Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders S...

By Pastwitch98

705 15 0

Lyoko Defenders Season 2 The Lyoko Defenders have gathered all of the keys and brought Emi to earth. Now thei... More

Chapter 1: Sneak Peek
Chapter 1: Sneak Peek 2
Chapter 1: A New Dawn
Chapter 1 Part 2 of 3
Chapter 1 Part 2: Sneak Peek
Chapter 1 Part 3: Sneak Peek
Chapter 1 Part 3 of 3
Trivia 1
Chapter 2
Trivia 2
Trivia 3
Update: Chapter Number Changes
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part 1
Chapter 13 Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 Part 2

Chapter 9

23 1 0
By Pastwitch98

Kya POV:

"Cam, get us out of here!" My sheilds shimmered from the lasers' empact. Mantas circled back around for another attack. Lynn took out those to far for Alexei's sais to reach. Emi stood inbetween the three of us. Our first offical trip to Sector 5 was mostly unevenful. The occsioanal creeper appeared, but no Scpozia. Xana didn't attack in full foce until Emi accessed the interface.

"Do they ever stop!?" Alexei grunted as a laser slammed into his shoulder. "Manats are worst than hornets!"

"Now you know how I feel." Unlike Alexei, I'm use to my disadavnage against flying monsters. Hornets usually fly to high for my skates to reach. Manats are no different. Not to menion the platform's to narrow for my fighting style.

"Three vechiles coming right up." Cam stated as two cyberbikes and a cyberjet matalaized. "Head for the tunnel."

Deactivating my sheild, I hopped onto the cyberjet followed by Emi. Lynn covered Alexei's retreate before going to his own cyberbike. Together, we headed for the access tunnel. More mantas emerged from the walls to presure us. Lasers rained down, forcing me to use my shields when dodging wouldn't work. The guys continued to protect us, while I focused on getting myself and Emi through the tunnel.

"Kya, watch out!" Emi's warning came to late. A laser knocked me off the cyberjet. Emi grabbed the controls to avoid another laser.

"Hey butterfeet." Alexei teased when he caught me. "Going my way?"

"Just drive." Rolling my eyes, I gripped Alexei's waist. He shot off, catching up to Emi and Lynn. We exited the tunnel into the deseret Sector. Cam directed us to the Way tower. Once Emi was inside, he manully devitriazaled us.

The cold felt of metal against skin, singaled my return to earth. Steam whooshed out of the scanner's open door. My body uncurled to slowly exit the scanner. The two other scanners opened to reveal Alexei and Lynn. They stepped out of their scanners to wait with me by the elevator. Moments later, Emi was the last to return. Safely back from Lyoko, the four of us made our way to the lab.

"Congrats on your first mission to Sector 5." Cam greeted. "With this data, we'll be a step closer to debugging the materization program."

"Great, now only a few dozen more trips." Alexei rolled his eyes. "We need a better way to counter those manta. Lynn's the only one effective against them."

"If the vechiles at least had sheilds, that'd help alot." I stated, thinking of our preovious battles.

Cam shrugged, "I'll put that on the list, along with the upteen other things that have to be done."

"We'll be able to use the data from Sector 5 to debug the materialzation program." Emi happily smiled. "There might even be other uses for it."

"About that." Cam sighed. "Emi only got a partial amount of data. While it will help once it's been analyazed, it's not enough to be very useful."

"In other words another trip to Sector 5." Lynn said with mock ensthuasim. "After school?"

Cam nodded, "Yup. The sooner we get the data, the closer we'll be to debugging the materiazlation program."

Good thing I don't have pratice tomorrow. With the competition drawing closer, I can't afford to miss pratice. Espcially, now that Lilie has combined mine and Mara's sessions together. Lilie says it'll help both of us to improve by 'working together' and watching each other. The only thing it's caused is a waste of time.

"Let's table this for now. It's an hour after lights out." I pointed to my watch. "I'll be able to sneak in just fine, but I'm not sure about Lynn." 

Lynn's a boarder at Kanna like me, while Emi's a boarder at Kadic, and Cam lives with Alexei and his mom. Alexei and Cam have the easiest time coming and going since Ms. Tiya, Alexei's mom, is lax. As long as they don't get in trouble, mantain their grades, and let her know where they are, their pretty much free to do whatever they want. While Emi, Lynn, and myself risk sneaking off and on campus. Emi and I have it better than Lynn, since neither one of us has a roommate. We don't have to worry about explaining to anyone where we're going, as long as we don't get caught. Poor Lynn shares a dorm with Avery, Mara's friend. The two generally don't get along, so much so that Lynn avoids his dorm like the plauge. He only uses it as storage and a place to sleep. That's why my dorm is our hang out and unoffical office, outside of the manison.

"Do you wanna bunk at my place for the night?" Alexei asked. "My mom won't mind." This wouldn't be the first time Lynn's slept over at Alexei's place because of a late night Lyoko mission. Ms. Tiya's place is like our second home. Alexei's invited us to sleepover at the last minute muiltple times, Ms. Tiya's cool with it, a long as we don't destory her house...again.

Lynn shook his head, "Thanks, but can't. I've got a quiz tomorrow I need to study for and my notes are back at the dorm."

Lynn's the oldests of our group by one year, which puts him one grade ahead of us. During school hours we only see him during meals or breaks. Or the semi-regular eight and ninth grade shared gym classes.

"That means we're safe, don't have gym tomorrow." Alexei teased. "But seriously, are you gonna be okay? You know how Avery can be."

"He's right Lynn, it's not like you snuck out while Avery was sleeping." I voiced my concern. Avery's a heavy sleepier, it's the only reason Lynn's been able to snuck in and out without his interference. "I don't think it's worth it this time."

"Your not the one who's barely passing science." Lynn shook his head. "Since our soccer team didn't make nationals, my dad's been grilling me about sports even more. He really wants me to give up music and foucs sololy on my training." He sighed. "Last thing I need is to give him another exuse to think music is 'pointless and distracting'. If I ace this quiz, it'll improve my grade."

He ingnored any more protest about him returning to the dorm. The conversation ended with plans to meet during lunch to discuss tomorrow's mission to Sector 5. Emi's lunch time is the same as our's. She'll try to sneak off campus to meet in my dorm. If not, that's what cell hpones are for.

The five of us left the manison and jounreyed to the access enterance by Kanna together. In the forest, by Kanna and Kadic, Emi was the first to leave. Kanna and Kadic are about a seven to ten mintue walk if you cut through the forest that's behind both schools. This has allowed quick travel during Xana's acts. Otherwise Emi attending another school serepate from us would've been more dangerous. We're making do for now, but we're hoping to get the two nessacry letters to bump Emi up on the waiting list at Kanna. If we can't, we'll have to wait until enrollment for next school year opens. 

Arriving on the edge of campus, Lynn and I said our goodbyes to Alexei and Cam. They'd loop around the forest to access the main street instand of cutting through campus. Going through te school is faster, but risky. Never know who's roaming around at night. Lynn and I 'strolling' across campus is bad enough and we live here. I can't image the kind of trouble Alexei and Cam would get into if they were found outside on campus this late.

"Strange, no one's here." Lynn peeked around the corner, looking for anyone on partol. "We might be able to make a rab for the stairs." He gestured to the empty hallway.

"To easy, I suggest heading for the stairs on the other end." I pointed down the hall. "It's closer to your room."

Lynn shook his head. "What about you? These stairs are closer to your dorm."

Kanna's dorms are serepated by gender with boys being on the third floor and girls on the second. Lynn's dorm is on the oppsite said of the building from mine. These stairs are closer to mine, but Lynn will have to go up an extra flight and across the building. It's bad enough he has to be wary of Avery when entering. But the extra traveling will put him at risk of running into Mr. C. Mr. C, the school's nurse, is also the dorm suprvsior. He might not be as strict as his brother, Mr. Z,  but even he won't take kindy to students sneaking around at night.

I don't want to take the extra risk either. But at least I can lie about going or coming from the bathroom. Yes it's late and I'm still in my street clothes. Unlike Lynn, their's no one back at my dorm to justify whether or not I've been back to my dorm. Meaning for all anyone knows, I could've fallen asleep in my dorm still in my day clothes, than woken up and gone to the bathroom. Not a convicing late, but there's no way to check if I'm lying or night.

"Come on, the more we debate about this, the longer we risk getting caught." Grabbing Lynn's hand, I dragged him to the other set of stairs. 

He didn't aruge. We easily made our way to the third floor. I remained by the stairwell doorway, keeping look at and wanting to make sure Lynn made it back okay.

"I'm fine, you don't have to wait for me." He patted my head. "Now go before you get caught."

I wouldn't be able to rest unless I made sure Lynn didn't get caught. If it came down to it, I'd let him spend the night in my dorm. We've done it before, but that comes with it's own set of risks. One of which is Lynn getting caught leaving the girl's floor early in the morning. We've come up with several excuses in advance just in case. Not that I want to use them. "Lynn-"

He suddenly shoved me through the doorway and slammed the door. "Hello..." His sheeplish greeting hush the protest that was on the tip of my touge.

"What are you doing here Mr. C?" Lynn said later than nessarcy, a signal that I need to leave. Through the tiny window, I saw Lynn pressing his body firmly against the door.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Mr. C yawned. "Let's here it, what's your excuse?"

I wanted to stay and help. However revealing myself will harm Lynn more than help. My footsteps felt like led as I quietly crept down the steps.


Lynn's POV:

"Would believe I was taking a stroll in the hallway?" Not the best lie, but it's something. Mr. C is giving me a chance to make one up, might as well try.

Mr. C crossed his arms. "Wow that was bad. I'll give you three points for trying and two for entertaining me."

"Does that mean you'll forget about this?" I hopefully asked. 

"Ah, no. You needed eight points for a punshiment without telling Prinpcal Hall. Nine would've gotten an even lesser punshiment and ten would've been only a warning." He explained.

Dred feeled me as I asked, "What does five points get me?"

"A meeting with Prinpcal Hall first thing in the morning and a lecture from me right now." Mr. C looked he was one in trouble by the expression on his face.

The next twenty minutes were spent with Mr. C sharing his disappointment and the dangers of sneaking around. He gave me several chances to tell him what I was doing. Telling Mr. C about the manison and Lyoko would cause more trouble than help. I'll have to stick to my oringal story. Only problem is Avery.

Mr. C escorted me back to my dorm. Where Avery was wide awake. He faked concern, saying he was worried when I had't returned by curfew. Mr. C paid little attention, giving a final warning than leaving.

Avery's delightful sneer was just what I needed to end the day.


Alexei's POVL

"Really, Alexei that joke's lame even for you." Emi giggled, betraying her statment. "Come on, we're gonna be late." She quickened her step, leaving the forest to enter Kanna's school grounds. Following her, we made our way unseen to Kya's dorm.

Kya and Cam were already there, chowing down on snacks.

"Where's Lynn?" Emi asked.

"I was just telling Cam that Lynn was caught by Mr. C last night." Kya sighed. "He texted me this morning that he'd be meeting with Princpal Hall, so he'll see us at lunch."

Cam checked his watch. "Emi can't be away from Kadic for long. We'll start the meeting with out him."

Cam reviewed everything we know about Sector 5. It's Xana's home, there are new types of mosnters, a counter starts everytime someone enters and changes the layout at the end of the countdown, and there's a terminal Emi can access and gather data.

"The problem is the timer and mantas." Cam explained. "The layout changing is more annoying than problemic. While the mantas are relentless."

We've face the mantas twice. They've proven to bbe annoying like hornets and differcult to hit like tantualas. Lynn's charkams are the only weapons capable of constantly damaging the mantas. Kya can't fight mantas because of the narrow space. Shurken are my best weapon against the mantas. They can reach further than my sai. Sai can only reach as far as I can.

"Our weapons are effective part of the time." We've been lucky we haven't been devirtized yet. "Got any ideas, General?"

"Yeah, don't get devirtized." Kya answered.

"Guys, let's foucs on what we can solve." Emi interjected. She suggested we work on locating the button to end Sector 5's countdown. That would eleimate worrying about the layout changing. "We might be able to get to the termial faster."

"Either way, we'll have to be more careful." Kya stated. "Cam, is there a way to matizle the vehciles faster?"
He shook his head, "As long as Emi uses the termial, I can't do anything. Including malizating the vechiles."

The next few mintues were spent reviewing everything we knew about Sector 5 and the hidden sectors. For now Sector 5 will be our partuiate, with the hidden sectors being secondary. Sector 5 offers more chances to get information about Xana. The hidden sectors appear to be like the desesrt and other sectors. For now, there's no need to explore the as much.

Sometime during the discussion, Lynn arrived.

"We were just discussing tonight's mission." Kya reviewed our plants for tonight. Cam needs more time to analyza the data we recoved from Sector 5 yesturday. He'll finish it afterschool, so we'll go to the manison later tonight.

"Now that we know more about Sector 5, it shouldn't that as long this time to reach the termial." Cam added.

"You'll have to go without me." Lynn announced. "I've been 'grounded'." He explaine that Princpal Hall banned him from leaving campus. In addition to detetion for two weeks. After detention, Lynn must stay in his dorm, unless it's a meal time or school. "Mr. C will periodally check my dorm to make sure I'm there. If I'm caught sneaking around or not in my dorm, they'll call my parents. I shouldn't even be here right now."

"No sweat, we'll go without you. So don't worry about a thing." I stated, knowing this wouldn't be the first time Kya and I have accompanyed Emi to Lyoko.

"I don't like the idea of sending just the three of you to Sector 5. There's still so much we don't know." Cam thought aloud.

"We can go another time." Emi offered.

Cam shook his head, "We'll have the same problem as long as Lynn's serving his pushiment. It's better we go now, before Xana can plan anything."

Other than Lynn not coming, our plan hasn't changed. Tonight, we'll return to Sector 5.

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