Fem Characters x Reader Imagi...

By Thatsgay-writes

135K 3.2K 763

I write for- LOK/ATLA SPOP The Wilds and more! (Full List Posted) I try to keep this stuff as gender neutral... More

Requests Are Open / Who I Write For
She-ra: Princess of Power Requests
Adora x Reader x Catra
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 2
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 3
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 4
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 5
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 6
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 7
Adora x Catra x Reader Part 8
Adora x Reader x Catra Part 9
Glimmer x Reader Soulmates
Glimmer x Reader Soulmates Part 2
Adora x Reader R3
Mermista x Reader R5
Glimmer x Reader R7 Part 1
Glimmer x Reader R7 Part 2
Glimmer x Reader R7 Part 3
Glimmer x Reader R7 Part 4
Adora x Reader R9
Catra x Reader R13 Part 1
Catra x Reader R13 Part 2
Adora x Reader R15
Adora x Reader R16
Frosta x Reader R17
Frosta x Reader R17 Part 2
#70 Frosta x Reader Part 3
Adora x Neko!Reader R19
Mermista x Reader R20
Perfuma x Reader R21
Spop x Reader R23
Catra x Reader R24
Werewolf!Glimmadora x Reader
Catra x Neko!Reader R26 (HC)
Catra x Sister!Reader R29
Adora x Blind!Reader
Angella x Daughter!Reader
Angella x Daughter!Reader Part 2
Angella x Daughter!Reader Part 2 Redone
Catradora x LOK!Reader
Catra x Twin!Reader
ATLA / LOK Request Page
Azula x Reader R2
Suki x Reader, Ty Lee x Reader
Suki x Reader, Ty Lee x Reader Part 2
Toph x Reader R1
Jinora x Reader
Jinora x Reader Part 2
Azula x Reader R4
Katara x Reader R6
Kya x Reader R8
Korrasami x Reader Part 1
Korrasami x Reader Part 2
Korrasami x Reader Part 3
Toph x Reader R11
Korra x Reader R14
Ty Lee x Reader R18
June x Reader R27
Asami x DualBender!Reader
Azula x Reader
Lin x reader
Korra x She-ra!Reader
Korra x She-ra!Reader Part 2
Toph x Reader
Jinora x Reader
The Wilds Requests
Leah Rilke x Reader
Nora Reid x Reader
Nora Reid x Reader Part 2
Nora Reid x Reader Part 3
Nora Reid x Reader
Leah Rilke x Reader
Leah Rilke x Reader Part 2
Leah Rilke x Reader
Leah Rilke x Reader Part 2
Fatin Jadmani x Reader
Fatin Jadmani x Reader
Nora Reid x Reader
Toni Shalifoe x Reader
Fatin Jadmani x Reader
Other Requests
Kipo x Reader
Kipo x Reader Part 2
Trini Kwan x Reader Part 1
Trini Kwan x Reader Part 2
Shauni x Reader
Waverly Earp x Reader R12
Brooklyn 2 x Reader x Sage 5
Kipo x Reader R22
Kipo x Cat!Reader R28
DBH North x Android!Reader
DBH: North x Android!Reader
Elle Greenaway x Reader
Watchdogs: Clara Lille x Reader
Raya x Fang!Reader Part 1
Raya x Fang!Reader Part 2
Deena Johnson x Reader Part 1
Deena Johnson x Reader Part 2
Mini update
Another Update
Heyyyy I'm Back... ish
Jeremiah 29:13
It Takes Two To Tango Part 1
Updated Requests 2023
Kit Tanthalos x Reader
The Princess & The Knight... & Archer? Part 1
The Princess & The Knight... & The Archer? Part 2
The Princess & The Knight... & The Archer? Happy Ending
Ava Silva x Reader
Beatrice x Reader
Kit x Reader x Jade
Tara Carpenter x Reader

Ty Lee x Reader Part 3

1.7K 52 14
By Thatsgay-writes

*6 Year Time Skip*

If someone had told you ten years ago that you would be married to Ty Lee, you would laugh. But now, you wouldn't change it for the world. After having dropped of Mai six years ago, you and Ty Lee traveled the world together, relaxing, saving villages, and having some... fun. However, three years ago your freedom had changed. While saving a village from the Fire Nation, a house fell killing the family of a two year old little girl. At first, you wanted to hand the child off to some other family or find an orphanage but one look at the little girl stopped you. She looked like you and Ty Lee so much it was scary. You and Ty Lee had talked about having children before but decided to wait til after Sozin's Comet so Aang could bring the world back to an era of peace but, you just couldn't bring yourself to leave that little girl behind. So you took her with you, moved to the Fire Nation, used some of Ty Lee's family's money to buy a house, got a job and settled down. You knew settling down in the Fire Nation was weird but it wasn't under the constant threat of attack like the rest of the world was. You just made sure to steer clear of Azula and to make sure your daughter knew about what the Fire Nation was actually like, and not letting her get brainwashed by school. You also told her about her aunts and uncles, even adding in Sokka and Suki much to Ty Lee's surprise. When she had asked you about it, you said that you had her now and that what had happened was so long ago.

Marrying Ty Lee had happened a year ago. It wasn't a big celebration or anything. You and Ty Lee were still weary about living in the Fire Nation and decided to get eloped with her family and your daughter to act as a witness. You both had written your own vows to each other and you promised that once everything was over, you would throw her the biggest wedding party the world had ever seen. Ty Lee being her cheesy self told you that none of that mattered as long as she had you and Ming, your guys daughter. When the day of the eclipse and comet came, everyone in the city had ran to hide. You told Ty Lee that you had to help your friends, even after not speaking to them for a decade. She understood that you needed to do this and tried to come with you. "Ty Lee you must stay, please, and protect our daughter." "But---" "Ty Lee, please. If you get too scared head down to the bunker until I come back. Stay safe, I love you." You say before running out the house to join in the fight between the Fire Nation and Sokka's invasion team. Ty Lee held back her tears trying to be strong for her daughter. "Come on Ming, lets go spend some time in the bunker." "Will mommy/daddy be coming with us?" Ming responded with childlike innocence. Ty Lee smiled down sadly at her daughter before picking her up and walking towards the bunker. "You know how mommy/daddy and I use to tell you story of your aunts and uncles and how they are great heroes?" "Yeah! Uncle Aang can bend four elements!" Ty Lee smiled at her daughters excitement. "Yeah, well mommy/daddy went to go help them." "That's so cool! Mommy/daddy are a hero too!" "Yeah and after they win and defeat the bad guy, they'll come home to get us. And maybe you can finally meet your aunts and uncles." "Awesome!"

The battle had been hard and long. Aang couldn't find Fire Lord Ozai during the eclipse and had to fight him after, during Sozin's comet. It didn't seem like you were gonna win until Aang went into his avatar state and took Ozai's bending away. You watched with a smile as everyone hugged their loved ones before walking over to the Gaang. "Y/n!" Katara yelled before her, Aang, and Toph pulled you into a hug. "We've missed you so much!" You smiled at the three in front of you as you pulled away. "I missed you guys too! We have so much to catch up on!" They all nodded their head in agreement before you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Sokka looking at you with a sheepish smile. "I know when you left we were on a sour note and I want to apologize for---" You cut Sokka off with a hug, surprising everyone. "I've forgiven you for sometime now Sokka. Yes I was very much hurt in the beginning but if stuff didn't happen the way it did, I probably wouldn't be as happy and content with life as I am now." Sokka smiled at your statement before pulling you back into another hug, "I still am very sorry." You smiled, "I know." Now that that bond was repaired, you thought as you turned to look at the girl who had broken your heart. There was another one that needed to be fixed. You took a step forward her, opening your mouth to say her name, when you noticed a movement to the right of her. A Fire Nation general, who was not pleased with the outcome of the battle, had stood up and was in the process of throwing a spear right at Suki, who was too focused on you to notice. Your yell changed from one of happiness to fear. "Suki!" you yelled running full blast at her. She looked at you confused before turning to the right the see what you had seen. Her eyes widened at the sight of the tip of a spear already halfway to her, leaving her no time to dodge out of the way. As she watched the spear fly towards her she felt a sudden push from her front, sending her flying  backwards to the ground. Hearing a solid thunk from where she just stood. 

When the dust cleared, she looked up in horror to see you standing there with a spear sitting in you. It had gone in from your right side and stopped after coming out your left side, you looked like a kebab. Suki watched as the Fire Nation general was taken down after everyone noticed what happened. She watched as you stumbled some before falling forwards, about to face plant on the ground, but get caught by Aang instead. Suki stood up fast and ran over to you and kneeled on the opposite side of Katara, who just kept mumbling no over and over again. "There's too much internal bleeding, too many things have been severed by the spear. Taking it out would just kill them faster." Everyone looked at you with tears in there eyes. They had just gotten you back! You couldn't be leaving them again so soon. "My wife..." You whispered, pain clear in your voice. The Gaangs eyes widen at your statement. "Please my wife and daughter, I want to see them one more time. Its the first house behind the palace, please." Sokka wasted no time before standing up and sprinting away, towards your house. You felt like your body was on fire, "Please move me to sit against a wall, I don't want my daughter to see me sitting in a pool of blood." Katara and Suki nodded at your request before moving you to lean against a palace wall. You grunted at all the movement, feeling pain every time you breathed. It was getting harder and harder to fight your tiredness and you just wanted to see Ty Lee and Ming one more time.

"Y/n! Y/n! Oh my spirits!" Ty Lee yelled, seeing you leaned against the wall. "No..." she said as she kneeled down next to you. The Gaang looked at each other in shock, seeing that you actually had a wife and kid, Ty Lee being your wife no less. Ty Lee had tears coming out of her eyes like a water fall. "No... We were supposed to grow old together, meet our grandchildren, see Ming get married. Have that big wedding party you wanted to throw me." You smiled at her sadly, putting a hand to her cheek and wiping away tears. "I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean for it to end this way. I love you so much." You pulled her into a kiss before looking at Ming, who was hugging Ty Lee and looking at you with tears in her eyes. She had already lost her family and now she was losing half of her new one. "Ming, mommy/daddy has to go away for a while but I want you to know something before I go okay?" Ming nodded, "Watching you grow up has been one of my most favorite things in the world. While I'm gone I want you and mama to take care of each other for me okay?" Ming nodded before climbing into your lap, it hurt a lot but you didn't show it. You wanted to hold your daughter one more time. Ming looked at you with her tears now over flowing, "Are you gonna go see my mommy and daddy?" You never hid the fact from Ming, even though she was 5, that she wasn't originally yours but she had told you that she didn't care and that you would both always be her mama and mommy/daddy. At her question you finally let yourself cry. "I am pumpkin and I'm so so sorry. I don't want to leave you." At this point your had leaned your head on Ty Lees shoulder, who was still kneeling next to you. The rest of your friends had stood around you, looking at the scene in front of them with tears of their own. After a moment of silence Ming spoke up again, "Does it hurt?" You didn't know how to respond, you didn't want to scare her but at the same time the black spots that kept clouding your vision were getting worse and worse. "Yeah." You answered being truthful. Ming grabbed your cheeks with her tiny five your hands, "Its otay to let go mommy/daddy." Her words messing up a little, she was still having trouble with her K's and C's. If you weren't crying before you would have been now. How had your daughter been so mature at such a young age. But with her statement you blink your eyes a couple times to clear your vision. You looked at your friends, who you had just reconnected with and look at Suki. "I forgive you." You tell her not wanting her to feel guilty about what happened after your death. You looked at all your friends, "Take care of them for me, please." You say, talking about Ty Lee and Ming. "Of course y/n." Katara says, holding on to Aang tightly. You smiled at your friends before looking at your family. You lean forward and kiss Ming on her head and kiss Ty Lee on the lips. "I love you both so much." "We love you too." "Love you too mommy/daddy." You heard before leaning your head against Ty Lee's shoulder and letting your eyes close for the final time.

(Bruh I don't even know why I teared up writing this. I didn't tear up when I wrote the sad ending for the Adora x Reader x Catra. But anyways, bad bitches don't cry so I sucked it up. I wasn't actually planning on posting part 2 and 3 of this mini series but I noticed I hit 2k reads and was like f it. I hope y'all liked it.)

(Also I'm on the last episode of Atla, so expect some Lok imagines soon.)

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