The Inventor of Vale (RWBY x...

Oleh Codestar4673

102K 1.5K 931

Everyone knows about the weapon shop called Imagination Weaponized, it's where nearly everyone goes to get or... Lebih Banyak

V1 Chapter 1:The Shining Beacon
V1 Chapter 2:An Old Face
V1 Chapter 3:Initiation, Start!
V1 Chapter 4:Battle for the Pieces
V1 Chapter 5:First Day Fights
V1 Chapter 6:A Day Out
V1 Chapter 7:A Troublesome Day
V1 Chapter 8:In the Forest of Red
V1 Chapter 9:Straying Debates
V1 Chapter 10:Black, White, and Grey
V2 Chapter 2:Reflecting Opinions
V2 Chapter 3:A Major Problem with Paint
V2 Chapter 4:Extra Help
V2 Chapter 5:A Much Needed Talk
V2 Chapter 6:A Dance to Remember
V2 Chapter 7:Mission Ready
V2 Chapter 8:Exploration
V2 Chapter 9:Tunnel Vision
V2 Chapter 10:Hidden Glow
V3 Chapter 1:The Tournament Begins!
V3 Chapter 2:Truth
V3 Chapter 3:Answers
V3 Chapter 4:Unofficial Brawl
V3 Chapter 5:On Deaf Ears
V3 Chapter 6:Battle of Beacon
V3 Chapter 7:Aftermath
V4 Chapter 1:Anguish
V4 Chapter 2:Revelations
V4 Chapter 3:No Where Else To Go

V2 Chapter 1:Food Fight

3.5K 57 58
Oleh Codestar4673

In the streets of Vale, Y/n and Skylar are walking around. Skylar turns to Y/n.

Skylar:So, what are we looking for again?

Y/n:It's this book store called Tukson's Book Trade. I know the owner, but I haven't been there in a while.

Skylar:Oh yeah I remember that place now. How do you know him?

Y/n:I know most store owners.

The two continued walking and turned a corner where the book store should be, only to police all over the place.

Skylar:That seems bad.

The two rush over. As they do, a cop steps in front of them.

Cop:Woah woah woah, this is a active crime scene! No one else is allowed here.

Y/n:Can we at least know what happened here!?

Cop:Look, you kids shouldn't concern yourselves with-

Skylar:We are not just kids, we're hunters in training!

Cop:... And that changes my opinion how?

Y/n:Please sir, I knew the owner. Did something bad happen to him?

Cop:(sighs)... Look, I didn't say this, but the owner was killed.

Y/n:Killed... How?

Cop:Shot in the head. We don't know by who, but we're looking in to it. Now, you two run along.

The cop turns and walks back to the scene, leaving Y/n thinking.

Y/n:Who would do that?... Why would someone do this?...

Skylar:Y/n, we better head off to Beacon.

Y/n:Yeah, let's go.

The two turn and walk back to the launchpad. As they go, they didn't notice a figure observing them from afar, his purple eyes watching them as they go.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n and chibi Skylar reading a book

The next day, teams RWBY and JNPR are in the cafeteria. Everyone is sitting down and eating, with Ruby being nowhere to be seen. Blake appears to be writing in a notebook, until Yang looks over her shoulder, surprising Blake.

Yang:Whatcha doing?

Blake:Nothing. (closes notebook) Just going over notes.

Yang leans to her other side, which is where Y/n is, who is also working in a notebook.

Yang:What about you?

Y/n:Oh! Uh- (quickly closes notebook) Just working on some, blueprint stuff. Nothing much.

As he finishes talking, a grape heads strait for Yang, who catches it in her mouth.


Nora, the one who threw the grape, laughed and launched another with her spoon. Yang still caught the grape and ate it, giving Nora and thumbs up. Everyone's attention was soon caught by a huge binder getting slammed onto the table by none other than Ruby. On the binder was 'Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee', but was scratched out in red marker and instead was now, 'Best Day Ever Activities!' Ruby clears her throat as she looks at everyone.

Ruby:Sisters! Friends! Weiss.


Ruby:(ignoring her) Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.

Yang:This oughta be good. (catches another grape)

Ruby:A dream that one day, the five of us would come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!

Weiss:Did you steal my binder?

Ruby:(doing peace sings) I am not a crook.

Y/n:Wait, didn't you gals do this In the previous volu- I mean when you found my shop?

Ruby:That was last semester. This semester will be kicked off with a bang

Yang:I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?

Y/n:Yang, how much do I have to pay you to stop making jokes?

Yang:No amount of money can make me stop my awesome jokes!

An apple hits Yang's head which was thrown by Nora. Nora boos Yang for her joke while Yang growls back.

Ruby:Look guys, it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule series of wonderful events for us today.

Weiss:I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store.

Yang throws and apple back at Nora, but misses, making Nora laugh at her.

Y/n:I mean, it can't be that bad... Right?

Blake:I don't know. I think I might sit this one out.

Weiss:Sit out or not, I think I will we spend this last day we should do it as a team.

Y/n:Whoa, that's new. Fake Weiss alert!

Nora:(off screen) I got it!

Weiss:Make fun of me all you want Y/n, (stands up) but I for one think that-

Suddenly, a pie hits Weiss's face, cutting her off. As the pie falls off, RWBY looks over at JNPR to see Jaune, Skylar, and Pyrrha with shocked expressions, Ren face-palming, and Nora pointing at Ren hoping to pass the blame. It wasn't long before students around them noticed what happened, and two words started a war.

Random student:Food fight!!

We now cut outside to see Sun with a blue-haired boy walking up to the along the cafeteria to get inside.

Blue hair:Man, that's harsh.

Sun:So then the three of us were fighting side by side, and she was super fast while he was shooting at everyone and then I threw a banana at a guy, which sounds gross but it was awesome!

Blue hair:Nice!

Sun:Right? And the best part is, they're both faunuses! But her being a faunus is a secret, okay?

Blue hair:Got it.

Sun:And not a "I'm going to go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back" secret! I'm talking secret secret!

Blue hair:Woah, chill out man, okay? I got it. I got it.

Sun:You better.

Blue hair:What about the other one?

Sun:Y/n, nah he's fine. Everyone knows he's a faunus. But I just don't want to screw this up. The people here are the coolest. No offense to you guys.

As the two walk past the windows, they don't notice the massive food fight going on inside. Utensils went everywhere, food was throw at everyone and everything, even Jaune was launched into a window, smacking against it before sliding down.

Blue hair:None taken.

Sun:Okay, they're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them, so be cool, okay? You're going to be cool, right?

Blue hair:Dude.

The blue haired boy folds his arms and smiles, his teeth shining as he does.

Sun:Good point.

The two finally enter just to see majority of the students running out of the room. They look across the room to see Nora on a pile of tables, her hands on her hips and laughing evilly.

Nora:I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

All the way back across the room, Ruby slams her foot on a table, making the food, dishes, and trays fly up and back to the ground. She points to the opposite team with one hand, while holding a milk carton in the other.

Ruby:Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! (squeezes the carton, making milk go everywhere) It will be delicious!

She raised the carton in the air as the rest of the team pops up from behind her and raises their fists as well, all yelling "Yeah!"

Nora:Off with their heads!

Nora jumps off of the pile and lands in front of a pile of watermelons. All of team JNPR starts to throw watermelons at RWBY.

Ruby:Yang! Turkey!

Yang runs forwards and flips to put turkey on her hands, mimicking her gauntlets. When she stands back up again, she punches the turkeys together, then starts to destroy any watermelon that went to her. She flips backwards to dodge some melons, then charges forward, destroying more. Blake flips over her and grabs two baguettes, and the two charge together, destroying more melons. Yang launches her turkey gauntlets and they both hit Jaune, nocking him over. Blake charges at Pyrrha and the two start to battle. Y/n picked up two baguettes and rushes over to help. He stopped when he nearly ran into a carrot that flew past him. He turned to see Skylar holding another baguette with a stack of carrots next to her. The two enter a standoff, waiting for the other to move.

Y/n:You know, you won't be able to do anything if you just stay there.

Skylar:Then why don't you take the first move.

Y/n:I'm feeling generous today.

Skylar:Ah hah hah hah! Do you really think you can beat me! I'm the one who trained you!

Y/n:And I'll use that training against you!

Y/n rushes forward, making Skylar smirk. She puts down her baguette and begins to throw carrots at Y/n. As he runs at her, Y/n flips and rolls to dodge the carrots. Y/n gets close enough and strikes, only for Skylar to block it last second with her baguette. She breaks the hold and attacks back, the two now engaging in a melee fight. Skylar slashed at his legs to Nick him over, making Y/n flip over her and attack her back, making her stumble. He continues his attacks, getting some hits in while Skylar blocks the rest. Before he had her cornered, Skylar found and opening and took it, kicking Y/n back. Before Y/n could stand properly again, Skylar hit him with her baguette, launching him into a table, breaking it in halve. As he lies on the ground, Ruby ran up to him and kneeled next to him, sitting him up.

Ruby:Y/n! Not you too! Get up, please!

Y/n:Go on without me Ruby... I'm done for... Bleh.

Ruby:Y/n! Nooo!

Ruby lays him down and stands up, a determined look on her face. She gets into a running position and takes off across the room, every food, tray, soda can and everything else behind her. She burst into rose petals, making her go faster. As she passes the member of JNPR, they also get picked up and dragged away by the wind Ruby is making. Ruby stops right in front of the wall, making in crack in a spider's web pattern. All of JNPR fall into the wall, getting stuck as they do. She jumps out of the way as all of the food and sodas finally catch up with them, making the wall different colors and covering JNPR. When it's all over, they slide off of the wall, colorized and defeated. Back at the doors of the room, Sun stood there, somehow not effected by the food, with a smile on his face.

Sun:I love these guys.

He looks over at the blue-haired boy, who wasn't so lucky and was covered in grape soda. The doors to the cafeteria swung open, revealing an angry Glynda. She stops some food from coming at her, before launching it back and then fixing the room by putting back all of the tables, even fixing the table Y/n smashed in halve. Once she was done, she looks at the two teams who caused it.

Glynda:Children, please. (pushes up glasses) Do not play with your food.

The two teams sit at some table, both covered in food, and don't say a word, until Nora burbs loudly, making everyone else flinch. As if that wasn't enough, Yang falls through the ceiling, smashing a table to bits as she lands. Everyone looks at her in worry, before they all start to laugh together. Ozpin enters the room and walks up to Glynda, puting a hand in her back.

Ozpin:Let it go.

Glynda:(sighs) They're supposed to be defenders of the world.

Yang stands up laughing with the rest and gives a thumbs up to show that she is fine.

Ozpin:And they will be. But right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, (starts to leave) it isn't a roll they'll have forever.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n trying to break one of the baguettes

In the middle of the night, in a warehouse where no one suspects it, White Fang soldiers are seen offloading crates from a bullhead. From outside the warehouse, two figures begin to walk towards it, both wearing long black trenchcoats. The two enter and head to the back, where Roman was looking over a map. He look over his shoulder.

Roman:Ah Leroy, what a surprise. Does your boss finally have a answer?

???:Well yes, I do.

Roman jumps a little, not realizing that he was there.

Roman:How long have you been here?

???:I'm not here to mess around Roman. Now, are you going to explain what is happening, or shall I use this favor you owe me for something else?

Roman:Okay, okay, just give me a second, will ya. Now, I don't have full details, but-

Roman noticed two other figures entering the warehouse. He smirked and turned back to them.

Roman:Well actually, can you two step to the side first, I need to see where these two have been.

The two oblige and step to the side, just fast enough so the other two don't see them. They were a male and a female, the male with grey hair and a black and grey jacket, while the female had green hair.

Roman:Oh look, she sent the kids again.

He walked over to them and wrapped his arms around their heads.

Roman:This is turning out just like the divorce.

The two push him off as he walks back to the table.

Green:Spare the thought of you procreating.

Roman:That was a joke. And this (pulls out paper) just my tell me where you two have been all day.

Green:What? (searches pockets)

Roman:I'm a professional sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something. Why do you have this address?

Green:Wouldn't you like to know?

Roman:Yeah, I would. Now, where have you been all day?

Grey:Cleaning up your problems. One of them at least.

Roman:I had that under control.

Grey:Two pack bags in a ticket out of Vale says otherwise.

Roman:Listen you little punk, if it were up to me I will take you and your little street-rat friend here and I would-

???2:Do what, Roman?

Everyone turns up to see a woman with black hair and a red dress using a flat elevator to get down.

Roman:Hahaha, I'd uh... Not kill them?


Cinder starts to walk towards the group, and looks to Roman.

Cinder:I thought I made it clear that you were to eliminate The would-be runaway.

Roman:I was going to!

Green:He was going to escape to Vacuo. Mercury and I decided to take it upon ourselves to kill the rat.

Mercury:I think you was some sort of cat, actually.

Green:What, like a puma?

Mercury:Yeah, there ya go.

Cinder:Quiet. Did I not specifically instruct you to to keep your hands clean while in Vale?

As she says this Roman quietly laughs at them.

Green:I just thought-

Cinder:Don't think. (Roman slices his neck with his finger) Obey.

Green:Yes ma'am. It won't happen again.

Leroy:Wow, she's strict, ain't she.

The four turns their heads to Leroy and his boss, most of them surprised.

???:... Leroy.

Leroy:Yeah, shutting up now.

Cinder:And you are?

Roman:Oh, these are the two I've told you about. That one is Leroy, and the other calls him self, Grim. I've work with them before, well Leroy really, but they are good.

Mercury:Grim, is that your actual name?

Grim:No, I just rather not give that information out.

Cinder:So, you're the ones that want to help us destroy Beacon.

Green:How can we trust him if he won't even give us his real name.

Grim:Says the brat that can't follow simple orders.



Emerald backs down, glaring at grim as she does.

Grim:That's what I thought. So, am I in.

Mercury:What can you even do?

Mercury hears a growl behind him, causing him to turn. Once he does, he flinches, seeing 5 Alpha Beowolfs with dark purple fur appear from no where.

Grim:Does that answer your question?

Cinder:Summoning Grimm, like the myth... You may assist us. Do exactly as I say, and don't try to cross us, understood?

Grim:Yes, understood.

Cinder:Good. Now you. (look over at Roman, who nervously laughs) Why wasn't this job done sooner?

Roman:Uh... Eh? (motions to crates beside him) Ehhh? (motions to more boxes on the other side of him) EHhhhhh!? (motions to the giant containers further behind him) Sorry if I've been a little busy stealing every speck of dust in the kingdom!

Mercury:You're an inspiration to every punk with a gun and a ski-mask.

Roman:Look around kid. I got this town running scared. Police camping out at every corner. Dust prices through the roof. And we're sitting pretty in the old Warehouse with more dust crystals, vials, and rounds then we know what to do with. Speaking of which. If you guys wouldn't mind filling me in on your grand-master plan, it might actually make my next string of robberies go a little smoother.

Cinder:Oh, Roman. Have a little faith. (walks up to Roman) You'll know what you need when you need to know.

Cinder stares Roman in his eyes. As he look, he sees her eyes start to get brighter, and looks away.

Cinder:Besides, we're done with dust.

Roman:Okay. Then what now?

Cinder:We're moving. Have the White Fang clear out this building. I'll send you the details and coordinates tonight.


Cinder: we're moving to phase two. Leroy, Grim, stick with Roman and get ready to help when we ask you to.

Leroy:You got it.

Cinder walks away, Emerald and Mercury following. Roman reaches into his coat and grape a cigar. He reaches for his lighter, but realizes he doesn't have it. He hears a click and look up to see Emerald holding it. She sticks her tongue out and closes it, walking away. She soon bumps into something furry, making her look up to see and Ursa looking back at her.

Grim:I suggest you give the lighter back, brat.

Emerald clicks her tongue and throws the lighter at Roman, who catches it. She goes around the Ursa, which starts to disintegrate, and catches up with the other two.

Roman:Thanks for that.

Grim:No problem. I'll be waiting for details.

Grim starts to leave, with Leroy behind him. Once they walked outside of the warehouse, Leroy turns to Grim.

Leroy:Uh boss, are we really going to listen to that women?

Grim:Just play the part for now, Leroy. Our time will come.

The two continued walking of into the night, blending in with the shadows.

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