The Other Summoner Fairytail...

By Gladecavalier_16

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There is a Universe called Imen but it is been destroyed by a phenomena called the "DOOMED" the whole univers... More

Nathaniel's Past
Welcome to Fairytail
Nathaniel's Profile
Nathaniel's Profile ver. 1.5
Special Chapter


696 16 3
By Gladecavalier_16

Nathaniel wake up with Natsu, Happy, Carla, Lily, and Wendy looking at him.

Nathaniel: "What the hell happened? where is Hades?"

Natsu: "Who the hell is Hades?"

Nathaniel: "His the Master of Grimoire Heart, the guild who is invading the Island"

Lily: "You are not telling me that you and him fight right?"

Carla: "No he fought him I can see it in his injuries"

Wendy: "I'm worried about Master I can't heal all of his injuries"

Nathaniel stand up Lily and Natsu was about to help him but he ignore the help and stand up on his own. He check up on the Master he scan his body with magic.

Wendy: "What are you doing Big brother?"

Nathaniel: "Scanning his body it seems the spell really affects him and with his age he needs to rest"

Carla: "But you're gonna heal him right?"

Nathaniel: "Sadly I can't, Amaterasu is one a deep magic that is way to many possible hideous outcome might happened if your try to remove it from a person's body. None the less we are heading back to camp and re group with everyone else make a plan and we are getting our turn to pummel that guild"

As soon Nathaniel says that he heal his own body and his bruises and injuries are disappearing like he is good to go. Natsu then start sniffing infront of Wendy. Which is wierd

Natsu: "Hold up I smell someone, it's the guy from the Galuna Island"

Happy: "But what is he doing here?"

Natsu: "I dont know but it is not good"

Nathaniel: "Then you two go ahead and search I'm staying to look out for Master with Wendy, Carla and Lily"

Natsu: "Okay then Let's go Happy!"

Happy: "Aye Sir!!!"

As soon the duo is gone Nathaniel sit and take a good rest. Then some Monster or other inhabitants of the Island starts to appear.

Lily: "Looks like we cannot catch a break here"

Carla: "Be ready child"

Wendy: "Okay"

Then out of no where Nathaniel just send a green aura in all directions.

Lily: "What the hell is that?"

Nathaniel: "Oh that spell is called Leechers Aura, it sends a huge signal to the animals so they will run away as soon as possible"

Then Wendy's stomach growls.

Nathaniel: "Oh looks like all of us are hungry huh?"

Wendy: "Sorry about that"

Nathaniel just patted her head and smile.

Nathaniel: "Then what are we waiting for let's go and hunt for food"

Carla: "You just drove them away"

Nathaniel: "Oh those animals has a bad taste of meat I dont know if you three are gonna survive on taking them to your stomach. Let's go Lily"

Then after that Lily and Nathaniel go out and look for food. Then Nathaniel stops when he sees Lily drooling on a tree which contains Kiwi. Nathaniel just sighs and pick them up. Then they continue to hunt for food they had a pig who Lily slaughtered 5 10 ft fish that Nathaniel caught de bone them removing the innards and they head back and Wendy and Carla greeted them but they were shock when they see. Nathaniel then suddenly produced a barrier at the fire wood that they have.Then he continues to cook.

Wendy: "Don't you think it is a little excessive to put the food with protection spell"

Carla: "I agree with her this seem to be too much"

Lily: "No it's not he is just preventing the enemy spot our location with the smoke coming from it."

As Nathaniel is done with the food he immediately get to making them a drink which is a fruit juice and some water he pour it at the cup which made from the woods that they cut. As soon they are starting to eat Natsu and Happy came along side with Lucy.



Nathaniel: "Nice to see that you're okay"

Lucy: "Thanks for that"

Then they started to eat then as they were done Happy and Natsu stomachs are big as hell and the rest seems to be satisfied on what they eat.

Natsu: "I'm so full"

Happy: "Same here"

Lucy: "They do realize that they eat the half of what you cook right"

Nathaniel: "That is why I always get extra portion of what is needed"

Wendy: "Heheheh well that is Natsu for you"

Carla: "Even so they must atleast have some manners"

Lily: "I say just leave them be"

As soon they are laughing Mest from the Magic council appear.

Lily: "Looks like you've return"

Natsu: "Where did you run off two who ever you are?"

Lucy: "That is Mest from the magic council"

Mest: "If I'm being honest with you Im Doran Bolt from the magic council"

Wendy: "What are you doing here?"

Doran: "Please don't be afraid Wendy I guess you could say I'm on the rescue mission"

Nathaniel: "I'm not buying your crap Bolt just get out of here and leave"

Doran: "Please I'm here to help you, I can use my transport magic to bring all of you to a safe place, from away from this island as possible, in order to do that I need-"

Natsu: "I'm with Nathan here we dont need your help okay"

Carla: "What makes you think that we will trust someone like you whose interest with the magic council"

Lily: "It is our problem not yours and we are more capable to handle this"

Doran: "You don't understand once the council know what happens here they will help us immediately"

Nathaniel: "Let me stop you right there, The Magic Council will lend us a helping hand immediately you've gotta be kidding me all those people up there always takes their time to decide what is good or not, and by the way not all part of the Council members can be trusted you know what happened to Jellal right or should I say Siegrain they play you all like a puppet, And when they decide what do you think what will the solution will be obliterate this whole Island with Etherion Blast. And as far I can concern your just here to help us to make a promotion for yourself to be at the top of the Council. This island is one of the Fairytail's top places one who is been so important to the point our first Master is buried here"

Natsu: "And before that happens we will take care of our mess"

Doran: "You dont understand, Grimoire Heart has powerful wizards on their side"

Nathaniel: "And look at us now we handle them all by ourselves and we are here to beat every single one of them"

Lucy: "Here is a message for the council tell them to back off and if they dont they gonna be sorry"

Happy: "Yeha we mages from Fairytail will take care of this ourselves"

Doran: "Are you all seriously trying to threatened the magic council, you lowly wizards"

Natsu: "You still have to learn man whether we are up againts Grimoire Heart or the Magic Council Fairy Tail doesn't back down it will be your last mistake and we are gonna bury you in the ground"

Dark clouds started to form over the island. Wendy looked up and saw.

Wendy: "Guys... it looks like there's a storm brewing."

In moments it started to rain heavily. Nathaniel put on his hood to shield his head from the rain.

Nathaniel: "No time to waste then. Carla, Pantherlily, can you go find our scout around the island and then come back? We'll find shelter in one of the nearby areas."

Carla: "Yes."

Pantherlily: "Let's go!"

The two flew off to search around the island while everyone else went into a tunnel Lucy came out of when she was still with Cana.

Lucy: "Ugh, my clothes are soaked! I'll have Virgo bring me some clothes. You all better not stare while I change!"

Nathaniel, Natsu, and Happy went to the entrance and looked outside. Doranbolt sat against the wall by Makarov, while Lucy summoned Virgo, who brought a change of clothes. Wendy stood near where Lucy was changing. Lucy finished changing and came out.

Lucy: "How do I look?"

Wendy: "You look great."

Virgo: "Celestial World Clothing suits you well Princess. That's our latest fashion there. Do you like it?"

Lucy: "Of course!"

Virgo: "Glad I could be of service. Now..."

Virgo brought out another outfit and held it around Wendy.

Virgo: "Your turn!"

Wendy: "Huh? You didn't have to do this for me."

Virgo: "Please, think nothing of it. Now please, change before you catch a cold."

Wendy: "Okay."

Virgo: "Do you need help changing?"

Wendy: "Umm no, I'm good. Thanks for offering!"

Wendy went behind a large rock in the tunnel to change.

Lucy walked near the entrance while Wendy changed.

Lucy: "This rain just doesn't want to let up."

Wendy: "Umm, it's nice to be dry, but I feel kind of helpless..."

Doranbolt looked out, and everyone saw Carla flying towards them with a large leaf on her head to shelter it from the rain.

Natsu: "Hey Carla! Did you lose Panther?"

Carla: "We decided to stop by the main camp. Gajeel and Mira are in pretty bad shape, so Lily is staying with them while they recover."

She lands and puts away her wings.

Happy: "I hope they get better soon."

Carla: "As do I, but the good thing is that we spotted Grimoire Heart's Ship on the east coast of the island."

Natsu: "Then let's swim over and bust heads."

Nathaniel: "Not yet. We don't know how many of them are in that ship."

Lucy: "We should head back to the Main Camp in case Cana and Gray show up. That should help us our a lot."

Wendy finished changing and came out from the rocks.

Virgo: "Your turn Nathaniel"

Nathaniel nods and they started to think what Nathan will look like as he is done Natsu, Lucy, Wendy and Doran blush and have a slight nosebleed on what they have seen.

Nathaniel: "Guys what's wrong?!?!?"

Natsu,Wendy,Lucy &Doran: "Nothing"

Happy: "Looks like it can be helped"

Carla: "I agree with you"

Then the four gives a thumbs up to Virgo. Then she disappears.

Wendy: "She's right. If it's up for vote, I think we should head back to the camp."

Natsu: "Alright then. I'll carry Master."

Natsu walked over and carried Makarov on his back.

Doranbolt: "What about me?"

Everyone at the tunnel's entrance looked at Doranbolt.

Natsu: "Keep the Magic Council from trying to blow us up."

Lucy: "Look we don't want their help we can handle them on our own."

Wendy: "Just tell them they don't need to use the Etherion."

Doranbolt: "Do you think they're going to listen?"

Nathaniel: "Then delay them for as long as you can. We're counting on you."

They started to leave Doranbolt behind in the tunnel.

Doranbolt: "Come back here! You can't beat them! Every Guild that has gone up against them hasn't lived to talk about it! Do you even have a plan!"

Natsu: "Hit them with everything we got! That's all!"

They all started to run for the main camp. While they were running they were having a conversation.

Wendy: "I'm worried. What if Doranbolt fails?"

Carla: "Forget about that creep. We don't need his help!"

Lucy: "I'm worried about Cana. I hope she made it back to base alright!"

Nathaniel: "Maybe my sister will be there!"

Nathaniel and Natsu saw someone straight ahead with a enormous bright white aura.

Natsu: "We've got company guys!"

Nathaniel: "Natsu, take Master for me!"

Natsu nods and held Makarov from back to his own. They then felt the person's aura from where they were.

Nathaniel: "What in the world is that guy?!"

Wendy: "He's strong! I can feel his power."

On closer inspection, the Raindrops in his immediate area was falling even harder than everywhere else.

Carla: "The rain is falling on him like there's a storm cloud over his head!"

Natsu: "Who are you! One of the kin?!"

The unknown person spoke in a low gruff voice.

???: "Tell me. Have you learned to fly yet?"

Everyone stayed quiet.

???: "No? Pity..."

He held his hands forward and the rain in the surrounding area froze in space.

Nathaniel: "What the?!"

???: "Then you'll fall!"

The rain instantly crashed to the ground at a high pace and the area around Nathan's group instantly felt heavier and they all crashed to the ground.

Nathaniel: "Gravity Magic!?"

Carla: "I... I can't move!"

Happy: "It's... crushing..!"

The immense magic power could be felt all over the island.

Nathaniel: "Just who are you?!"

???: "I am Bluenote Stinger! The Deputy Commander of Grimoire Heart!"

Carla: "Deputy Commander?!"

Bluenote: "You know, personally, I don't care about Fairy Tail, or our plans for Zeref. There is one thing I've longed to do on this island. Where is the Grave of Mavis Vermillion? I wish to pay my respects to Fairy Tail's First Master!"

Then suddenly Nathaniel came up from below and perform an uppercut.

Nathaniel: "Like hell I'm gonna tell you"

Bluenote: "Your the one Master Hades talks about, gonna handle it to you you hot guts kid"

Nathaniel: "Lightning"

A stroke of lightning came upon Nathaniel's arms and electrified Bluenote.

Natsu: "Awsome"

Bluenote smirks and push Nathaniel away.

Bluenote: "Looks like you can fly little fairy, Let's dance"

Nathaniel: "Come at me"

Hey guys it's the Author I will be busy for a couple of weeks why dont you send me questions about the characters of the story like a q and a. I will answer then once I write again. Catch you later guys stay tuned

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