Window to Window ➸ Ziall

By guardianzayngels

127K 7.1K 2.9K

[COMPLETE | AU] Zayn's life is turned upside down when a rugged chain-smoking and impertinent blonde moves ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note♡
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not An Update! Just An Announcement
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 29

2.5K 160 77
By guardianzayngels

"The court calls Niall James Horan to the stand" The officer announces.

Its the day of the trial and to say Zayn and Niall are nervous would be an understatement. Trisha, Yaser, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry all sit in a row, dressed to their best while Ryland and his attourney, Mrs. Lane sit some rows in front of them. Maura is on the other side of the courtroom shooting daggers at Niall.

Somehow the trial had gotten around town and everyone wanted to know what was going on. Even the news channel was outside the courthouse waiting for the verdict. Nobody knows this but maybe Louis went around telling Niall's story to get support. #LetNiallFree and #NiallDeservesBetter were the top trends on Twitter for three days straight. People made banners, Facebook pages, and radio station announcements in support of Niall. And that may explain the two hundred people huddled in the courtroom and one thousand people tuned into the news station from their TVs and phones.

The bailiff approaches Niall and Niall places his hand on the bible. "Do you promise to tell the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

Niall nods, "I do."

As Niall takes his seat again, Mrs. Lane stalks over to him, her heels clicking agains the tile. The courtroom was so quiet even though there were so many people in it.

"Niall, Ryland was sent to the hospital on the night of October 13th immediately entering a coma for weeks. Do you know why this happened?" She questions.

"Yes, I assaulted Ryland at a party on the night of October 13th" Niall answers truthfully.

"Mhm, and why did you assault Ryland?"

"He was making fun of me and talking about me. I was a little drunk and the next thing I know I was pinning him to the floor and hitting him" Niall gulps nervously.

"For beating someone that ended up in a coma, you must be very strong."

Niall shrugs, "I guess" he mumbles.

"Have you gotten in many fights before, Niall?"

"Yes, I have. I'm known to have some anger issues."

"So basically you're a hothead?"

Niall releases a deep sigh, "Yes, I am."

"What was some of the stuff Ryland said about you that made you mad?"

"He kept calling me faggot and stuff. I don't know how he found out that I had a boyfriend but he did."

"So you're gay, Niall?"

"Bi but why does that matter? Cause the last time I remember love is love."

Some people look away in disgust while others aww.

"No reason" she shrugs. "So basically, Niall you assaulted Ryland because he was making fun of your sexuality?"


"Why did you let that get to you?"

"Mrs. Lane, are you straight?" Niall asked suddenly.

Mrs. Lane's eyes grow wide, she's taken aback by the question but answers nonetheless. "Yes I am, I see no relevance to this. Last time I checked I was the one asking the questions."

"Well, Mrs. Lane you don't understand what its like to be attracted to the same sex. You don't understand what it feels like to be put down because of who you love. You're straight so you're considered 'normal', no one judges you because of who you're with or who you're attracted to. Its hard for me and my boyfriend, Zayn, and for any other gay, bi, lesbian, pansexual person out there. So many people take their lives because of constantly being bullied because of their sexuality. In a way, I feel I stood up for myself, maybe not in the best way. To be bullied for something you can't help, you feel helpless and worthless. I've been made fun of many times because of my attraction to Zayn and I'm sick and tired of it. This is 2014. People who love people that are the same sex, or different age, or different skin color should be accepted."

The courtroom suddenly erupts in cheers and claps and Niall sits there nodding his head, feeling satisfied with his answer and himself.

Mrs. Lane nods, "Okay I can see that" she actually agrees. "I can see why you cracked. In high school I used to be bullied because of my height and voice. I couldn't change those things and I felt like I was in a huge hole that I couldn't dig myself out of. I look up to you, Niall for what you did. I never had the courage to stand up for myself" she admits turning to the judge, her eyes glistening with tears. "I have nothing else to say your honor." And she walks off to sit next to a surprised Ryland while wiping her eyes.

"The court calls Maura Horan to the stand" The officer announces.

Maura gets up from her seat and walks to the stand as Niall leaves it. They share a look of hatred as they pass each other. The bailiff walks to her with the bible and Maura places her hand on it. "Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do."

Niall scoffs quietly and rolls his eyes.

Niall's attourney, Mr. Myers approaches the stand. Its weird because Niall, Maura, and Mr. Myers are suppose to be on the same side and Maura should be questioned by Mrs. Lane. But Maura refused to attend the trial if she didn't get to be on her own side. So she must be questioned by Mr. Myers and Mrs. Lane. This is something that is rare in the court of law but since this trial is so big they were able to allow it. Maura thinks she's got it all figured out but what she doesn't know is what's really coming to her.

"Mrs. Horan, has Niall always had anger issues?" Mr. Myers asks.

Maura nods, "Since he was about fifteen, yes."

"And do you have any idea why this might be?"

"No I have no idea. My husband and I have always been there for Niall and tried to help him but he just refused it."

"What?!" Niall jumps from his seat. "That's a damn lie and you know it!"

The judge bangs the gavel, "Order in the court! Mr. Horan you've had your turn to speak now sit down!"

Niall growls and plops down in his chair angrily. He can't believe Maura's doing this.

"He started getting involved in drugs and alcohol at fifteen and that's where everything shifted. I don't know what happened but things just changed. I tried to get him anger management classes but he'd always leave after I dropped him off" Maura continues.

"Bullfuckingshit!" Niall yells.

"Mr. Horan, be quiet or I will hold in contempt of court!" The judge yells pointing at him.

"You made me take anger management classes and they actually worked for a month until you stopped paying for them so you and dad could go on that stupid ass cruise!"

The courtroom filled with gasps even from Zayn. Maura shook her head violently in protest.

"You did! You did it for your own selfish reason! You never really cared about or for me so just drop the whole act, mum!" Niall screams at the top of his lungs.

The judge bangs the gavel again, "Mr. Horan, this is your last warning!"

Niall shuts his mouth reluctantly.

"Anyway, he started getting involved in drugs and alcohol and he turned into this monster. My husband and I always tried to get him back on track but being the stubborn teenager he is, he refused. I kept warning him about his temper and getting into fights. I told him that he has one more chance and if he screws up I'm sending him to his uncle's. He did and we sent him."

"Yeah and I was physically abused by him. Not much better since you always abused me mentally" Niall said quietly, enough for most people to hear him but not the people at the front like the judge or officers to hear.

"And what happened after that?" Mr. Myers questions.

"I got a call only a few weeks later from his uncle saying he ran away. No surprise really. I told him to not even worry about Niall or to look for him. I just gave up. Niall's eighteen, he can make his own decisions. I can't keep looking after him" Maura answers.

"You never did look after me" Niall grumbles while crossing his arms.

"Then I get this call that he's been arrested for assault and I'm like 'oh great, here we go' and here we are" Maura continues. "We've tried to help him and gave him chances but he kept blowing them and I wasn't about to let him walk all over me. I can't have a delinquent in my house."

This time it was Zayn's turn to interupt, "He's not a delinquent! He's just a little damaged and that's okay because everyone is! Its your job to help him and try to fix him but you don't care enough to do so!"

"Who are you?" The judge points to Zayn.

"I'm Zayn Malik, your honor. I'm Niall's boyfriend and I must say that the stuff Maura is saying is bullshit. I've been around Niall and his household to know what goes on in it. When he moved into my neighborhood we had dinner with the Horans and not only did I but my parents witnessed how Maura treated Niall. She was rude and she continuosly put him down. I've never heard her say one good thing about her son. Niall would come to me and tell me his home problems and how his mum always made him feel bad. Saying he's not good enough and that he might as well give up and work at McDonald's. She doesn't care about Niall's dreams at all but I do. Niall's always being put down and what makes it even sadder is that his own mother doesn't pick him up and she's the one who puts him down. Niall would try to be better but no matter what he did, it was never good enough for his mum. Shouldn't a mother encourage their child and be there for them instead of being their enemy and making them feel worthless and helpless?" Zayn speaks.

"I am there for my child you twat! Stay outta it you little fag!" Maura yells angrily.

Everyone, even the judge, gasps at her outburst. Maura instanly purses her lips and shrinks down knowing that she fucked up.

The judge bangs the gavel, "Trial is now holding a thirty minute intermission, everyone dismissed" she announces.

Everyone gets up from their seats, stretching their limbs and leaving the courtroom. Niall heads to the bathroom for a quick pee. After he's done and he opens the door, it hits something and that something turns out to be a pissed off Maura.

"Listen to me you litte shit, you stop what you're doing this instant" she spits.

"What do you mean? You're making your own self look bad" he smirks.

"Wipe that shitty grin off your stupid fucking face. Listen to me, you are worthless. You deserve everything bad that's happened to you. So what if I lied? I will pull you down as much as I can you twat. You deserve to be in jail and if not, you deserve to be mopping floors in some shitty fast food joint. You're pathetic, Niall. You are not worthy of anyone or anything. You're a failure! You're not only your stupid uncle and father, you're worse. I hope you rot in hell you little shit! I am not your mother!" she hisses.

Niall nods, "That it?"


"Good" And Niall walks off with a small smile on his face.


"Court is now in session again" The judge says while banging her gavel.

"Your honor, if I may, I have something that'd be worth hearing" Niall says standing up from his chair.

The judge nods, "Okay, Niall."

Niall approaches the stand while pulling his phone out of his pocket. He places it down on the stand, opens the voice recorder app, and presses play.

"Wipe that shitty grin off your stupid fucking face. Listen to me, you are worthless. You deserve everything bad that's happened to you. So what if I lied? I will pull you down as much as I can you twat. You deserve to be in jail and if not, you deserve to be mopping floors in some shitty fast food joint. You're pathetic, Niall. You are not worthy of anyone or anything. You're a failure! You're not only your stupid uncle and father, you're worse. I hope you rot in hell you little shit! I am not your mother!"

Gasps and looks of disgust are shared in the courtroom and everyone turns to Maura seeing her with huge eyes and jaw to the floor. "You-you fucking recorded me?!" she squeals in disbelief.

"You're right, you're not my mother. You're not worthy to be called my mother, Maura" Niall says looking at her.

Commotion of talking and yelling fill the courtroom and the judge bangs the gavel to gather everyone's attention. "Never have I ever heard a mother say such thing about her son. Mrs. Horan, you are a disgrace to motherhood. You don't deserve to have any children if this is how you treat them. How can you expect Niall to get better if he's always being put down? You are the cause of his problems-no, you are his problem.

The verdict is in, Niall Horan is sentenced three months for the assault of Ryland Hall. Maura Horan is sentenced to six months for perjury and forced to pay a fine of £1,000 for perjury and forced to pay the suing amount of £10,000 to Ryland Hall. Court dismissed" The judge finishes with a bang of the gavel.

Everyone jumps from their seats cheering in victory. Zayn runs to Niall and tackles him in a hug, his arms around his neck and legs around his waist. They share a long, loving kiss before pulling away.

"You did it!" Zayn smiles.

Niall shakes his head, "No, we did it. It couldn't be done without you, Zayn. Thank you for everything my angel."

Zayn kisses his cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too, Zee."

Niall shares hugs with Zayn, Trisha, Yaser, Liam, Louis, and Harry and even with some bystanders before he gets handcuffed by an officer.

"Three months" Zayn reminds him, a smile setting on his lips.

"Will you wait for me?" Niall asks while being escorted away.

"I wouldn't wanna do anything else."

"I'm gonna be so far behind on my schoolwork" Niall laughs.

Zayn chuckles, "Don't worry, I'll help you get caught up when you get out."

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

"Three months!"

"Three months, baby!"


Damn that was hella long. I hope y'all enjoyed this chap. This was the last chap, the epilogue is next:( I hope y'all have enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank u so much for ur support, it means the world to me:)

Don't forget to vote and comment. Let's rack up 1k votes before I end this please!♡

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