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At first, he didn't really know how to react. He had vowed to stray from violence when you got together but he was so angry. Not only because they hurt. You but because of how it made you feel about yourself. So instead, he was there for you emotionally, as much as you hated him seeing your cry. However, he was only able to remain calm for so long. As soon as he witnessed it firsthand, he had to do something about it.

As he left his geography class, he looked down the hall to spot you at your locker as it was down the same corridor, but instead of being met by your smile, he was met by football players hovering over you shouting abuse.

"Hey!" He yells, striding towards you, before stepping between you and the bullies. "Back off."

"Jake, i-it's okay." You mumble, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Leave. Her. Alone." He speaks, through gritted teeth.

"Or what?" One of the football players laughs.

As soon as Jake went to speak, coach Beiste emerged from around the corner and told them to move along once he realised what was happening.

As soon as they were gone and you had assured coach Beiste that you were okay, you collapsed into a mess of tears into Jake's chest and he simply stood there and held you tightly until you felt better.


It was even harder to tell Puck about you being bullied because it happened online and was easier to keep a secret. However, when it struck while you were spending the night at Puck's house, it became really hard to hide.

"Babe, turn your phone off." He whispered, planting kisses down your neck. "Just ignore it."

"I c-cant." You replied, faking a smile.

He kept trying to get your attention but knew something was up when he had tried almost everything and you were still staring down at your phone, now with tears in your eyes.

"Hey baby," He says, his voice soft and calm. "What's wrong."

"i-It's nothing." Your voice trembles.

"Babe, you're crying, it's not nothing, let me see."

You know that it would be harder to explain away so you toss your phone lightly into Puck's hands and watch his face as he reads the awful messages.

"How long has this been going on?" He asks, his voice stern but still soft.

"A-About 3 months." You say, knowing that it is going to break his heart that you kept it a secret for so long.

"Are you serious? 3 months?"

You nod.

He turns your phone off and doesn't return it to you, instead pulling on his jacket and grabbing his car keys.

"W-Where are you going?" You ask, worried.

"No one hurts my baby girl and gets away with it." He says. "I'll be back."


Ryder took it really hard when he found out that some of the girls on the cheerios had been bullying you because he felt as though he didn't know how to help since it always happened online or in the girls locker room, or generally when he wasn't around. At first, he was hurt that you didn't tell him, and then he felt like it was something that he had done. However, once he did everything that he could to try. And get the girls to stop including talking to Mr Schue, and even Kitty with hopes that her cheerio status may help – which it did sort of, he realised that more than anything you needed someone to be there for you emotionally and support you when you were upset.


"Babe, why can't I see your face?" He asks as you answer the facetime call. You and Jesse lived kind of far away from each other as he lived close to Carmel high while you obviously lived close to McKinley.

"I just don't feel like it tonight." You lie, hoping that he wouldn't think anything of it.

"Can I please just see your face for a second? Then you I won't ask you again. I love seeing your face."

"No, Jesse. Not tonight." You say, harshly, which wasn't your intention.

"I'm sorry." He says, sounding sad. It's silent for a second.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"Um, it was alright." You reply, your voice sounding sad and empty.

"A-Are you sure? You're not really acting like yourself."

"Yeah, it was... fine." You whisper, knowing that the pause had just completely unravelled any chance you had of keeping Jesse unaware of your situation.

"I want to be there for you, and I can tell that something is not right."

"Okay, fine," You sigh. "But you have to promise not to absolutely flip out."


You hold your phone up to your face which reveals a dark blue bruise on your cheekbone and a scratch along your face. Jesse gasps, and a tear falls down your cheek.

"It was some girls from school... I'm sorry."

Jesse suddenly hangs up the call, leaving you shocked and confused. However, after about half an hour, your doorbell rings – it's Jesse. He hugs you tighter than he's ever hugged you before, and then he takes you back up to your room and you talk through what's going on while safe in his arms.


Hey guys,

I hope you're doing well even though this is a bit of a shit time in the glee world. 

Hopefully I can write a bit more before I go back to Uni.

Love you all so so much,


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