By longnightcal

126K 1.6K 369

Just a bunch of glee preferences. Not every character will have their open preference for every scenario as s... More

// How You Met //
// Song He Sings For You //
// Their Nickname For You //
// When Your Baby Cries //
// Your Glee Club Bestie (based on your bf) //
// He Gets Hurt //
// TEEN PREGNANCY - Telling The Father //
// Small Male x Reader Preferences //
Your Favourite Photo of Him:
Your Favourite Photo of Him:
Your Favourite Photo of Him:
Your Favourite Photo of Him:
Your Favourite Photo of Him:
Your Favourite Photo of Him:
LOVE // Jesse St James
Competitor's baby // Sebastian Smythe
Suggestions? πŸ’–
Sam Evans // Bus
// PROM NIGHT // Sam Evans
Competitor's Baby // Pt. 2
//Songs glee should have done but didn't / couldn't//
Competitor's Baby // Part 3
Suspicious // FUINN + PUCK
// PROM NIGHT // Sam Evans Pt 2.
"I never forgot" // Sam Evans // For @-CRIHONEY
Oneshot for @just_a_random_girl99
I Miss You // S. Evans
Panic Attack // J. St James
Be Mine // R. Meeks
Prom? // M. Chang Jnr
I Miss You // S. Evans (Part 2)
Movie Night // F. Hudson (Mature)
Prom // M. Chang Jnr
Stay The Night // B. Anderson + S. Smythe
Familiar Face // J. St James
Secret // M. McCarthy
Christmas With your family // F. Hudson
Please Don't Tell // M. McCarthy
Hey guys!
Familiar Face // J. St James (Part 2)
Secret // M. McCarthy Part 2
Please Don't Tell // M. McCarthy (part 2)
suggestions plz
Whoops Baby // S. Evans
Shy // N. Puckerman
First Time // J. Hart
Please Let Me //J. St James
Our Secret // F. Hudson
Marry Me - J. st James (short)
You're My Home / S. Evans (short)
S. Evan // Whoops Baby [SHORTS]
After Graduation // J. Puckerman

Competitor's Baby // Part 4

1.4K 37 12
By longnightcal

The months after graduation were hectic. Kurt was so unsure about what to do with himself after being rejected by NYADA, and your mum was still going nuts about Finn's decision to go off and join the army like your dad. Luckily, you had good reason to escape to Sebastian's house to get away from all the madness. It was amazing that Finn, Kurt, and Blaine were talking to you again, but you did wish that they would give Sebastian a chance – especially since he was the father of your child. However, everything changed when Finn left, and Kurt went off to New York, and Blaine and Kurt broke up. You didn't have either of your brothers around anymore, and every attempt you made to make contact with Blaine was left unread. The best part though was that it meant that you got to spend every night with Sebastian, alternating between his house and yours.

Five months into your pregnancy, Finn returned home. He was rarely at home though, so you still had Sebastian around all the time, and you. Found that as long as you kept them apart from each other, it was okay. Sebastian was always really respectful because he understood why Finn didn't like him, but that didn't stop Finn from running his mouth any chance that he was given.


"You know, I'm not happy that he's hanging around here all the time." Finn says, emerging from the Kitchen into the hallway after you walked Sebastian out so that he could go to lacrosse practice.

You don't reply, just roll your eyes and start walking to your room.

"I'm not kidding." Finn continues, following you to your room. "I know that he says that he loves you, but I still think the guy is bad news."

"Finn stop, I don't want to hear it." You spit back, honestly annoyed that Finn couldn't even pretend to be okay with Sebastian for your sake.

"I'm just trying to be honest with you, you're my sister."

"Yes, Finn. I am your sister, and as my brother, don't you think that maybe, just maybe, you could try a little harder at pretending to support me? You keep saying that family means so much to you to justify you being stupidly overprotective of me, and awful to Sebastian but Finn, he is my family." You cry, throwing your phone onto your bed, not event thinking about how it could bounce on to the floor.

"No, he's not."

"YES, HE IS FINN! He is the father of my child and I love him. You and Kurt left me here, with no one but him so he became my family, so do not think that you can just waltz back in through those doors and start making decisions about my life."

"Fine. I've already lost everything, what does it matter if I lose you too?" Finn shouts, clearly getting emotional about his breakup with Rachel.

"Finn." You whisper, calmly, all anger leaving your mind when seeing how upset he is. "I know that you're upset about Rachel breaking up with you. But you know that you're never going to lose me. Unless you keep acting crazy."


"Heyyy." Sebastian says, sitting down on your bed. "Can we talk? I was thinking about something that I wanted to get your opinion on."

"Yeah of course." You smile, sitting down next to him and crossing one of your legs with his.

"I was thinking," He began, resting his hand on your thigh. "After the baby comes, we should live together so that we can support each other, and so that I can see our child without having to worry about Finn."

Finn must have heard his name while walking past your room because he stopped outside to listen in – completely unbeknownst to you.

"Where would we live?" You ask. "because it'd have to be somewhere where we have our own space. I don't really want to leave here just to go live with your family."

"No, that's totally understandable. Are you against the idea of my parents helping us though? Mum and I were talking, and then she and dad spoke, about it and we had an idea."

"Well, no, I'm not against it, I just wouldn't want to feel like I owe them constantly, but I'm open to hearing your idea."

"Well, my parents own an apartment block about 20 minutes from here, and they kept the top floor empty so that when we have family come and stay from interstate, they don't have to worry about paying for hotels and stuff. There are 4 apartments on the empty floor, all cut off from the rest of building with a security system, and my parents have agreed to let us live in one, for almost nothing."

"Almost nothing?" Your jaw almost hits the floor.

"Yeah, well they pay for the whole building's water, and we wouldn't have to pay for rent but I said that we would pay for our electricity bill, so that it wasn't a complete handout."

"Oh my God, I love that idea-"

Before you have the chance to finish your sentence, Finn barges in.

"(Y/N), you're not going anywhere." He spits, making Sebastian tense up.

"Excuse me?" You spit back at Finn. "Who gave you right to make my decisions for me?"

"I'm your brother, you're so young, someone has to look out for you."

"Finn, we are literally the same age. We're twins. Sure, you were born first but that doesn't make you my 'older' brother. We are both old enough to make our own decisions."

"You don't know what the world is like, you can't just move out."

"You know what Finn?" You say, standing up and walking towards him slowly. "It's this kind of behaviour that keeps getting you into these shitty situations. If you could just stop pretending that you know better than everyone for just five minutes, maybe Rachel wouldn't have broken up with you, and I wouldn't have to be so angry at you. I am going to move in with Sebastian, so that I can live with family who love and support me unconditionally – which is something that you can't seem to do."


Later that night, while you and Sebastian were laying in his bed, after escaping your house so that you didn't have to deal with Finn, neither you or Sebastian could sleep.

"I'm sorry, baby." Sebastian whispers, running his hand along your sad face.

"It's not your fault that Finn's a jerk." You reply, grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers through his.

"I know, but if I hadn't made so many bad choices, then maybe he wouldn't have a reason to be so mad."

"hey," You say softly. "You've apologised, you've changed, but he's the one who can't move forward and that's his problem."

"I love you." Sebastian says, kissing you softly.

"I love you too." You reply pulling away. You go to roll over to get comfortable again to try and sleep when you feel something. You put your hand to your stomach gently, and you feel it again. It's your baby's first kick. You grab Sebastian's hand as the baby kicks again, and his eyes go wide as he feels it.

"Oh my god." He says. "That's our baby."

"I know," You reply, tears of joy brimming your eyes.

"I can't for us to all live together and be a family."

"Me either."


Three days before your due date you received the worst news of your life; your brother, Finn, had been in a horrific car accident and had died upon arrival at the hospital. When your mum called you and told you, you immediately dropped to your knees and started sobbing, as one of the most important people in your life was gone.

You didn't speak to anyone for two days after that. You just sat in your room and thought about all of the time you spent being upset with Finn and how the two of you were only just starting to get back onto good terms. Sebastian had no idea what to do because he wanted to give you space but also hated the idea of you being so sad and alone.

"Hey," He says, sitting at the end of your bed and putting his hand on your ankle. "I know that you're not okay, and that there isn't anything I can do to make it better, but I need you to know that anything that you need, anything that you want. We have only a short time left until the baby comes and I know that it's going to be hard, but I'm here for you 100%."

Your eyes begin to water again. You had run out of tears before but now you seemed to have found some more.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry again."

"N-No, it's not you. Th-Thank you, I love you. I-I j-just miss him so m-much."

"I know you do, (Y/N), I wish there was something I could do."

A few moment later Sebastian get's up and walks out of the room. He comes back in a moment later.

"Hey, I'm about to go and garb some groceries, we're kind of running out of food." Sebastian says, standing at the door of your bedroom, shoving his car keys in his pockets. "Do you want anything in particular."

"Um, can you one of those cake things from across town? I know it's a bit of a drive but-"

"Yeah, no problem. Anything you want my love. If I'm going across town and getting groceries, I'll be a couple of hours. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it'll be fine. I'll call you if I need you."


An hour later, your contractions started. You figured that they would be slow since they had just started, but they very quickly became strong and very frequent. You had called Sebastian almost 10 times, and he hadn't answered. You called your mum and she immediately left work to be with you while you kept trying to call Sebastian. Eventually he answered and immediately turned around and headed straight home.

Only four hours later, you and Sebastian were in the hospital, looking down at your baby boy sleeping in your arms.

"He's perfect." Sebastian whispers, looking down at his son with the deepest love, clearly written across his face.

"I know." You whisper, before looking up to the sound of the door opening.

"Sorry to disturb you guys," the nurse says apologetically. "We just have the paperwork here for all of his details. There's no rush to fill it out so I'll just leave them here."

"Have you thought about what we should name this little guy? Sebastian asks as the nurse leaves the room.

"Um, I love what we picked out already for his first name still but I was wondering if maybe we could add a new middle name to the list of ideas." You reply, still looking down at your son.

"What is it?" he asks.


"Oh, (Y/N), of course. I love that."

"Okay, well that settles it then. Gabriel Finn Smythe, I love you so much already."


Hey guys!

I'm sorry it took me so long to upload this, the idea kind of changed a bunch of times so it was kind of hard to finish. I really hope you like it!

Much love,

Will xo

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