Breaking the system

By Theia_Nyx

38.2K 1.2K 302

Midoria Izuku always wanted to be a hero, but what if he finds out how corrupted the hero society in reality... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Hello again

Part 9

1.5K 52 20
By Theia_Nyx

Izuku's P.O.V.

After quickly scrabbling down my phone number I walked over to Dai and said: "Don't worry about calling me I love the kids and I would love to babysit them, so if you ever need someone to take care of them please contact me or even if they just ask me to come I'll do everything in my power to come over"

"Thank you so much Midoria you're our savior" She replied with a huge smile plastered on her face "Well my mother is probably worrying herself sick so I have to go home" I replied to her. We walked to the door and I gave the kids a big hug, both of them looked really sad I had to go "Hey you have my number we can hang out whenever you guys want" I said hoping to cheer them up and I guess it worked because those cute smiles were on their faces again.

I was barely out of the sight of the house when a man stood right in front of me "Hello Midoria Izuku I am Aikawa Masako" The strangely familiar man said "Wait- aren't you that man I almost hit in the face some time ago?!" I asked in sudden realization. "Haha yea that was me" he said with a small chuckle in his voice "Hold on a second... how do you know my name?!" I asked or more like screamed at the poor man. "Okay I know this will sound really strange from coming from someone you haven't met before and I will tell you everything but you need to promise me one thing" The man started "Everything I will tell you needs to be kept a secret, even if you'll refuse, can you promise me that what I will tell you stays between us?" He asked me, I looked the man right in the eye so I could read his intentions. If you grow up with everyone you trust and love leaving you you'll learn how to read true intentions and emotions, this man Aikawa Masako had nothing but pure honest in his eyes. With this information I replied: "Yes sir, I promise that everything you will say will stay between us unless you'll state otherwise" and I meant it, the huge man at least two heads bigger than me had something in his battle hardened eyes that made me trust this man with my life. "I understand this is even more strange then my last request but what I am about to tell you needs to be in private, we need to get out of public. Because this is so creepy I would suggest you sent your exact location to someone you trust and tell them that if you haven't responded in twenty minutes you need help" The man said "Listen sir, you have something in your eyes that tells me you don't want to hurt me, something that makes me trust you with my life, so no I don't think I need to do that and the fact you even suggested this is just proof of my theory." I replied to the man who now had a shocked and impressed expression on his face. "Wow you are even more observant than I thought you were" He told me "Thank you sir, well are we gonna go or are we going wait here until we can count stars?" I replied with a smug but curious tone. "Yea, let's go, follow me" He said with a small chuckle in his voice

He led us to the beach nearby, due to the weather and hour it was completely abandoned, "This might take a while you should text your mother you'll be home a bit later." "Okay?" I replied with question in my voice, I grabbed my phone and told her i'd be home late and that she shouldn't worry about me. "Okay, I want you to listen very careful and you can ask your questions when I'm done is that okay?" He asked me "Sounds good sir" I replied politely "And stop with the sir calling, you can call me Masako or Whisperer, got it?" "Wait- WHIS-" I started "WHAT did I say at the start, questions after" he interrupted me "Yes si- Masako" I quickly replied "Good then let's start shall we"

Aikawa's P.O.V

"Okay so my name is Aikawa Masako but I'm better known as the famous vigilante the whisperer, but what barely anyone knows is that the reason I became a vigilante is because I was rejected by society for the quirk I have. It's called Whisper, it can make people see the ghosts they create, but I can also make them visible, I can talk to them and I even can see through their eyes if they let me. And I want to tell you what it means to be a vigilante, it means that you are in the grey area between white and black between the heroes and the villains. You're fighting crimes but you're fighting them by ignoring the law. This basically means your not a hero but neither are you a villain and none of them like you very much. The heroes think you act like a villain because you're ignoring the law, but the villains think you act like a hero because you stop them. So you're basically on your own, even between a vigilante and a vigilante there are big differences you'll have to work with them a bit but you're mostly on your own.'

'I got into a huge accident a few years ago, we will get to that later, but I have been looking for a successor ever since. What I am looking for is someone with morals, someone with the mindset of a true hero, they need to be young so no one will suspect them to be a vigilante while they train, they need to be good to everyone but be able to be cruel to someone who hurts others, they need to be someone who can think about the consequences of their actions, they need to be someone who can actually think ahead, to be able to plan out things, they need to actually want to learn everything they can, they need to be sneaky, not wanting the spotlight, they need to be able to jump in front of a bullet if that is what it takes to save someone." I paused to look if he understood where I was going.


I have nothing much to say, Aika is my oc for if you didn't know. I don't like the way I wrote this it's like a statement instead of a flowing story but I don't have time to completely rewrite this chapter, just know I do notice just decided to ignore it.

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