When in London (One Direction...

By SkylarJay

9.2M 89.3K 27.9K

| Highest Ranking: #1 in Fanfiction | Katie Niroman has been best friends with Niall Horan since birth. They... More



470K 2.9K 1.3K
By SkylarJay

I can't believe I'm doing this, I thought as I looked up at Liam who was hovering above me.

But the thing was; I haven't reached my limit. And from what I could see, neither has he. I was desperate for more and I knew I could handle it.

I needed this satisfaction, and I knew Liam could give it to me.

It's been so long since I've had it, and now was my chance. And right now, the only person that I could think of giving it to me was Liam; because I know he was the only one willing to listen. Willing to try it with me. He was capable just as much as I was. He had the endurance that I needed. I needed the satisfaction of doing this; like I had a while ago. And now that I'm older and more experienced, I will be able to get the performance that I want; that I know I deserve. And I could only do this with Liam.

Because I felt safe with him.

"If Niall finds out about this, he's going to flip." Liam said nervously.

"No he won't!" I reassured him. "He'll be proud of me. I'm growing up; I need to do some things on my own now."

"I don't know if you will be able to handle it, though-"

"I need more!" I almost growled as I looked up at Liam.

I was clenching the bar above me like my life depended on it. My body was trembling as sweat beaded at my spine. Liam was looking down at me worriedly, almost breathing as heavy as I was. I could see my knuckles turning white, but I didn't care. I knew I could do this. I knew it because I have done this before.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked worriedly. He was directly over top of me, hovering so that none of his body was touching mine. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Just do it." I urged, willing my arms not to give out on me. I can do this. I have done this. "Please?"

"I don't know Katie. I mean, you're so small-"

"Trust me." I let out a breath through my clamped teeth. "I've done this before."

"Okay..." He said wearily. He straightened up from where he was hovering over me and got into position.

This was it, I thought, mentally and physically preparing myself. This is the moment that I have been waiting for.

I closed my eyes and waited for the pressure that would come. He added on one more weight to each side. That's it. I was going to bench press seventy-five pounds. I tightened my grip on the benching bar and forcefully pushed upwards.

The bar lifted.

Liam's hands flew to the empty space between me and the bar, carefully spotting me.

Okay, Katie. Let's do this.

"One!" Liam said from above me as I bench pressed one rep. I brought the bar down for a second rep.

"Two!" He said, going to take the bar from my hands. He thought I couldn't do more than two?!

"One more! I can do one more!" I grunted, tightening my abs and arm muscles.

"Three!" He exclaimed, taking the bar from my weak arms and putting it back. I let my arms fall limply towards the ground as my chest heaved up and down. Wow! I can't believe I did that!

"I can't believe you did that!" Liam said, shaking his head as he smiled down at me. "I mean, look at you!" He indicated at my body with his hands. "You're so tiny!"

I laughed.

"Okay, I think that's enough weight training for one day." I smiled, trying to lift my arms from where they dangled, limp at my sides. I failed. "I can't feel my arms any more."

"It's all the lactic acid build up." He said, taking one of my arms in his hands. He started messaging my arm with his fingers and his knuckles. "Let's just hope you can move them by tonight." He said with a teasing smile.

"Why? What's tonight?" I asked.

"Niall said he wants to take you sight seeing. So that's what we're gonna do." He took my other arm and started messaging. "And then we're probably going to a club." He smiled.

"Wait... I think I'm under age-"

"Don't worry about that." He said, standing up and offering me his hand. I took it gladly and he pulled me up. "You don't have to drink if you don't want to. But if you do, who's gonna stop you?"

"I don't know, the police?" I said with sarcasm. He cracked a cute smile.

"Oh Katie, I think you've forgotten." He started, leading the way to the exit.

"Forgotten what?"

"You're with One Direction now. Nothing can stop you."


*Louis' POV*

I'm suspicious.

Scratch that. I'm certain.

Ever since Katie came yesterday, Harry has been doing nothing except gazing at her. I think I have known him long enough to say that he has the hots for Katie. And I'm not saying that that's a bad thing.

For him, that is.

Katie, on the other hand, will have a hard time. You see, the thing is... Harry enjoys the chase. Most of the time he doesn't get attached to the girl, but the odd times, he does. So, the risky part of the situation is: as long as Katie stays uninterested in Harry, the more intrigued he will become by her. The more he will want her. And right now, from what I can see, Katie is not interested.

That's where the plan affects her.

Katie is a cute girl. She's funny and shy and a really sweet girl. Which, in other words, tells me that she is most likely very naive. She is vulnerable to experienced players like Harry, who enjoy a chase that is hard to get (A.K.A. Katie). Harry will be constantly after her until she gives into him, which I estimate will be never. This is a problem because first of all, Niall had already told us to stay away.

Obviously Harry thinks he is an exception, so he has already ignored that rule.

The other problem is that Katie came here for University; not to be distracted by lust-driven players like Harry. I mean, no offence to Harry, he's my best friend. But I know that Katie can do better than him. And from what I was told, she has just gotten out of a long term relationship, which has got to be hard on her. She doesn't need to start dealing relationship cards right away.

Hopefully Harry will realize that sooner better than later.

*Katie's POV*

"So?! How was it?!"

Was the first thing that I heard when I entered the flat with Liam in tow. I looked into the flat to see Niall standing at the end of the hallway.

"This girl right here benched seventy-five pounds!" Liam exclaimed with a big smile as he patted my back.

"No way." Harry said stepping into view as he pointed at me. "Her?"

"Yes actually. Me." I responded with a proud smile.

"But... you're so small-"

"YOU BENCHED SEVENTY-FIVE POUNDS?" Niall yelled, cutting Harry off.

"Yes..." I responded hesitantly.

"HOW?" He exclaimed, a crazy smile spreading across his face.

"Niall, you look like a psycho killer." Lou put in, looking over at where he was standing.

"Que'ce que c'est!" Harry shouted. Wow.

He sounds hot speaking French.

Snap out of it.

"FA FA FA FA, FA FA FA FA FA, FAR, BETTER..." Lou continued. Oh, I get it. They were breaking out into song!

"RUN RUN RUN, RUN, RUN RUN RUN AWAAAAYYYYYY!" Harry went on, belting out the lyrics.

These boys sure were entertaining.

"OH OH OH OHHHHHH! AY AY AY AY AY AY OOOOOOOOH!" Now it was all of the boys except Zayn that were singing along. I looked in his direction and he was shaking his head with a smile on his face as he watched the boys. I mouthed to him, 'Are they always like this?'

He nodded in response.

"OKAY!" Zayn shouted, putting his hands out as if to stop a fight from happening. "I think that's enough!"

"Don't be a party pooper!" Liam said with a pout on his lips. I swear, sometimes he acted like he was three years old.

"So what are the plans for today?" Harry asked. He was still in his pyjamas.

"Sight seeing and then off to the club!" Lou replied with a smile.

"Katie, go get ready." Niall said, lightly pushing me in the direction of the stairs. "We can head out early so you can see everything."

"Okay!" And with that, I headed up stairs and into our room.

That's when I spotted it.

The rectangular white and green Magnolia jewellery box was sitting on top of my dresser. I had completely forgotten about it! Then, thoughts of my family and friends back at home flooded my mind. I haven't even talked to anyone yet! Paisley probably thinks I forgot about her so quickly! And my mom! How could I forget?! I raced towards the dresser and picked the box up. Taking a seat on the bed, I carefully lifted the decorated lid.

It was beautiful.

It was very simple; a rope made out of silver, and that was it. And yet that was the thing that made it so beautiful. The clasp was one of the ones that you had to twist in order for it to lock around your wrist. It had the most elegant design, yet it looked like it cost a lot of money. I didn't deserve this! I don't deserve Paisley as a friend! She went through all this trouble to get me this wonderful bracelet and told me to open it when I arrived in London, and I couldn't even do that! I couldn't even remember and give her a call saying thanks! I was horrible.

And the tears started to flow.

Niall had to walk in at the worst time possible. Here I was, sitting on the bed, crying, as I held the bracelet in my hands. I was pathetic.

"What happened?" Niall asked with extreme concern. He rushed over to the bed and knelt down in front of me. "Katie? What's going on?"

"I'm a horrible friend! That's what going on!" I balled as I hid my face in shame. I missed everyone so much.

"No you're not! Why are you crying?" He begged, lifting my face to look at me.

"Paisley gave me this - hiccup - and told me - hiccup - to open it when I - hiccup - got here but I didn't." I said, trying to get my breathing in control. Why was I so emotional?

"I'm sure she understands." He said, reassuringly. He took the bracelet from my hands and looked at it. "Give me your wrist."

I held out my wrist.

"I didn't even call her! I didn't - hiccup - call anyone!" Niall wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up from the bed, sitting down again with me in his lap.

"Shhhhhhh." He whispered, rubbing my back as I hugged my knees to my chest. "It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. Just call them now; they'll be more than happy to hear from you." I nodded my head. "Don't worry about it." He kissed the side of my head before releasing me and getting up from the bed. "Come down when you're ready."

And with that, he walked out, closing the door behind him.


*Harry's POV*

"All right, we're leaving!" Niall yelled from the hallway.

"Coming!" Lou shouted, pulling me up from the couch by the arm. We walked towards where the rest of the boys were standing with Katie. And let me tell you.

Katie was fit.

She was wearing jean shorts that showed off her toned legs and a flowy tank top. I didn't think it was going to be this hard to resist her. I mean, when Niall said she was coming to live with us, I didn't know she was going to be this hot! A little warning would have been nice.

"Haz!" Zayn scolded, punching my arm. Ow.

"What?!" I asked, looking at him with a bewildered expression. I rubbed the spot where he punched me for exaggeration.

"You know what." He said with a flat expression.

"Don't even lie! You know you did it too!" I said, backing myself up. I mean, what guy wouldn't check her out?

"Yeah, but not like you did!" He retorted. "Just give up. You know she's gonna pick me." He said cockily.

I laughed.

"Mate, you don't even know what kind of plans I've got up my sleeves." I said, putting my arm around his shoulders.

And besides...

She still owes me.


*Katie's POV*

London was absolutely beautiful.

Of course, I'm lucky that it wasn't raining today. The guys were being wonderful! They showed me around and brought me to the famous landmarks like the London Bridge and the Big Ben. I was having the time of my life.

Until we started getting stopped every two minutes by One Direction fans.


Keep it together, Katie. They're famous, remember?

"TAKE A PICTURE! TAKE A PICTURE!" She yelled, shoving her camera into my hands. Really? A please would be nice.

"Oh, sure! No problem!" I said with a forced smile. Niall saw this and gave me an apologetic smile. "You ready?" I asked.

'WAIT!" She yelled. Jeez, does this girl know what an indoor voice is? "Harry, can you kiss me on the cheek in the picture?" She asked with a hand on her hip.

Keep it together.

"Urm, sure." Harry replied. He had to kneel down in order to reach her.

"Okay. Are you ready now?" I asked.

"WAIT. Zayn, can you kiss my other cheek?" She asked.

Keep it together.

"Okay." He said, also kneeling down. Okay, this was getting a little out of hand.

"Okay, ready-" I started

"WAIT-" She cut me off.

That's it.

"OKAY. Threetwoonecheese." I said, rushing to get the words out before she could protest. The camera captured the picture fine so I gave it back to her.

"Who are you, anyways..." She said as she walked away, giving me the evillest look imaginable.

"Sorry Katie. I thought this was going to be fun for you." Niall apologized.

"Don't worry! It is fun!" I tried to give off the most convincing smile I could muster.

"How about we head to the flat to get ready and then we'll go to the club?" Harry suggested. I was fine with that.

"All right. Do you want to see anything else before we head back, Katie?" Zayn asked, his eyes connecting with mine.

They were such a pretty colour.

"Um - I think we've seen a lot. I'm fine with heading back to the flat." I replied, breaking eye contact. No matter how hard I tried, I could never maintain it. His gaze had me captivated-

Snap out of it! He's just a boy!

"Okay then! Let's head back!" Liam exclaimed. As we started walking back to the car, I found myself being flanked on both sides by Harry and Zayn. Niall was walking in front of us and kept glancing back suspiciously. Oh boy. If he was like this now, I can't even imagine what it's going to be like at the club.


"Hurry up!" Niall yelled from the other side of the door. I was pacing in front of the dresser, trying to figure out what I was going to wear.

"Okay!" I replied, grabbing the only semi-dressy thing I could find.

Screw it, I thought. This will have to do.

I pulled on the ripped skinny jeans and strapless red flowy shirt. I got my black pumps out from the closet and pulled them on as well, while at the same time, putting my phone and wallet into my black clutch.

Well, this is the best I can do.

"Katie!" Niall yelled again from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back, walking down the stairs. Only to find all five of the boys' eyes locked on me. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. This is so embarrassing!

"Ready to go?" Harry asked. His voice sounded lower than usual.

"Uh- yeah." I said, feeling awkward with all the stares I was getting. "Let's go." And with that, we set out to the club, with me leading.

And One Direction following behind.



I want to start off by saying sorry. I know it took forever and a half to upload this chapter and I'm not gonna sit here and make excuses. All I'm saying is that it is now the time in school where students become bombarded with work, and I literally have like two minutes to myself everyday. Exam prep and culminating and all that horrible stuff are taking up all of my time. But back to the story... I LOVE YOU GUYS! ALL OF THE SUPPORT I'M GETTING IS CRAZY! So if you're reading this, I love you. This chapter was on the rather boring side because I'm loosing inspiration :( GIVE ME YOUR WONDERFUL AND LOVELY IDEAS. I WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU THINK SHOULD HAPPEN IN THE STORY! Anyways that's it for me! Love you guys so much! Stay safe!

~Skylar xx

P.S. If you know what song was featured in this chapter, you get extra points of awesomeness.

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