INVISIBLE ― Harry Potter

By RavenNell

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Electra Deveraux felt invisible. And she didn't expect Harry Potter, of all people, to ask her to the Yule ba... More

Family Matters ⇢ The Deveraux's!!
"the invisible girl"
ONE. The World Cup
TWO. Departing from Dad
THREE. Insane Annoucements
FIVE. The Madness of Moody
SIX. Unexpected Conversations
SEVEN. The Other Schools
EIGHT. The Goblet's Decision
NINE. Teenagers Can Suck
TEN. Dragon Discussions
ELEVEN. The First Task
TWELVE. That's What It Is
THIRTEEN. The Dresses Answered
FOURTEEN. The Yule Ball is Here
FIFTEEN. The Night Goes On
SIXTEEN. Screw Rita Skeeter
SEVENTEEN. The Second Task
EIGHTEEN. The Year's End Approaches
NINETEEN. The Third Task
TWENTY. The Death of a Friend
ONE. The Summer Begins
TWO. A Hidden House
THREE. Time To Get Harry
FOUR. Finally Some Answers
FIVE. Real Deep Cleaning

FOUR. First Day of School

775 28 7
By RavenNell

chapter four.

first day of school

Dear Dad,
What part did you actually have in the decision that it was the right time to reinstate the Triwizard Tournament? Because it is frankly an incredibly stupid decision.

People have died in this tournament Dad! Like actual death, no coming back! Do you know how close people get to dying in this school without dangerous games to be played by students? Like seriously this school is normally quite the death trap. What of the risks?

Don't chalk this up to me being the worry full person that I am. It's called common sense. It's really quite simple. When running a school for children try to have as little risk as possible.

And before you mention the whole seventeen-year-old age restriction thing. There's still a risk of death. It's really quite dumb if you think about it all.

Sure maybe it's all fun and games and I don't worry this much about Quidditch. But that's different, there are rules and we know what to expect. We know nothing about these tasks. So seriously what is the benefit?

In other news, Robin is disappointed that he won't have a chance to even try and be on the Quidditch team this year. Did you realise that to do this you'd have to cancel Quidditch? Shouldn't that surely disappoint your love of Quidditch. You brought Ravenclaw house to victory many times! Why are you stopping that?

Nothing really to report as I'm finishing this letter off at the breakfast of my first day. Last night we learnt our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is Mad-Eye Moody! An ex Auror. This school baffles me sometimes. I prefer Lupin already.

I hope nothing startling has occurred to you back at home and that you are well.
I love you despite your bizarre decision. I miss you already!

With lots of love,
Electra xx

Electra finished signing her letter to her father. It was the morning after the speech at the breakfast table. Next to Electra Robin eyed his timetable whilst shoving toast into his mouth. "We still have Care of Magical Creatures with the Hufflepuff's," Robin told her with excitement in his voice which made Electra eye him sceptically.

"That's good," Electra muttered as she too shoved food into her face.

"You finished your letter of complaint?" Robin asked her.

Electra nodded, "I'm gonna show it to Iris," she says, "See if she has anything to add,"

"What's Iris gonna add?" Robin asked looking over at where the other Deveraux was sitting with her friends, "She doesn't seem so concerned by it all,"

As Electra looked over at Iris and her closet friends she felt a feeling swirling in her. It was not one of unease, she knew that all too well. In fact, it was one she knew yet she had not identified it. It was like anger but she knew it wasn't. It was more green than anything.

"Yeah well, maybe when she reads my letter will be," Electra declares, grabbing her letter and its envelope off the table standing up from her seat. Robin sighs.

"Electra," Robin calls as she moves to walk to the end of the table, "Seriously now?"

"No time like the present," Electra responds, walking to the end of the table so she can walk around it.

As she walks to the end of the Hufflepuff table she realises, "This was a bad idea," but Electra was feeling stubborn so she keeps going.

Especially when her sister calls her name, "Electra!" Iris cries happily in greeting, "Come sit down," she beckons to the seat next to her.

"Hi," Electra pushes out before Iris beckons to the seat again, "Okay," she sits down next to Iris on the bench, "I...erm...have a letter for..." she begins to explain.

"Dad," Iris finishes her sentence for her knowing what she wants to say, "Yeah I'll see if I want to add anything," Iris took the letter and its envelope from Electra and began to read it herself. Electra sat tapping her fingers on the table smiling awkwardly at Roseanne and Winnie. Who smiled back less awkwardly.

"Would you like some Pumpkin juice, Electra?" Winnie offered pretty quickly.

Electra was thrown off for a few seconds, "Erm...yes please, Winnie," she said before quickly adding, "If it's not too much trouble,"

"It's not,"  Winnie assures, reaching for the jug of pumpkin juice. She glances around not noticing a spare goblet and Electra wants to retract her acceptance of it but she's too deep into it now.

"Hey, has anyone got a spare goblet?" Roseanne calls down the table to their fellow Hufflepuff's.

"Yeah," a Hufflepuff exclaimed, passing it down with a smile.

"Thanks," Roseanne said smiling as she accepted it. Winnie took it off her and poured the pumpkin juice into it.

"There you go Electra," Winnie says, handing the goblet to Electra.

"Thank you, Winnie," Electra says, "And Roseanne," she quickly adds but Roseanne waves it off like it was nothing.

"So what do you think of this tournament?" Winnie asks as Electra is sipping on her pumpkin juice, "It's exciting isn't it?" Winnie says happily.

Electra lowers her goblet a bit, "Erm yeah that's one word for it," she says not wanting to disagree in case they get mad, not that they would be they could, "It's all quite disquieted," she comments her opinion only dipping her toes in the water.

"It's never quiet at Hogwarts, Electra," Roseanne responds thinking she means it's not quiet when disquieted means a lack of calm, or peace. Unease. Different to exciting.

Electra raised the goblet to her lips again, sipping on it once again, "Well, what do you think about Professor Moody?" Winnie asks, "I wonder what he'll be like as a teacher,"

Next to Electra Iris finishes reading her letter and answers the question for her, "She prefers Lupin," she says looking up at her friends before glancing over at Electra who is nodding along, "As do I," Iris adds.

"Did you read her mind?" Roseanne asks.

"Is this an Irish Twin thing?" Winnie also asked, referring to the phrase used to describe siblings born within the same year or same year at school, it is also used more commonly to describe actual Irish twins. If you were gonna pick one Iris and Electra would be Scottish, the genes of Andrew Deveraux.

"It says so in her letter," Iris says lifting up Electra's letter a bit, "And I agree with that Lupin was amazing I miss him,"

"Same," Roseanne says dreamily as she rests her head in her hand.

"Don't set Roseanne off on her Lupin bullshit she was fawning all over him last year," Winnie remarks.

"Can you blame me?" Roseanne asks her friends.

"No," Electra piped up, surprising Iris as she lowered her almost empty goblet. She noticed the three of them looking at her, "What? There was something about him," she says.

"Electra gets it," Roseanne says, pointing her hand at Electra for a second in a happy manner. She notices Winnie's not fully convinced face, "And before you mention the werewolf thing Winnie that is extremely prejudiced," she said slightly quieter.

Winnie looks offended for a second that she thought it would be that, "No more the fact he is like double your age," Winnie says.

"She does have a point. Roseanne," Iris said agreeing with Winnie, it was quite the age difference.

"I didn't think it would actually happen," Roseanne says looking at them confused, "Let me and Electra dream," she demands.

Electra smiles, "I do plenty of that," she remarks, lifting her drink to her lips once again finishing what was left in the goblet, "I should probably finish my breakfast," she says glancing behind her to Robin.

Iris nods, "Yeah, I'll add some and send this with Wisteria," she holds the letter up.

"Thank you," Electra says smiling at her sister, "And thanks for the pumpkin juice guys," she says, raising the goblet once more.

"No problem," Winnie says and Roseanne waves it off once again.

Electra nods, turning around on the bench facing the other way, preparing to stand up when Iris leans closer to her lightly grabbing her arm, "Disquieted means worrying doesn't it?" Iris asks her sister in a quieter tone.

"It's a synonym for it," Electra says, nodding. Iris gives her a look, she really didn't need that, "But yeah," Electra adds.

"I think it will be a lot of fun but I get where you're coming from. But I'm sure it'll be safe," Iris explains her view.

"I wish I shared your optimism," Electra remarks.

"It'll be fine," Iris reassures, "I'll see you later,"

"You too, "Electra says standing up.

"Love you El," Iris calls after her.

"Love you too," Electra responds.

Iris turns back to her friends with a smile before putting the letter and the envelope in her copy of a History of Magic for safekeeping, "When are you planning on writing that letter?" Roseanne asks.

"When Winnie stops staring at Robin," Iris jokes, turning over her shoulder to where Winnie was currently gazing over at Robin as Electra sat down next to him and they made mocking expressions in each other's directions.

"So never," Roseanne remarks, looking between Winnie and Robin as Iris turns back.

"Hey," Winnie says lightly hitting Roseanne's arm, "I've stopped now,"

Iris laughs lightly, shaking her head, "I'm gonna write it after the lesson," she answers Roseanne's earlier question, "Speaking of. we should probably leave for herbology soon. We have to go all the way to the greenhouses,"

Winnie nodded in agreement shoving more breakfast into her mouth, "You don't want to lose your position as Professor Sprout's favourite," Roseanne remarked.

"That might be Neville," Iris comments, finishing her breakfast.

"She's not supposed to have favourites," Winnie says after quickly swallowing her mouthful of food.

"Yeah but we all know that that is bullshit," Roseanne remarks.

"Not all teachers have favourites," Iris says.

"But a lot have least favourites," Roseanne adds.

"Snape," the three of them chorus.


IRIS DEVERAUX TRIED TO BE THE BEST PERSON SHE COULD BE. She tried to be kind. And she tried to be optimistic. But even her tendency to see the good in things was the tiniest bit put off by the bubotubers placed in front of them. But hey that was herbology. Not glamorous.

The bubotubers were basically slugs all black and slimy protruding out of the soil. They were moving, squirming about in the soil with bumps of swelling on them.

"Bubotubers," Professor Sprout begins to explain the subject of today's class, "They need squeezing. You will collect the pus..."

"The what?" Seamus Finnigan piped up, clearly disgusted by the idea of pus, from the look on her face Roseanne wasn't either.

"Pus, Finnigan, pus," Professor Sprout repeated for him, "And it's extremely valuable, so don't waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves, it can do funny things to the skin when undiluted, Bubotuber pus," she finished explaining before glancing around the room at the students. "Get into pairs," she instructed.

Iris, Roseanne and Winnie looked at each other. There were three of them, "You have got to be kidding me," Roseanne exclaimed.

"It's fine I'll pair up with someone else," Iris offered quickly, she was okay with going with someone else.

"You sure? Cause I can..." Winnie began to offer.

"Winnie, it's fine," Iris insisted, truly meaning it. She picked up her gloves looking around the room for someone who did have a partner. She noticed Harry Potter was also the victim of living your life as a trio. So Iris did the thing that was natural to her. She walked over.

"Hey Harry," Iris greeted and he turned to face her, "You in need of a partner?"

"Erm yeah," Harry nodded.

"Cool me too," Iris said happily.

"Okay," Harry agreed, he looked kind of sceptical but Iris brushed it off.

"Great," Iris said. So she pulled on her gloves and they got to work, "So how was your summer? You went to the World Cup right?"

"Yeah, I think I saw you there," Harry says.

"Yeah," Iris remembers, "You were with the Weasley's right?" Harry nods, "Did you enjoy the game itself?" Iris asked as the lesson continued on.

"This'll keep Madam Pomfrey happy," Professor Sprout said at the end of the lesson as she sealed up the last bottle of the pus with a stopper, "An excellent remedy for the more stubborn forms of acne, Bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to more desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples,"

"Like poor Eloise Midgen," Hannah Abbott, Iris's fellow Hufflepuff, said in a hushed tone, "She tried to curse hers off,"

"Silly girl," Sprout remarked shaking her head, "But Madam Pomfrey fixed her nose back on in the end,"

So then the bell signifying the end of the lesson rang throughout Hogwarts. It was time to go to Transfiguration. Iris slung her arms around Roseanne and Winnie's shoulders as they made their way to their next lesson.


Dear Dad,
I would like to add some things to Electra's letter. Admittedly it is not much but you know I thought I'd jump on the train. (Is that a saying? Who knows? Don't actually answer these questions. They are rhetorical)

I think that the Triwizard Tournament will be fun. I think it will be fun to spend time with other schools and make friends. However, I see where Electra is coming from. Safety is a concern.

I just want it all to be safe and I hope you have made that so. But you really worked hard for the World Cup and that still did not go well. (That was not your fault, I think you should be in charge, not Ludo)

Still, I'm sure everything will be fine we have had:
• You Know Who in the back of a teachers head
• Lockhart not knowing anything (what was the appeal of that guy)
• A snake in the pipes
• And a mass murder breaking in

So I think we'll be fine. But still, Electra does have a point. Maybe I need to worry slightly more (I mean I do worry sometimes but mainly about you and El) and she needs to worry less. Electra is a smart girl though so I think that she is most likely right. And well, better safe than sorry.

Anyways, I have had herbology first thing which is a great way to start the school year! So that is great! I have also had Transfiguration, well I currently have it.

Anyway, I hope you are well as well!
I love you so very much and miss your hugs!

Lots and lots of love,
Iris xxx


ELECTRA WAS READY FOR DINNER. She had had a long day. Well, it wasn't longer than any other day but potions with Severus Snape really took it out of a person. So Electra trailed after Robin on their way to dinner, sure she was hungry but everything in the castle was so far away. Walking through the castle was like thinking you'd reached the end but finding out you'd just begun. Maybe she was being dramatic.

Electra just wanted to eat her dinner and let Robin just talk at her. She didn't know what but he was at the end of her reciting the entire plot of films or books in his ear many times so she would let him talk, no promises she wouldn't zone out though. Then she wanted to hug her sister if she could and then go to sleep. Hopefully, she could ignore the nagging feeling that Marietta didn't like her. She probably liked her, Electra was just being paranoid.

So as Robin walked into the Great Hall and Electra followed after him as they waited in line for dinner it seemed first she would get to watch the Malfoy and Potter show. The 'mortal' (mortal is a tad dramatic but so are they) enemies had dramatic verbal bust-ups quite a bit. Maybe they had fought but Electra had not cared to pay attention or remember. So even though Electra would definitely not buy a ticket to the show if it's happening in front of her. She's going to watch.

"Weasley! Hey Weasley!" Draco taunted Ron Weasley.

"What?" Ron responded irritated.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" Malfoy exclaimed, holding up a copy of the Daily Prophet. He was not being subtle with the volume of his voice, "Listen to this!"

He started to read the paper allowed and well Electra could not be bothered to listen and give the bastard what he wanted. Her full attention, well not hers specifically, he wanted everyone's and when someone wasn't listening that was not everyone.

Iris walked into the hall as Malfoy tossed a taunt into the dramatic reading of the Daily Prophet. Roseanne and Winnie were already in the hall, "What's happening?" Iris asked as she walked up next to Electra and Robin.

"The Potter and Malfoy show," Robin answered, actually paying attention Electra turned to face Iris with a smile wrapping her arm around her sister's middle resting her head on her shoulder as Iris wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"This episode is boring," Electra commented.

"Yeah," Iris agreed, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just tired," Electra nodded, "Where you been?"

"The Owlery," Iris answered but before she could add more Malfoy added another taunt to the mix. Electra lifted her head off Iris's shoulder to watch the scene.

"And there's a picture!" Malfoy cried, flipping the side of the paper bearing a picture to the front so he could hold it aloft to the crowd, "A picture of your parents outside their house - if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn't she?"

Ron was almost shaking in his anger ready to jump at Malfoy, "Get stuffed, Malfoy," Harry said, "C'mon Ron," he tried to coax his friend away from the scene.

"Oh yeah, you were staying with them this summer, weren't you Potter?" Malfoy added, "So tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?"

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" Harry started to taunt as he and Hermione had to hold back Ron by his robes. Electra thought they should let him go, Malfoy deserved it, "That expression she's got like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it because you were with her?" Electra had to admit, that was a good one.

"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter," Malfoy responded, his normally pale face almost turning pink.

"Keep your fat mouth shut, then," Harry said as he turned away.

What happened next was kind of a blur. Malfoy tried to curse Harry behind his back. He had missed but then Professor Moody appeared out of nowhere and transfigured Malfoy into a white ferret. Which he then started bouncing up in the air.

"That's cruel," Iris said.

"It's hilarious," Robin remarked laughing.

Electra admittedly thought it was kind of funny but she didn't trust Moody and she was hungry, "I just wanna get my dinner," she said, pulling away from Iris making her way into the hall as McGonagall arrived to diffuse the situation.

A/N Whilst writing this chapter towards the end the media student in me was wondering what kind of newspaper the Daily Prophet is. Cause it reports on all serious topics with long pieces and not to many images which would make it a broadsheet. However they engage in 'celebrity' gossip which only happens in tabloids. So maybe it's a combination on both called a middle market in between the both. Not quite as much gossip of the red tops of the tabloids but not as serious as the broadsheets. This is just the terminology over here in the UK and I got really carried away there even asking my friend who did media with what her opinion was. I did think it was an interesting thing to think about.

Anyways first Harry interaction and it's just Iris being everyone ever's  friend. As she does. There won't be much Harry and Electra interaction in the beginning.

Also is that Roseanne and Electra or me and my friend crushing on Lupin? Is that also the same friend who I asked about the newspaper thing? Perhaps

also i have just moved to away to university so i'm somehow incredibly busy. it's strange

Anyway I hope you enjoyed
Love Nell xxx

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