The Honor of Love (ATLA fanfi...

By Nina-Maire

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*ZUKO LS* Istari was born and raised in the Fire Nation. After her parents were murdered for betrayal, she fl... More

1. The Airbender
2. The Southern Airtemple
3. Kyoshi Island
4. An old friend
5. Haru
6. The Hei Bai spirit
7. Crescent Island
8. The Waterbending scroll
9. The Freedom Fighters.
10. Family
12: The Blue Spirit
13: The Fortune Teller
14: The Split
15: Fire
16. The Northern Airtemple
17. The Siege of the North
18. Return to Omashu
19. the swamp
20. Still alive?
22. Avalanche Rhino
22. Cottage at the beach
24. The tea shop
25. Metamorphosis
26. The Crossroads of Destiny
27: The Awakening
28: Reunited
29: The Invasion
30. The Eclipse
31. The Western Air temple
32. Destiny and Dreams
33. Choices
34: Forgiveness
35. The Ember Island Players
36. Beach Party
37. Finding Aang
38. The Last Fight
37. A Royal Visit
40: Advice

11. Into the storm

139 4 0
By Nina-Maire

 I woke up in a shock. I sat up straight and looked disoriented around me. "W-what?" I stammered as I rubbed my eyes. "What's going on? Did we get captured again?" Sokka asked sleepily when he held up his boomerang and sword. "It is nothing, I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep." Aang said quietly as he pulled up his knees and resting his chin on them. "You don't have to tell me twice." Sokka mumbled and he laid down again, falling almost instantly asleep.

"You're having a lot of nightmares lately." Katara said worriedly as she laid a hand on his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" Aang shook his head. "No, it's alright. I just need some more rest." Aang replied. Katara looked at me and I shrugged. She removed her hand and rolled over to my side.

"He will be fine." I whispered. "I hope so." Katara replied with a sigh and she closed her eyes again. I could not sleep anymore and decided to get up. I walked to the beach and sat down in the sand, while I watched the sunrise. I ran my hands through the white and soft sand as I thought about the vacations I've had on Ember Island.

After an hour or so, the rest started to wake up. The skies were clear and the weather was nice and warm. "Look at those clear skies, buddy," Aang said when he was patting Appa, "that should be some smooth flying."

Katara turned our food bag upside down and grunted. Some smooth flying to the market you mean, we are out of food." She mumbled and climbed into the saddle. We went to the market and it wasn't a big success. We ran out of food and out of money. The money Gya had given me was not much and I had lost it the rest of it in the canyon.

We gathered together and thought about what we could do. "I could dance at the tavern. I can dance very well and perform with fire." I said and shrugged when they looked at me. "There aren't many firebenders around here." Aang said when he looked around. "Right." I sighed.

"Or, Sokka could get a job." Katara said when she looked at him with her arms crossed over her chest. "We shouldn't go out there! Please, the fish can wait! There's going to be a terrible storm" I turned around and saw and elderly couple arguing by the harbor. "Ah, you're crazy! It's a nice day. No clouds, no wind, no rain. So quit your nagging, woman!" The man replied.

"Maybe we should find some shelter." Aang suggested carefully. "Shelter from what? The sun?" Sokka replied mockingly. In the meantime, the couple was arguing more and more. "Well, then I hope you will find someone else to haul that cause I ain't coming!" The woman yelled. "Then i'll find a new fish hauler and pay him double than what you get!" The man yelled.

Sokka grabbed my hand and we ran up to the couple. "We'll go!" Sokka said. "You're hired!" The man replied instantly without even looking at us. "He only needs one person!" I hissed when I yanked my hand out of his grip. "So? I could use the company. We should do more things together anyway." Sokka replied.

I grunted and shook my head. "Fine." I said with gritted teeth. "I only need one member." The man said when he looked at me. You said you paid double, so she comes for free." Sokka said before I could reply anything. "Alright, I can always use an extra pair of hands." The man replied.

I handed over my bag to Katara. I removed my necklace and gave it to her as well. When Sokka and I were getting the provisions on board, the sky was getting cloudy. "Sokka, maybe this isn't such a good idea." Aang said when he looked up. "We need the money," Sokka said, "and I can't just back out because of some bad weather."

"The boy with the tattoo's has some sense, you should listen to him!" The old woman said when she was standing next to Katara on the docks. "Aye, Airbender tattoo's," the man said as he walked up to Aang, "well, i'll be a hog monkey's uncle! You are the Avatar, ain't ye?"

"That's right." Katara replied proudly. "Don't be so smiley about that. The Avatar disappeared for a hundred years. You turned your back on the world!" The man yelled. "Don't yell at him!" Katara said when she stood down between them. "Aang would never turn his back on anyone."

"Oh, he wouldn't huh? Then I'd have probably imagined the last hundred years filled with war and suffering." The old man said grumpily. "Aang is the bravest person I know!" Katara yelled back angrily. Aang, who was getting more quiet by each word, turned his back to them and unfolded his glider. He stepped on it and set off, into the sky towards the mountains.

"Yeah, keep flying" The man yelled after him. "You are a horrible old man!" Katara said angrily and she ran up to Appa and climbed into the saddle. She took off, and flew away, following Aang. The old man climbed aboard and stood down next to me. "Great friends you have, eh?" He asked me.

"He is just a child. Give him a break." I said and I grabbed a crate. I walked down and put it down below deck. "Did they just leave without saying goodbye?" Sokka asked startled.

The boat started to rock and it was difficult for me to keep my balance. I walked up to the deck, and looked over the railing. We were sailing out of the harbor, into the open see. There wasn't a spot of blue sky to be seen, only a think layer of white and grey clouds. Once we were on the open sea, the old man threw the nets into the water.

Sokka and I were trying to keep the sails down, but the wind was too strong. With all my strength I secured the rope and held onto it. It started to rain heavily and the waves were getting bigger and more rough. "We have to go back, now!" I yelled to the old man. "She can hold a bit longer, don't worry!" The old man yelled back.

"Why did you had to take me on this stupid trip? If we die, i'm gonna kill you!" I yelled to Sokka who could not even hear me over the wind's howling.

Thunder filled the sky and the lightning bolts lighted up the sky. The wood of the boat started to crack as the wind howled loudly and the waves splashed hard against the boat. Water was flying everywhere and I could barely see anymore.

"Sokka!" I yelled desperately. "Iz!" He yelled back. I saw him on the other side of the boat. I held on to the railing while repeatedly being pushed back. I managed to hold the railing with one hand and tried to make my way to the middle of the boat. This is it, I am going to die. Sokka and the old man were trying to get to my way.

I could not longer control my emotions and started to scream and cry while I hid behind the railing, holding myself as tight to it as possible. I did not dare to move. The boat's mast could break any moment from now. "Hold on! I am coming!" I heard Sokka yelling in the distance. I don't want to die, i'm not ready.

I saw Sokka appearing close to me by the railing. I reached out to grab his hand, but I could not reach it. I felt like I slipped and held the railing again. A large shadow fell down onto us. I looked up and saw a huge wave rising up, completely overshadowing the boat.

This is it. I gasped and I looked at my friend. I looked at my brother. I reached out to hold onto him, but it was too late. The boat tilted and the huge wave came through the boat, breaking the mast. Then it all went dark.

I felt like I was dead. I had to be. I saw a blinding white light, it felt soft and warm onto my body. I heard the soft rustling of leaves and waves of water splashing quietly onto the beach. I knew my soul already left my body. I felt no pain, sorrow or anger. I felt happy and at peace. Down here there were no broken hearts and talks of war and suffering. I should have stayed here, but destiny thought otherwise.

"Is she ok?" Katara asked worriedly as Aang laid her down in the saddle. "No, she's not breathing." Aang replied. "Come on Iz, don't leave me," Sokka said as he bend over her holding her face, "you got to fight." Katara stood down over Istari and opened her mouth. With a wave of her hand she pulled out a large amount of water out of Istari's mouth. She coughed a bit and passed out, breathing.

The three of them sighed out of relief. "She'll be okay." Katara said as she held Sokka's hand and squeezed it a bit.


I woke up with a cough. I felt a pain in my chest. Heavy and thick. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. "Shh, its okay." Sokka said who then also coughed. "She's awake!" Sokka shouted. I saw Aang and Katara running up to me. Aang kneeled down and hugged me tightly. Katara hugged me next and they all looked at me with relief. "What happened?" I asked.

"The boat nearly collapsed. I tried to grab your hand, but before I could the wave hit the boat hard. When the wave had passed, you were gone. You fell over the railing into the water. Aang came with Katara and Appa. Aang dived into the water and managed to get you out." Sokka said sadly.

"You were knocked out and you were caught in a rope. I managed to get you loose and get you back up." Aang said. "Thanks for saving my life, Aang. Thank you, all of you." I said when I looked at my friends. "I thought I died." I said quietly.

"Please don't force me to go on a boat ever again." I said to Sokka. Sokka nodded "You got it. Only land adventures from now on." He said and he sneezed loudly. He blew his nose and sighed. "I got a cold."

"Yeah, no wonder in that weather." I replied as I felt my own chest and noticed my blocked nose. "Try get some ginger," I said when I pulled my blanket over me, "I'm going to sweat it out before I get sick, we need to get going."

After I was almost swimming in my own sweat, I got out to clean myself and my clothes. Aang helped me to dry my clothes and we walked back to the camp. The better I got, the sicker Sokka got. He was hallucinating and burning up with fever. Katara started to cough as well, and the color in her face started to fade.

"By the way, I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found this map." Aang said to Katara when he held up a scroll of paper. "There is an herbalist institute. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there." Aang said when he laid out the map in front of us.

"He is in no condition to travel, he'll be better by tomorrow." Katara said and she started to cough very loud. "I think it's better that you two stay here and take it easy. Aang and I will go." I said when I waved her fumes away.

"It's just a little cough." Katara said with a smile but started to cough again. "Yeah, not a good idea." I said when I stood up and tied my hair in a knot. "We'll be back as soon as we can, ok?" I said. "You should take it easy too." Aang said quietly.

"Don't remind me I almost died, please. I'm fine." I replied. "Are you ready?" I asked. Aang nodded. "Yep." I gave Sokka and Katara a kiss on their foreheads and made my way to the road with Aang. We walked down to road, towards the mountain. "You think they'll be okay?" Aang asked.

"Of course. Lemon, ginger and some honey and they'll be jumping up and down again by tomorrow." I replied. Aang nodded slowly but looked sad. "I can't believe you almost drowned."

"Well, you did come by to save me. So it's fine." I replied a bit too quick. "I put you guys in a lot of danger. I just feel guilty about it. You guys are risking my lives for me." Aang said. I stopped walked and faced him. I grabbed both his shoulder and looked down onto him.

"Aang, you are the Avatar. You are the only one who can save the world and defeat the fire nation. Risking our lives for you, is so you can rescue the world. And it's not even because you are the Avatar, you are my friend. And so are Sokka and Katara. We got each other's backs. And that's the only thing that matters. Alright?" I said and smiled. Aang nodded. "Thanks, Istari." He said with a smile and he hugged me tightly.

We walked over to the greenhouse where the herbalist was supposed to be staying. When we walked in, it looked like a dome full of herbs, plants and flowers. Every herbalist's dream. "Hello, sorry to barge in like this, but I need some medicine for my friends. What did you say again Istari? Ginger, lemon honey? or was it-"

"-Settle down, young man." And old lady's voice echoed calmly through the dome. I walked up to Aang and saw an old lady grinding some herbs. There was a beautiful white cat walking around. "Kitty." I mumbled and I squatted down to pet her.

"Your friends are going to be fine," the old woman said,"I have been here for over 40 years. A lot of other's have left over the years. Now it is only me and Miyuki." The cat purred and jumped on the table to get patted by the old lady.
"That's nice." Aang said uninterested. While Aang was debating with the lady and listening to her story, I walked around the dome and see if I recognized some plants. She had almost everything there. It was truly an amazing place.

"SUCK ON THEM?!" Aang yelled. I jumped up and looked startled around. "Suck on what?" I asked both curious and alarmed. "She told me to find frozen frogs down the valley so Katara and Sokka can suck on them... She says the skin contains a substance that'll cure Sokka and Katara." Aang said slowly as if he just told me he saw Miyuki flying across the dome.

"Well, I guess we should go and look for them." I said and shrugged. When we walked outside, there was a very hard wind. When we ran towards the road, arrows flew passed our ears. When we looked up a sea of arrows came down on us, but Aang managed to hold them off wind some Airbending. "Let's split up!" He yelled.

He didn't need to tell me twice. Aang quickly ran towards the ravine and jumped off the cliff, followed by a couple of archers. I gaped at him as another arrow landed next to my feet. I started to run to the other side as most of the men followed Aang. I ran down the hill, arrows whooshing passed me.1

The hill got a bit too step and I couldn't keep up with my own feet. I tripped and fell, rolling down the hill. Grunting and moaning I fell down, bruised and covered in mud, leaves and branches. I heard some more whooshing next to me while I lied flatfaced in dirt. When I tried to pull myself up, I noticed that my sleeves were pinned into the earth, just as my trousers. I looked at the side and saw a net flying towards me. It landed on top of me.

A couple of archers with red paint on their faces walked up to me. "You missed." I said as I stared into an arrow that was one inch away from my face. They removed the net and covered my head with a sack.

They took the arrows out and quickly tied my hands and feet before they pulled me up. "Istari?"
"Aang?" I said when I heard his voice. I felt both relieved and worried. "Where are they taking us?" He asked worriedly.
"Quiet!" A man grunted.

"It will be alright, don't worry." I lied when I knew exactly where they were going to take us.

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