「 Girls' Frontline 」Nikolay's...

Von Dualpen

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After several years of living off his survival skills and scavenger instincts to come around trouble, weather... Mehr

Attention all readers, new and old, before you read!
Ch. 1: Keep it Going
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: First contract
Chapter 6: New faces on sight
Chapter 7: Fallen falcons
Chapter 8: Hunt
Chapter 9: Liberation
Chapter 10: Frozen Journey
Chapter 11: Snowy Relaxation
Chapter 12: Cry of the eyass
Chapter 13: Old time jabs
Chapter 14: New year, new life
Chapter 16: A calm day
Chapter 17: Preparations for the play
Chapter 18: Starring the puppeteer
Chapter 19: Start of the red show
Chapter 20: Introduction
Chapter 21: Crux
Chapter 22: Denouement
Chapter 23: Good morning
Chapter 24: Daily life continues
Chapter 25: Springs notice
Chapter 26: A timely arrival
Chapter 27: Getting back on track
Chapter 28: Old but gold
Chapter 29: Lockdown shenanigans
Chapter 30: Talkful day
Chapter 31: A hint of distrust
Chapter 32: New thinking
Chapter 33: Paperwork
Chapter 34: Bitter memories
Chapter 35: Working day
Chapter 36: Cloudy
Chapter 37: Recruting
Chapter 38: Little tour
Chapter 39: Arrival
Chapter 40: Release

Chapter 15: Settling down

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Von Dualpen

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

-Sun Tzu


ACT II: Marked

Nikolay: You girls got everything packed?

It's been around 2 weeks since the party, Nikolay's group now was composed of the German sisters, the M16 sisterhood and his own little family, and all of them were now helping out to move everything from their old base, their trusty hangar.

Sveta: Not gonna lie, I will miss this place

Said Sveta looking around at the now almost empty hangar, just boxes and dismantled furniture all around, this was probably the last journey that they will have to make to get everything to the new base in griffin territory.

Raisa: Agree with her... And I guess we got everything, we don't need this much furniture knowing we gonna buy more for the base anyways

Nikolay: Yeah, at least I wanted to get the workbenches out of here

Ann: This place is sure big without all the boxes and benches around...

She said looking around the place.

Fang: Pfff, you say that while what surprises me more is that the boss used a fricking tank as a toilet

Ann: I think I'm getting used to the boss being a box of secrets Mk12...

Nikolay: Yeah, yeah, let's get these last boxes to the helo we still have a lot of work to do back at the base

He said with a smile shrugging the comments off and taking a box himself.

Alyona: You reckon the girls back at base finished with their dorms?

Nikolay: Ha good question, but well it's not like the dorms were built to be unique per say

Fang: I quite liked them, the balconies are a really good touch

Ann: Although they are quite small

Fang: Well yeah... But it's still a balcony, fresh air in the morning, imagine how handy will it come in summer

Nikolay: Had that in mind while designing the rooms

He added chuckling a bit and exiting the hangar followed by the two sisters who also carried a box themselves.

Ann: Tho a bit of action wouldn't do harm, to be honest, we have been on standby since we arrived

Fang: Shhh, don't fucking jinx it, this is fucking life drinks and occasionally work like this one, why risk our asses in combat

Nikolay: I see that you are enjoying yourself under my command Fang

He said laughing a bit receiving a chuckle from her.

Fang: Hell yeah, like I don't mind combat, but damn this is 100% better than whizzing bullets over my head

Ann: Well you ain't wrong, but we still cooperating with G&K so that means we are also in a war against SF

Nikolay: Don't worry you two I have to contact Kryuger after we settle in the base completely to inform of our operational status, maybe he has some missions pilled up and ready to be taken by us

Fang: As long as I don't get my head blown off by a purple stripper wannabe

Nikolay: Is that how you are calling Rippers now?

Fang: Hey I'm not wrong!

She said still following close behind Nikolay, her sister meanwhile looked around and tailed them till they reached the helicopter where Ivan still was smoking and sitting on a box as everyone else loaded his chopper.

Ivan: We got everything now?

Nikolay: A few more boxes *Putting the crate down*

Ivan let out a groan as his cigarette fell from his mouth straight to the ground making him look at it as he hadn't finished smoking it.

Ivan: Блядь... (Fuck...) *Sigh* At least try and go faster we have been here all morning it's almost noon now and my entertainment methods are running low

Nikolay: Jack one off to nature then you are the one who accepted being a transporter today

Ivan: That's because you pay well Nikolay for fucks sake... Ya know how hard is to get this consistent sums of money nowadays

Nikolay: Yeah I know it all too well, talking about that what the hell do you even spend it all?

Ivan: Son's education

He said taking a new cigar and lighting it as he put it between his lips.

Ivan: And maybe a bottle or two from Klim... *Taking a puff from it*

Nikolay: What a great father we got here

Said Nikolay mocking him a bit as he leaned against the crate and faced him, Ivan just sighed and looked up at him.

Ivan: I may be a jackass but I do know who's my family

Nikolay: Well said but lay off the drink a bit, I don't think ya son needs to follow that behavior

Ivan: Mah, not like he listens or even follows my advice anyways

Fang: Ey yo boss ya done chatting? We got a problem with the boxes, they really don't wanna be strapped down

Said one of the M16 sisters poking her head out of the helicopter's door and looking at both men who started chatting not long ago.

Nikolay: Yeah give me a sec!

He said looking over at her and then back at Ivan.

Nikolay: Just take it easy man, I know that without Tatiana everything is hard and different but you don't want to end up like me and my father with your son

He said getting off the box and patting Ivan on the shoulder before quickly entering the chopper to help out the girls strap down the boxes so they can pile up the rest of the items yet to arrive.

Ivan: Sure...

He mumbled looking down onto the ground as his eyes fixated on the wasted cigar from earlier his mind quickly drifting away on how did his son's final exams go.


R3: So... Shared rooms huh...

R1: I ain't complaining about a bunk bed

Said R1 as she finished storing away her personal items and sat down on her mattress, the bottom one of the bunk bed, meanwhile R3 still looked around the quite frankly empty and small room.

R3: What do you think of this?

R1: This?

Said R1 as she took her sniper rifle and examined it closely, maybe a good cleaning of its parts wouldn't do bad right now.

R3: A living room, toilet and bedroom for just two dolls

R1 looked up at her sister who still stood there beside the door frame and stared down at her and her sniper rifle awaiting an opinion from her.

R1: It's nice, even if small we got a balcony all for ourselves, plus a private bathroom meaning we can go have a break of fresh air or shower at any moment as long as we are here, what did you expect me to say? It's bad? What was bad was the ratty barrack in which we slept before and shared charger

R3 stared at her for a while more before humming in acknowledgment and getting out of the bedroom.

R3: I will go visit the cafeteria I will be roaming around there if you need me

Said R3 before slamming the door of the dorm shut behind her, making R1 sigh before looking down at her sniper rifle and analyzing it.

R1: You need a proper saloon type of treatment...

She whispered looking at how it had its mag and buttstock dirty.

Meanwhile, R3 got out outside the dorm, a long hallway of doors from left to right at the end of each, a staircase leading down to the first floor, and also up to the third floor. Each and every door with blank plaques as nobody still has done the naming of their dorm yet mainly because Nikolay asked them to wait for all of them to get back so they can do the paperwork and write it all down before anything becomes official even though the german sisters already settled down in some of the dorms. The wooden doors combined well with the white walls and ceiling of the hallway as well as it's black tiling not making them stand out too much except for three doors, one at the start of the hallway, another midway it and then one at the very end, this three doors made out of metal and with unlighted bulbs on top of each one of them, for what she heard from Nikolay they are armories that will only open up when the base goes into lockdown because it's being attacked.

R3: Wonder if they are even supplied...

She muttered looking at the door that's midway the hallway as her and R1's dorm is almost by the center of it.

Before she could do or think anything else a door not to far away from her opened and two of the American sisters exited the dorm, apparently chatting about something but quickly noticing how R3 was standing on the hall for not an apparent reason.

Alex: Oh, uhmm R3 was it right?

Said one of them smiling to her as the other just right now actually noticed the presence of the German doll.

Julie: Oh yeah you right, heya fellow operator, doing good?

R3: Ah... Hey, well me and my sister just finished settling down

Alex: Hm guess we in the same boat, you were going anywhere now?

R3 scratched the back of her neck and sighed. Both sisters looked at her with a raised eyebrow because of that action she just did.

R3: I was gonna go check the cafeteria seeing it was finished recently but... I actually don't know why, I guess I'm just roaming around to kill my boredom

Julie: Ha! Then come with us!

Alex: Julie...

Julie: What? We are the only ones here, and some more of the German sisters we all got something to do, might as well invite her

R3: Invite me to...?

Julie: Organizing the warehouse!

R3: ...? Isn't that something that Nikolay left specifically for the Russian dolls?

Said R3 a bit confused as her head was slightly tilted and her eyebrow was significantly raised, quite clearly confused but interested in what were their shenanigans.

Julie: Well~ They are away, as soon as we do that the better and besides~... *Looking around* We heard Nikolay left a box full of vodka bottles somewhere in there...

Said Julie whispering a bit, basically, they were going to go and organize the warehouse to find that treasure box.

R3: Soo... Did you invite me to go drinking with ya then?

Julie: Well yeah, what else do we do here, we all recently settled down in this massive base, like what, how many are we right now?

Said Julie looking over at Alex who hummed at the sudden question and started thinking.

Alex: If we include Nikolay... Around... 19? Yeah 19 people

Julie: In a base that's as big as a fucking village, let's at least enjoy while we can!

R3: Hm... Well, you ain't wrong with all that I guess... Sure I will join, not like I got better things to do

Julie: That's the spirit girl!


A group of five dolls walked through the deserted streets of the abandoned city, with careful steps they made their way towards the center of the city, destroyed buildings, abandoned shops, dying plants, and rusty cars made the once beautiful city look like a landfill.

Mosin: So... How much time have we been here?

StG44: 1 hour

Mosin: And can you tell me comrade StG44 how many enemies have we encountered in this scouting mission?

StG44: Zero so far

Responded the doll, both of them kept walking followed close behind by the rest of the group.

Mosin: Тогда какой черт смысл (Then what's the fucking point) to look around this desolated place!

SAF: Doesn't mean we can't encounter some...

Said the doll holding tight onto her smg and looking around. G43 and PPsH41 looked at the two upfront also letting out a sigh as Mosin was really irritated about this mission for some reason since the start of it.

Mosin: Really? Deep inside G&K controlled territory, SF? Goddamn it not even a plane or helicopter has passed around these skies!

And as she said that in the distance could be heard how a helo quickly made its way towards them and then as quickly as he came passed over the abandoned city wheezing with its rotors over their heads.

G43: What did ya say there Mosin?

Said G43 looking over at her as she lowered her head from looking up into the sky to try and catch a glimpse of the aircraft.

Mosin: Nothing, Блядь! (Fuck!)

PPsH41: Why are you even irritated this time comrade? You usually pretty jolly about a deployment

Said the smg guarding the back of the group who took a glance at her squadmate who gritted her teeth in anger about the coincidence of that helo passing over just as soon as she spit out those words.

Mosin: Because I didn't have enough time to carve commander's birthday present and was using this free time to finish it!

And as the statement angrily let out her mouth the four of them let out an ohh in unison understanding her annoyance.

StG44: You should of have spent more time days before doing this then rushing it now Mosin

Mosin: I was busy alright! With the whole new commanders around town and several operations going on against SF these days it's hard to get some free time...

She responded before stoping in place and looking around, the group finally reached the city center, a big plaza with several streets going into all directions, buildings and cars abandoned or either destroyed, a sight to behold really, as the city, in fact, wasn't as destroyed as expected.

StG44 looked around taking a few steps forward and inspecting a car, meanwhile, SAF sniffed a bit catching a funny smell which made her look around for it, as for Mosin she got patted in the back by PPsH41 who stayed behind with her as G43 went up to StG44 and looked over her shoulder.

G43: Why so interesting? Is it a Volkswagen?

StG44: No it's just that... The city is too well conserved in my opinion, just look at this car, no apparent damage

G43: Hmm you right on that one Genossin (Comrade)

She responded holstering her weapon and taking a closer look herself, meanwhile, SAF still roamed around the group but looked around trying to decipher the smell, was it gunpowder? Maybe ash? Burnt petrol?

SAF: Do you all smell that scent also...?

Mosin: Mgh? What scent comrade?

SAF: I... I don't know, it smells funny to me... Maybe like something burnt...

Mosin: Burnt? Dfuck did ya smell, napalm?

PPsH41: Mosin...

Mosin: Aigh, aigh, sorry I'm still salty

SAF sighed and just kept looking around, it surely did smell like something was burnt, or either cremated? It was a strange scent, which suddenly changed for her as it turned into something quite disgusting... rotten?

SAF quickly hid her nose and retched at the foul smell, what the hell happened all of a sudden?

PPsH41: Are you alright comrade?

Said PPsH41 approaching her a bit concerned at the sudden change of reactions and movements.

SAF: What the hell was that...

She whispered rubbing off small tears from her face, strangely enough, she didn't smell it now, it just disappeared, but how can such a strong and foul smell disappear all of a sudden?

StG44: Alright, let's keep moving girls, the commander said to try and find a factory and an old warehouse apart from checking the city center

G43: Hm? Everything gut SAF?

SAF: Just... Strange smells around... *Whispering* Really strange...

G43: Hmm? Anything for us to worry about then?

SAF: No, at least I think so...

G43 nodded and unslung her rifle as she looked around and then revised her magazine before following StG44 that was the point man of the group, Mosin and PPsH41 incorporated quickly into the group as for SAF she did follow them but her mind was more focused on looking around than paying attention to their current orders of roaming around till they find the factory and warehouse.

As they kept making their way down the desolated street the group caught a smell, all of them to be precise not just SAF, it was burnt... Wasted gunpowder, maybe an explosion? It didn't matter, what was important is that the smell was strong enough to be smelled by everyone even though they are far away from its source.

Mosin: какого черта? (What the hell?)

Let out Mosin looking around and pinching her nose.

StG44: Agh... I also smell it, what is this... Baugh... And I thought gas in the gas station was already a foul smell...

PPsH41: This sure ain't comparable to gas...

SAF: It's coming from there...

Said SAF looking at an alley that cut between streets, leading to the right from where they were going, StG44 revised her mag and started walking down the pointed path, followed by everyone closely, the group surprisingly reaching the ruins of a factory.

StG44: Wait that's the factory we were supposed to inspect... Agh the smell is stronger now...

G43: Damn... Did they blow it up with satchel charges or what?... And you sure is this one?

StG44: One hundred percent sure it's this factory... Was it always like this?

G43: I don't know, didn't we come across another factory in the way here?

PPsH41: Yes we did...

Confirmed PPsH41 taking several steps towards the ruins and inspecting everything from a safe distance, it sure did look like it got blown up

PPsH41: Looks like someone blew up the main pillars and let the whole thing collapse

SAF: Interesting... What was the other thing, a warehouse rig--

SAF senses shivered as the smell of blood suddenly entered her nostrils, old blood, a foul smell that made her a bit dizzy all of a sudden, but as the other time as soon as she recovered it disappeared again.

Mosin: Wow careful

Said Mosin who caught SAF from stumbling face down to the floor.

Mosin: You alright?

SAF: Just got dizzy... Agh... I don't like this... Can we start searching for the warehouse already and get out of here?

G43 looked at StG44 who nodded and both of them quickly approached the group.

StG44: Let's split out, more area covered means we will get out of here sooner

Said StG44 starting to set and check her comms, G43 did the same, and SAF seeing what were they doing did the same as the others set up her comms.

StG44: I will go with G43 and explore down the street we were going earlier

Said StG44 opening her comms and saying several times testing as her own voice could be heard through the other comms.

PPsH41: Me and Mosin will go back and look the other big street then

Mosin nodded and checked her chamber, still loaded. SAF nodded at their decisions and looked around herself.

SAF: I will go back to the center and check the alleys

She said putting the comms away as they were now working perfectly.

StG44 nodded and then quickly after the group separated into two duos and one solo that went on their own ways. StG44 and G43 quickly reached their destination after some time and looked around, no warehouse so they kept searching, meanwhile, PPsH41 and Mosin reached the street they talked about earlier, a big street full of abandoned shops and a parking lot at the end, maybe there is a bifurcation somewhere in here that leads to the warehouse StG44 mentioned.

PPsH41: Sooooo, carving huh?

Mosin: Hm? Oh you talking about the gift, yeah, I wanted to make something, "handmade" this once

PPsH41: Handmade gifts are really good, the effort and love put into them makes them more valuable

Mosin: Yeah... What about you?

PPsH41: Oh I... Hehehe... I bought her a pack of movies she mentioned she wanted to watch one day

Mosin: Ohhh nice one...

Said Mosin looking around as PPsH41 earlier trying to avoid eye contact, then she looked back as PPsH41 just went silent for a moment.

Mosin: Все нормально? (Everything okay?)

PPsH41: Do you think SAF will be alright alone...?

Mosin: Huh... We can always check

Said Mosin slinging her rifle and opening her comms to SAF channel.

Mosin: *Bzzz* Ey this Mosin speaking, do you hear me SAF?

Silence and static was the only response.

Mosin: ...? Uh does your comms work?

She said looking a bit concerned at her squadmate, PPsH41 quickly slung her smh and also opened her comms, it did work but when she tried to contact SAF she got the same response.

PPsH41: ...

Mosin: Let me try and contact StG44...

Said Mosin changing channels.

Mosin: *Bzzz* Here Mosin, do you copy StG?

StG44: *Bzzz* Loud and clear, is something the matter?

Mosin: *Bzzz* We can't contact SAF for some reason, can you try it out?

StG44 raised an eyebrow concerned but agreed to it, both she and G43 tried to connect to SAF channel, but nothing, same response, silence and static, what the hell happened to her comms now?

StG44: *Bzzz* Not responding to us either, we will go and check on her right away

Mosin: We will do the same, let's meet up in the city center quickly

Said Mosin and cut communications with them looking at PPsH41 who nodded at her as both checked their firearms and started walking back towards the city center.

StG44 and G43 quickly reached the city center to find no one, not even SAF which was supposed to be around here.

StG44: Where are they?

G43: *Bzzz* Hey Mosin we here already, where are you two?

Static and silence, G43 body shivered a bit as she looked around and then stared at StG44 who stared back at her both of them realizing they are now alone in this giant city.

StG44 made sure to have a bullet in her chamber as she pulled back the bolt and a casing exited the firearm feeding a new one to the chamber. G43 did the same and looked around approaching StG44 both of them putting their back against each other as their eyes looked around, fixating on broken windows and dark alleys.

G43: Should we run?

StG44: Send a distress signal back to base

Said StG still looking around, the grip around her weapon becoming tighter. G43 nodded and hummed in agreement and let the weapon of her hands to take her comms device and do what she was told, but as soon as she let her hands off the weapon and the sling bounced off with it on her shoulder, her companion got bunched off her back into the distance, without time to even react to raise in arms G43 got her throat cut, the last thing she saw was two light pale blue eyes shining as they killed her clean off. Not a single shot was fired and not a single signal was sent back to base.


Nikolay: Pfff that was a long ride...

Said Nikolay getting out of the helo with a box and carrying it into the nearby warehouse.

Ann: Tell me that...

Said Ann remembering how Fang messed with her in her dreams as she fell asleep on her.

Fang: H-hey! I was tired alright! It's almost night already and we have been moving boxes all day!

She quickly let out in burst fire as her sister and Nikolay carried boxes, meanwhile, she took a box herself and quickly caught up with them.

Ann: Sure... Where are your girls tho Nikolay?

Said Ann looking over at him and then tilting her head slightly as she kept following him to the warehouse.

Nikolay: They went back to the dorms area to set up everything when they finish ya two can go and do anything ya want, we will finish organizing boxes and workbenches ourselves

Said Nikolay kicking the door to the warehouse open and then his eyes quickly settling on the three dolls that apparently organized the entire warehouse and now were enjoying some bottles from what was supposed to be a closed box.

Nikolay: ...

Ann: What happen-- ...

R3, Julie and Alex stopped laughing as now they quickly took a glance at who opened the door and stared at them, the three of them with a glass of vodka on one of their hands, quite clearly never expected that Nikolay would get back so soon, or maybe they didn't control their time properly, one of the two.

Julie: Uhhh we can explain

Nikolay: ... I don't know if praise your for cleaning the entire warehouse or smack ya for taking the alcohol out of its box

Julie: Can we have both?...

R3: Shut up goddamn it...

Whispered R3 to Julie for her to not mess up the situation even further.

Nikolay just sighed and left the box on the ground approaching the trio and giving each one of them a slight karate chop on the head, then looking around and patting R3.

Nikolay: Good job, but at least call me next time you want some alcohol

He said stopping to pat R3 and then squatting beside the three and checking the box, they just drunk 2 bottles which was surprising as he expected more to be empty.

Nikolay: I thought with ya three you would of have finished up more

Ann: Well they did clear the entire warehouse now that I look at it...

Said Ann approaching them with her box followed by Fang who was silent as she just looked at her sisters who were getting drunk without her.

Fang: I must say I'm hurt...

Julie: We didn't have anything else to do around here alright!

Said Julie raising her hands a bit in surrender trying to save their hide.

Fang: *Sigh* Guess can't blame you when I would have done the same...

Nikolay: Well now that I'm here you three do have things to do

Said Nikolay getting up and leaving the two empty bottles of vodka he inspected previously, the three of them looked at the commander and raised an eyebrow.

Nikolay: First of all getting Ivan's helicopter empty of boxes and cargo so he can leave as soon as possible, second paperwork

The three of them now let out a groan as they got up and followed orders.

Nikolay sighed with a smile behind his mask, at least they follow orders even when drunk, that is something good to know out of this he thought.

Ann let the box on the ground as Fang and looked around.

Ann: So does that mean we two get to go set up our room now?

Nikolay: Yes, you two are dismissed for today

Ann: Aye aye captain!

Said Ann and was quickly followed by Fang out of the warehouse, Nikolay shook his head as he took off his mask and rubbed his eyes, he was also sleepy today, a lot of work in a small number of hours he thought.

Nikolay: Maybe I should go and make myself a coffee... Or maybe a shot of something strong... Is the bar even built?

He said remembering the base is still under construction, well at least some zones as the hangars and perimeter walls.


Nadya: It's been long since a proper bed...

She thought, caressing the blanket of the matrimonial bed, although the bedroom was simple and with not a lot of commodities, it definitely had a lot more than they had before. She then sat down at the bedside as her eyes concentrated on the rack in which she could now leave her equipment. No more hiding it inside a box and taking good care of that one box, not there is a unique thing for the sole purpose of keeping her equipment and uniform at hand with easy access.

Nadya: I guess it ain't as bad as I thought...

She now thought, looking around again as she still was confirming everything was in place and she organized the room as she wanted.

Nadya: I hope he likes it...

She muttered looking at everything and then letting her body fall limp onto the bed completely, her eyes now fixated on the ceiling lamp that hanged in the center of the room.

Nadya: Hm... Maybe I should go take a shower now that I'm free... Yeah, sounds like a plan...

She mumbled out and quickly stood up from the bed and went up to the dresser, taking out some clean clothes before going up to a door to the left and opening it which lead into the bathroom of the dorm, she looked back one second more before entering and closing with lock minutes after the water flow could be heard.


Minutes quickly passed by and around half an hour later the girls finished unloading the helo and Ivan left the base, now the entire compound was silent and the night shadows finally started settling down as the sun went away and was replaced by the pale blue moon, the lampposts and main facilities light turning on all around the base as night made its presence, out of the 19 people in total in this huge complex, 15 of them where in the cafeteria now, having cooked dinner between all of them as they still don't have personnel doing kitchen work.

R1, R2, R4, R5, Ann Julie and Alex sat in the same table chatting about today, meanwhile, R3, R6, and Fang were still helping out cooking, Raisa and Alyona, as per Sveta, R3s, and Alisa they sat down on their own table chatting about the new base probably, the only persons missing dinner were Nadya and Nikolay plus R1s and R2s. Those four were probably occupied with their own things that in their mind were more important than dinner.

R6: I think that's enough for everyone today Raisa

Raisa: Hm probably but if we make more we will have to cook less tomorrow...

Said Raisa cleaning the counter as R3 started washing cutlery and cutting boards.

R3: She is right in that one I guess... What about the comma-- Ghm... I mean Nikolay and the other 3?

Fang: Probably stuck doing their own thing

She said shaking her head a bit and starting to serve a dish to herself seeing they almost finished with this.

Raisa: *Sigh* At least we finally settled down, finally a bit of peace doing work around the base and not wondering around...

R6: Pfff that's true, finally some peace for ourselves

Fang: Don't fucking jinx it girls!

She said finishing serving herself and leaving the kitchen.

Fang: Go and eat you three also if ya don't want cold soup as your dinner

She said afterward making her way to Ann's table, R3 and R6 nodded and started cleaning also to help out Raisa a bit so the three of them can leave the kitchen sooner to eat something themselves.

Fang: What's popping girls?

Said Fang sitting down on the last free spot of that table, all of them greet her and kept eating or talking.

Ann: We talking about everything, to be honest, mainly today's tasks of carrying around boxes and setting up rooms all-day

Fang: Oh yeah...

She said remembering how they spend the entire day loading a helo with boxes and organized one of the main warehouses in the base, which just made her sigh as she took her spoon and started eating like the rest of them.

Meanwhile, on the other table, R3s laughed a bit at a joke that Sveta told which apparently didn't make so much fun to Alisa as she just ate her soup silently, probably Sveta was telling something embarrassing about Alisa or something like that, who would know to be honest.

Soon enough the other three dolls joined Sveta's table with their own food and slid into the conversation.

R6: Why so much laughter?

R3s: Oh it's just that... Pff... Uh... Damn it... *Laughing* Let me catch my breath

Sveta: I just told her about that time Alisa thought a raccoon was a dog

Raisa quickly hid her mouth with one hand and tried not to laugh as she remembered that day, and indeed it was funny to everyone except Alisa, who grumpily ate her soup.

R3: A raccoon... with a dog?

She said with a little smile, it sure sounds like a funny anecdote.

Sveta: Yeah, don't blame her she is quite dum--

Sveta got hit in the shoulder by Alisa who had enough of her mocking her.

Alisa: Shut up goddamn it!

She cried out, her cheeks a bit red of embarrassment as R3s and Raisa were already laughing.

Sveta: Auch, alright, alright girl! Don't kill me jeez!

The table slowly calmed down and when everyone was already calmed and back with its senses Sveta spoke up again.

Sveta: Sooo where is Kolya tho?

Said Sveta looking over at Raisa who just shrugged.

Raisa: As Fang said before, doing his own thing I guess


Nikolay: Damn the base sure is big compared to what I drew...

Muttered Nikolay opening the door to his dorm and upon entering he looked around blinking twice as everything was organized.

Nikolay: Oh right Nadya... Guess she went to the cafeteria now *Sigh* I should catch up with all of them

He said leaving his mask by the dresser and taking off his trenchcoat and leaving it on his own rack.

Nikolay: But first maybe wash my face a bit... And hands...

He said looking at them after taking off his white fingerless gloves, a bit dirty and red because of carrying boxes all day. He once again sighed and went to the bathroom door but before he could open it the door opened itself and hit him right in the face sending him back straight to the floor.

Nikolay: Ах, блядь! (Ah, fuck!) Ghm...

Looking up to see how the hell the door opened so suddenly his eyes settled their view on a doll, just in a towel with her long hair free-flowing down her back.

Nadya: Nikolay?...

Nikolay: ...

Nadya: Nikolay you okay? Hey, Nadya to Kolya, ya hear me?

Nikolay blinked several times before letting a whisper that could be interpreted as. "Now I remember why am I so fond of that winter..."


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