I'm Just Sayin' If You Really...

By fangirl_issues102

10.8K 396 666

"Hey Jemmy, you know how I kinda have a teeny tiny crush on your boyfriend?" Thomas asked. James looked at h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine - Jamilton
Chapter Thirty - Jeggy
Chapter Thirty One - Marliza
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Twenty Four

132 8 5
By fangirl_issues102

I know that most of you have been annoyed at Peggy for bein a lil bitch to Alex but this is just a tiny chapter with some insight into her.


Peggy was sitting with Angelica and John. John was on his phone and Angie was stroking Peggy's hair as she lay in her lap while ranting about "Alex".

"I mean, I can understand where he was coming from with the whole "you and Angelica are always fighting" thing because we are. But he's my brother just as much as he's Eliza's. Eliza's never even here any more and I miss her.

"I want the brother that set me up with John up back. The one who stood up to anyone who dared to tease me or bully me or just be cruel in general.

"I want the sister that always stepped in between us when our fights escalated. I want Eliza and Alex back," she cried.

Angelica continued to stroke her little sister's hair gently. "Shh, I know, I know," she said soothingly.

John looked up and smiled sadly at his girlfriend. "Pegs, don't worry, it'll be okay. I promise. Once James is out of the way, Alex will go back to normal. He's just stressed," he said.

Peggy shrugged.

"He's not the same though. I don't know if he ever will be," she replied. "I know you probably think I'm overreacting to this, the whole Eliza being his favourite sister thing, but I'm never first. It's always Angelica, Eliza and Peggy. I'm never first."

Angelica's head shot up and her face was stricken. "Peggy, I had no idea you felt like that," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

Peggy tried to smile. "It's alright. After a while you get used to never being in the spotlight," she tried.

John leaned over and down and kissed his girlfriend lightly. "You'll always be the number one Schuyler sister to me," he whispered.

Peggy smiled. "Thanks," she whispered back, sitting up a bit. "We should probably head back to school. Lunch is almost over," she said to the tiny group.

Angelica checked her watch. "Yeah, if we don't want to be late then we had best start walking. I still don't get why you didn't just let me drive," she said accusingly.

John laughed awkwardly. "Umm, it's just such a nice day that I thought it would be a waste to take the car?" he suggested. Peggy looked outside at the dark, clouded sky.

"Nice day?" she questioned. "John Laurens what aren't you telling us?"

John chuckled nervously. "Laurens I will not hesitate to beat your ass if you don't tell us the truth right now," Angelica threatened.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you, I'll tell you," he conceded. "I wanted us to walk because I don't think that you guys get enough exercise."

He flinched, waiting for the blow. When it didn't come he cracked his eye open and saw the youngest and oldest Schuyler sisters gaping at him.

"You- what?" Peggy asked. Then, "Okay then, we'd best start walking." Angelica followed her, still shocked into an unnatural silence.

John walked behind the two, shocked that his cover up had worked. The real reason for John's unusual insistence for walking was because James and Eliza had borrowed Angelica's car to check up on Alex and Thomas. He just hoped that they'd put it back before they got back to school.


I know that this is a short chapter and that I updated yesterday but I had this idea and wanted to share it with yall straight after writing.

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