Sucked Into The Manga (Book o...

By HerLovelySanity

391K 11.5K 6.8K


Getting sucked in, Literally
The black book thief
Daddy! Mama!
Tears, tea cups and female kisses
Beating you to the punch
Quitting the Host Club!
Kidnapped than blackmailed by twin devils!
Pianos and the Tropical beach trip
lets play miss tough
Cross dressers and The Koyuki sickness
The scary letters
Yuu, you are busted!
Honey gets bitter / Koyuki gets a visiter
Koyuki in wonderland!
Forgiving and Punishing Koyuki!
The day without the host club!
Happy birthday Raingi, just don't touch any mangas!
Not kyoya's; Don't touch the Takashi's
Without Koyuki
Dreams anyone?
Guess who's back!
Their Talk
Planning from the future Mrs.Ootori
Now entering French Chocolate Pastry! (It needs more spice)
Lady French Pastry Toenail
Needs more chocolate
Could this be the end? Part 1
could this be the end? Part 2
Farewell Ouran, hello, who??
Message from Author-chan(PLEASE READ)
Message from the Author-chan. MUST READ!!!

the twins act up... again

17.1K 509 309
By HerLovelySanity

My weekend was over! Noo! I’m at  school and now  back to the host club. Whats today? I feel like something serious happens today? Hmm I don’t know. Something happens, thats all I know.

“Koyuki put this on!” Hikaru and Kaoru demanded. I gave them a confused look. They just rolled their eyes, handed me an outfit and shoved me into a room. Those two are so pushy! Good gosh! I just got here, and their already annoying me. I wanted to see Kyoya before anything! He offered to give me a ride to school this morning but i had to drop my sister off because something happened and I had to be there, which made me a bit late. 

 I did see him at classes but we didn’t really get to talk. We would have talked at lunch but Tamaki wanted to open the host club early. Stupid Tamaki. Oh yeah, the twin pest wanted me to change. I looked at the outfit they gave me. It was a short, one sleeve teal dress with rhinestones on the side. They also gave me knee high black boots, a  white beanie, and a black and gold bib necklace. Why they want me to wear to this outfit, no clue. But I changed into anyways. The dress was actually really pretty. I stepped out of the changed room to see the twins playing a game.

  Which one is Hikaru game. They were talking with Haruhi at the moment. Now I know what today is! Today is the day the twins fight for fun so they can go to Haruhi’s house! Maybe I should call their bluffs. Nah, but I will change the episode a bit. Lets have some fun with this. Wait, cue Tamaki’s flip out over Haruhi!

“Hikaru, Kaoru! When I gave permission to work on the clubs website, I gave you one rule! To take it seriously!”

“We take our job very seriously boss.”

“In fact, we worked on it until dawn.” Tamaki whipped out his computer and flashed a picture of Haruhi shirtless as a boy. I giggled a bit at it.

“Its just photo shopped Tamaki.” I said in a duh tone. He made on O face than something washed a cross his face.

“What about this picture?” He showed a picture of me in a bikini. It wasn’t photo shopped. It was a picture that was in my photo album. The picture was taken last year. My eyes went wide at the sight of it.

“You stole one of my pictures?!” I screamed while snatching the laptop from the twins. They shrugged like it was no big deal. Grr, I’m telling Kyoya. “Does Kyoya know that your posting pictures of me on the website now?” I asked. The looked at each other than back at me. 

“Yes.” My jaw fell to the floor. He knew about this? I straighten up and excused myself to go find Kyoya. I can’t believe he knows that I have a bikini shot on the website! Thats just, no! I’m not even a host! I’m just here to help out with money, and plans. Thats-

 I crashed into something, and fell, landing on my butt. I winced a little to loud. It really hurt. 

“Oh I’m sorry. Looks like we keep crashing into each other, eh Koyuki?” A familiar voice teased. I looked up at the person. I remember that brown hair and brown eyes!

“I guess so Yuu. Hey, what are you doing in the host club?” Why is he here? Thats a bit odd. I didn’t think he was gay. Yuu smiled at me and helped me up. I thanked him quietly.

“ I’m here to see you silly. I haven’t talked to you sense the day I met you in the field. Is that Kyoya still causing trouble?”

“I’m sorry, thats non of your business about what Kyoya is doing. And I apologize for not seeing you but I have been busy here.”

“No guest can see a club member without checking in with me first.” A voice snapped from behind me. Found him. I turned towards Kyoya. He was giving an evil look towards Yuu and had a black aura around him. I placed a hand on his arm and faced Yuu.

“I’m not apart of the host club really. I help with business. So Yuu if you don’t mind, I actually have to have a few words with Kyoya here. Sorry I couldn’t visit. Not that I’d want to visit with you.” I mumbled the last part under my breath. I heard a soft chuckle come from Kyoya. My eyes snapped up to look at him. Had he heard me? Oh oops. I glanced at Yuu. His face was anger red. He glared at Kyoya for a moment, than stormed out of the host room. I was calm for a moment, then I just collapsed to the floor laughing. Kyoya bent over me.

“You do remember your in a dress right ms. Takashi?” He smirked as I bolted up. I straighten out my dress and frowned.  

 "I am not speaking to you Mr. Ootori." I crossed my arms. Kyoya frowned and grabbed my hand from my crossed arms and pulled me out of the host room. I didn't object because i knew if i tried he would probably get Mori to move me. He brought me to an empty classroom. 

"Care to tell me why?" He asked. I remained silent. My eyes roamed to the ground. Kyoya did his famous, placing his hand on my chin, and forcing me to look at him. 

"Tell me Koyuki, please." 

  "Why would you let the twins steal one of my pictures and put it on the website? I didn't think you were like them." I whispered. He was about to say Honey came running out. 

 "Koy-chan, Kyo-chan! The twins are fighting!" Honey cried. Kyoya turned to me, but i was already heading into the host room.

"Sex pixie!"


 "Your mama wears to much make up!" They screamed at each other. Honey was crying over this so i picked him up. i rolled my eyes at the fighting twins.

 "Your mama is the same you idiots!" They stared at me for a moment before shouting, 

 "Thats it! We're over!" They stormed off. Kyoya glared at Haruhi sense he thought she was the cause of it.  

"Its not her fault. The twins are acting. Hey sweetie, would you feel better if you came over to my house and had some sweets?" He nodded. "Is that okay with you Mori?" Mori nodded as well. I smiled and set Honey on his feet. "Haru-chan your welcome to come too. " 

 "What about me?" Kyoya asked.

 "I don't know. You wanna steal some more pictures?" His eyes went wide. I set Honey on his face and went into the back room to change. Arms grabbed me from behind as I finished putting my shirt on. I was about to scream when they turned me around.

  "Are we really fighting Ms. Takashi?" Kyoya asked in a sort of soft tone. I moved away from him. 

  "I'm Koyuki, not Ms. Takashi. Yes we are Kyoya. Though i guess its just friends fighting. Obviously there is nothing between us." With that, i shoved past him and went to Honey, Mori and Haruhi who were waiting in Honey's limo for me. Mori was standing outside and gave me a look. I shook my head and put my finger to my lips to tell him not to say anything in front of honey. He nodded and opened the door for me. I thanked him and slid in next to Honey who was playing with Fu-chan and Usa-chan. I smiled at him. Honey is probably my best friend in this world. He's also like a little brother to me. I've always wanted a brother. 

 "Koy-chan, want to play with me?" 

 "No thanks sweetie. We'll be at my house in a second anyways." Honey smiled at me more and went back to playing.  

"Thanks for inviting me Koy-senpai." Haruhi said. I smiled at her. 

 "Your welcome. We're not in school though, you can just call me Koyuki."

  "But Honey called you Koy-chan.." She looked a bit confused. I shook her off.  

"He's my sweetie, he can call me what ever makes him happy." She smiled and nodded. I felt the limo turn and i knew we were home. I saw my sister on her bike pull into the house just as we did. Oops, was I at the club to late? We all climbed out of the limo. My sisters eyes went wide. 

 "Mori!" She squealed. Mori bent down and opened his arms to her. She leaped up and he placed her on his shoulder. She giggled and ruffled Mori’s hair. I quickly snapped a picture on my phone. That was t-

Incoming call from- Kyoya<3 

I quickly pressed the ignore button and turned to Haruhi. I handed her my phone. She gave me a confused look.

“Hold onto that for me. If anyone calls, tell them this is your phone.” With that I turned and followed the bubbly Honey inside. He was yapping on about something. He was talking to fast, but I’m pretty sure i heard him say something about sweets. That boy was something else. Mori rolled his eyes at honey, but a smile stayed on his face.

“Careful Mitsukuni, you shouldn’t eat to much sweets before dinner.” Mori warned. Oh wow, it is almost dinner time. 

“Would you guys like to go out for dinner?”

“Can we go get some sushi.. oh and some fancy tuna?” Raingi asked. Haruhi’s head snapped around to stare at her.

“F-fancy tuna?” I grinned at her.

“Thats right. Fancy tuna.” Her eyes were wide. “Okay so I guess its settled then. We’ll go out for sushi. Don’t worry Haruhi ill pay for you. Mori, sweetie if you’d like ill pay for you too. You guys might want to go home to change out of your uniforms. Haruhi you can borrow some of my clothes. Raingi, go change.” We all split up. Haruhi and I went to my room, the boys went home and Raingi went into her room.

Incoming call from Tamaki

Haruhi stared at me for a moment. I gave her a thumbs up. She took a heavy breath before answering the phone.

“Yes senpai? No, Koyuki gave me this now. No that doesn’t mean call me all the time! I have to go senpai. Koyuki is taking us out for sushi. Yeah... there was talk about fancy food. Ill ask..” She started to open her mouth when i waved her off. She nodded at me. “Alright senpai you can come, but you have to be good! No calling me you daughter!” She snapped before hanging up. She smiled sheepish grin. I smiled reassuringly. 

“Okay so lets get you dressed.”

Haruhi settled for loose fitting jeans, a red tank top with a red and black stripped button up long sleeve sweater, while I went with a sweat shirt that said bad mood, ripped skinny jeans, my spiky nightmare before christmas sneakers, and a beanie. My sister was dressed in a bunny dress because, well i actually don’t know but it was cute. Sometimes she reminds me of honey. Speaking of which..

  Honey ran from the entrance and straight into my arms. He was smiling wide. I smiled back at him and set him on his feet.

“You look good Koy-chan. Why does your shirt say bad mood?” 

“I’m not having the best day sweetie.” I told him. He made an O face and ran over to Haruhi.

“Haru-chan! Haru-chan! You look pretty!” Honey cooed. She smiled and thanked him. Mori opened the door for all of us. I nodded as a thank you and headed into the building. I saw Tamaki already at a big table. I went to wave to him, when I saw Kyoya sitting a cross from him. I dropped my hand and started to turn around when Mori grabbed me and pulled me over to the table. I grumbled a few cuss words at him. He smirked and placed me next to Kyoya. Honey and Mori sat next to me, while Haruhi, Tamaki and Raingi sat on the other side.

“Thank you for letting us join you Koyuki.” Kyoya said. I just glared at him, than went back to my menu. I actually wasn’t hungry so i wasn’t planning on eating anything.  Kyoya sighed and went to writing in his black book. I should have brought mine too. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so awkward right now.

“I’m so hungry, i could everything!” Raingi joked. I gave her a soft smile.

“You order what ever you want Ms. Takashi, I will be paying tonight.” Kyoya said with a slight smile. She grinned and went over to check out the menu. “oh and Koyuki, here.” He slid a box in front of me. I stared at it before slowly opening it. I let out a gasp. Everyone stared at me. Kyoya let out a small chuckle. 

“What’d he get you Koy-chan?” Honey asked. I held up the small box and showed everyone. It was my glasses! I didn’t have to wear contacts anymore! Kyoya leaned close to my ear. His breath tickled my neck.

“So, are we still nothing and still fighting?” He whispered. I slipped my contacts off, and glasses on, and walked out the door without a word. I knew someone would bring Raingi home for me. 

~Next day~

Today was the day the twins had the blue and pink hair. Sense i don’t care much fighting lately, i called Haruhi this morning and explained to her about the twins evil plans. Right now, I was on my way to the twins early. They were probably still sleeping so this plan might work. I pushed down my puffy black dress one last time, and adjusted my new glasses before knocking on the big door. I smiled slightly at the memory of being kidnapped and dragged into her to try on dress. 

  Twin maids opened the door for me. One was frowning, while the other had a slight smile. I’m guessing she remembered me.

“Ms. Takashi nice to see you again. May I help you with something?”

“Uh yes.  May I see Hikaru and Kaoru please?” The twin girls glanced at each other for a moment before nodding and stepping aside.  

“They are still sleeping but I guess you can go see them.” I gave a quick thank you and hurried off to their room. The door was slightly opened so I peaked in. Just what I thought. The pink and blue hair boys snuggled together in one bed. I gave an grin and took a picture before shouting,

“Awe what a cute couple!” The twins quickly woke up and fell out of bed, and stared at me. I waved at them. “Morning boys! Time for school! Oh and I suggest this little act ends now. Or else this picture is sent to everyone in the school. Plus, my phone automatically puts the date on pictures so-”

“Get her!” Hikaru screamed. My eyes went wide before I spun on my heel and ran out of the room. Wait crap I’m in heels! I instantly fell to the ground, twisting my ankle in the process. The twins jumped on me and partly my phone. I heard it make a click sound. Uh oh, someones being called. 

“Give us,” 

“That phone.” Kaoru finished for his twin. I shook my head.

“Never! Now get off me you cows! This is rape! You twin rapist!” I screamed back. They stared at each other, than looked back at me.


“Yes! Get off I think I broke my ankle! Ouch this hurts!” I cried. The twins and i jumped when we heard we heard the front door slam open and foot steps running towards us. I tried to get off the ground sense they were off me, but my ankle hurt to bad. 

“What do you morons think you are doing to Koyuki?!” Kyoya snapped. The twins stared at him for a moment before running off to their rooms. Kaoru stepped on my ankle so I winced from the pain and started tearing up. Why did it have to Kyoya that I called? This just wasn’t fair! I swear, luck is not on my side right now! Kyoya bent over and picked me up.

“Again Koyuki, your in a dress. But before you get all snappy, are you alright?” My bare skin burned where his hands touched. Why does he have such a big effect on me? 

“I..I’m fine..” I stuttered. He sighed and brought me out to his limo. I tried get out, but he tugged on me. I fell back into his arms. My cheeks burned. 

“Koyuki, please I want this fighting to-” I put a hand over his mouth.

“Just stop Kyoya. We both know you don’t have time for what I want, and we both know this fighting will never stop. Now please, just lets have a quiet car ride.” He removed my hand from his mouth, and placed it on my lap. He scooted away from me and stared blankly out the window. I bit my lip and stared down at my lap. This fight maybe was pointless but i knew I had a point on the whole wanting different things. As much as I was in love with him, it’s time to stop. 

~At school~ 

I had almost every class with Kyoya today I avoided him as much as I could. It was lunch time. The twins never started fighting, so they got the same food, so Haruhi didn’t get to switch her box lunch with the twins, but i did make her come in with me and I ‘accidentally’ spilt all of Tamaki’s so Haruhi offered to share with him.

“Ms.Takashi.” Kyoya greeted. 

“Drop dead.” Oh thats another thing. I’m sort of acting like a witch. Actually, change the first letter of witch to a B and you have me.

“Well, someone is awful.” Kyoya muttered. I faced him and glared.

“At least I’m not the shadow demon thing!” I snapped back while pushing up my glasses. His face soften for a minute then went back to being rough.

“At least I’m truthful!” That startled me. He knows? When did this?.... Kyoya and I stared back at each other. Honey jumped between us and and held up his Bunny sumo sign. 

“I’ve had enough of this fight!” Hold the phone, he’s pulling the line he used on the twins, on Kyoya and I? Thanks a lot sweetie. Way to be original. He pulled out a big cake.

“Kyo-chan, Koy-chan, I want you to make up and go half on this cake! But i want some to.. so we have to go thirds. T-”

“I don’t like sweets!” Kyoya screamed at Honey. 

“Don’t scream at him! He’s only trying to help!” I shouted at him. Honey was still debating over the strawberry.

“Well he shouldn’t even be in this! Stop treating Honey like he’s a baby!”

“I don’t treat him like a baby! I treat him like a little brother!” Mori quickly snuck over and scooped up honey.

“Your only making it worse. Leave them alone.” He told him.  Tamaki instantly ignored us as well and started cooing over Haruhi’s lunch she made. So, i really have changed the episode. One of the head teachers came in and asked us to move our argument somewhere else. So, Kyoya and I walked all the way to the host room, fighting. Well, he walked, I wobbled cause of my ankle. This wasn’t the best day here.

 I could seriously be doing other things. Like maybe being a normal student? Or figuring a way on how the hell I’m going to get home. Though, I don’t want to go home now. I think i’d miss Ouran to much. Plus everyone here. Its not an easy thing to part with once you get sucked into it. Ha.. literally. I was sucked into the manga.

“You think your perfect don’t you Ms. Takashi?” 

“No if I thought i was perfect, I’d really be just like you! Thats the last thing I want! I want nothing to do with you!” I screeched.

“Really, that wasn’t how you felt when you kept kissing me.” He smirked. My jaw slightly dropped. He did not just go there!

“Why don’t you go to hell!” I raised my hand, ready to slap him when Haruhi ran over to us, and smacked us on the head. I fell down to my knees. My dress made a puff around me. Kyoya stayed up, but rubbed his head. How did Haruhi reach him? He’s way taller than her.

“Enough you two! We’ve all had enough of you guys! Koyuki senpai, you keep making your ‘sweetie’ cry over this. Kyoya, what the hell has gotten into you? You never act like this! Now I suggest you two make up or.. or..”

“Koyuki will be fired, and Kyoya will be banned for a month.” Tamaki piped in. Haruhi thanked him and went back to us.

“Yeah, we’ll fire you Koyuki and ban kyoya for a month.” My eyes widen. They wanted to fire me? Wait... I made my sweetie cry? I stared down at the floor. Suddenly that was the most interesting thing to me. I took my glasses off and let tears run from my eyes, and slowly drip down my face and mix with the ground. I wish my hair would grow back already. I need my long hair. 

 I think these tears are for Kyoya mostly though. I am still in love with the big idiot. As much as I screamed at him, I love him. I only want to be with him.

“We’re done fighting. I wouldn’t let you fire Koyuki, besides you all need us both. Honey is fine too. Right?” Kyoya asked. Honey ran over to me and hugged me tight.

“Don’t cry Koy-chan! We aren’t really going to fire you!” Honey cried.

“I’m not crying over that.. I’m crying because I’m in love with Kyoya.” I whispered. I heard a slight gasp, and instantly I was picked off the ground into arms. 

“So, we do want the same things.” He whispered to me as he started leaning in. I closed my eyes and leaned the rest of the way. Our lips touched and I felt my face burn. I missed him so much. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he turned me so I wasn’t bunched up. We continued to kiss until the twins blurted out,

“So more dramatic then us.” Kyoya and I pulled away and glared at them. Our black auras once again swirled together. The twins gulped and his behind Haruhi.

“Take her, she’s a commoner!” They cried. We rolled out eyes at them.

“Shut up. And with the fight you had, you two really need to stop acting up.”

“We just wanted to go to Haruhi’s house.”

“Alright fine.” She muttered. They cheered and danced around. Kyoya leaned down and kissed me again. 



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