"i have to go"

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"what time are they comingg" jade asked me as we waited.

 mattia ,noen , kio and halia were coming to visit us for this month. we figured that seeing each other once a month was easiest for everyone so we all looked forward to when they were coming or when we were going. des was visiting carlos but it was okay because she facetimed us all the time.

"they said 4 o'clock so they'll be here soon" i replied , looking at the clock it was 3:45pm.

"can you believe we only have one more month here!" ty said. he had his arms around ronnie while she was trying to make a rubix cube.

"i know it's actually crazy" jade said and i smiled to myself. 

one more month until me and mattia are back together. 

"why are you smiling at the floor you weirdo" ty said , laughing at me and i rolled my eyes.

"shut up" i said and the door opened and jason , jem , ale , nai and kairi all came in and jumped onto mine and jade's beds.

"omg you've almost done it!" nai said when she saw that ronnie had almost completed her rubix cube that she had been trying to do for 8 days now.

"here babe let me see it" ty said to ronnie.

"no way! last time you took it and messed it up" she said , pushing him.

"that's just evil" kairi said which made us laugh.

at around 4:15pm there was a knock and halia , noen and kio came through the door and their partners all greeted them with a quick kiss and the rest of us hugged them.

"remind me never to give halia the aux ever again" kio complained and she put her finger up at him.

"please , this bitch was playing taylor swift for 2 hours!" noen said and we all started laughing and halia was laughing too and hit him.

"leave me and my music taste alone" she said and jade laughed at her and kissed her head.

"where's mattia?" i asked after they all sat down.

"oh he said something came up and he had to make a detour but he said he'd be here later" noen said.

"oh okay" i said. it's fine i'll see him later. 

we all talked for a while and they had bought doughnuts for us with them so we were eating those too. 

"wait has anyone spoken to jaden since last month?" ale asked.

"i have , he thought it was best to seperate from the group so he's made some new friends and stuff." jason told us.

"i mean at least he's got new friends?" kio said , trying to lighten the mood.

"yeah but we barely talk anymore. he was my best friend" jason said and noen took his hand.

"you've still got us" jem smiled at him and we all nodded and he smiled too/

"thanks guys" he said.

we spoke for a couple hours until it was getting to 7pm. mattia still wasn't here. 20 minutes later there was finally a knock on the door and kio opened it and it was mattia. 

"finally!" everyone said and he came in and everyone hugged him and he came and sat next to me.

"i'm sorry i'm late i just had to do something" he said , wrapping his arms around me and i nodded and hugged him back.

"can we get food i'm hungry" ale asked.

"you're always hungry fatass" ty said to him and ale flipped him off.

distance🖤 - mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now