Tanner's Torment (Kingston Se...

By unknownn2020

320K 9K 743


Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
New book!

Chapter 1

22.3K 463 42
By unknownn2020

** Here we go for round 2! The original story is Tanner's Trouble and to understand this one reading it would be best! I hope you enjoy this because Ellie and Tanner are not done! Mistakes are possible, just like the other one because I'm southern and I use slang language, that's just the way it is. As always I don't own any of the pictures!*


Ellie's POV ( 3 years and a few months after the last book ends)

I'm so tired. I have been working for 11 hours straight and I'm so happy that in a hour I will be finished with my grueling days shift! I just want to have a nice day with my babies, they never see me anymore. I miss them like crazy when I'm here, even though my jobs amazing.

After I left Alabama three long years ago, Charlotte became my home. I finished all of my college classes online over the summer, fall and spring semesters, besides clinicals, to become a BSN a few short months ago. I even passed my NCLEX exam in sixty questions.

I worked my butt off as a waitress for years and I worked here as a medical assistant (mostly because the babies could come with me) so that I had enough money to feed them, buy diapers, and afford my car insurance. I still have my piece of crap Honda, but I can't afford anything else.

Although my apartment was paid for, taking care of Turner my baby boy, and Tatum my baby girl, was the hardest thing I have ever done. Their names were picked out that way because I thought it was cute for fraternal twins and also I knew that they would never meet their father so the T's in their names are for him.

Even after coming here a few years back, I've never seen him again. Our painful conversation that we ended on left me scared and untrustworthy of men.

Anyway, I ended up giving birth on June 18th a few years ago. It was the most pain I have ever experienced but, I'd do it all again just to have my sweet babies at the end of the day.

My labor was 36 hours long, I have never endured so much before, I felt like I was going to die and I honestly just wanted someone with me, thankfully a few nurses were there for me. My vagina felt like it was ripped in half two different times.

I keep them with me most days but today feels different, they are in the free daycare center downstairs for all the employees and I miss them. They have just started developing personalities and their looks and I don't want to miss a moment of it.

Tatum looks just like me, I marked her in everyway, minus her eyes. Her hair is dark brown, and skin's tan, the only thing of her fathers I see is the bright green and hazel eyes that I found so sexy all those years ago until he hurt me.

Turner however looks exactly like his father. He has the dark chocolate brown hair and green eyes as well but, his face structure is just like Tanner. He also has the signature Kingston look that I remember all of the men carrying. There is no way I can deny that Turner's his baby, he looks like a mini Tanner.

I haven't spoke to that family in three years as well, I cut off everyone from my old life, the only person I have spoken to is my dad. He was shocked to find out I was pregnant but he still called and face timed me all the time. He even came and visited a few times at Christmas so I wouldn't be alone.

Brooke was the hardest. I miss her constantly but I know it was for the best. If I ever heard her talking about Tanner I knew I would run back to him. I can't put myself through that again or my babies.

My mom however is still non-existent, I hope she's doing okay. It took me two years to get to this point of acceptance in my life and I'm happy that I've made my life decisions the way I have.

I'm okay with how everything is at this point, I'm just living day to day.

Pulling me out of my thoughts Dr. James, the ER doctor I work for walks up to me. He says "Ellie, how's our patients doing today?"

I smile at him, he's so attractive for a older gentleman, his wife is an Pharmacist in the hospital as well and she's just as gorgeous, "Everyone's doing okay, good as they can be in the ER; I'm actually finishing up this paperwork before I get off at eight."

He says "That's my head nurse!" while walking off towards the main hall. After working my butt of these past few months I quickly got promoted to head nurse. The pay increase has helped me in paying for the babies, you never really understand how expensive it is to raise children until you're the one doing it by yourself.

I didn't even know how much two of everything is, two car seats, two mouths to feed, two bodies to clothe but most importantly two babies to love.

My dad offered money to me times and times again but, I could never take it. I don't believe in taking money without working for it and that was no exception.

Logan, the paramedic on my rotation comes up behind me and starts "I have a patient coming in on the ambulance, he's a big guy so your going to need to prepare a big bed, we think it's a concussion" while walking towards the doors.

I quickly shift into high gear, telling all my ladies what to do. We gather up two twin beds pushing them together and changing the settings for up to 500 pounds. I doubt the patient will weigh that much but seeing everyone and anyone does not have it's limits.

As the doors come rushing open I turn as my pager goes off. It's the ICU upstairs, they probably are wanting information on the woman who was sent there this morning for her heart attack, Mrs. Margo. I remember her coming in a few weeks ago with her husband.

Grabbing one of my RN girls I rattle off, "I've got to run upstairs, I was paged but I need you to settle in the patient and take the vitals before Dr. James get's back in exactly one minute. He was paged by me a few minutes ago, can you handle it?" She nods her head before walking off towards the doors.

I make my way upstairs and just as I suspected, the head nurse Jasmine, just wanted to ask me a few questions about Mrs. Margo's vitals, temperature ranges, and fluid levels. I respond back giving her all of the information. I update the file as well with her so that the hospital does not get in a lawsuit for unproperly charting.

She smiles and thanks me before I head downstairs to ER. I love working down here, It can be challenging but I like how quick the pace is. I check my watch it's 7:47 thank god I only have 13 more minutes until I'm off my feet.

As the elevator opens I walk to the nurses station. Finding the report of the patient who just came I don't bother looking at it, I like to get to know them before reading the file with their medical history. People tell you a lot about them by just talking to you.

I walk to the glass door of their room and knock before sliding it open. I always do this as I prepare to meet my new patients.

The man starts, "I just got tackled it's no big deal". That's his manly and raspy voice, that's the guy I cried about for two years. That's the guy I was going to marry.

The same voice I heard in my sleep for an entire year, the same face I see everyday when my son yells "MAMMA!" At the top of his lungs. The same voice that holds my heart still.

I know his voice is speaking with the doctor; he's actually here, after all of these years. Turning back towards the door because his curtain is still closed I open it and am almost out when Dr. James starts "Nurse Zimmerman?"

I feel myself freeze up, I'm not ready to see him. James pokes his head out of the curtain and pushes it back. "I'd like you to meet your new patient for the next day or so before you leave for the night."

I nod to stay professional before walking in direct sight of Tanner. I'm met by the eyes of my freshman year heart throb. He looks the exact same in the face. His hair is still brown and full, and his eyes are still bright green just like Turner's.

His lips are still full, the only thing different is his body size. He looks even taller that he was when we were together, and he was 6'4" then. His muscles are huge, they have always been big but now they look like his muscles have muscles. He is sitting shirtless, his eight pack is on full view and he has a few scrapes on his face and legs which are covered in white football pants.

He's the one with a concussion. I should have guessed a stupid man child would be here.

"Yes sir, I was just about to go" I whisper to James as his pager goes off and walks out of the room, "Excuse me, Mr. Kingston" he tells Tanner as I stand with my clipboard in my arms trying to stay still.

Great I'm left here with him. I look over at him and he looks stunted. His eyes haven't left mine and his face looks pale. I know my boobs have grown from breast feeding and my ass decided to become gigantically round after the babies popped out so I look different. I just pray he does not recognize me, I can't talk to him.

"Ellie?" he asks, his voice still making me hot and heavy after all these years. I haven't had sex with anyone besides him so of course I'm sexually frustrated after 3 years of abstinence.

We would wake up and give each other oral sex, go at in the shower against the wall, go another round on the bed, and finally go to class. We would meet up after class and do it again in his Bronco, and when he got back from football practice I'd suck him off. He'd eat me out whenever he'd find me on campus, most of the time in a hall closet, we'd go to his room and have sex all night long and sometimes into the early hours in the morning. It was like that everyday, I'll never forget it being so young and in love that I did that everyday.

"It's good to see you Tanner, I'm actually leaving so I won't be your nurse but Bethany, the other BSN on the floor will be right with you. Have a nice night, I'm sorry about your concussion" I direct at him and walk back to the door.

He jumps out of his bed and walks to the door standing directly in front of me. He's definitely gotten taller and wider as he takes the whole door frame.

"You need to get back in bed, you have a concussion" I state before stepping to the side, He does the same and blocks me again.

"No, you..., I haven't seen you in three fucking years and you think you can walk out of this room without speaking to me" he says while looking down at me.

"Look Tanner I have somewhere I really have to be and I can't be late, please let me go. Three years is that way for a reason" I recite while looking up and meeting those green eyes.

"You look different, I'm surprised to see you here" he directs to me, ignoring my comment.

"Yeah well I grew up, now if you would please excuse yourself so I can go, I have other patients files." I look towards the door. I need to go get Tatum and Turner before I'm paged, and Tanner reads it or something. I just want to see my children because I miss them so much.

"No, where do you have to be that's so important that you can't talk to me?" he questions while raising an eyebrow at me. Our kids, my kids you jackshit, I think to myself.

"I've got plans, I need to go." I tell him while prying in between him and the door. He doesn't need to know about the babies because he will not be in their lives.

He stops me by grabbing my arm, "You know you're still bullshit at telling lies, now tell me or I will follow you out of this fucking hospital" he says sternly. He then releases me arm, the tingles fading away. I still feel where his hand was placed.

I will not give up, he will not know about the babies. "You know what since you want to be such a gigantic pain in my ass, if you sit down on the bed before you pass out I will tell you" I say.

He walks over and sits on the bed, "Why are you even here?" I ask.

"I play for the Carolina Panthers now, I made it to the NFL, we were at practice and a four hundred pound guy came running at me and hit me. I passed out from the contact, they required me to be transported here before I'm allowed to play again" he says.

"Congratulations, I know that was your dream" a smile appears on my face before I quickly force it away, I look at him while walking towards the door slowly. He's in blue, Panthers blue and I don't know why I didn't know he was here. I could have already left, and moved with the kids somewhere else, alone.

He looks me up and down, "What are you doing here and why are you wanting to get off so bad?"

"I'm actually not required to tell you, hospital policy" I tell him and I run straight out the glass door. I look behind me and don't see him so I walk quickly to Bethany and hand her his file before going to the break room, clocking out, and doing my time sheet.

I quickly walk to the elevator with my long shoulder bag and jacket on. Just when the doors about to close a foot blocks the pathway. It's a black and blue size fourteen cleat, he probably doesn't even wear the size anymore, I know the feet though.

I look up "What do you want? You are going to pass out again from the impact if you don't go rest."

He smiles and walks in before shutting the door, "Well you never told me where you were going, so I'm making sure you get there okay".

I roll my eyes at him and spit out "Look here, I have been three years without you and I have been taking care of myself just fine, I don't want to talk to you."

He says "Well good thing we aren't leaving this elevator anytime soon, we have plenty of time to catch up".

"Tanner what are you talking about?" I question, why raising my eyebrow. He smiles, he still has perfectly white teeth, before hitting the elevator suspend button above his head that I know I'll never be able to reach. Usually they are right beside the doors, but we just happened to be in the oldest elevator in the hospital.

How amazing, I'm stuck in an elevator with his cheating ass. This is not going to go well.

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