Christmas With your family // F. Hudson

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You could sense Finn nerves as soon as your dad's SUV pulled into your aunt's driveway. After two years of dating, he was finally going to experience one of your extravagant family Christmases. A huge smile spreads across your face as you nudge your younger brother awake, as your aunt and grandma stood on the front porch waving their arms.

"We're here!" You squeal, turning to face Finn who was sitting to your left. He doesn't say anything but offers a soft smile and squeezes your hand. You could tell that he was worried, but you were confident that he would have no problem getting along with all of your family.

"Hey," You whisper, as your dad and brother get out of the car. "I know you're nervous, but they are going to love you, I promise. Let's go."

"Okay," Finn sighs. "I hope so."

As soon as you and Finn get out of the car your grandma rushes over. At first you think that she's coming to give you a hug but she immediately bypasses you and goes straight over to Finn, linking her arm with his.

"Don't worry about that now," She says, signalling to the bags in the trunk of the car. "Come inside, have a cookie." Your grandma may be small but she manages to haul Finn inside without a hesitation, leaving you and your dad laughing quietly to yourselves.

After you and your dad carry your bags into the hallway, you walk into the kitchen to find Finn and your grandma sitting at the table with a plate of cookies. They go quiet as you walk in, but they both have smiles on their faces, so you know that nothing is wrong.

"Hi Grandma." You smile, leaning down to hug her, before going over and sitting on Finn's lap. You knew it was unnecessary, but this was the first year you weren't alone at a family holiday event, so you were going to spend every moment you could attached to him for everyone to see.

"Hi dear." Your grandma says. "Finn and I were just talking. It seems you have a very nice boy on your hands."

You let out a soft chuckle, before burying your face in Finn's neck.

"I'm glad you think so." Finn says, before discreetly poking you in your side causing you to laugh.

"You two seem so happy together," Your grandma gushes. "It's nice."

"We are very happy." You smile, as your aunt enters the room.

"Well, you'll be even happier when you see the room, I have put you too in." She says, signalling for you to follow her. The two of your leap up and follow her down the long hallway and up a flight of stairs, to the guest bedroom. You had never been allowed to sleep in the guest bedroom before, since it was usually reserved for adult family members. Of course, you were now an adult yourself, but you still felt like a kid.

"I thought since you are finally and adult and you have company, this would finally be the year that you got this big room." Your aunt grins.

"Thank you." You shriek before hugging her tightly.

"You're welcome." She says as you let go. "I brought your bags up already so I'll let you too get comfortable." She then leaves the room, shutting the door on her way out.

You immediately jump on the bed, making Finn laugh, and he quickly follows your lead.

"You have no idea how many Christmases I have dreamed about staying in this room." You giggle. "I know that sounds stupid, but this room is sacred, and I can understand why. This bed is so comfortable."

"I know!" Finn exclaims. "It feels like a cloud."

"Hey," You say after a moment of silence.

"Yeah?" Finn says, turning to face you.

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