// He Gets Hurt //

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He had gotten in another fight with Rick, the hockey player with the terrible mullet, and this time he was seriously injured.
"Did you hear about Puck?" You heard Sugar say to Brittany, as they were gossiping to each other in the choir room. You're heart skipped a beat as you turned around to face them.
"What happened to Puck?" You asked, demanding to know.
"I thought you would have known..."
"He got into a fight, and was taken to hospital."
You felt your eyes begin to water. 

"ALRIGHT, TIME TO START!" Mr. Schuester called, but you couldn't stay.
You walked towards the door but Mr. Schuester stopped you. "(Y/N), where are you going?"
You broke down in tears,"I need to go see Puck."
"What happened?" Mr Schue asked, instantly becoming worried.
You trued to speak but got choked up, so Sugar stepped in to explain.
When you arrived at the hospital, you ran straight into the waiting room where you were greeted by Puck's mum. 

"Is he okay?" You asked, wiping tears from your eyes.
"Th-They won't say." She replies, hugging you tightly.
A moment later, a doctor came over to speak to his mother.
You were too emotional to pay attention to what the doctor said but you nearly ran down the hall to his room as soon as he said you could see him. 

"Hey babe." He says, wincing as he speaks.
"What happened to you?" You ask immediately, sternly.
"It was nothing." He says. You scoff.
"Nothing? Nothing? Babe, it wasn't nothing."
"I'm sorry (Y/N), I can't help that Rick was being a dick."
You took a deep breath and blinked away the tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
"This is the second time this week that you've tried to fight him."
"Yeah." Puck defend, "and I won the first time." 

"And even after that, I told you 'no more fighting', but of course, you didn't listen."

"But babe, he's a dick, I can't just sit by and let him be that way, and it's not exactly like he listens to what I say."

You go to say something back, but you can't without crying. When Puck notices how worked up you've gotten, his face softens.

"Listen, (Y/N), I'm so sorry that I've upset you," He says taking your hand. You pull your hand away, but he grabs back on to it. "I'm so so sorry."

"Just try and limit the fighting, I don't want to have to see you in here again. Okay?"

Puck smiles and nods, before pulling you in for a small hug, careful not to hurt himself more.


You were in the stands watching the football match with Burt and Carole. Finn had the ball and was just about to throw it to Puck when someone on the opposing team, who was much bigger than him, tackled him right to the ground.

Being Football, this happens all the time, but when Finn didn't get back up, you started to get worried. Coach Beiste and some other game officials went over and ordered someone to call an ambulance, this really made the worry set in.

You, Burt and Carole all went down to see what was happening, and Coach Beiste informed you that the tackle had knocked him unconscious.

By the time, the ambulance arrived, Finn was starting to come too.

"(Y/N)" you heard him mutter, clearly in pain.

The paramedic gave you the option to ride in the back with him, so you did.

He called your name yet again, and you grabbed his hand, "I'm right here."


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