S. Evan // Whoops Baby [SHORTS]

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Morning Sickness

You had expected that at some point in your pregnancy you were going to get sick in front of Sam. However, you did not expect it to be the very day after you had flown to New York to tell him you were pregnant.

You had taken it slow that morning, enjoying the quiet time with Sam while Kurt and Blaine were at school. You weren't too hungry so had only had a few bites of Sam's breakfast before venturing out to get some fresh air. After an hour you were absolutely exhausted, so you went back to the loft for a nap. After only twenty minutes of sleep, you woke up to feel your stomach churn. You realised what was happening and bolted towards the bathroom.

You made it just in time to empty the very little you had in your stomach into the toilet. When you were finished, all you could do was rest your head on your arm and cry. You were only crying for a second before Sam's warm hand could be felt on your back.

"It's okay," He whisper. "You're okay."

He pulls you into his chest where you cry a few more tears and you sit on the ground with him for a few minutes before he reaches up to flush the toilet and helps you up and into the shower.

First Ultrasound

"What are we doing today?" You ask, sitting down next to Sam at the dining table the next morning.

"We are going to the doctor." He says, and suddenly you are filled with worry.

"Are you okay?" You ask, misreading the grin on his face.

"I'm fine," he says. "I just want to be sure that everything is okay with the baby before I tell my parents, so I booked us an appointment for an ultrasound."

"Aw, okay." You smile softly. You thought it was so cute that he had gone to the effort to book the appointment. "How long do we have until we have to leave?"

"Uh," Sam says, looking for a clock. "The appointment is in an hour and a half, but it's only 10 minutes away so we can probably leave in like an hour."

"Okay," You whisper, before kissing him on the cheek and rushing off to the bathroom to have a shower.

Once you're checked in at the doctor's office, you take a seat in one of the scratch cushioned chairs. Sam takes your hand, immediately sensing how nervous you are, and gives it a squeeze. Thankfully you weren't waiting long as the doctor swiftly calls your name and you follow them down the hallway.

Your nerves seem to melt away as soon as you lay down on the bed, but Sam suddenly seems more nervous than you've seen him since Nationals of senior year.

"It will be okay." You whisper taking his hand.

The doctor offers you a reassuring smile before beginning the ultrasound.

You turn to face Sam, whose knee is bouncing up and down as he grows more and more stressed, but a moment later he stops, and he grins from ear to ear.

You turn your head and look at the screen and your eyes immediately travel to the little blob on the screen.

"It's beautiful." Sam whispers.

"Yeah." You reply.

"We made that (Y/N)." Sam says, wiping a tear from his eyes.

"I know, Sam. It's perfect."


Sam had gone into town to grab some groceries, so you decided to let your heavy eyes shut, and took a nap. It was only meant to be a short nap, so you draped yourself across his bed, with your hand resting over your stomach.

You woke to the familiar feeling of Sam resting his head on your chest, but you didn't stir much, only bring your hand up to his head to tell him you were awake.

"You're beautiful." Sam says, running his finger up and down the bump that was slowly but surely starting to show. "Your body is amazing."

A small smile grows along your lips as he takes your hand and rubs it up and down your belly until you fell asleep again.

He's protective of you

It had been a few months now and you had both decided to move back to Ohio to be closer to your family. You were able to transfer your study program and Sam was very quick to start working with coach Beiste. Life was pretty perfect.

One Friday afternoon you decided that you would go and watch the football team, more importantly Sam, in action. Sam was so excited that you were going to come into school to watch him coach, but as soon as you got there, he got really protective of you. He held your hand tighter than usual and placed a firmer hand on your back as you walked up the steps of the bleachers.

"I'm okay Sam," you say to him, smiling though as it was cute that he seemed to care so much.

"I know." He speaks, "I just need to be sure my people are safe."

Sam ushers you into an almost empty row and plants a soft kiss on your cheek.

"Call me if you need anything." He says.

"I'll be fine. You'll be working."

"I do not care." He says, seriously. "You come first, always."

Throughout the night you kept noticing Sam looking up at you while he was stood on the field. You could tell that he was nervous that you were alone in the crowd, but you were fine the entire time, and so grateful to be there to see Sam and the team get their first big win.

Baby Shower + Nursery

You had decided very early on that you didn't want to have a baby shower because it seemed ridiculous to ask people to buy you stuff, and to celebrate the fact that you had unprotected sex. As much as you loved what was growing inside of you – you were determined to do it with as little help as possible. Sam had seemed to have agreed with this idea and never forced it on you.

However, as the baby's due date was growing closer and closer, Sam could see that you were stressed that the nursery wasn't done, and you didn't have everything you needed. So, he decided to call in a few favours to help you out, in a way he knew you would approve.

That Saturday afternoon, you were stood in the almost empty room, which was meant to look like a nursery, in a clean paint smock, completely overwhelmed by the task at hand. Sam had gone to get a few things and you wanted to start without him because you felt like you had a point to prove but you just couldn't.

You were milliseconds from tears falling from your eyes before you hear the front door open and the sound of more than just Sam's voice. A moment later, Tina and Blaine came running in, also in paint smocks, and gave you big hug, which immediately made you feel calmer.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, although being glad that they were.

"We wanted to come and help and celebrate you." Tina smiles.

"Think of this as your impromptu baby shower and build-a-nursery day." Blaine says.

"Aw, you guys." You say, tearing up.

"Hey," Blaine interrupts. "Before you thank us, thank Sam. We wanted to help but he was the one that organised it all. Britney, Santana and Artie are here too, and Rachel and Kurt are organising some food."

"It's gonna be a great day." Tina smiles


Hey guys!

I hope you're enjoying some more parts to this book. I've been working so much and also studying, so it's been hectic. However, I've been taking a few days to chill because I've got COVID lmao

It hasn't effected me badly but I'm staying home to minimise the chances of it spreading x

I'm going to have some more time to write today so let me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to write.

Love x

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