Whoops Baby // S. Evans

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It had been a month since Sam had returned to New York, and you missed him like crazy. However, you were making plans for him to move to LA, where you were and things were really starting to look up. You spoke on the phone every day and it really felt like he was there – until you crawled into bed at night... alone.

You wiped another tear from your face as the sound of Sam's voice through the phone filled your ears. You lay in the dark under your covers, clutching your pillow as your knuckles went white as you were determined not to let Sam notice your cries. Suddenly though, you were launched out bed as your stomach flips and you land on the bathroom floor to empty your stomach. Sam can hear the sound of you throwing up but knows you can't hear him so just sits there quietly worried.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asks as you return to your bed, this time with a bucket next to you.

"Yeah," you say, unsure. "That was so sudden. I didn't even sick until the moment it happened."

"That's strange." Sam says, and you can tell that he's still worried.

"I'm sure it's nothing." You say, trying to reassure both Sam and yourself. "Maybe just dinner not agreeing with me."

"Yeah." Sam says, his voice trailing off. "I reckon sleep would help you feel better. So I'm going to let you sleep."

"O-Okay baby," you say, thrown by Sam's sudden desire to go. "Good night."

"Good night baby girl." Sam's voice shakes. You can tell he's sad.

"I love you." You whisper.

"I love you."

A week had passed, and you were still getting random bouts of nausea and sickness. You had managed to hide it from Sam for now, to not worry him, but you were worried that something serious could be wrong. However, that was until you passed the pads and tampons in the supermarket and realised that your period was extremely late. A whole three weeks. You threw some pads in your basket just in case but then headed a few shelves down to the pregnancy tests and picked one up. As much as you didn't really want it to be true, the rational side of your brain knew it was possible and that it would be better to find out now.

You couldn't think straight from that moment and could hardly remember what you came to the shop to buy. So, you decided to pay for the items you had in the basket and walk back to your dorm with your almost empty bag. The minute you got back to your room you went straight to the little bathroom. You slid the door closed, even though you were the only one in the tiny dorm.

Your knee went up and down as you took the test – the nerves setting in immediately. The three minutes of waiting felt like agony but as soon as they were over you couldn't bring yourself to look. Suddenly, you yank the test off the bench and bring it up to your eyes. Two lines.

Before you can think, you're looking at flights to New York. Sam was meant to be come out to LA in two weeks to apartment hunt with you, but this couldn't wait. Luckily you had saved up some extra money working overtime, and you purchased a ticket for a flight that left in two hours. It was on the cheapest airline, but you were willing to sacrifice legroom to not sleep alone that night.

As you sat anxiously in the Uber to the airport, you texted Blaine and told him that you were on your way to New York and asked if he and Kurt would be okay with you staying for a few nights. He texted back a yes immediately but then your phone rang. Since you were still 5 minutes from the airport you picked up.

"Hey, what's with the sudden trip?" Blaine asks. "Is anything wrong?"

"No," You say, unsure whether it's a lie or not. "I've just been having a hard time without Sam and just need to see him, and you and Kurt."

"Aw okay." Blaine says. "Well you are welcome here anytime."

"Thanks Blaine." You smile. "But do me a favour. Don't tell Sam that I'm coming. He'll worry too much."

"You're probably right." Blaine sighs, which worries you a little. "He's been struggling without you."

You want to dive deep into the conversation but your uber turns into the airport so you tell Blaine that you have to go before exiting the uber.

The flight was chaos. You were able to keep your lunch in your stomach, but it wasn't easy and after only a few hours your legs had begun to cramp like crazy. You can't help but run as you head to the exit, eager to get to your boyfriend. You hail a taxi who takes you straight to the loft. You almost run up the stairs too, but something stops you as you go to knock on the door. What if you had flown all this way only for Sam to reject you and this baby?

You spiral down this rabbit hole for a moment before your thoughts are interrupted by your phone ringing. It was Sam, so you suddenly knew what to do.

"Hey babe." You say, answering the call.

"Hello my love," He says, sounding deflated.

"What's wrong?" You ask immediately.

"Nothing," Sam chuckles at how quick you are. "I just miss you."

"Aw I miss you too Sammy." You smile, before knocking on the door.

"Hold on." Sam sighs. "Someone's at the door."

"Okay." Your voice trails off before the door of the loft slides open.

Sam's face lights up as his eyes meet yours and he pulls you in for the tightest hug possible. After a minute you try and let go and he only grabs you tighter.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, still with his arms around you.

"I couldn't wait two weeks to see your face." You speak. This is when he lets you go, only to swiftly grab your face and kiss you passionately.

"I want to see this face every day." He says, staring into your eyes. "I can hardly wait."

As you walk into the loft, realising that Kurt and Blaine were out, you take Sam's hand and lead him to the table.

"There was one more reason I decided to make the trip so suddenly." You say, and Sam's face drops.

"What is it?" He asks, suddenly very worried.

"It's okay." You say, "I'm not dying." But this doesn't put Sam at ease.

"Sam," You whisper. "I'm pregnant."

Sam stays quite for a short while. "It's mine?"

"Of course!" You say, fighting the urge to be offended by the question. "That night you came back to visit me in LA, when we didn't use a condom."

Sam smirks, thinking about that night, which makes you chuckle.

"Anyways, I know it's a bit of a whoops moment, but I couldn't tell you over the phone, and honestly couldn't bare another night without you."

"A whoops baby." Sam smiles. "Our whoops baby."

You laugh at Sam, pulling him in for a gentle hug, kissing his cheek softly. "Our whoops baby."


Hey guys!

It's been a hot minute but I hope you enjoy this!

Let me know if there are any imagines I've written you want additional parts for, because I love a series :)

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