// When Your Baby Cries //

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Finn: You groan as you hear your daughter Eva crying through the baby monitor. You go to push yourself up when you feel Finn's hand on your back.
"Stay." He says, "I've got this."
You lay back down, and shut your eyes. "Thank you."
A few minutes later the crying stops and is replaced by Finn's sweet voice singing sweetly to your daughter.

Puck: You were both very new to parenting. While he had some experience with Beth, it wasn't the same, now that you had a baby that would cry at 2 in the morning just because she felt like it.
"Whhhhyyyyy?" He groans.
"I got it." You say, getting out of your bed. You walk down the hall to your daughter's room and pick her up, trying to work out what's wrong.
It had been a few minutes and she was still screaming, and you were starting to get stressed. You didn't want to ask Puck to help because he was up so many times last night so that you could sleep.
"SSShhh." You say, stress and tiredness evident in your voice.
"Give her to me, Love." He says, quietly behind you. "You have to be at work early tomorrow."
You were hesitant to hand her over but it became easier as she began to calm down in his arms.

Sam: He usually would freak out when your son would start crying because he absolutely hated him being upset. Sam felt helpless.
"(Y/N), he won't stop." He would say, getting worked up.
Sam was trying so hard to help you, when he really just needed to go back to what he did best. You disappeared for only a second, making him freak out even more. You came back in with his guitar.
"Swapsies?" You asked, smiling.

Blaine:  Blaine would always get up for your son, no matter how many times he would cry at night. You would go to get up, but he would always tell you to stay. However, you never got much more sleep because he would always bring your son back to your bed, and you could never get to sleep because the sight next to you was just way too cute.

Joe: When your baby would wake up crying in the middle of the night, he would get up, and work out what was wrong, and if he couldn't work it out, he would put them back in their crib, and either sing 'you are my sunshine' to them, or he would pray, and it was your favourite thing.

I loved Joe btw. Samuel Larsen is a hotttttttttie. I loved him on the Glee Project, and I LOVED him on Glee.
Much Love, Will x

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