Loving A Villain (EDITED VERS...


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REWRITTEN/EDITED VERSION I shouldn't have been walking around alone at night. I shouldn't have stopped and w... Еще

Blue Doom
Blake Dun
Dentist Appointment
Evil Psychopath
Justice TV
Computer Charging
James Bond
Arms of A Hero
Walmart VS Target
Pony Boy
Super Girlfriend
New Friend
Treading Water
Get Ready
Daddy Bear
Titties and Dickies
Man of Shadows
Annoyance and Appeal
The Blue Kitten
All His
Tight Ass Leotard
Devious Douche
Planes and Powers
Temper, Temper
Misfortune's Bitch
Low Blowing
Family Dinner
Rookie Mistake
Problem Solving
Coming For You
Shittier Side of The Track
Missed You
It Wasn't Me
Asked And Never Answered
Swing First
Let It Go
Misplaced Knowledge
Big Red
Attention Whores
Ruin My Life


2.8K 154 102

Katrina's POV

Am I dead?

Pain laces up and down every inch of my body. I feel no better than a big ass bruise.

I blink slowly, trying to figure out where in the hell I am. The last thing I remember is the pain from being hit by that loser who was in the shadows.

Fucking bitch.

Then Blue was there and everything was better, well as better as something can get with a psycho villain added to the mix.

He had me, whatever was between us was definitely like drugs. It had to be like drugs. Because only a stupid bitch on drugs would ever trust someone like Blue.

Would kiss someone like Blue.

Would call a villain like Blue Doom, Blue.

I need to stay focused, I need to get the hell out of here, and I definitely need some Neosporin and band-aids because my shit hurts.

My neck is sore, my head hurts like a mother, and my face feels like it got stepped on by an elephant.

I squint at the rocky ceiling above me, did he slam my facing into a floor?

He slammed my face into a floor.


It feels like someone put me on a George Foreman grill and tried to cook my body.

Nothing feels good.

I blink again at the rock ceiling and groan. I know where I am, this is the lab in Blue's weird ass lair. I'm on the bed where I had woken up in Blue's arms.

Awesome memories.

I have to have some real hoe-like tendencies to have made out with that delusional asshole.

Why did I even do that?

Oh yes, it was the abs, the strange eyes, and maybe just a bit of that sad, lonely look I could catch deep within his eyes.

Or maybe because he's an asshole, and the world teaches girls, the best ones are always a bit of an asshole and being treated like shit is part of the process.

I need therapy.

Did I honestly say I wanted to be in Blue Doom's suit? Did I ask him to 'take me'? Did I imply that his dick was small?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

Would have just been a little too perfect for me to forget all those cringe-worthy memories.

I had no control. That thing, my power, had taken over. A bit of me was there and those are definitely my words that were said, but I hadn't given permission for them to be said.

What the hell is happening to me?

This feels completely beyond whatever bullshit bond mumbo-jumbo Blue's been feeding me.

Sasha made it sound like it wasn't that big of a deal, nothing but a little power tethered between the two of us. Yet, I remember distinctly, the endless pool of power that was pressed under my skin.

How invincible I felt.

How easy it would have been to... make it all mine.

Concerning, considering I'm entirely too lazy for any of those thoughts and actions. It was the power telling me what I could do if only I tried.

I squint my eyes as another memory crashes into me. Did I lasso a bitch? Did I lasso a bitch who claimed to be Blue's wife?

I definitely did that.

That had to be a joke though, who in their right mind would marry Blue Doom?

If that asshole is married then all bets are off, he wouldn't fucking dare, especially after knowing about me being cheated on before.

He couldn't be that utterly stupid, could he?

I slowly sit up, holding back the urge to puke and cry at the same time. It feels like I've run a fucking ten-mile race.

I slid to the edge of the bed slowly, trying not to move too quickly as my back spasms like a motherfucker.

I grip the back of my neck, desperate to stop the feeling of my brain rolling around freely in my skull.

"My neck," I hiss trying to close my eyes against the nausea, "my back," I whine.

Don't do it.

Don't sing it.

"Lick my puss and my crack, just do it, do it, lick it good, suck this pus-"

"I shouldn't be surprised," a deep voice scares the literal fuck out of me, making my head snap to the figure sitting in the corner by the bed, "and yet, here I am."

I blink stupidly at him, "I didn't know you were there."

"Glaringly obvious."

Someone just run me over. Let's just get it this soul sucking embarrassment over.

I press my hands into my lap, "it's a popular song."


"It promotes female... pride and... self-confidence."

Why can't I stop talking?

"Does it? What are the other lyrics?"

He's fucking with me.

I swallow drily, "All you ladies pop your... pussy like this. Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss."

He stares back at me in absolute silence, his masked face revealing absolutely no emotion.

I'm officially starting to stress sweat.

He runs a gloved hand down his face, "how is your arm?"

Thankful for the change of topic, I look down at the unmarred skin of my shoulder. It was completely healed, I trail my hand over the healed skin, "holy shit," I whisper looking at the miracle.

"Pony was able to heal you."

"He can't do stretch marks, right?" All I receive is a dark look, "you're right, you're right. Battle scars, a tiger has to earn her stripes. I'll keep them."


"So, where's Cory?"

"I'm having Pony waterboard him for information as we speak."

I choke, just as Pony comes bounding from around the corner with a perfectly fine Cory behind him.

I glare back at the stone-faced villain, "you know you're an actual dick."

He stands from his seat, "that's not new news."

"Suck my toes, asshole."

He tilts his head, a small smile crossing his face, "don't you mean lick your-"


Pony rushes into my arms a second later, his little body crashing into my own. "I'm glad you're okay! I was worried when you didn't wake up after I healed you."

"It appears sexual harassment really tires her out," Blue unnecessarily adds.

Pony smiles even as I glare at Blue, "don't listen to him, Blue was really worried about you. He wouldn't leave your side, even when Diana showed up."

I smile kindly down at Pony as I slap my hands over his ears and turn and glare at Blue, "so your whore and your wife are here?"

He's nearly too busy glaring at Pony to answer, "I wasn't worried and how is it any of your fucking business?"

I sniff, "it's not, actually. It never will be. I couldn't care less."

"Good then."




"It's fucking superb!" I snap at him, still holding Pony's ears so he can't hear us.

"You're really ungrateful for a girl who had to be carried back here and healed to stop from bleeding out."

"Oh, forgive me! Would you like a thank you note? Or maybe I should just tattoo 'thanks for bringing me back as your hostage' on my ass!?"

He growls, stepping forward like he's about to try and strangle me but Pony escapes from my arms, stepping between the two of us.

Before anyone can do anything, I'm yanked into Cory's chest as his arms wrap around me.

Tense silence settles as Cory hugs me close.

Forcing my body to relax, I hug him back.

He and I had broken up on good terms back in high school, especially when he had just explained that he liked men as much as I do. We'd been able to stay close through the years, even though he was sickeningly genius and had shot into stardom in the science world.

I hadn't seen him in a few months with him working so much.

I felt like a complete asshole for letting him get dragged into the shitty situation with me. I know whether I had helped Blue or not he would have gotten his hands-on Cory but assisting him to do it was still fucked up.

"I'm so sorry," we both breathe at the same time, in each other's arms.

I shake my head immediately, "this is all my fault. I helped an evil asshole-"

"Fuck you."

"- in a tight ass blue suit, kidnap you and he's really unbalanced Cory. I'm not even sure what he's going to do to you. It'll probably start with some real emotional stress and then descend it pure bullshit when his fragile ego gets bruised!"

I don't even see Blue storm up to me before I'm being snatched out of Cory's arms.

"That's enough," he snarls down into my face.

"Why don't you go ask Diana if that's enough?"

"Yes, Doom, why don't you go ask her if that's enough," a new voice calls out. All of our heads whip to the newcomer.

A beautiful blond woman stands at the entrance, her hair curled perfectly around her face, the blond strands highlighting the milky color of her skin.

Her wide blue eyes cut across the room with efficiency, her thin body toned enough to remind me of the red dressed woman I had thrown earlier. She was really beautiful, a mature and womanly vibe etched into her skin.

This is the kind of woman he likes.

The complete opposite of me.

"Diana says hi," fury flashes quickly across her features before she collects herself. "Still with that power leech, I see. She said she had to leave, looked pretty terrified, but said she would contact you later," she forced a relaxed smile.

Her eyes settle on me and the tight grip that Blue has on my arms. He doesn't move his hands as she glares at the two of us. "Another one, Doom? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you didn't miss me."

Blue doesn't respond as the two of us lock eyes, "who is this?"

"Ana Sayre," she mocks, "who are you?"

I try to pull out of Blue's arms, but he doesn't budge. "Katrina Justice. Hostage extraordinaire and you know Blue how?"

"I'm his wife."

I smile brightly looking up at Blue's face, "well, congratu-fucking-lations! You two must want some alone time. I'll gladly leave to let you two talk," I hiss snatching myself out of Blue's arms.

He sends me a withering glare, "And where exactly do you think you are going?"

"Absolutely anywhere that you are not seems like the best fucking option!"

He glowers at me as he tries to snatch me again. I quickly sidestep his reach refusing to look at him.

"Wow, you could cut this tension with a knife," Ana smirks.

I refuse to make eye contact with anyone.

"You're unbelievable, stop acting like a pathetic infant."

I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes, "I'm sorry did you say something? I couldn't hear you over the sound of those wedding bells? Do you hear them?"

"You're being petty."

"Then call me petty Betty, bitch. Now, go tug your cape out of your ass and get the fuck out of my face!" I scream back at him letting the

I can actually hear him shearing his teeth as he glares down at me, his eyes burning bright enough to nearly make me look away.

"Katrina, calm down, you just woke up, you shouldn't be standing up just yet," Corey cuts in-between the two of us, trying to diffuse the situation.

"I'm fine, I'd feel better if a certain blue-tights-wearing ass bitch wasn't stunting my mood."

The lights above us flickered in annoyance.

"This is the company you're keeping now, Doom? I'm unimpressed," the Ana girl sneers at me as she struts over towards Blue who is still standing there glaring me down.

I turn towards her with a bright smile, "are you still talking? Thought you'd have trouble with that after eating so much dirt last night."

Fury burns bright in her eyes as she steps towards me.

Blue quickly wraps his hand around her arm, stopping her from ascending on me.

Good, because that was nothing but shit-talking. I have no clue how I conjured that lasso and even less how to lasso a bitch's neck and throw her.

"Ana. Enough." Blue cuts through the tense air.

She forces her body to relax, a sly smile crossing her lips as she turns and presses her body against Blue's.

Katrina don't do it. Don't say anything, keep your face blank.

Him and his stupid looking wife can keep that energy, all of it. Don't engage, you're a better woman than that.

Be composed. Levelheaded. Poised.

Such as all bad bitches are.

She cuts her eye to me as she trails her lips up the side of Blue's jaw, "I did miss you, Doom. A lot. Maybe there's somewhere we can go alone so I can show you just how much?"


You're composed, bitch.

You're a composed ass-bitch!

She smirks as she trails her hand down his chest, pressing even closer to him.

And did he push her away?


He and I tense at the same exact time, his eyes flash with guilt and mine with murder.


I flash a bright fake smile and turn towards a fidgeting Pony, "I'm starving, should we go find something to eat?" I ask holding my hand out for him to take.

He grabs it slowly, his eyes shooting between Blue and me quickly.

"No." Blue snaps, forcing Pony to freeze as I try and drag him away from my next murder victims. "You stay here and don't leave this lab, do you understand?"

It was obvious he was trying to get a rise out of me.

But I'm a composed woman.

So, I won't rise to his bait.

"I think I should go, so you two can talk," I fight to keep the pure rage out of my voice.

Pony Boy and Cory look the perfect picture of a panic attack.

"Kat, maybe you should just lay back down and rest," Cory adds nervously his eyes shooting between Blue Doom and me.

"No, I'd rather choke than be in this fucking room! I'm hungry and I don't care what that tights wearing, bipolar, dick personality having ass motherfucker over there says," I screech as I reply only to Cory.

That might have taken my composed score down a few points.

Blue looks ready to skin me alive as the room lapses into silence.

"Leave this room and I'll break all the bones in Cory's right hand," Blue adds nonchalantly.

Cory goes completely pale, nearly passing out as his eyes bulge.

Blue stares me down, a dark smirk slashed across his lips.

He means it. He'd do it.

"Fine," I spit dropping Pony's hand and storming back to the bed, "then get the fuck out!" I snap all my composure flying out the door as my anger reaches new heights.

I look away from the group as Pony and Cory sprint out of the lab and Ana tugs Blue out as well, even as he glares at me.

I glared at the door they just disappeared out of.

What a fucking loser! How dare he try to bully me when he's the asshole who was just kissing me in bed only to have a fucking wife on the side.

Are my pheromones attracting stupid-ass men that can't keep it together for one woman?

I need to move, I need to get out of here. I'm already on shaky ground with my mental stability but staying here is making my shit crumble to the ground. I stand up furiously and start pacing the length of the room.

He's such a bastard.

He knows I can't stand cheating, he could see how much cheating had affected my own shitty life, and yet he puts me in a situation to do that same thing to another woman.

An annoying woman, but damnit still a woman.

Why would he make me think he was available if he was married?

The fact that I let him kiss me makes me want to hurl, and the awful things I thought about doing to his body were sinful. I was that girl, the one pinning for another girl's man. That's not who I want to be. That's not who I am!

I continued pacing back and forth, welcoming the numbing feeling it was giving me.

Why even allow me to do anything with him if he had a wife! This isn't a girlfriend or a mistress that pops up every once in a while. But a whole ass wife! That's marriage! That's a wedding!

I'm going to hell.

What's wrong with men?! Why can't they realize that you can't pull shit like this? I've surrounded myself with fucking cheaters and I'm tired of it. I knew how it felt to be cheated on and I didn't even like the person who cheated on me!

That shit burns and the fact that I told him all this, yet he still would cheat on that girl is ridiculous.

But that's what I get! Men only think with one head and it isn't the one on their shoulders.

I walk up to the lab wall and without thinking punch it, desperate to get some of the anger out of my system.

Big mistake.

Huge mistake.

Colossal mistake.

First, my knuckles split open, absolutely fucking painful. I felt powerful, but it really hurt. Wouldn't recommend. 2/10.

Second, the damn wall slid back like a fucking Scooby-Doo special. Great show. The door was cool but it scared the shit out of me. I wasn't prepared. 4/10

Third, I went tumbling forwards down a flight of stairs. Head first, ass second. There were stairs. They weren't soft or kind. It hurt, a lot. 1/10

I land in a crumbled, broken, bruised heap at the bottom of the stairs.

Fucking Great. 

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