I'm so proud and happy for you!"

Cancer then said,"And with all that, I will have to move out next week. And I wont have time to see you guys for at least a year. Maybe two..."

Leo froze, she looked at his face to find it fully serious. He wasn't joking. She wanted to yell, so she did. "START WITH THAT!"

Cancer recoiled and held his hands up in defense,"Hold on! I never said that's all. Look, I will have a hectic schedule so I will barely have any free time!"

Leo pouted,"But what about these hang out sessions or the parties or the others? Did you even consider how I would feel?"

Leo snatched the bag of chips away from Cancer and started wolfing down handful of chips. He knew this was going to happen. He looked at the ground guiltily,"I already accepted the offers. I have a week."

"Then let's have the best week ever!"

Cancer looked up at Leo who was still angrily shoving the food down her gullet. She looked at him with determination,"We will have such a good week that you won't leave sad!"

Cancer smiled,"Thanks Leo."

Leo had finished the chips and grabbed his hand. She then proclaimed,"Starting now!"

Cancer could only muster out a simple,"Huh?" Before getting dragged to who knows where by Leo.

Over the next week, the zodiacs all hung out and made sure they made use of the time with Cancer. Leo was especially clingy, not leaving hin alone and spending time with him in his room late into the night.

Now at the airport, Cancer held his luggage and he was standing in front of the boarding terminal. He had a sad smile as he turned to look back at all his friends waving him off. Leo however, was looking to her side awkwardly rubbing her arm. Cancer let out a scoff, hoisting his luggage and was about to leave for his flight when he heard,"WAIT!"

He looked back again to see Leo running up to him. She jumped at him and they locked lips. Cancer was shocked. Leo pulled pack and had teary eyes,"You better come back soon!"

Cancer smirked,"Wait for me Leo, I promise I'll be back."

He then turned and left for his flight. Leo watched his retreating figure as Aries walked up behind her and squeezed her shoulder. "Come on Leo, let's go." Aries suggested.

Leo nodded, sniffling,"Yeah...let's go."

Aries pulled Leo into a hug as she weeped into Aries' shoulder. Aries stroked her hair,"He'll come back, he's worth the wait."

Leo mumbled,"I know."

8 months later...

Leo was dressed in her normal attire of a t shirt with denim jacket and jeans. She was about done with packing up her locker. As she closed the locker door, a boy walked up to her and leaned on the wall,"Hey Leo."

Leo smiled,"Hey Ryan! How are you?"

He put a hand through his hair and nervously asked,"Um...I was just wondering of you would go an a date with me. Maybe this Sunday?"

Leo sighed,"Sorry Ryan, I'm still waiting on someone. We made a promise. But you really sweet, you'll find someone too!"

Leo felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out. She pat Ryan's shoulder as she walked past him picking up the call. "Yes? Who might this be?"

"Wow, don't recognise your best friend's voice?"

"Oh Cancer! How have you been? I watched the set you did on Aresenio Hall. Nice! How's school?"

"I'm doing okay. Enough for the degree. Anyways I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'd be much happier if you were here. When are you coming back?"

"I wish I knew. Don't worry, a promise is a promise."

"I know, well I gotta go! Seeya!"


Leo hung up and held her phone to her chest, closing her eyes as she fantasied about what they could do when he got back.

18 months later...

Cancer was on stage and he took a slight pause to let the laughter die down before ending his show,"Thank you all, you've been a wonderful audience. Goodnight."

He put the mic back onto the stand as the crowd cheered. He took a bow and he walked off stage into the greenroom. He just finished a half an hour set.

He saw some of his friends chilling on the couch and he joined them. He grabbed a burger that the comedy club offered to comedians. He sat down and his friend asked,"So Cancer, you dating anyone?"

Cancer shrugged,"Kinda. Why'd you ask Jerry?"

Jerry said,"Well I see all this pretty girls all fawning over you and you barely bat an eye."

Cancer took a bite out his burger and responded,"Yeah, they only started fawninh over me after they saw me on Arsenio Hall. They're just tryna get clout." "Then who's the lucky lady?"

Cancer smiled as he stared of into blank space longingly,"She's my best friend, a beautiful, strong, outgoing, fun and caring person. Knows how to cheer me up, knows how to beat people up. She's almost too good for me. And I've had her wait for one and a half years so far."

Jerry was shocked,"What do you mean by wait?" "Remember when I said 'Kinda'?"

Jerry slapped Cancer on his back,"Dude, why don't you go see her!" "I can't...Between shows, filming and school. I barely have enough time to sleep. Hell, I haven't talked to any of my friends in a couple months."

Cancer then pulled oit of his jacket pocket his phone. He removed the protective casing and inside was the last picture he took with Leo. He looked at it for a bit before letting out a chuckle,"Wow...I am such a horrible person."

Jerry shook his head,"Nah, life just be like that sometimes. I know. Well, you better go back to your apartment and get some rest."

Jerry stood up and walked out onto the stage, the muffled cheering penetrating the walls of the greenroom.

Cancer looked back to the picture and stared at Leo's smiling face as he whispered,"Soon."

25 months later...

Leo was now sitting in a library reading up on her assignment hoping to cram some info in before working on it. She looked at her phone which was placed face down on the table, hoping to receive some call or text. Waiting to see a illuminescent border form around it to signal some form of interaction. She looked back at her laptop, the words in the article now just a mess of words.

She closed her laptop and called it a day. She packed her things and hoisted her bag over her shoulder. It had been a month after the promised deadline Cancer gave her for his return. At the two year mark, she expected him to surprise her or at least give her a call. But the only thing she got that day, was a cocktail of sadness and anger.

She was stopped outside the library and saw Ryan waiting outside. "Hey Leo, you doing alright?"

Leo nodded,"I'm fine. I just want to go home."

She started to walk off but was stopped by Ryan,"Leo, it's been a month. He's not coming back."

Leo gave him the side eye,"Do you know who he is? He said that he would and he meant it."

Ryan reasoned with her,"When when the last time you spoke with him even?"

Leo thought back to two months ago when she last spoke to Cancer. He hasn't spoken with her since. She had also been avoiding all the clips of him in movies or doing comedy. She couldn't.

She sighed as Ryan said,"Leo, come on. At least give me a chance."

Leo looked at Ryan and she thought about Cancer. She thought to the promise he made to her a couple years ago.

31 months later...

Cancer was checking his phone as he packed up his locker in preperation for his school break. He also stopped accepting show requests and acting jobs. He needed a break.

He was called by a girl. He looked to his side to see a girl who he had seen around in school. The girl nervously asked,"H-hi Cancer."

Cancer smiled,"Hi, you are?" "Terrissa." "Ah, Terrissa. Do you need anything?"

Terrissa pushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "I just wanted to ask if you were free anytime this week. Maybe we could get some lunch?" She looked at Cancer hopefully.

Cancer sighed, another confession. He had been recieving this left and right ever since he started gaining popularity. He wasn't very good at rejections. He said,"Um, sorry but I can't. I already made a promise to another. You should find someone else."

Terrissa said,"Oh, that's okay. Have a good break."

Terrissa walked away. Cancer sighed and looked back at his phone and made a call. "Yeah? What's up?"

Cancer smirked,"Hey Libra, get everyone together in one place. I'm coming back. Keep it a secret between us."

2 days after the call...

Cancer was on a taxi riding to the old mansion. He was too excited, nervous, happy. He couldn't wait to see everyone after so many years. He wanted to see Leo especially. He wanted to explain why he couldn't make the two year mark as he needed to stay in school for longer and was hired for more acting jobs due to the success of the first film he was in.

He had also broken his phone during that time and only recently replaced it. He only had Libra's number after finding him on social media. He had a bouquet of roses, he finally wanted to finalize his relationship with Leo. He knew he loved her, why else would he have rejected tens maybe hundreds of girls over the years.

He hoped Libra got all of them together.

At the mansion, Libra was chilling with the group. He missed the group but he was most excited for their reactions to Cancer. They had met up before every few months. Cancer was the only one who everyone hasn't seen in years.

He heard the door open to see Leo coming in. He welcomed her,"Leo! Glad you could make it!"

She looked around,"Is everyone here?" "Well, everyone except for Cancer."

Leo smiled,"That's fine. I actually had a surprise of my own. Ryan?"

Ryan walked into the house and Leo said,"I have an announcement!"

Gemini asked,"What?"

Leo gestured to Ryan,"This is Ryan as some of you know. He and I are...dating! Well I mean it's been a fee months and we decided to finally tell you guys!"

Everyone was shocked but happy for Leo. They expected her to wait for Cancer but could understand since she had been waiting for over two years. Libra was about to congratulate her when he saw a recognisable head of white hair.

He looked over Leo and Ryan who were back facing the open door. He saw Cancer holding a bouquet of roses and happily waving to him. He saw that Cancer was heading towards them and he still hadn't noticed Ryan. Libra realized the situation he was in. He looked to Leo and Ryan who looked at each other.

Lbra knew what came next and before he coild do anything, Leo and Ryan shared a passionate kiss. He then heard a very faint thud. He looked back at where Cancer stood, shocked. Cancer had dropped the roses onto the floor and ran off.

Cancer ran and ran, trying to get away from what he saw. He ended up at the same bench he and Leo used to have their talks at. He sat down there and the memories flooded back to him. He pulled out the picture from his phone casing and stared at it. He had his head hung low.

He dropped the photo not wanting to see it. "I wished I could have at least told her I loved her." He mumbled to himself. "I should have come back earlier. I guess that's how life works."

He looked up and leaned back on the bench, sighing to himself. He spent that time just processing the image of Leo and that guy while taking in the surroundings and fresh air of the park around the bench.


A/N:Yeah, so it's kinda sad. No, it's really sad. I watched Powfu's song I'll Come Back To You and legit almost cried. Go watch that. But seriously, I wanted to write something similair. So I just got to writing and imagined how two of the zodiacs would feel if they were seperated. Honestly, I want to make a second part to this because...I just feel depressed after this chapter. I WANT TO CRY!!! Anyways hope yall enjoyed, sorry for another ROS but I still need sometime to finish the next chapter so here's something to read. But anyhow, I hope you enjoyed and have a great day. Seeya!

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