the new year

By seashoredrift

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Two people meet. One with a job that's not so ordinary, the other with a name that's not so ordinary. He is n... More



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By seashoredrift

E I G H T Y - O N E :



Liked by harrisonstiles, sam_fender and 10,902 others

theblueband We don't have much power and hardly anyone knows who we are but for those who do, we wanted to thank you AND invite you to a free outdoor cinema/gig in Manchester City Centre (all approved by the council). We have booked and paid for coaches to go to all the cites labelled on the next slide with the timings, all you need to do is print a virtual ticket, keep it, show the driver and the security at the venue and then that's done and dusted. If you can travel down yourself that's also advisable if you really want to come. The day will be jam packed with different activities like a miniature gig before the film, a merch stand where you can design your own merch with the band's current designs plus many, many more.

We also have some very special guests joining us, to name drop a few @oscarwhinchester and @xavier_hollander they'll be singing for you too plus others, see you there.

-Alex, Charlie, Joe and Oak x

View all comments
oscarwhinchester I am v excited, I love you guys
elle_scott This is so cool, I wish I was in Manchester!
theblueogs The website's crashed 🤣
sam_fender This'll be fuckin sick

The magazine's had been going down a storm according to Findie, the general audience seemed to really engage with the bands' interviews and how humble they seemed. Harrison and his full family had seemed to buy the first two and said they were going to buy them all because they were proud of his sons' girlfriend and her band, it made him smile.

"You're inviting Oak to the party aren't you?" Emma questioned her son, mixing the cake batter as he filled up Vanilla's dog bowl with the smelly chicken and gravy meat. There'd been word in the family and the family friends that there was going to be a Stiles' New Year's Eve party to bring in the new year. It was fancy dress, which was where Harri's issue lied.

Don't get him wrong, fancy dress was cool and fun but what exactly do you dress up as for New Year? A bottle of champagne? A firework? He'd no doubt, figure something out nearer the time but they had to get his birthday over and done with first and foremost, which was on the twenty-second of the following month. He didn't really have any plans, he was probably just going to spend time with his friends and family maybe go for lunch with his family during the day and then go out with his friends in the evening.

"Probably," He shrugged, he wanted her to come, of course, he did he just didn't want her to be around his family especially his uncle he'd question her in ways she didn't need to be questioned. He'd just have to stay by her side all night, not that he minded doing that.

"Invite who you want, we want the house to be crawling with people," She commented "But they have to be in a fancy dress costume otherwise we won't grant them access to the building," Emma joked, she wanted to make the night as fun as possible "I've invited her mum so she should be coming, I like Louise," She added, rambling like she did when it came to her planning something.

He thought it was sweet of her to invite Oak's mum, they'd actually hit it off pretty well not that he expected them not to its just he knew his mum and knew that she was like a detective when it came to her kids' relationships. "Alright," He nodded, he knew exactly who he was inviting "And I know you do," Harrison added referring to his mother liking his girlfriends.

"Can Freddie come?" Belle asked her mum, grabbing a glass from the cupboard above the marbled kitchen surface. She'd overheard their conversation and wondered if her boyfriend matched his mums approval to get an invite.

"No, I don't like him," Emma responded spooning the vanilla mixture into the multicoloured bun cases, a shrug emitting from her shoulders. She seemed dead serious, which was quite concerning for the girl who had asked the question, she thought her mum liked him. Well, that was awkward. Emma turned around to face her daughter who seemed speechless, by the sink "Belle, I'm joking, I've already invited his family so if you want to further his invite you can," She admitted letting out a loud laugh. There was no doubt in Harrison's mind that Belle would get her back in one way or another.

"You're a bitch," Belle pointed her finger at her mother who just raised her eyebrow in response. Emma saw no point in telling her daughter to stop swearing, it was fully embedded in her vocabulary now, all of her warnings made no difference; in fact, they probably made her want to do it more. "I thought I'd have to break up with him then," She joked back. One rule she always had about being in a relationship was that her parents had to like them otherwise it'd make her feel off.

"Never do, he's a lovely young man and he makes you very happy," Emma complimented. She'd noticed that her daughter was beyond happy with that boy and her daughters happiness came before anything that she thought, he made her smile from ear to ear, it was the same with her sons relationship. Emma was glad that they both were finally happy with someone.

"Yeah, he does," She replied the blush creeping up her cheeks. When they met at the STRINGS gig in April she never anticipated this to happen. Hell, she'd even go as far as saying she loved him because she just felt so alive and natural, they were so similar in near enough everything but so different in nearly everything, it didn't make sense but it did.

——— ••• ———

"You look like you're going undercover," Oak chuckled at her boyfriend lifting his black cap off of his head and stroking through his luscious locks. They were waiting for Eli, Harper and the band boys to arrive at her house where they'd all tail Harrison's car to the outdoor cinema. Joe was the other designated driver and was probably going to take Charlie and Alex with him and Harri would take Oak, Harper and Elias.

Isabelle and Freddie were meeting them there as they'd spent the night at his place, he had a car and would drive them there. Harrison was the one who had offered to pay for everyone's tickets, everyone was in mass refusal other than his sister, of course, so had all paid him on an app without him knowing.

"I don't want anyone to interrupt us, so this is my best bet," He smiled back, his hands resting gently on her waist as they stared into each others eyes lovingly. He really did look like a secret agent or that guy from that creepy show 'You'. Either fit his appearance. He still looked gorgeous though, which wasn't an usual thing for him.

"It's very convincing, I don't think anyone will see your face or anything," She joked making him roll his eyes with a bright smile. They'd been here for about half an hour, waiting but had only just stood up to create some drinks for them all, that they said they'd do. "What are we watching anyway?" She changed the subject, placing the bottle of strawberry flavoured water in the ice cooler that they were bringing. The place that was hosting it was selling food and drink but they thought it'd be easier to bring their own. They'd probably buy food there though to be fair.

"I don't even know what it's about but it was either this one or a kids one, it's called 'One Step'," He told her, taking a sip from his glass of water he'd poured when he arrived "I think it's meant to be a horror film but I'm not even sure, it doesn't look that scary," He added with a shrug of his shoulders. It looked quite good but not like pissing myself scary. It was just like any standard modern day horror and it was better than a bunny rabbit chasing a bee around beautiful green fields.

Oak hummed in response "Don't tell Eli it's a horror, he'll leave us and go and watch that kids one," She joked, slinging the bag on her back. Her friend, wasn't scared of horrors he just wasn't a fan and had the most over the top reactions ever, it was hilarious.

"Oh, shit, I didn't even ask if you guys had a preference, shit-" He started to panic, he felt bad for not consulting the people he'd asked to go because now he was stuck in this place where he felt guilty for not doing so.

Oak clasped his soft cheek with her ring-cladded hand and looked him in his chocolate orbs "Don't worry, he won't mind unless he ruins his trousers, stop panicking," She reassured him with a light peck to his cheek that sent the electricity right through his body. He may as well have just got electrocuted.

Harrison let out a light chuckle "Are you sure he won't?" He asked to make sure. The last thing he wanted was to cause some form of tension between his girlfriends' friends and himself, he wanted to be their friends too.

"He likes you so he won't, if he didn't he'd rant your ear off," He told him with a smile walking towards her front door, him close behind. "Trust me, Harri he'll accept it because you picked it," She chuckled. Elias had a massive soft spot for Harrison, he had ever since they met for the first time and even before that to be honest, he wouldn't care if he pissed himself whilst watching it.

Harrison nodded, following the brown-haired girl down the corridor. He'd been very excited about this day, it would be nice to spend some time with Oak's friends, three of which he knew better than the other two. He couldn't help the swirling sense he got in his stomach when he looked at her, it was like time froze. She always looked so effortlessly incredible, her hair was tied up with one of those claw grips and every time she took a step it bounced, her legs were covered by some flared black trousers with small white polka dots and she had matched them with a fluffy black turtleneck jumper.

Her clothes always put him to shame, granted he was wearing what he usually would but in a more camouflaged, fit into the crowd sense. He too was just wearing black everything but didn't look nearly as cool as her. They were walking down the block of flats stairs to soon meet with the others, they were all very excited about this, it was Halloween tomorrow and none of them had any plans; so this, was their plan, the scary film fitted the theme perfectly.

"Took you long enough, was starting to think yous were shagging!" Elias shouted at the couple as they appeared out of the glass doors that lead them straight into the car park. Oak sighed rolling her eyes and Harrison just laughed, only Eli would think and say something that crude.

"You think anyone's shagging if they don't appear right by your side the second you send the text," Oak quipped back opening the boot to Harrison's car and placing the cooler at the left side next to the three blankets she'd brought. Elias let out a fake gasp, which caused the full group to laugh. It was the truth Elias Andino thought, no matter who it was, a stranger or someone he knew if they took a slightly prolonged time to return he'd assume they were getting it on.

"Only if they're a couple who are at it like rabbits," He responded giving Oak and Harrison a side glance, the girl just raised her eyebrows. They were not at it like rabbits. Were they? How did he know anyway, he wasn't there all of the time?

"You can talk," Oak joked, he'd been complaining that he could barely walk some days he and Lucas were doing the deed that much it affected his stumps.

"I'm starting to think this is a personal attack now," He pointed a glared at his friend again and the two both just chuckled. They needed to set off soon otherwise they'd miss the opening and not have enough time to get some food.

"Maybe it is," Oak shrugged jokingly, closing the boot now and standing closer to her blonde friend who was in charge of the other car. As a group they had all decided that they weren't going to be drinking any alcohol as it was unfair on the drivers, the last thing they needed was to take care of a bunch of tipsy people. "Anyway, I'll give you the address to the place so if you lose Harri you can make your own way there," Oak changed the subject, pulling her jet black phone out and forwarding the address to his phone which he could connect with his satnav.

"Cheers," Joe grinned, immediately tapping it into his satnav's system. He'd been driving the longest out of his full friendship group, he passed his test on the first attempt and got a second hand car four months after passing. Everyone trusted him the most with it because he was the most experienced.

They chatted for a bit longer than decided that they should probably get going before they're too late. Each of the, hopped into their designated cars and drove off the music engulfing all of them in the two separate cars.

——— ••• ———

Immediately, they were all sat on the seats provided by the event manager staring at the large screen that was currently blank and streaming music. It was better than silence they suppose. Harrison and Charlie had nipped off to go and grab some food for them all whilst Oak poured flavoured water into polka dot paper cups for each of them who wanted a drink.

The group of them were pretty far from the front, in fact, they were at the very back, which in all honesty was better. They wouldn't have to break their necks to watch the film nor would they have to duck out of the way to go to the toilet or something other than.

It was a pretty large turn out, there were easily like eight hundred people here already and the film was starting in like twenty minutes so would probably increase in size. The screen was at the very far end from where they were and there were recycled seating curving around a little but not enough so that their vision would be contorted.

Isabelle had told Freddie that the full of The Blue would be present in today's event and he seemed a bit starstruck to be honest, which she found adorable. Ever since they supported STRINGS on tour in April he'd ventured to their discography and instantly was hooked. He'd even go as far as saying they were one of his favourite bands right now. His girlfriends brother was going out with the lead singer, what a small and crazy world, eh?

The woman had passed the chestnut-haired boy a cup full of strawberry and vanilla water and he almost freaked out. He'd met her before, a few times actually but it still was weird for him. Isabelle's brother was famous, the full family knew loads of famous people and he didn't know what to do with himself because it was all a lot to take in.

When he was at college a load of people had caught onto who he was going out with and were trying to talk to him, even though they never made the effort before; he shut them down and said it was none of their business who he was dating. They got all pissy and said they were only trying to be nice, they weren't. They were trying to get closer to people who had numbers, which was unfair and shitty behaviour. He thanked the tall woman and then took a large gulp. Belle laughed at him, even after all of this time he wasn't used to meeting people like her brother and The Blue.

It was pretty chilly today to be honest, it was a bloody good job they'd organised to bring blankets otherwise they'd all be shivering messes. The woman decided to hand out the blankets now so that they had no interruptions during the film. "Do yous want a blanket?" Oak asked Belle and Freddie, her hand outstretched with the the grey and white wool blanket that she had at the bottom of her wardrobe.

Freddie just looked at her with a blank expression, he'd zoned out again and was thinking about how in college people only seemed to want to affiliate with him now that he had a girlfriend with a successful family. It was just so absurd to him because why would they think he'd want anything to do with him now when they used to mutter stuff about him before? "Yes please," Belle answered for them considering Freddie wasn't going to. She could tell that there was something bothering him but she didn't want to publicise it. Oak smiled and nodded, handing the couple the blanket; she'd also noticed that there was something bugging him, she could just see it on his face. Belle had given her a knowing glance to which she nodded again and then gave a soft, saddend smile.

Alex had also quickly nipped off back to his band mates car to grab some more blankets, if it wasn't for him they wouldn't have had any; Joe had completely forgotten about the fact they'd need blankets. It was the end of October, they were outside and they lived in the UK. No more elaboration was needed.

It wasn't long before the floppy-haired man was running back with five blankets in his hands because he'd heard a announcement that stated that the film was about to start, he nearly tripped over his own two feet because his hair ran in front of his eyes. He really needed to get a haircut. He handed everyone who didn't have one yet one and then squeezed himself at the end of the sofa next to Oak.

Charlie and Harri had gotten two tubs of sweet popcorn for them all to share and gotten the people who wanted something else what they wanted. They were all comfortable and cosied up together, munching on the hot food and warm under the blankets. It was for sure going to be a great memory they all had together. Belle had brought a selfie stick because she knew how many people were going to be here and she wanted to fit them all in the photo. She'd taken several so far and some videos specifically for the memory book.

These people loved each other all so much even if they didn't know others as well as others, they all knew all of them were great people and that made them be full of love.

hope you all had a great christmas! x

wrote; wednesday 12th august 2020

(partially) edited; sunday 27th december 2020

published; sunday 27th december 2020

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