My Knight

By LillianneYoung

156K 7.3K 554

Edited: 07/28/24 Hell's Reaper's Book #3 Dakota O'Kane, a name that's been around the world. Spending years d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Digger's POV)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Digger's POV)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Digger's POV)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Digger's POV)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Digger's POV)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Digger's POV)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Arctic Storm

Chapter 6

4.2K 176 5
By LillianneYoung

Edited ~

Sun blinds me through my closed lids as I lay still met with the confusing scent of grime, oil and dust. What in the- Blinking my eyes rapidly I glance around before dropping my head as the events of last night come back to the forefront of my mind. Oh yeah, my fantasy wasn't just a dream. The rugged features of a man are peaceful with sleep, arm strewn behind his head in sleep. One perfect fantasy. I spot the time and mentally curse as realization dawns, I can no longer hide away from my annoyances in life.

No, it's time to face the music and keep it pushing. Sitting up I wait for his second arm to release his hold on me, slipping it from my waist to hug the pillow I had been using. I take note of the sparsely decorated space, from barren walls to bare necessities. Ok, good, he's a bachelor. I hope. The last thing I need right now is to be shacking up with a man already spoken for. Would be my luck as of late.

I can't help but roll my eyes at the thought as I slip into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. No feminine products out in the open, so I'll take that plus. I splash water on my face and scrounge a bit of toothpaste to finger brush my teeth; it's not the worst I've had to resort to. Emerging from the bathroom I stop to admire the prone figure passed out in bed, the blankets long forgotten at the foot of the bed. He takes excellent care of himself.

He's not a Hollywood stunner by any means, doesn't have a clean if not well manicured beauty. No, he's more rugged, a lumberjack that fends for himself kind of beauty; rough around the edges. But stunning all of the same. I have to force myself out of staring at the man to find my bra, nearly growling at the offending dress. I'm not putting that thing on again, it should be burned. The sight of a pale blue button up makes me light up with joy, this will work just fine for me.

The shirt reaches my thighs after shrugging on and buttoning up, mostly decently. It covers the important bits after all. Slipping silently from the bedroom I make sure to grab my heels, pausing as I spot the notepad on the fridge, I leave a note. 'Hey Cowboy, you kept your word. You gave me one hell of a ride. I hope you don't mind, I stole a shirt. If you ever need a ride, hit me up.' Leaving my phone number; part of me wonders if he'll ever give me a call. Last night was fun, I hope he does.

The logical part of me doubts that he will. The man probably has some common sense and will turn the other way. With a sigh, I head out of the apartment and down the steps into the now lit garage. The fairly neat space has faded oil and grease stains in the concrete, tools mostly kept to stations and cars stationed on lifts at varying heights. So this is what he's done with it all, interesting. The heavy side door swings closed behind me as I bee-line towards my truck ignoring the odd glance from members as the early birds mingle about.

Once in the safety of my truck I glanced at my phone, having thought to put it on silent before I hunted after my night of fun. The coming weeks are going to be brutal. I have no doubt I'll be faced with a lot of shit in the coming weeks, from the typical wear and tear, to Kevin. I won't hold back if I see his ugly mug ever again. I may have some self-restraint, but I know I won't be able to keep my hands to myself if he appears without witnesses.

Kevin has left an array of messages and phone calls, along with Susan and my mother. I can't deal with this right now. Letting my truck warm up I turn up the radio and roll the windows down in an effort to wake me up more. I need a coffee before this nonsense. Driving through town I can feel the eyes boring holes into the side of my head as gawkers from last night show no doubt start to spread some kind of rumor. The joys of a one horse town where everyone knows your business.

No matter how much I try to avoid the bullet I dodged of ending the engagement, my thoughts continue to circle the drain of the events leading up to it. What all did I miss? There's a cold dead weight in my chest, I know I made enemies last night. But they made a bigger enemy in me. My knuckles turn white as I think about Kevin, he better pray to only run into me in town. I won't hesitate to send him on his way with new holes in his rear.

Focus, you're home, you have to pay attention to work now. Shutting off my truck I get out, the door slams behind me. "Where have you been all night?" Ryan questions with a soft chuckle in his voice making me roll my eyes as I turn to look at him.

"I know you ain't dumb enough to need an explanation," I throw the comment over my shoulder as I climb the steps to the house. At least it's just Ryan. This is the first time I've ever done something as wild as this. Not saying I didn't enjoy it, I can't lie. Once in my room I discard the heels and strip off the shirt, tossing it to my bed before I head for the shower, opting for a cold one to start the day. I need to get my head on straight.

After I towel off I dress in my typical fashion of worn jeans and a sweat stained tank top; braiding my hair back into my normal dual braids. With my boots on I slide my wallet, phone and knife into their respectives places. Sliding my belt on with my holster I add the familiar weight of my Sig and all is right once more in my head. Habit has me stroking over the cool metal reassured by the textured grip. With my work boots on I head for the kitchen hunting for my morning cup of coffee and bagel.

I stare over the scenic view that is our land, lush rolling pastures dotted with a variety of colors. I'll never get tired of this. Spurs jingle with each jagged step, glancing over my shoulder I meet his stare over the rim of my cup as I take another swallow. "What the hell was last night?" He questions as he pulls a drag from his cigarette with his bland stare. No getting around this.

"I went to go talk with Kevin when I overheard him on the phone; I didn't get the whole conversation. I heard Kevin say that after we got married that they'd both get what they wanted. He said that he understood Mr. Callgarey; Papa I ain't stupid, I know that name and who it's attached to. I've done my own research from when we first started getting offers from those damn vultures," I scoff taking a bite of my food as Papa's brow arches. "There ain't a reason for Kevin to be saddling up with the likes of him."

There's no reason good enough for him to side with vultures. The fact that he said after we got married is enough of a cause for concern. What the hell is Callgarey giving Kevin that's so good? What's the golden promise to make an enemy out of me? "I know who he is- I just can't figure out why Kevin would do that," Papa sighs, shaking his head to rest his elbows on the counter, watching me.

"I don't know Papa," I shrug, staring at my mug feeling my heart steel. What target has been drawn on my back now? "All I know is Kevin is in the past. I don't want to see his slimy ass again. I'm sorry- I know you wanted us to work out." He looks up with a frown, shaking his head as he strokes over his gray mustache.

"Kota, don't apologize," he sighs, shaking his head, letting it hang in a defeated manner. "I wanted you to be happy, I don't want you spending your life alone. I was wrong in pushing you so hard to get married; I took the first opportunity and ran with it. I know now Kevin didn't fit you at all, not him now. He doesn't make you as happy as I pictured in my mind." His words make me smile before I give him a cheeky wink.

"Then I guess we're both idiots," I laugh with him as he shakes his head amused with me.

"What kind of trouble did you find last night?" The question makes me grin as I think about Digger. Might want to leave some details out for Papa's sake.

"I found myself at the Reaper's Dig, had a few drinks and some conversation with a man- I think you'd like him." He did seem like a character- had the calluses to prove it too.

"What's his name?" He frowns at the name of the bar. I can already hear the barrage of questions now.

"Digger," I answer watching as a brow shoots up before he shakes his head with a muttered grunt.

"That's a stupid fucking name," Papa snorts making me laugh.

"He's the Enforcer in the local MC, I'm guessing it's his road name," I offer, watching as his lips purse for a moment before he shakes his head, hands in the air.

"You always were attracted to rebels- be careful with that will ya?" He warns with a pointed finger making me smile as I raise my hands, watching as he retreats, his spurs offer their normal theme song for him with each step. He took that a lot better than I thought he would. With my thoughts back on Digger it makes me wonder how he got saddled up with the MC, what his story is. One thing at a time, it's not even like he's called you- you're being desperate.

Rinsing my mug out I heave a breath, it's time to get my rear to work. As much as I may wish the work would just finish itself up, that's not a possibility. My eyes scan over the list of horses on my training list, marking the ones scheduled for today. The shrill ring of my phone makes me glance at the number, growling seeing Kevin's name displayed. You have some nuts boy. "You better have one hell of a reason to be calling me," the petty part of me makes me answer.

"Dakota, baby, what was last night about? I don't know why you blew up, at the rehearsal dinner of all places! You're ruining my rep-" Kevin goes off and I want to reach through the phone and choke him.

"You have no fucking right to be talking to me like that. I'm done with you, we're done. Don't you dare come around the property, if I see you I will fill your ass with lead. Don't call me ever again," I hang up, seething as I block his number. I have no reason to talk to that slimy bastard. Releasing a painfully slow breath I shove my phone back in my pocket grabbing the halter for one of the longest residents of my training program. A tri-color quarter horse paint that has been in for a year now, Harley. Boy will he be a pretty boy when he's done.

Harley will be my personal horse, he's too good of a horse to sell off. I spot Ryan with two other ranch hands, Devon and Tommy chatting as they lean against the fence. "You're looking bright eyed and bushy tailed," Ryan laughs with a knowing grin. I chuckle as I take up a spot beside them, arms propped on the wood fence.

"You know me, I ain't ever down for long. Ryan shakes his head as he looks over the land, eyes scanning the empty pasture.

"Kevin pulled a magic trick on ya, didn't he?" Tommy remarks making me shake my head.

"That spell is done and over with. If he shows up, I'm kicking his ass and that's being polite on the matter." I hate that he pulled the wool over my eyes. Kevin has effectively destroyed my trust and respect for him. He won't like to see what happens when I'm left alone with him.

"What do you want us to do?" Devon asks as he sips his water with a curious stare.

"He made his bed- he can lie in it. We have no part in his life now, as far as I'm concerned the man is dead. Ignore him, you don't need to start shit with that scumbag," I give a pointed stare to the three. As much as I admire their undying loyalty and their desire to fight for my honor or whatever other noble thing they can think of. It does warm my heart. "I have to get to work, behave boys," I warn them, earning their laughter.

I head out and collect Harley, brushing him off and cleaning his hooves before I tack him up and head to the round-pen, surrounded by a mental clarity as I focus on what I love. "Come on Harley, let's get to work." He stomps his hoof and snorts, making me chuckle. Sassy horse, just like me.

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