Marry Me - J. st James (short)

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With high school graduation still around the corner, although only just, you never would have imagined that Saturday date night would end with your boyfriend Jesse down on one knee asking you to marry him. You stood there, with happy tears brimming your eyes but were absolutely lost for words.

"(Y/N), I've loved you since the moment I saw you, and knew I wanted you to be my forever since I first heard you sing. I know this next little while is going to be incredibly tough as we navigate what our futures look like, but this is me trying to tell you that I'm in it for the long run. No matter what that looks like. You're my forever."

"Say something." He says, after a moment of you standing there. "Please say something."

"Oh My God, Jesse. I love you." You say, wiping away a tear.

"That's not an answer." Jesse says, sounding stressed.

"Jesse, of course I want to marry you." You say, stepping closer to him. "But I want you to be sure."

"Of course I'm sure." He says, without skipping a beat.

"I-I just don't want you to feel like you have to do this, because I'm going to college or because of Finn and Rachel-"

"This isn't about college, and it's definitely not about Finn and Rachel." He says, pulling the ring from the box. "It's about me being so incredibly sure that I want you to be my forever, that I'm willing to lay everything on the line."

You shed another happy tear, which he wipes away with his thumb.

"Please marry me." He whispers, slipping the ring onto your finger. You glance down and the ring looks perfect on your finger, and suddenly this all feels perfect.

"Yes, Jesse. I will marry you."

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