Secret // M. McCarthy

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You glance over your shoulder, to make sure no one was following you, and then a second time to be sure, before slipping into an empty classroom. The rush from sneaking around never fails to make you dizzy, but you are grounded by the smiling, curly-haired boy who sat before you on a desk, his legs swinging like a child. You and Mason had been going out for almost three months, but you had to hide it, especially from Madison, because you knew that she would not take it well, and it would just become so much more complicated than it needed to be. This meant that you spent all of your time together sneaking around in dark empty classrooms and doing things in secret – which was fun but also tiring.

"Hey you." Mason smiles as you approach, before snaking his arms around your waist and kissing you softly.

"Hey," You smile, between kisses. "I've missed you."

"I just saw you in biology?" Mason giggles, looking down at you sweetly.

"Yeah, but you were sat on the other side of the room with the guys," you sigh. "It's not like I actually got to spend time with you."

Mason sighs, "I'm sorry. I know it's difficult, but I just know that if Madison found out, she would flip right now, but I promise you we can tell her soon okay?"

"How soon is soon?" You ask, resting your hand on Mason's shoulder.

"Soon enough." He smiles, before kissing you again.

"Okay." You smile.

"In the meantime," Mason says, reaching into his backpack. "I've got something for you." He pulls out an envelope, with your name written across it in his messy handwriting, and hands it to you.

"What is it?" You ask, your face lighting up.

"It's nothing crazy," He chuckles. "It's just something that you can keep on you for when we can't spend time together so that you always know how I feel about you."

You open the envelope to find a handwritten letter from Mason.

"Read it later." He whispers taking your hands. "We've only got a few minutes until we have to leave this room. Tell me about your day."

"I don't want to talk." You sigh, sitting down on the table, next to Mason. "I just want to sit here..." You rest your head on his shoulder. "Like this, and just pretend that we can be a normal couple."


You slowly open the door of the classroom, looking left and right to make sure that no one you knew was around, before slipping out and walking to the cafeteria. You get your lunch and sit down with the glee girls, who were all wondering where you had been.

"Oh, nowhere, I just had to stay back and talk to the teacher." You lie, hoping that no one would question you. "I'm just having a bit of trouble with the assignment."

"You are having trouble with a biology assignment?" Jane laughs. "I find that hard to believe."

"Yeah," You sigh, wishing you could be honest. "I'm not as familiar with this topic."

"Has anyone seen my brother?" Madison asks, suddenly changing the subject. "He left biology class before I had the chance to meet him there, and I just need to make sure he's okay."

"No, I haven't seen him." Jane says.

"Me neither." Kitty follows.

"(Y/N)?" Madison asks, snapping you out of a haze you didn't even realise you were in. "Have you seen him?"

"Oh um, n-no," you stutter. "I haven't seen him."

"Hmm," Madison sighs standing up from the table. "I'm going to go look for him. He mustn't be okay if he left class so quickly."

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