Please Don't Tell // M. McCarthy

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You knew that what you were about to do was risky, but you couldn't take another moment of not knowing. So, when Kitty hands you that CVS bag with two pregnancy tests inside, you rush straight to the bathroom to take them. You take the safe option of going to the bathrooms on the other side of campus, which is less populated, but you knew there was still a risk of getting caught. Kitty offered to stay with you for moral support, but you knew that it was something that you needed to do on your own. You took the two boxes out of the bag and rested them on top of the toilet paper dispenser, before shoving the crinkly plastic bag back into your backpack. Having made it this far without being caught, you knew your best bet was to destroy the evidence off of school grounds where no one could see you. You didn't want anyone to know, or worse an untrue rumour to start if the test came back negative. Your breathing was quick and shallow as you took the tests, and although it was only three minutes, the time it took for your timer to go off felt like a lifetime. Yet, when it finally did go off, you couldn't bring yourself to look at the tests.

You stood there for ages before you finally had the courage to flip the tests over and look at them. Even though you expected it, your heart sank when they were both clearly positive. You and Mason had only been together for six months, and you both still had so much of your life ahead of you. You immediately started to consider all of your options, but with every choice, there were serious pros and cons so you couldn't make the decision on your own. You had to tell Mason, even if it meant Madison finding out, which could just give her a heart attack. You shoved everything into the CVS bag and down into the very bottom of your backpack, before wiping the tears from your eyes, washing your hands, and trying your best to continue your day as if you hadn't just found out that you were 17 and pregnant.

"So, what did it say?" Kitty asks, scaring the daylights out of you as you emerge from the bathroom.

"Woah, Kitty, don't do that." You say, clutching your chest as you catch your breath.

"Sorry," She says. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"How long have you been standing there?" You ask, running your hands through your hair.

"I never actually left when you went in." She says, shrugging her shoulder nonchalantly. "I thought you'd like some privacy, so I didn't let anyone in, and I wanted to know before anyone else."

"Oh, well. Thanks, I guess." You sigh. "Both tests were very clearly positive."

"Okay," Kitty nods. "Do you have any idea what you're going to do?"

"Nope." You whisper. "I have thought about every option, and I just don't know. I think I'm going to have to talk to Mason about it?"

"Talk to Mason about what?" A voice calls from behind you – Madison.

"Oh, it's nothing." You say, forcing a smile in hopes that she won't notice that you've been crying.

"Oh come on (Y/N), it's obviously something." She smiles. "I can see that your upset."

You look over at Kitty who doesn't speak but it's clear that her eyes are screaming at you not to tell.

"It really is nothing," You say, forcing an even bigger smile. "Kitty and I better be off. We wouldn't want to be late for our next class."

You grab Kitty by the backpack and drag her down the hallway until Madison was out of sight and earshot.

"That felt way too close." You whisper. "Had she been around not even a minute earlier, I would have been busted.

"I know right." Kitty whispers back. "If you're going to tell Mason, you have to do so before anyone else finds out because as soon as she knows, it's game over."


"Hey baby." Mason smiles, kissing your softly on the cheek before sitting down next to you in glee rehearsal.

"Hey," You smile softly, finding it hard to keep the smile permanently on your face. "How are you?"

"I'm good," mason frowns, noticing your lack of enthusiasm. "Are you okay? You look super down. In fact, I spoke to Madison before and she said that you looked like you had been crying when she ran into you in the hallway earlier. What's up?"

"I'm fine my love." You say quietly, resting your hand on his knee. "We can talk about it later."

"O-Okay, as long as you're sure that you're okay." Mason sighs, resting his hand on top of yours.

"Absolutely positive." You say, wanting to laugh at the irony, but you knew no one would understand.

You glance over at Kitty who is giving you an inquisitive eye, probably wondering if you had told him, and shake your head.

Throughout the entire rehearsal, you can feel eyes on you, from Kitty, Mason, and Madison. Of course, only Kitty knew what was up, but there were other people now that knew that something wasn't right, and it seemed only a matter of time before things spiralled out of control.  However, you never would have expected just how quickly that could actually happen.

"I know your secret." Madison spits, coming up behind you at your locker before home room. "I know why you were upset yesterday, and why you had to talk to Mason."

"Hello to you too." You sigh, trying not to roll your eyes. "And no, Madison, I would say that you don't know my 'secret' because I don't have one."

"Then how come I saw you throwing out a CVS bag with two positive pregnancy tests into your neighbours bin yesterday?" She cries, her face bright red. "I know you're pregnant."

Your jaw almost hits the floor when she says that, because not only does she now know the truth, you feel as though your privacy has been massively violated.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You say, hoping that you can lie your way out of this situation.

"Yes, you do," Madison yells. "As soon as I suspected something, I had to find out the truth for my brother's sake. So I pulled over to search for myself once you were gone. What kind of sister would I be if I knew his girlfriend was hiding something?"

"A perfectly normal one." You say, bluntly. "You had no right to go through mine, or better yet, my neighbour's trash."

"Yeah, well, you're too young to have baby." Madison chokes, her lip quivering and you can't tell if she's about to cry or explode. "And my brother is too young to throw his life away."

"Madison, get a grip." You speak. "Mason is a big boy, we're practically adults. We'll be fine. Now I'd appreciate it if maybe you could just do me one favour and not tell him about this."

Madison looks you dead in the eye, "I'm just not sure that I can do that."


Hey guys!

I have one more request on my list, and once I've finished that I will catch up on all of my part 2's before starting the next list. It's super crazy to me that I have actually written more for this book than I ever have for anything else. I calculated the other day that I have written almost 40.000 words for this, which is awesome. It's also so awesome how many reads this book has. I genuinely appreciate that so much, and I'm so glad that so many of you seem to like this book.

Much love,

Will xo

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