distance🖤 - mattia polibio

By astromanii

390K 8.8K 4.5K

mattia is invited to your school as an exchange student and you're picked to be his guide for the month in wh... More

"hey im y/n"
"not everyone's an asshole"
"no no , i want to"
"mattia what the hell"
"where are we going?"
"i didn't want to believe it"
"we overslept stfu"
"say something please"
"as long as you don't distract me"
" i think we make a good trio"
"i'm always going to be here"
"are you okay?"
"DONT ever touch her again"
"i love you"
"you wanna go?"
"where the fuck is mattia?"
"wait i forgot"
"move bitch it's our turn"
"how do you notice these things?"
"shh it's okay"
"YOU were ignoring me"
"soulmate telepathy"
"i have one more present for you"
"you never turn the comments off"
"mattia, truth or dare?"
"how do we tell them?"
"jokes on you , this is your home now"
"say it"
"he kissed me"
"nope. we're going to the park"
"what were you thinking!?"
"why did we have to stopp"
"mm i dont think so"
"i love every inch of you"
"okay shrimp dick"
"i promise it will happen"
"stop it"
"i'll be with you the whole time"
"you said you wanted to be alone"
"i don't want tonight to be ruined"
"give me an answer"
"i love him too"
"i'll see how i feel"
"watch the movie, weirdo"
"are you off the live?"
"im gonna steal them from you"
"no one's allowed to hit my man"
"i can help fix that"
"best friends?"
"he's so stupid ong"
"i don't think i will"
"she was right though"
"maybe 2 hours"
character filler
"we can make it work right"
"same for you dino"
"i can't forget that"
"i wasn't trying to start anything"
"gotta be safe"
"i hate this so much"
"i'll drive"
"no idea"
"just go away"
"neither did you"
"i want us to fix this"
"stop playing"
"but it's been so long"
"happy new year!"
"yeah, if you want to"
"no, were they cute?"
"but how do you know that?"
"this is why i love you"
"then why are you here?"
"i have to go"
"leave to go where?"
"you open it"
"hey buddy"
"why are you still here?"
"now we gotta test it"
"well, uh"
"yall hear sum??"
"okay, open"
"let it go to voicemail"
"good to know"
"i need you with me"
"what if i leave and he wakes up?"
"what did i say"
"complete control"
"close your eyes"
"i love you y/n polibio"
"wait is this real-"
"what did you do?"
"say yours first"
"she's perfect"
"what about my kiss?"
"i'm so lucky"
"daddy can you help me?"
new book

"another time baby"

2.5K 60 131
By astromanii

i felt someone playing with my hair and i opened my eyes and saw mattia laying with his arms around me. he saw me wake up and he smiled and kissed my head.

"morning" he said quietly.

"morning" i replied and we layed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before jade groaned while stretching and waking up.

"are you guys awake" she asked , looking over at us.

"yeah" i replied and i heard her footsteps trail to my bed and she climbed in but she was literally hanging onto me so  she wouldn't fall off.

"mattia move more to the wall" i said.

"you're so annoying" he said , looking at jade and sighing but he moved anyway and then i did and we got jade properly onto the bed and she cuddled into me. we were talking for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door and mattia got up to answer it. jem and ronnie came in , dragging naomi behind them and pulling her onto jades bed.

"i don't wanna leave my bed" naomi mumbled into jade's pillow and we all looked at each other.

"what about if we get coffee" mattia said and she lifted her head a little and nodded before hiding under the pillow again.

while mattia ordered the coffee , me and jade brushed our teeth and changed.


once we'd finished we all sat back down again and drank our coffees.

"what do you want to do today?" ronnie asked nai.

"cry" she replied. her eyes were tired, you could tell she hadn't slept much last night.

"movie marathon?" i suggested.

"and crying" nai added.

"if that will make you feel better , then yes" i replied and she nodded.

"what the fuck- it's 3pm?" jade said looking at the clock.

"yea we all slept in" ronnie said.

"ale keeps messaging me" naomi sighed , throwing her phone down.

"are you ever gonna talk to him again?" mattia asked her.

"yeah , i mean i don't want things to be awkward in the group , and i just need some time and then i'll talk to him about it" she said and i was honestly so proud of how she was handling it. 

"you're a whole queen , you know that?" i said , putting arm around her and kissing her head.

"she is isn't she" jade said and everyone agreed and she started blushing with tears in her eyes and we all had a massive, long group hug.

"okay okay let's pick a movie" i said before everyone started crying too.

"can we watch shrek , i wanna see shrek and fiona fall in love again" naomi cried.

"okay shrek it is" mattia said , putting it on the tv. 

there was six of us so  we decided to get mine and jade's duvets and pillows and lay them in the space between our beds, in front of the tv. now there was enough space for us all to be comfortable. we cuddled up together and put the movie on. 

shrek went well , there were a few moments where nai bawled her eyes out but it was okay. she cried when fiona was picking at the sunflower , debating on weather shrek loved her; she also cried when donkey and the dragon started to like each other; she also cried when shrek crashed fiona's wedding; she also cried when shrek and fiona got married and also at the credits too for some reason.

"can we watch frozen" she asked , after wiping her eyes.

"of course" ronnie said , putting it on.

"look it's kairi!!!" mattia yelled when olaf came in which made everyone laugh.

naomi cried when elsa was pushing anna away from her; she also cried when anna fell onto hanns on the boat; she also cried when anna snatched elsa's glove and elsa rana way; she basically cried for the majority of the movie , especially when anna realised she got played by hanns.

"heyy it's okayy" jem said as nai cried into her shoulder.

"nai i know this isn't gonna stop you feeling sad , but you know it's completely his loss right? like any other guy would deadass kill to have a girl like you. it's not fair that you're the one crying , over a mistake he made." jade said.

"exactly , he's so fucking dumb for doing that because he's lost out on an amazing girl" ronnie added.

"period, you're a bad bitch , you're gonna be sad for a little while but when you bounce back , he's gonna be crying" i said.

"and that's if he's not crying already!" mattia added and we were all hyping her up until she finally smiled through her tears.

"i love you guys" she sniffed.

"we love you too nai" we said.

"it's almost 7 , are we hungry?" mattia asked.

"we know your fatass is" jem said and he put his finger up at her and looked at the rest of us.

"can we just snack on things , instead of proper food" i asked , because i didn't feel like the usual food we eat.

"sure" nai said.

"okay , me and y/n will go buy snacks , you guys keep her smiling" mattia said and they nodded and we left to go to the store.

we played music in the car and we parked and walked into the store and grabbed a shopping trolley.

"oooo can we get gummies!" mattia yelled as he ran ahead of me. i caught up to him and he threw like 6 packets into the trolley.

"i feel like you're mum must've hated taking you shopping as a kid" i laughed.

"she definitely did" he smiled.

we walked around the store and bought ice cream , cookies , sweets , chocolates, crisps (NOT CHIPS , THEY'RE CRISPS) , red bull , coca cola , lemonade , orange juice (with bits) , popcorn (salted) and some other stuff. we paid for everything and drove back to queen's. after we parked the car i was about to get out but mattia grabbed my arm.

"wait" he said and i looked at him.

he smiled and leaned in and kissed me. i kissed him back and he held my face in his hands. i smiled as he pulled me closer to him and i pulled away to catch my breath. i was holding him by his tshirt and he smirked.

"car sex?" he said and i bit my lip. part of me would love to have him rail me in the car , right this second but i remembered our heartbroken friend and the rest of them waiting for their snacks in my room.


"their waiting for us mattia" i said , fixing his hair.

"quick car sex?" he said with a laugh which made me laugh.

"another time baby" i smiled and kissed him.

"mmhm" mattia mumbled as he kissed me back. we pulled away and smiled and we got the shopping and walked up to the room. we opened the door and they were all sitting there , watching toy story now. their faces lit up when they saw the bags of food and we laughed at how they came running towards us. 

everyone got their snacks and drinks and we sat back down for the movie.

after a couple more hours , i got a call from ale.

"ale's calling me" i said to them.

"answer it" nai said and i nodded and put it on speaker.

"hi" i said.

"y/n , is she okay? i mean i know she's not okay but i'm really fucking sorry and she won't answer my calls or texts so i need you to tell her that i love her so so much and it was the biggest mistake i've ever made and i know she probably hates me and i hate me too-" he rambled.

"if you really loved her you wouldn't have cheated on her ale" i said and he stayed silent for a minute.

"but i do love her , a lot. i just wasn't thinking right at the time and i did a stupid thing" he sniffed , he'd been crying too.

"i'll pass on the message to her" i said.

"wait , do you all hate me too?" he asked , his voice cracking a little.

"no we don't ale. you're one of our best friends , but so is nai and you hurt her so we're here with her. we still love you , you're like our brother but we can't defend you for something that's wrong" i said and the others nodded in agreement.

"i understand that. thank you , for not hating me. tell the others i love them too?" he asked.

"i will. bye ale" 


i hung up and nai was in tears again so we hugged her.

"i'll talk to him tomorrow" she sighed.

"whatever you feel like is right" jade said.

"come let's finish the movie" mattia said.

we were all sitting so comfortably we didn't wanna get up. mattia had his arm around me and my head was on his shoulder , jade's head was on my shoulder , nai was cuddling into jade , jem was cuddling into nai and had her arm around ronnie , who was cuddling into her. it was a lovely group cuddle.

around midnight , everyone had fallen asleep so i turned to look at mattia and he was peacefully asleep next to me as well. i smiled and kissed his head and turned off the tv and everyone was lying down so it was fine to sleep like that. soon i fell asleep too.


"do you have to leave now?" i asked as mattia packed his stuff up.

"i have to be back on campus before 6 baby" he replied and it was almost 4pm so i sighed and helped him finish packing. 

the others were in jems room while mattia got ready to leave. he finished packing his stuff and looked at me.

"i'll see you friday right?" he asked me.

"of course" i smiled and he pulled me into a kiss. 

we went to jems room so he could say goodbye to them. they all hugged him and then i took him down to the car park.

we got to his car and he put his rucksack in the car and shut the door and turned back to me.

"bye for now" he said with a laugh , trying to lighten the mood. 

we both hated this. as soon as we got used to seeing each other , he has to go. 

"i love you" he said, tilting my head up.

"i love you too" i replied and he placed a kiss on my lips and i kissed him back. after a minute or so we pulled away. 

"text me when you get there please" i asked and he nodded.

"i will" he replied and kissed me one last time before getting into the car. 

we waved at each other until he had driven off the premises. i sighed and walked back to jems room. they let me in and i sat on the bed and ronnie put her arm around me. we were all just talking until about an hour later there was a knock at the door and jem opened it and all the boys were back. she kissed kai and they all came in , ale behind them all. 

"hi" ty said , coming and sitting next to me and i smiled at him.

"what do you wanna do about the rooms?" kairi asked nai.

"uh i didn't think about that" nai sighed.

"it's okay , what if me and you share and kai and ale share?" jem suggested and everyone was on board with that decision so ale went and got his stuff and put it in kai's room and jem moved her stuff to nai's room. we left them to get settled and ale and nai talked things out. they weren't back together but they were on decent terms.

"y/nn" i heard and turned and saw jaden standing there and i hugged him.

"hey j" i said.

"you busy?" he asked.

"nope , what's up" i said and we went down to the lounge and sat on a sofa.

"nothing's up , i just feel like we haven't spoken for a while" he said.

"i'm sorry j , there's just been so much happening. we can talk now though" i said and he smiled. we sat and talked for a couple hours and he told me about the new song he was working on. after a while we both went up to our rooms and went to sleep.


"you have got to be kidding me!" i said as mattia spoke to me on the phone.

"it's not my fault the fucking teacher set the project today and wants it in on monday morning sharp!" he said , just as annoyed as i was.

"so another week of not seeing each other?" i sighed and leaned against the wall as i sat on my bed.

"i'm sorry baby" he said.

"it's not your fault , it's just really fucking annoying" 

"fuck i have to go the principal wants us in the lounge" he said as a voice made an announcement on the intercom in the background. 

"okay, bye" 

"bye y/n" he said and we hung up.

i sat on my bed and held my head in my hands. i miss him. now that i think about it , we've actually never been separated until now. like when we first met he had to stay at my house and then we moved to his house. we've never had to spend nights alone by force. i hate this so much and i know he does too. fuck distance.

i sat and did some work until jade came back and she sat with me.

"you okay?" she asked.

"me and mattia can't see each other this week" i sighed.

"wait why"

"his stupidass teacher set a long project that's due on monday" 

"damn baby , i'm sorry" she said as she pulled me into a hug.

we talked and stuff until we went to bed.

A/N- all im gonna say is that you're not ready for the next chapter😽

but other than that, i hope you enjoyed this one. i hope you're all okay and i luv youu.

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