Prom // M. Chang Jnr

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When the day of the prom rolled around, everything seemed to be going wrong. Your hair just would not curl like you wanted it to, and no matter what you did and how much your mum disagreed, you didn't like your makeup at all. When it came down to the last hour of getting ready, you really just wanted to call Mike and tell him that you couldn't go, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. As you wipe away a tear, your phone buzzes and the screen lights up. You try to ignore it but then it buzzes again – It's Mike.

'I can't wait to see you tonight. You're going to look stunning :)' The first message reads, which brings a weak smile to your lips.

'I'll be leaving mine in about 40 minutes to pick you up. We're going to look fly walking in together.' The next message reads.

All of a sudden you jump to your feet as you realise you don't have long to get ready since he doesn't live far away. You fix up your makeup so that no one can tell that you've been crying and give curling your hair another quick go just to tidy it up. You don't feel like it's perfect, but it's the best that you're going to get. Your mum helps you into your long gown, and then rushes downstairs when the doorbell rings, leaving you to put your shoes in. Thankfully it was just your dad at the door, and he had come over to see you in your dress before you left.

"Can you two get all your negativity out before Mike gets here please?" You ask, as you walk down the stairs.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Your mum says. "Your father's the negative one."

"Oh please," Your father sighs rolling his eyes. "Don't be like this now."

Very quickly your parents start yelling at each other, loud enough that you almost don't hear the doorbell.

"Hey!" You yell, and they fall silent. "Time to knock it off." You then turn and open the door.

"Hi." Mike smiles, looking you up and down.

"Hi." You reply, grinning.

"Y-You look stunning." He says, sounding almost breathless.

"You scrub up alright too." You joke, before quickly adjusting his collar.

"Are you going to let the poor guy in?" Your mum says from the living room.

"O-Oh yeah." You say, not taking your eyes off Mike. "Come in."

Mike steps into your house, and even though he had been there before, this time felt so different. He greets your parents, like he has a million times, but it also feels different – It's a good different but certainly something you hadn't experienced before.

"Doesn't she just look stunning?" Your mum says to him, and his eyes fall back to you with a smile.

"Yeah." He says, exhaling deeply. "Stunning."

"See honey," Your mum turns to you. "There was no need to have a meltdown."

Your cheeks instantly flush bright red, "I did not have a meltdown."

Your mum throws her hands up in surrender, knowing that if she said anymore you were going to lose it.

"Ooh, I'm just going to run upstairs and grab my purse." You say, and Mike nods nervously – knowing he's about to be left alone with your parents.

"You kids have fun tonight." You dad says, crossing his arms. "But not too much fun."

"Oh (Y/D/N)," Your mum chimes in. "They're young adults, let them have fun. We had fun when we were young."

Mike stands there awkwardly, watching the stairs and waiting for you to come down. Thankfully, you weren't long, and you were soon back downstairs.

"Sorry if they said anything weird." You whisper. "I have no doubt that they did."

"It's fine." Mike chuckles quietly.

"I was just saying..." your dad begins.

"Oh here we go." You and your mum say in unison.

"...That you kids should have fun tonight, just not too much fun."

"Oh God." You say, turning away from Mike. "We're going now."

"Oh, just let me get a picture of you two together please." Your mum says, pulling her phone out and putting on her glasses. Thankfully she only takes a few photos and then the two of you are off to breadstix for dinner with the others from the glee club.


Once you got there, you were so glad that you changed your mind and actually went because you were having the time of your life dancing around with your friends. Even in a long dress and high heels, you couldn't help but go all out with your dancing as you all laughed at each other and your terrible dance moves.

"I'm so glad that you're here." Quinn says, as the song you were dancing to finishes.

"Yeah, me too." You smile. "Thanks for talking me into it."

"So, what's the deal with you and Mike?" Quinn then asks, looking across the room to him and Sam joking around by the drink table.

"I don't know," You sigh. "I feel like we kind of talked about liking each other when he asked me to prom, but we haven't really talked about it since so I don't really know how to move forward from here."

"Girl!" Quinn exclaims. "Just kiss him. Then you'll know."

"No way." You yell, thankfully there was loud music playing so no attention was drawn to you. "I can't just do that. No way."

"Well," Quinn smiles. "Then I guess you'll never know." She then rolls away in her wheelchair.

Later in the evening came the time where everyone slow dances with their dates, but Mike was nowhere to be seen. You were sat at a table all alone, playing with the ribbon of your corsage, until you heard a voice – Mike.

"May I have this dance?" He asks, holding his hand out for you to take.

"Of course." You smile, standing up and following him out onto the dancefloor.

"You know (Y/N), I wasn't messing around when I said that you're the girl that I like." He speaks. "I don't know how you feel but- "

Before Mike can finish his sentence, your lips meet. He kisses back immediately, and fireworks explode in your head.

"I guess that answers my question." Mike giggles, before kissing you again.


"I had a really great time tonight." You say, grinning from ear to ear. "Thank you."

"Me too (Y/N), I'm so glad that you changed your mind about going." Mike says, taking you by the hand and leading him towards his car, but you stop before getting in.

"This night will always be so special to me," You whisper, before slowly leaning in and kissing Mike again. "I won't ever forget it."

"Me either." He says, before hugging you tightly, and planting a kiss on your forehead. "But you know, the night doesn't have to end here..."

"What do you mean?" You ask, intrigued.

"Well, there's no pressure, but my parents are away on business this weekend, you could always come stay the night..."

"Hmm." You smirk.

"...Only if you want to, and there doesn't have to be any funny business..." Mike continues, before kissing you again.

"I have one condition." You giggle, causing Mike to raise an eyebrow. "Can we have donuts for breakfast from our favourite place?" You ask, shooting him your saddest puppy dog eyes.

"Oh my gosh," Mike giggles. "You are ridiculous."


Hey guys,

I'm slowly working my way through my list, so if you've requested something and it's not up yet, it will be soon.

Much love,

Will xo

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