The Tangled Assistant

By thefortforced30

16.9K 1K 47

They say opposite attract but hell she was a spit ball of fire. and he was about to get so burned. ~~~~~~~~~~... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48

chapter 43

92 10 0
By thefortforced30


Looking at her I waited for her to keep talking after she took her breath filling her lungs with the much needed air.
I sat there the whole time.
Not saying anything but just litsening which was a skill that I so much carried around with me.

"Until last year at the end of it when you came around working for him and everything in him changed.
I could feel it he looked happier and I wondered why until I found that you were the reason.

He stopped giving my existence attention and gave his undivided one to you.
I tried getting at you but there was like this armed barrier that was and still is protecting you that we can't get through even now when you are sitting right across me.

You are unreachable.
You were too perfect. Trained. Not put down easily and mostly not naive at all.

Like I said too perfect and I hate to admit it but my son hit the jackpot.

So I had to summon then dead in order for him to cave in but she was too powerful.
Mona went and built her own weath out of whatever she was doing where she was and when she heard that I was in need of her she came back a little bit too eager and that was when I noticed it.

When it was too late.
Mona has the power to take me over and I brought it upon myself when I contacted her.
Gave her a way to come back around.

She is also still deeply inlove with my son and she hates the fact that he is happy with you.
She doesn't give a crap about Cyril and she will do anything in her power to have Lucas just for herself.
Even if it means killing you or kidnapping your child or just both.

So no I did not send snipers at your place.
Mona did.

But I did kill your friends because they were involved in something bigger than you would think and leaving them alive was just not an option." She said looking at me.

I almost screamed.

She lied.
She had been lying all along.

My friends that were killed in a car accident weren't the same as the ones she was talking about.

I could feel the anger bubbling inside me making my blood boil.
Looking at her the quietness that had engulfed the room subsided as I felt a growl at the back of my throat.

I knew if I could shapeshift and rip her head from her body I could have done it.
Amandine and her boyfriend were beaten to death.
They weren't killed in a car accident and that was making me even more agitated.

I needed to know more.
Why she killed my friends and how she knew about the car accident that happened years ago even before she was in the picture.

Years even before I met Lucas okay maybe I was a little bit exaggerating since it was just one year but still.

"Who killed Amandine?" I asked looking at her after my anger had cooled down enough to give me room to talk.

I could still feel my breath uneven and thoughts swirled in my head.
What if she was actually the one who killed them.
With her own hands.
What if she was the one who hired those people to do it.

Because at this point I knew and even saw in her eyes that she was hidding who and what caused the death of my friends.
I knew it was not my job to go digging for answers after she mentioned that they were involved in something bigger than I knew but I just couldn't help it at all.

Looking at me she moved her head back in surprise because she probably did not expect me to be so blunt.
So sudden without beating around the bush.

"Your friends were involved in something bigger than...." she stated and this time I was not going to sit and litsen to her repeat the same thing.

"Who and what killed them. Answer me" I asked with gritted teeth.

She kept quiet for a moment then opened her mouth to talk this time shocking me.
"Your friends were here on a mission.
They were hitmen for a certain cartel and they had asked to quit. The drug lord told them inorder to quit they needed to give him something precious to them since letting them go was also giving away something important to him. Somehow he found out that they were expectant and he asked for the baby but they refused so he asked for someone else's head instead.
Someone close to them and someone they both had a deep connection with and this time they agreed." She paused over there.

Then gave me a look making my breath hitch and my heart beat a hundred times faster than necessary.
I was not ready for whatever she was going to say next.

I could feel it in my guts and somehow I had a feeling about what she was going to say but I just did not want to believe it.

I did not want to hear her mention that the people I thought were close to me wanted to present my son's head as a price for them to quit their so stupidly called cartel.

"The leader asked for your head." She said looking at me and I couldn't help it but choke on my own saliva for a full out minute.

The leader asked for my head.

I could feel my head spinning for a good second then I remembered that she was not done talking.
There was more.

There is still more.

"That was the reason they came around.
They were plotting for your death but like usual their sentiments clouded their judgements and they surpased the deadline because they couldn't kill you.
They just couldnt so two days after their deadline they were killed." She said looking at me and I unknowingly sniffed.
How the hell.

How the fuck.

I did not know whether I should have been mad or happy or pleased or just a little bit of both but I was baffled.
I did not know how to feel and the tears fell freely from my eyes making me shake my head.

"There is still more are you sure you are ready to hear it?" She asked making me look at her with my blurred vision and I nodded my head as a sign for her to continue talking.

"I know you are going to ask yourself how I know all that and the reason for it is because I do. I was in it once and I had to be selfish and kill Akin inorder for me to quit." She finished making my head whip to her side and I couldn't help it but grit my teeth.

I was done with this woman.
Her stupidity.
Her selfishness and most of all her obsession with my boyfriend.

I needed to deal with Mona for once and for all and if it did mean either or both of us dead then let it be.
I had to make sure that mona wouldn't stay alive.
I was not going to allow it because I knew that my son would never rest as long as she was free in the open.

Its either she gets locked up or dies.
There was no third option and I had a feeling that the woman sitting next to me knew.
She knew that even for her as long as Mona was in the open then she was not going to rest.

She looked uneasy as if something was wrong.
I observed her quietly and I knew that there was something she was still not telling me.

What was it.

"You need to leave. Now!" she said standing up her whole mood changing from calm to panick real quick.

"I was not going to wait for you to ask twice" I said chuckling darkly as I collected my things.

"Mona is on the way and if she finds you here there is no chance for you to survive. If she finds you out there there is also no chance she is going to leave you alive" she said opening the door for me and panick settled at the back of my head as blood rushed inside me quickly.

What was I really thinking coming here without anyone knowing anything or knowing where I was apart from Landry.

"She has enough body guards to kill you in a swift of a finger trust me" she said again as she followed me to the car forcing me to chuckle.

With a smirk I looked at her.
"You talk too much" I said then opened the door of my jeep ready to start it and get the hell out of here.

Her mouth clamped shut as she looked at me and the words that came out of my mouth sank in her.
I really was not going to let some crazed woman kill me just because she wanted what I had.

Wait but she could kill me right.
Yes she could after what I heard about her getting bigger and bigger for years and having body guards that could dismantle me I knew she could kill me.

"Good bye Mildred and I hope you find it in you to get peace and forgive yourself" I said slamming the door of my jeep shut then started the car.

She did not answer and I took that as my clue to get away from this place.
Speeding out of her parking way ideas floated in my mind.

First of all how did she know that Mona was coming or were they having a meeting of their own.
Did they have something like a schedule for their little evil doing or what.

From what Mildred told me I knew that she couldn't stand her but then again Mona was probably using her for what she knew.

Patting my hand on the seat next to mine to feel my phone and I released a breath when I felt it not far from me.

"Landry?" I answered the phone questionably not really believing that he answered on the first ring.

"Yes what is wrong? You dont sound like yourself" he answered back after my panicky voice and I knew deep down in my guts that something was about to go down.

For a fact.
I could feel it down in my guts.

"Track my phone and make sure you keep tracking until I tell you that I have reached home or give you my password" I said my breath quickening even more.

"Alright. Should I call anyone else? Are you sure you are going to be alright?" He asked again just to make sure and I could hear the insisting tone in his voice but he refused to press the issue.

Sighing at him I continued to drive making sure to go at an understanding speed just to get the hell away from the creepy neighbourhood I was into.

"I am sure and keep the call on" I said then placed my phone back down to the passanger seat like just where it was before.

"No problem" he said then went quiet again.
Glancing at my phone's screen that was still on I noticed the green bar at the top of the screen and gave out a breath knowing that the call was still on.

"I really need to know why you are next to water bodies" I heard Landry ask out of the blue and I felt relief angulf me after I saw a glimpsle of the main road.

"Not anymore" I said with a smile but it did not get to last long because at that exact time I saw cars trailing each other pass next to me and for a moment my breath got caught in my throat.

I knew I could dissapear on one or two cars but three I knew that was close to impossible without attracting attention to myself or causing some collateral damage to things or people around me.

Keeping my head down with my eyes on the road I released a breath after they passed without seeing me and this time I made sure to increase my speed even more so that I could get the hell out of there.

"Landry you can cut the call I am in public now" I said and I could hear the man at the other end of the call breath out with relief making me chuckle.

I needed to get rid of that woman.

"Can you tell me why the hell you would go and see my mother without telling me?" A frustrated Lucas barged in my room making my head whip in his direction with a frown on my face.

What was wrong with this man again?

"Can you be any louder?" I asked in an annoyed tone and his mouth went right into a straight line.
A glare was throwin in my way and I rose my brows.

"Why are you shouting at me like a kid Lucas?" I asked in a calm tone probably angering him even more because of how calm I was compared to how he was fuming.

"I want to know why you went to my mother's house. When you knew exactly that she could kill you and give an excuse that you assaulted her first in her house.
So please do tell me why!?" He asked folding his hands to his chest then leaned on the door frame making me stare at him.

I was currently in my room trying to work around a project that I needed to finish.
Removing my glasses I set them next to my laptop then gave him a proper look.

Why was this man trying to anger me at five in the evening again.

"Because I needed answers" I replied shortly making sure to make eyecontact because I did not want him thinking that I was lying.

Him on the other hand did not look pleased with it.
Not at all.

"You could have told me to go and ask her for you baby. you did not have to go there at all" even with the answer he gave he still looked annoyed and that was what was bothering.

"I am a big girl I can do things by myself plus I am fine ain't I?" I asked giving him a smile of assurave but he grunted instead.

"She lives with Mona what if somthing bad happened to you?"

My heart skipped a beat.
She lives with Mona?

He knew all along?
Why didn't he tell me.

"When you went to her house to seek answers was Mona there?" I asked looking at him and my doubts got comfirmed when he did no answer anything.

"Was she?" I asked again.

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