Power Rangers imagines and on...

By carnationcreation

42.7K 427 90

Imagines and One shots for any and all season of Power Rangers and the movies. I noticed there was a lack of... More

Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x Sister!reader)
The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)
Hello, Cello (Adam Park x Cello player! reader)
We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Locked In (Adam Park x reader)
New cover + authors note
His Type (Brody Romero x reader)
Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)
Rally Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Notebooks and Banners (Adam Park x reader)
Back For You (Ethan James x reader)
Starting Over (Ollie Akana x reader)
Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)
Dream Buddy (Adam Park x reader)
New imagines book!
Memories (Zayto x reader)
Moonlight (Tommy Oliver x reader)
Ranks (Dustin Brooks x reader)
Make up (Hunter Bradley x reader)

Bad Timing (Adam Park x reader)

4.7K 34 4
By carnationcreation

TITLE: Bad Timing (Adam Parks x reader)

Prompt/summary: (MMPR Season 2 episode 29, Goldar's Vice Versa) Reader is the team's stand-in medic and is trying to ask Adam to the Vice-Versa dance. Lord Zedd has other plans.

Word Count: 2,276

Warnings: none

"It's about time the girls had to ask the guys to the dance," Rocky said leading the boys to a table at Earnie's juice bar.

"Who are you going with?" Billy asked.

Rocky smiled and leaned back in his chair, "Jessica Peterson, I can't believe she asked me. What about you Adam?"

Adam sighed, "I don't think I'm going..."

"Why not?" His friends asked.

"No one's asked me yet, and I don't think anyone's going to," the boy said.

"Don't feel bad Adam, no one's invited me yet either," Billy said.

Adam gave a sad smile, feeling a little bit better that he wasn't alone in his struggle. But just as Billy said that, Laura Scottsman approached the boys table asking to speak to Billy alone. Adam leaned his head into his hand watching the blue ranger walk off only to return with a smile on his face, "Hey guys, Laura just asked me to the dance!"

"Atta boy!" Rocky said high-fiving Billy.

"Looks like I'm the only one without a date, even Bulk and Skull are going if those weird girls ever catch them," Adam sighed.

"Don't worry Adam, someone will ask you," Rocky tried to console his friend.

"I gotta get going, later guys," Adam said standing up and walking off.

His friends shared a sigh. (Y/n) watched Adam leave and hurriedly approached the two boys remaining at the table.

"Hey guys," (Y/n) said, the boys looked up and smiled, "Where'd Adam go?"

"I'm not sure, he's been bummed out that no one's asked him to the dance," Rocky said.

Billy smirked at the youngest member of the team, "Why haven't you asked him yet (Y/n)? Everyone knows you want to."

"Oh I hope not everyone," (Y/n) sighed while pulling out a chair to sit down.

"Everyone on the team at least, I think Aisha has made it her mission to try and set you two up," Rocky chuckled.

(Y/n) blushed, "I was actually gonna ask you guys to help me think of an idea to ask him to be my date..."

The two boys smiled before Rocky said, "You don't need anything fancy (Y/n), just ask him outright and he'll say yes."

"You don't know that!"

"Yes we do! He's had a crush on you since you started helping Alpha out in the power chamber," Billy said.

"Last time I patched him up after a fight he wouldn't even look at me, or talk to me."

"Adam's just a shy guy, you'll figure it out (Y/n)," Rocky said.

"I sure hope so, anyways I'm gonna go find Aisha. She might be able to help."

(Y/n) stood up with a sigh and went to track down the yellow ranger.


Kim, Adam, and Aisha sat at Earnie's the next afternoon. Aisha had spent all of their first period trying to convince (Y/n) to shoot her shot with the handsome black ranger. Eventually Aisha resorted to telling Adam Sarah Diaz might ask him if he shows up to Volleyball practice, all while (Y/n) stood next to her and listened. It broke (Y/n)'s heart at how hopeful Adam looked after Aisha told him, and (Y/n) decided that it was gonna be that day she asked him.

So here they sat at the juice bar. Aisha kept her eye on the door waiting for their team medic to show up with the poster they had made.

"Lord Zedd has the worst timing ever," Kim groaned.

"Tell me about it. It's too late now, Sarah's probably gonna ask someone else," Adam said.

"Oh Adam don't give up, I heard from a little birdie that there's someone else planning on asking you," Aisha smiled.

"You mean (Y/n)? They better do it soon before Sarah gets to him first," Kim laughed.

Adam blushed at the mention of their friend, they were the first person Adam wanted to ask him but after he saw them with Aisha yesterday he wasn't sure at all if they were even interested.

"You guys I gotta go, catch you later," Kim said, grabbing her bag. The other two rangers waved as she walked out.

Cheers were heard from the main floor of the gym, grabbing both the rangers attention, "Hey what's going on over there?"

"Let's check it out," Adam said.

They both stood up and walked over to see a girl practicing karate. Adam watched in awe. Her black hair shone under the lights of the gym, and her suit was crisp and clean. Her kicks were swift and graceful, she finished her routine and the crowd clapped for her. She grabbed a bag off the floor and walked up the steps towards the teens.

"Hey," the girl said, "do you mind if I join you? I'm new in school and I don't know many people yet."

"Sure, I'm Adam and this is Aisha," Adam smiled.

Aisha held out her hand for the girl to shake but she shoved her bag into her and grabbed Adam's instead causing Aisha to scoff.

"I'm Sabrina, it's nice to meet you Adam," she smiled, "I heard you're one of the best martial artists at Angel Grove High, maybe you could show me a few moves?"

Aisha's eyes widened as she saw (Y/n) walk in. After looking around (Y/n) spotted Adam and began to walk over.

"Sure," Adam said. He and Sabrina began to walk away, leaving Aisha still holding her bag.

"Hey!" she yelled as she tossed the bag back to the new girl who only smirked in response. The pair walked down the steps and right past (Y/n) causing them to look confusedly at them and back at Aisha.

"Who is that?" they asked.

"I really don't know, but she seemed only interested in Adam."

(Y/n)'s eyes began to water and Aisha put her hand on her friends shoulder, "Let's see if we can still use that poster."

Adam practiced with Sabrina for over an hour and a half. Aisha and (Y/n) sat at the juice bar, the poster tucked away in Aisha's bag for later. Sabrina finally grabbed her stuff to leave and the two walked up to Adam on the matts. The boy couldn't wipe the smile off his face and (Y/n) felt a sting in their chest.

"Oh Adam!" Aisha said in a sing-song voice, waving her hand in his face, "Reality to Adam!"

"She's great isn't she?" he said after he pulled his eyes away from where Sabrina had just left.

"I'm not so sure about her," Aisha said.

"Come on, give her a chance," Adam said, "(Y/n), tell her."

(Y/n) took a deep breath in when they heard their name from the boy, "Yeah let's just give her a chance Aisha. As long as she makes Adam happy."

Aisha looked sadly at (Y/n). Adam broke the silence, "Why don't you guys come hiking with us tomorrow? So you guys can get to know each other better."

"Alright, I'll give her a chance," Aisha said. (Y/n) and Adam shared a smile before he walked away.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) began to feel tears form in their eyes, "I'm so stupid Aisha, I should've asked him earlier and now I've lost him."

"Maybe she just wants a friend? Let's just see what happens tomorrow," the yellow ranger said as she put her arm around her friend.

(Y/n) could only nod.


The next day was a nightmare.

(Y/n) ditched the poster since they couldn't bring a bag with them. After they met up with Adam and Sabrina both (Y/n) and Aisha could tell that the girl did not want them there. From hitting Aisha in the face with her arm, to flat out ignoring (Y/n) when they said something, it was clear that Sabrina was showing her annoyance at their company.

"Why did you have to bring them along?" Sabrina scoffed to Adam.

"They're my best friends, I just wanted all of you to get along."

"Well, don't hold your breath," the raven haired girl scoffed.

The group finally got to a grove of trees but stopped in shock when Goldar and puddies appeared in front of them, "Where are you going?"

"Take cover Sabrina!" Adam yelled, "You too (Y/n)."

(Y/n) felt another pang in their chest, but tried to get behind the tree anyway.

"Thanks for the advice, power ranger. But I can take care of myself!"

The two stared in confusion that soon became shook as the girl morphed into a gold suit before walking over to join Goldar.

"What's going on? Who are you?" Adam yelled.

"Scorpina! And I'm your worst nightmare."

Before the three teens could react, Goldar swung his sword and they were tied up to the tree by a glowing rope, "Soon your friends will come to your rescue and that will be the end of the Power Rangers!"

Adam grunted as he tried to move his hands, "I can't reach my morpher."

"Me either," Aisha said.

"Let us go you witch!" (Y/n) yelled.


It didn't take long for the Rangers to figure out there wasn't a new girl at Angel grove. After checking in with Zordon they found out that Sabrina was actually Scorpina. The rangers got to the park as fast as they could to save their friends.

"Are you guys okay?" Tommy yelled.

Goldar interrupted before the three hostages could talk, "So glad you all could join our little farewell party!"

"Go for it guys," Adam said.

"Hang tight," Tommy said, " you guys handle the puddies, I'll take Goldar and Scorpina."

"Right! Let's do it," Rocky said.

"Worst day ever," (Y/n) sighed as the rangers ran off. The group began knocking out puddies left and right.

"Why do you say that?" Adam asked. Tommy narrowly avoided a blast from Goldar.

"I had big plans for today and I don't even know if I should do them after this."

"What were they?" Rocky did a flying kick in the air knocking Goldar to the ground.

"Well... I was gonna ask someone to the dance, but he seemed interested in someone else."

Kim landed a blow on Scorpina, making her lose balance.

"Can't hurt to ask, the least he'll do is say no."

"I guess you're right," (Y/n) sighed.

The group finally knocked out the last of the puddies. Billy ran up to the tree and used his power lance on the ropes setting his friends free.

"Way to go guys!" Aisha said.

"Let's do it Aisha! Zordon teleport (Y/n) to the command center," Adam said.

Adam gave (Y/n) a thumbs up before she was transferred to the ranger's base, then jumping back into the action with his team.

(Y/n) felt a pit in their stomach as they watched their friends battle the two monsters in the megazords. Once the battle was won the rangers returned to base, and (Y/n) began her usual check up on each ranger. After everyone was cleared for injuries they quickly gathered their things and left causing Adam to wonder what was bothering them.


It took Aisha and (Y/n) two hours to get ready, with the first 45 minutes being Aisha convincing (Y/n) to go regardless of if she asked Adam or not. (Y/n) left with a single red rose tucked away for later.

Adam stood with Tommy and Kim at the dance. The awkwardness was present as Adam knew he was third wheeling with the star couple of Angel Grove high.

"Oh cheer up Adam, things could be worse," Kim said.

"Yeah you could be going to the dance with Scorpina," TOmmy joked as Adam shuddered.

"Hey, as long as I got my friends, everything will be cool."

The lights were low and the music was bumping as the (Y/n) and Aisha walked into the youth center. They quickly found their friends in the big crowd of students.

"Wow (Y/n), you look amazing! RIght Adam?" Kim said.

Adams mouth was slightly open, practically drooling over their long time crush. Kim nudged him in the side breaking him from his trance, "Yeah you look awesome."

(Y/n) smiled shyly.

Before (Y/n) could pull the rose out completely, Sarah Diaz approached and tapped Adam on the shoulder. (Y/n) pressed their lips together and turned away from the boy, but not before Adam could see the item they had in their hands.

"Hi Adam," Sarah said shyly, "I was hoping you'd be here."

"Sarah, hey. Where's your date?" Adam said nervously.

"Um, I actually came here alone..."

Aisha stood watching the whole situation go down, she watched as (Y/n)'s eyes began to tear up again and she knew Tommy and Kim saw it too.

"Well I uh," Adam said, he looked back at (Y/n) and saw their back turned to him, but he could still see the stem of the rose in their hands, "I actually came here with someone, but if you want you can stay with my friends."

(Y/n)'s eyes looked up in confusion at their friends. The rangers looked at each other before shrugging.

"Oh, well that's alright. My volleyball friends are here so I can just chill with them. It was nice seeing you Adam, (Y/n)'s really lucky," Sarah said.

Adam turned back and tapped (Y/n) on the shoulder.

"I've been meaning to ask you for three days," (Y/n) said as they held the rose out to the boy, "Lord Zedd just has terrible timing."

Adam smiled as he took the rose into his right hand. Aisha sighed before exclaiming, "Don't just stand there, ask them to dance!"

The two chuckled before Adam reached up and brushed (Y/n)'s hair back and placed the rose behind their ear, "Would you like to dance (Y/n)?"

"I'd love to."

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