Power Rangers imagines and on...

By carnationcreation

42.7K 427 90

Imagines and One shots for any and all season of Power Rangers and the movies. I noticed there was a lack of... More

Bad Timing (Adam Park x reader)
The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)
Hello, Cello (Adam Park x Cello player! reader)
We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Locked In (Adam Park x reader)
New cover + authors note
His Type (Brody Romero x reader)
Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)
Rally Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Notebooks and Banners (Adam Park x reader)
Back For You (Ethan James x reader)
Starting Over (Ollie Akana x reader)
Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)
Dream Buddy (Adam Park x reader)
New imagines book!
Memories (Zayto x reader)
Moonlight (Tommy Oliver x reader)
Ranks (Dustin Brooks x reader)
Make up (Hunter Bradley x reader)

Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x Sister!reader)

6.7K 39 10
By carnationcreation

TITLE:  Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x  Sister!reader)

Prompt/summary: (Takes place in MMPR season 3, no specific episode) Tommy misses opening night that the reader thought he'd be there for.

Word Count: 1,865

Warnings:  none

Tommy Oliver is the most forgetful person on the planet.

Well, to his sister at least. From dance recitals to school plays Tommy had forgotten every one of them until last minute. He'd always tried to make it up to her, rather it be getting her flowers or fixing the piano in the house so she could finish her vocal lessons. He hated his sister being mad at him. It's not his fault after all being a power ranger and all. He tried his best to make every performance and event his sister participated in but Lord Zedd never seems to rest.


He was late. Again.

He told me he was going to pick me up from my rehearsal for the spring musical but here I am, still sitting after over an hour of waiting on him. I really shouldn't have expected anything else. Even my stage manager was skeptical about leaving me alone this late but I assured her that I would be fine and my brother was on his way.

Eventually anyways.

I gave up and pulled out my AP US History book. What kind of teacher assigns a three page homework assignment with essay questions? Eventually a two-door white mustang pulls up to the curb in front of me. I checked my watch, and he made it right at two hours.

Adam got out, flashing me a sad smile before pulling back the seat so I could get in the back.

"Hey (y/n)," Tommy said quietly as I got in the car.

I didn't say anything as I buckled up my seatbelt. Adam got back in the car and Tommy pulled out of the school's parking lot.

"How was practice?" Adam said, trying to make the silence less awkward.


Adam frowned at Tommy for my short response.

"Look (y/n), I'm sorry I was late I was-" Tommy started.

"Practicing? Lost time while you were with your friends? Doesn't really matter. I should've just walked home," I cut him off.

Tommy went silent and kept driving. Adam's house slowly came into view and he flashed me a small smile as he stepped out of the car. Eventually Tommy popped a CD into the player, as he pressed play the sounds of my favorite Broadway musicals flowed through the speakers. I knew what he was trying to do but I really wasn't having it. He knew that the music would get me to let my guard down so he'd be able to apologize.

"Listen I'm sorry I was late. I promise I will be there tomorrow."

"It's whatever. And I won't need picked up till after the show tomorrow. You are coming right?"

"Would I really miss my little sister's opening night? You're gonna be the star of the show!" Tommy smiled.

I smiled slightly at his compliment. The streetlights went by slowly and before I knew it we were pulling up our driveway to our house. Our parents car was parked out front but their bedroom light was off.

I hopped out of the car and ran to the front door, my backpack swinging behind me. I kept my script tucked under my arm as I went upstairs to my room.

"Hey," Tommy said from the bottom of the stairs, "you know we're proud of you right?"

"Right," I said quickly before turning around and rushing into my room.


I sat in my dressing room feeling exhausted as I applied the bright green paint on my body. Beverly, my co-star playing Galinda, was next to me removing her pin curls to the blonde wig.

"Is Tommy coming in tonight?"

"I don't really know, knowing him he's probably still at the gym practicing with Rocky."

"Don't be bummed, (Y/n). I'm sure he'll turn up. You'll do amazing regardless. He's always talking in History class about how excited he is about your acting gigs," she smiled as she applied the bright pink blush to her cheeks.

"Does he really?" I said. I was shocked. For all I knew he never talked about me. I wouldn't think he would be that proud of me, especially with all his accomplishments he could talk about instead.

"Yes! He even handed out flyers for the show with the seniors yesterday."

Before we could finish the stage manager called five minutes to places and we hurried to finish getting ready.


The music slowed as I finished belting out the last bars of the finale. I panted as the lights went down. FInally glad the show was over but I loved every second of it.

At curtain call I looked out at the audience. Nope. No sign of my brother anywhere. I sighed but wasn't that surprised.

I made my way back to the dressing room to take a break and get ready to go home. Sliding into my comfy clothes to wear home and wiping all the makeup off.

"Hey! Why aren't you out there with Tommy?" Beverly asked as she walked into the dressing room.

"He wasn't here."

"What? But he kept telling everyone he was gonna be here?" she said confused.

"Well he says a lot of things," I said as I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.


Tommy rushed into the theater right as curtain call ended, a bouquet of flowers in hand in (Y/n)'s favorite color. He looked around for his sister in the clumps of families taking pictures with the actors but didn't see her anywhere. He knew he messed up.

Kimberly and the rest of the rangers came up behind him, "It's okay Tommy we'll find her, maybe she didn't notice you weren't here."

"She always looks for me, I always promise her I'll be there,"Tommy said. His head hung and his eyes started to tear up.

"Hey man let's go see if we can find her backstage, maybe she's just getting ready?" Adam said.

Kim grabbed his hand and the group headed to the dressing rooms.

"Tommy!" Beverly yelled running up to them.

"Hey Beverly," Kim said, "Where did (Y/n) go?"

"She headed out the back to walk home. Tommy, she was so excited before the show, I told her about the flyers you handed out and everything. Where were you?" Beverly said, placing her hands on her hips.

Tommy sighed, "I got tied up."

"Uh-huh. Just like you were in the fall too when you didn't even get to see her solo at the chorus recital. Maybe if you get in the car now you can grab her before she gets home."

Tommy hid his face in his hands as the girl walked back into the dressing rooms to finish changing.


Tears blurred my vision as I tried to focus on the sidewalk. My bag was heavy against my hip and the street lights flickered in front on the ground. Why did I think anything would be different this time?

I saw headlights from a car pull up beside me. Rocky's red jeep came into view and I kept walking.

"(Y/n)?" Tommy yelled.

I pulled my hair down over my face.

"(Y/n) please listen!"

"Why?" I snapped back.

"(Y/n) please get in the car so we can go home," Tommy said.

I still kept walking. The car pulled ahead quickly before Tommy hopped out and stood in my path.

"(Y/n) please," he said. I could tell he'd been crying because of the lift in his voice.

I looked up with puffy eyes only to be met with his own.

"You promised Tommy," I sobbed.

"I know, I know," he said as he pulled me into his arms, "I'm a terrible brother I know. Please get in the car and I'll explain when we get home. It's getting dark."

I nodded and Kim opened the door for me to slide in between her and Adam. Kim grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on to the back of it to try and calm me down. I ended up falling asleep on Adam's shoulder.

I felt Tommy pick me up and carry me into my room. He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep with my comfy clothes still on.


The next morning Tommy was gone before I could corner him and question him about last night. I dressed in my casual outfit before trying to call Kimberly to see if maybe he was with her.

I decided to go to the juice bar to track him down. I took a shortcut through the park and put earbuds in and my walkman in my back pocket. I felt the air suddenly go cold and I whipped around to strange creatures popping up out of the ground.

I'd heard about the Puddies that will randomly attack but I had never seen them yet. Luckily Tommy made me learn a few moves from him just in case. I quickly began to try and fight them off but there seemed to be too many.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone yell. I turned to see Tommy and his friends running towards me.

"Tommy! Help!"

They quickly made work of the puddies, me helping out when I could but leaving most of the work to them. Soon enough the puddies were gone but a monster appeared in front of us. What is it today?

"(Y/n) get behind us!" Tommy yelled.

"Do we really wanna do this in front of her?" Rocky said.

"Got no choice Rock, it's morphin time!"

I stood in shock as I watched my brother and his friends morph into the power rangers.

"What!' I yelled.

"(Y/n) get to safety!" Kimberly yelled.

I didn't wait around to see what happened next.


I waited nervously at the juice bar for the rest of the afternoon. As soon as I saw Tommy walking in the door I tackled him in a hug.

"Omg what happened? I was so worried I didn't know what was gonna happen to you guys please tell me you're not hurt-"

Tommy cut off my ramble, "(Y/n), we're fine. Let's go somewhere quiet where we can talk about this."

He led us out to his car. As the door closed behind me my mind started racing.

"So," I started, "The reason why you're always late is because you're a power ranger?"

Tommy sighed, "Yes, for the majority of times at least."

I nodded, still trying to process everything that just happened today.

"Are you mad?" Tommy asked nervously.

"Of course I'm a bit mad! You could get hurt!" I said.

Tommy nodded and laughed slightly, "Yeah yeah I know. I promise we stay as safe as possible and Zordon can heal us if we do get hurt."


"It's a long story. Wanna get ice cream?"

I scoffed but smiled at my brother, "Bribing me with ice cream now?"

"To make up for keeping that secret."

"Hmmm... alright," I smiled.

"Let's go!" he said.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with ice cream and some well deserved quality time with my brother. I'd missed these days. And come the next show on Thursday, all the rangers gave me a giant bouquet of my favorite flowers. Tommy made sure he was in the front row seat.

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