Beyond The Glowing Whirlpool

By AmyLeahAugust

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Stacie's whole life is overturned, when she is noticed for her skills in archeology and gets pulled into a wo... More

Chapter 1: PILOT
Chapter 2: THE QUEST
Chapter 4: ATLANTIS
Chapter 5: SATTERANS
Chapter 7: THE SHARD
Chapter 8: A CUP OF LATTE
Chapter 15: THE RESEARCH
Chapter 17: PLANET THARS
Chapter 21: A ROGUE ARROW
Chapter 23: IVAR'S LAMENT
Chapter 24: RECOVERY
Chapter 35: JUST BREATHE
Chapter 45: CAPTIVE
Chapter 48: THE ANTIDOTE
Chapter 49: FAREWELL
Chapter 51: HOME AT LAST
Chapter 57: THE PHONE CALL
Chapter 58: THE ICY TREAT
Chapter 59: HOMECOMING
Chapter 60: SATTERA
Chapter 64: IN THE GARDEN
Chapter 69: LEONE
Chapter 70: EPILOGUE

Chapter 56: EARTH

59 2 22
By AmyLeahAugust

After their arrival in the capital, Ivar and captain separated. Captain got picked up by an automobile and Ivar switched airplanes. This last flight was very short, which lasted no more than about an hour or so. Just like captain Arthur said, there was someone already waiting for him. A person that met him at his arrival, was a middle-aged dark-skinned man dressed in a strict, all-black suit with an earpiece attached to his ear. Ivar figured it must be some kind of communication device. Caught off guard by Ivar's unusual appearance, the man stared at him with a slight stun for a split second, then quickly collected himself and approached him.

-Sir Ivar, I presume?

-Yes. - Ivar return.

-Welcome to Boston. My name is Nicholas, but you can just call me Nick. I was assigned to be your escort while your stay here. How was your trip?

-It was alright, thank you. - Answered Ivar.

-Good to hear. I was instructed to offer you some rest and food when you arrive if you wish before we continue on our way.

-I appreciate the offer, but I prefer to not waste any time and get to my destination as soon as possible.

-Understood. Please follow me then.

The man led Ivar through a small building to a very sleek looking black vehicle parked just outside of that building. Nicholas popped open the wing door of his Tesla and gesture for Ivar to get in. The interior of this vehicle although quite compact, was very luxurious looking, with white leather seats in contrast to its shiny, onyx-like exterior. Ivar has never seen such a beautiful four-wheeler ground craft. He never knew that even primitive engines could look so lavish. Ivar was genuinely impressed. In addition to its unique design, it had a very strange, pleasant scent of the seating material. The windows were also tinted, creating a private little space from which you can see the outside world, but the outside world cannot see you.

-Here, captain Arthur instructed me to provide you with this, when you get here, and show you how to use it. - He handed Ivar a small device when they were inside the limo.

-What is this? - Asked Ivar with a puzzle.

-It's a communication device we use here on Earth, called a cellphone. It's so that both captain and I can stay in touch with you.

-But, I don't know how to use it. - Said Ivar, looking at it.

-It's simple really... - And Nicholas proceeded to show Ivar how to operate a cellphone. - Alright then, let's go. - He turned his attention back to the steering wheel when he was done.

Ivar immersed in his own thoughts, as the landscape of the earthlings' world whizzed past his window. There was soft music playing in the background, adding to the comfort of this already splendid as is, vehicle. Though the background music inside a transportation craft was another unique to Earthlings and a pleasant thing, Ivar was so engulfed in his anticipation of seeing Stacie soon, he wasn't paying attention to it at all. Until a certain song came up, lyrics of which sounded so familiar, it grabbed his attention. He has never heard this particular song before, yet it seemed to be describing what he felt in such a way, it's a if it was written about him.

I have been blind, unwilling
To see the true love You're giving.
I have ignored every blessing.
I'm on my knees, confessing:

That I feel myself surrender, each time I see your face.
I am staggered by your beauty, Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning, falling into place.
I can't hide it, now hear my confession.

In velvety, gentle, male voice the words serenely flowed from the speakers behind him, making his heart skip several beats in a row. Especially with the next chorus, which seemed to portray the entire history of his relationship with Stacie from the moment he met her, in just a few, clear phrases:

I have been wrong about you, I thought I was strong without you.
For so long nothing could move me,
For so long, nothing could change me.

Now I feel myself surrender, each time I see your face.
I am staggered by your beauty, Your unassuming grace.
And I feel my heart is turning, falling into place.
I can't hide it, now hear my confession.


While Ivar was lost in his own world, he hadn't noticed they arrived until they pulled to a stop and Nick informed him that they're here. He got out of the car and opened the door for Ivar. Surprised, Ivar stared at the man wide-eyed, getting out of the car and looking around.

-This is it? - He expressed with bewilderment. - That was pretty quick.

-Well, the address that the captain Arthur provided me with isn't too far from the airport, and the traffic wasn't too bad at this time of the day.

By the time they got here, it was a little past eight in the morning but felt as if it was much later since the weather was gloomy, and there was a heavy overcast in the sky, though it wasn't raining. The air was chilly, and pretty fresh, from all the wetness of the season. The trees were dressed in gold and amber hues of foliage, that was falling with each wave of the breeze, covering the ground with beautiful, golden-like carpet. Ivar carefully inspected the place, that was supposed to be Stacie's home, with his eyes. It was a strange place with a lot of very small buildings closely knit together, scattered through a little, park-like area, resembling a cute, little community town. Nickolas explained, that this little living accommodation was called apartments complex. Not everyone on Earth lived this way. It was just one of the hundreds of verity lifestyles on their planet. This little place here was pretty cramped up and strange, but at the same time, pleasant looking. There were few people pacing around the little pathways, some of which stopped to stare at a foreign stranger who just stepped out of a luxury car, escorted by someone who looked like a bodyguard to them.

-Miss Maclay lives in that building, up the stairs to the right. - Said Nick and returned to wait for him by the car.

Feeling anxious and desperately longing to see Stacie's face, with his heart beating fast, Ivar headed towards the building, where she lived. He reached the top of the stairs in a few quick strides and found himself standing in a small porch between two doors that were opposite each other.

"Nicholas said her door is the one to the right." Remembered Ivar and turned to it. He raised his hand to knock, then suddenly paused. "It's empty..." He realized. "I'm not sensing anyone's presence inside this place. Rather, I sense someone behind this other door..." Ivar turned to the opposite apartment. "Perhaps Nicholas was mistaken." He thought and taking a step to the other door, gave it a few lights taps with his knuckle.

Seconds later the door flung open, and an unfamiliar girl with short, curly brown hair and glasses gaped at him with a complete stupor, eyes wide and mouth drop open.


It was Saturday, and Amy just woke about half an hour ago not having to go to college and was making herself some breakfast when there was a knock on her door. It surprised her a bit since she usually didn't get very many visitors.

"Man that girl's fast... She's back already?" Thinking it might be Stacie, she lazily shuffled to the door with a yawn, still feeling half asleep. She opened it and instantly was thrown into a world of a shock to see a tall, majestic, and unrealistically attractive man standing there. Suddenly she was very awake. "No way...." She gaped at him, wide-eyed and in a speechless stupor as she immediately recognized the unmistakable resemblance of those striking features. "Is that really him?! The man from Stacie's drawing?! H-he's here...?! Wow!"

Caught off guard by not what he was expecting, Ivar also stared back at her for a brief second, feeling confused.

-My mistake. - He apologetically dropped his head and started to go down the stairs.

-A-Are you... Looking for Stacie, by any chance? - Amy called out to him, making him nearly miss a step from the stun.

-You know her? - He turned to look at her with surprise. - How did you know I was looking for her?

-I saw...erm, I mean, just a guess?... - She awkwardly stammered. - We are neighbors, and... sometimes people get our doors mixed up, so... - Amy nervously scratched behind her ear as she covered up her almost revealing that she peeked at Stacie's private work journal.

-I see. - Said Ivar returning to her door. - Do you know where I can find her?

"Dang..." Amy gaped at his towering stature with awe. "So hot... And are those... Violet eyes? Dang! I've heard some people might have them, but that's extremely rare... So I never thought I'd actually get to see someone with violet eyes for real! This is amazing!"


-Ah! Yeh! Sorry... - Ivar's deep tone made her snap out of her daze. - Sh-she isn't home right now.

-Yes, I gathered as much. - Replied Ivar in 'obviously' tone. - But would you happen to know, where she could be at this moment, by any chance?

-S-sorry, yeah, she's probably gone to do some shopping or run some errands. But I have no idea when she'll be back.

-Hmm... That is most unfortunate. - Said Ivar, turning back to the stairs again.

-Well... She... Left maybe an hour ago, and she usually never shops for too long... - Amy called out, stopping him again. - So I'd say maybe give it forty minutes or so... Wait! - Suddenly she gasped as if she just remembered something. - I can actually call her! Duh! Hang on a sec, let me grab my phone... - And she disappeared behind the door for a brief second, then reappeared with the same kind of gadget in her hand, that Nick gave him.

She dialed it up and pressed it against her ear. Suddenly, Ivar turned to look at Stacie's door.

-I can hear a faint sound, coming from inside of her home. - He said, staring at it.

-What?! You can hear...? - Amy gaped at him with a shock pulling her phone away from her ear. "Does this guy have a super hearing or something? I don't hear anything!"

-Yes, I heard a faint melody come from inside there, then it suddenly stopped as soon as you stopped calling. - Said Ivar.

-Oh... Well, I guess she forgot her phone at home. What a bummer... - Replied Amy. - I'm so sorry...

-It's alright. Thank you for trying anyway.

-Actually, you know what, I think you're in luck! - Said Amy, stopping him again. - This means she will be coming back very soon!

-What makes you think so?

-Because she's been expecting a very important call with information on some family matter, so I suspect she'll be rushing home as soon as she realizes she left it behind.

-I see. Then I shall wait. Thank you for your assistance. - Said Ivar and quickly descended down the stairs.

"Whoa, what an extraordinary guy! His speech is so... so... Elegant and high class..." Thought Amy, as she stared out the window, following him with her eyes as he made his way to the black Tesla in the parking lot. "And look at his ride too! He must be rich then, to be able to afford a Tesla! Doh, Stacie did mention he has a high ranking position in his country that's mixed with politics... I wonder what country though... Like, where's he from? He has an interesting accent that I just couldn't figure out what exactly could it be... It's neither French nor Italian and definitely not German either! I know how those sound. It doesn't sound middle east either and too soft to be Slavic, and he doesn't look Asian... Maybe he could be mixed? Dang, he's a total mystery! And those eyes... I'll have to do some research on violet eyes later. Just how rare are they? I wonder what percentage of the population has it and what ethnicities are most likely to get it! Sigh... I envy Stacie for being acquainted with such cool people... But I guess that's what you get when you travel the world for a job. Maybe I should switch careers too?"

Ivar went back to the car and told Nickolas that he's going to stay here for a while so if he wants to, he can go and do whatever else he needed to do in the meantime. Nickolas told him that he could use a small lunch break and will contact him in about an hour or so. Ivar agreed, and with that, Nickolas drove off.


Ivar returned to Stacie's apartment and sad on the stairs, waiting for her. The weather was pretty chilly just like the Captain said so, which actually felt pretty good on his face, as the fresh, damp breeze rustled his raven hair. Ivar leaned forward, supporting his head with his hands propped against his knees, and stared off into the distance, curiously watching the few people that were outside. Some were jogging, others were walking around in pairs or pushing a stroller with a child inside. And there were a few that were playing around with strange animals, that seemed to obey their every single command.

"This sure feels like a whole other universe." Thought Ivar. "Strange transportation vehicles, unconventional living accommodations... Although animal companions are not that uncommon on some other planets in my galaxy either, I have never seen one so obedient and attached to its master before." He pondered, watching one young man play with his golden labrador by tossing some objects around and praising the animal when it retrieved it, who seemed to reciprocate the praises with extreme excitement. Then the boy proceeded to give it commands to perform some tricks, which the animal obeyed so happily, it practically seemed like it lived to please its master. "Heh, what an intelligent creature..." Chuckled Ivar to himself, as he found watching that duo quite entertaining.

Suddenly, out of nowhere a small ball rolled over to him and bumped against the side of his foot followed by a light pitter-patter of approaching footsteps, which made him turn his head in that direction. His gaze was met by a bewildered pair of eyes on a small boy who suddenly halted in a distance just staring at Ivar, too timid to come up. The boy seemed to want his toy back but was too afraid to approach Ivar. His big, Bamby eyes reminded him of Stacie's bewildered stare when they first met in that dining hall, making his heart suddenly skipped a beat. She had the same innocent expression, which captivated him from that very moment. "Heh, no wonder I thought she was very young at that moment..." Ivar's mouth upturned into a light smile.

-Do not be afraid. - He softly said to the poor child who was shifting his eye between Ivar and his ball. - I won't take your toy away. Here, you can come and take it. - He picked up the ball and handed it to the boy.

The little boy hesitated for a second then very cautiously, approached Ivar. He unsurely took the ball still keeping his big, bewildered eyes locked with his and took a few steps back.

-T-tankyu... - He quietly uttered and bolted towards two women who were immersed in a conversation in a distance, and clung to one of them, leaving Ivar smiling to himself at his endearingly lispy little "thank you".


Meanwhile, Stacie roamed a nearby shopping center, completely unaware of the surprise, that was waiting for her back at her apartments. Just as Amy predicted, Stacie dug into her purse to check her phone and realized she left it at home. She rushed the few things that she managed to pick out from her list to the cash register, quickly paid for them, and rushed home. The phone call she was waiting for was far more important than some supplies, which she can get at any other time. One of the advantages of a small town is that everything is nearby, so in just a few minutes, she pulled up to her apartments, parked her car, grabbed her purse and a couple of shopping bags, locked it, and started walking down the paved pathway that led towards her apartment.

Ivar sat at the bottom of the staircase patiently waiting for Stacie to return home, as he got distracted by the quiet yet curious life that surrounded her. Suddenly, a light breeze blew his way and carried a very faint, but oh so painfully familiar scent of a certain fragrance along with it. He stiffened and fixed his eyes on the walkway. In just a few seconds, following the scent, a small figure appeared in the not so far distance making her way towards him. His heartbeat quickened at the sight of her making it difficult for him not to pounce at her right then and lock away that sweetly petite body of hers in his arms. But he restrained himself, not wanting to startle her and draw attention to himself. He already stood out as is, making all the passerby's stare at him. So, he patiently waited until she got closer, keeping his gaze locked on her with the corners of his mouth upturned.

Still oblivious Stacie was too busy digging through her purse for her keys while walking, to notice Ivar sitting there until she was few feet away from him. Suddenly a tall dark figure rose right before her, blocking her way, making her glance up, and nearly jumped out of her skin from the unexpected startle.

-KYAAH!... - Gasped Stacie, stumbling backward and nearly fell, losing her grip on the shopping bags she was holding.

Loudly gasping for air with open mouth, she stared at Ivar as if she's seen a ghost, her heart was slamming against her chest so hard, she felt a shiver all over her body.

-Iv... Ivar...! - She stammered through disbelief.

Stacie could not believe her eyes. She could not believe she was standing face to face with Ivar, here on Earth, right next to her apartment, with such a casual expression on his face and dressed in all earth outfit as if it's not a big deal to him.

-Hello Stacie... - He said, looking at her staggered from a complete and utter stun, pale face. - What's with that frightened expression? I know you were not expecting me, but one would think you are facing your worst nightmare! - He chuckled.

-You're... - She gasped ignoring his casually teasing remark. - You're here...


-On Earth...

-I am.

-Among Earthlings...

-Ironic, isn't it? - He bent down to pick up the begs she dropped and neatly placed them onto the staircase.

-How?!... Wh... What are you doing here?!... - She exclaimed, still gaping at him.

-What kind of a question is that, Stacie? - He suddenly pierced her with a fierce gaze. - After you ran away from me when I needed you most. - His eyebrows drew together. - Didn't you read my letter? You made me believe that love is all about supporting each other through ups and downs, was I mistaken?

There was a painful stab in Stacie's chest as his words pierced her right through, sending a rush of guilt through her body. Feeling blood drain from her face, she speechlessly bit her lip and dropped her gaze, staring at her feet. She had no idea what to say for herself. Ivar gazed at her vulnerable, pale face that looked like it's about to break down with sobs and his chest tightened. He slowly moved closer to her and gently lifted her chin up.

-Stacie, please, be honest with me. - He said, looking into her eyes. - Do you fear me? I know you come from a humble background, so, are you afraid of my world and the place I hold in it? Does the idea of being with me frighten you that much?

Stunned from that kind of question, Stacie shook her head, peering at him with eyes full of sincerity.

-No! Of course not!

-Then why did you let Damaris's words get to you? I thought you were a woman of strong opinion who is true to her convictions.

-My involvement with you was hurting you and your family, Ivar...

-Is that what Damaris has told you? Because I was denied a place in a parliament? Did you even stop to think that perhaps, just maybe, I never wanted to be a part of it in the first place?

-But Ivar, that kind of decision has a huge...

-Impact on my life? So what? I lost half of my family, Stacie! That's a huge impact on one's life, as you should know all too well! Nothing else comes even close in comparison.

-I know but...

-Stacie... - His tone softened again. - Let me clarify something for you. I renounced my position a long time ago. Though Aries had hoped I'd change my mind over time and kept steering me in that direction, I only went along with it until another reliable candidate was found. And that candidate has been found. It's Damaris. As for me, all I ever wanted, was to take care of my aging mother, assuring her a comfortable, worry-free life. And now that I got my brother back, my family needs me more than ever. Do you think I will sacrifice it for the ungrateful position of the prime minister which requires one's full dedication and involvement, often resulting in severe neglect of one's personal life and family? My father was a prime minister. And it resulted in such a huge age gap between my brother and I. I will not follow that path and abandon my family when it so desperately depends on me. They need me, Stacie. And I... - He shifted his hand to her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. - ...Need you.

-But... I'm just a clumsy, little weak earthling... - Said Stacie through tears in her eyes. - I'm a woman of an inferior race and an unfamiliar origin. What can I do for you?

-Correction, my clumsy little weak earthling. - He wiped the tear away with his thumb. - And all you need to do for me is to love me as you do. That's all I need from you. - He dipped his head and placed a deep, long overdue kiss on her delicious lips. After a long and much satisfying kiss, he pulled away from her and looked into her eyes again. - As for unknown origin, don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. You are nearly not as mysterious as you'd like to think. I know far more about your origin than even you. And as for inferior, well, you continuously kept proving me wrong time and time again, turned my entire world upside down, and stirred up quite the turmoil in my heart. You can't just do that, then disappear leaving me alone with this mess, you know. I'm not gonna let you. Not after you trespassed on my life and left a huge imprint on it. So, forget about this little vacation of yours, I'm taking you back. You can't miss Aries's wedding, Stacie, Assarel would be most disappointed, you know. Especially after all the trouble, she went through to make sure that I'm allowed to bring just you to their matrimony ritual on Sattera.

-What?! - Gasped Stacie with a shock and a hint of excitement. - I get to go?! Me?! For real?!

-Yes, as my companion, of course. - Ivar chuckled at the sparkles in her eyes. - Are you excited?

-Of course, I'm excited! - Exclaimed Stacie. - Are you kidding? That's the biggest honor I could even ask for! On top of that, I get to see Sattera!

-Good, because, I have a certain promise to keep. - He dipped his head to smooch her lips again. - So, are we just going to stand outside the entire time? Your friend said you were expecting an important call of some sort.

-Oh no! - Grasped Stacie, suddenly remembering. - My phone! Come on! - She grabbed the bags and rushed upstairs with Ivar following right behind her. She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. - Welcome to my little Earth home. - Said Stacie as they went in. - I know it isn't much but, make yourself at home. - She added as she hastily pulled off her caramel, leather boots, and rushed to grab her phone she left on her desk.

"Phew, I didn't miss any calls except Amy's." Sighed Stacie with relief, as she checked it.

Meanwhile, Ivar followed her example and also removed his shoes before stepping onto a soft, beige carpet. He looked around the small place that was Stacie's home as he slowly moved to the center of the living room. The apartment seemed so tiny to him, that it made him feel very out of place here since he was used to grand living accommodations. Even in Atlantis, his quarters were bigger than this miniature dwelling.

"So this is where She lives..." He thought, studying the apartment.

To his left, there was a room, that looked like it could be a dining area with a small square table and four chairs on one side and some kind of polished stone* topped counter, with some technological appliances, opposite the table. There were several, wooden storage cabinets, some above the counter, and some below. And a large, silver storage unit* in the corner. In the living room and right in front of him, there was a light gray couch on one side propped against the wall, and a desk with a large shelving fixture around it completely filled up with all sorts of books, tucked away in one of the corners. Straight ahead, there was a small corridor, with three more doors, two were closed and one open. Through that open door, he noticed a corner of a bed peeking out. That must be her bedroom. Even though the place was pretty small, it was very tidy and it was filled with Stacie's sweet scent. Suddenly his attention was drawn to some decorations which adorned the wall above the couch. He came up to take a closer look at a collection of the pictures that hung there.

-Oh, that's um... That's my family. - Said Stacie, joining him.

-So I gathered as much. - Replied Ivar. - You have your father's eyes and your mother's smile.

-Heh, thanks... - She timidly brushed her hair by her ear. - I probably look weird to you there. This photo is old. It was taken on my sixteenth birthday.

-No, you look very much like you, only much younger. - Ivar turned to glance at her with a smile. - But, yes I admit, it is a bit strange to see you at your young age.

-And what about you? Do you have any pictures of your younger self? - Asked Stacie curiously. - I want to see them too someday. I am very curious to see what you looked like as a child.

-There is absolutely nothing special about me when I was a child, but I am certain my mother should have some old records of my family preserved as well.

-Awesome. - Returned Stacie with a twinkle in her eyes. - So yeah! This is where I live here on Earth. - She made a general gesture with her hands to her apartment. - I know this isn't much in comparison to what you're used to, but it's plenty enough for me, who never sit in one place for too long.

-You are right. It really is nothing like what I'm used to. - Agreed Ivar. - In fact, it's the tiniest living space I have ever seen in my life. But just like you, though small, it's quite charming. - He replied, glancing at her with a playful smile then went over to her book collection. - Hmmm... Literature, but of course. I'd think it strange if I hadn't encountered it here. - He chuckled. - That is quite a large collection for this rather small house.

-Actually, this is an apartment, not a house, but yeah... I love books. As you already know. Well, anyway, I bet you haven't eaten anything yet...

-No, I have not. Nickolas, my escort, has offered it but I wanted to see you first, so I declined.

-Aww, I'm extremely flattered. - She flirtatiously tilted her head and beamed a bright smile at him. - Well, in that case, I'm going to fix us both something to eat real quick. - She excitedly skipped over to the kitchen.

-Would you look at that? - Said Ivar teasingly, following her. - You not only make a good dining hall host but one that is skilled in culinary as well. Am I just not the luckiest man in the world?

-Heh, well, to say I have some great culinary skills would be an exaggeration, but you kinda do learn to feed yourself when you live all alone, you know.

-A fair point. So then, what exotic Earth dish you'd be preparing for me? - Ivar cocked one eyebrow at her, as he propped himself against the table.

-You mean, you're actually willing to give our Earthling food a try this time? - Returned Stacie teasingly. - Last time I offered, the mere idea seemed so disgusting to you! - She laughed.

-Well, how can I resist when it's so lovingly prepared by those hands? - He teased her right back as he caught her hand and pulled it to his mouth, giving her fingers a soft brush with his lips.

-Oh come on, you are not about to say something ridiculously cringy like "I'd even drink poison from your hands" are you? - Replied Stacie, feeling how her heart began to race and the heat gathered in her cheeks from that touch of his.

-As a matter of fact, I would be a fool to drink poison even from your hands, my love. And had you offered it to me, that would be a most devastating betrayal. But knowing you, you'd sooner drink it yourself than offer it to someone you care about. - Said Ivar, pulling Stacie into his arms.

-W-why are we even talking about something so weird as a poison... - Stammered Stacie with flutters all over her body as Ivar wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder.

-You tell me. You started it. - He said, giving her a tight squeeze. - But since we're on the topic, I won't let you take any poison for me or anyone else ever again. Once is more than enough.

-A-are you at least going to let me make food though? - Replied Stacie, feeling how the escaping chill from the fridge practically tapped her on her back as if saying 'I'm sorry to interrupt but you left me wide open'.

-So, what will you be making? - Asked Ivar again, giving her shoulder a rub with his chin before reluctantly releasing her.

-Well, I was craving some pancakes. - She started pulling out all the ingredients.

-I don't know what that is, but I'm looking forward to sharing a meal with you in your home. - Ivar slipped into one of the chairs at the table.

-I hope you like it though... - Stacie nervously glanced his way. - I know I'm not Mr. Stephen.

-If it's any consolation to you, I have never tried his cooking so you have nothing to worry about. - Replied Ivar.

"Yeah, no pressure." Thought Stacie, slipping on an apron to protect her clothes. "Had I known he was coming I'd come up with something fancier than pancakes... This is kinda embarrassing... To have a guest as important as Ivar in my house and to be so unprepared..." She felt heat gather in her ears and cheeks still having a difficult time believing Ivar was actually in her kitchen.

Ivar delightfully watched her quickly and quite skillfully whip up whatever it is she was making as if she's done it a hundred times before. After combining and mixing up all the ingredients, she poured the batter onto the sizzling hot frying pan and the room got filled with an appetizingly savory aroma. That aroma unexpectedly stirred up Ivar's stomach and his mouth watered making him really feel just how empty it was. Whatever those 'pancakes' were, they sure smelled flavorsome. Several minutes later, she placed a plate of two perfectly round, soft-looking pastries drizzled with the sweet-smelling, golden syrup and garnished with fresh berries on the top before him. The serving looked picture perfect.

-There you go. I know this isn't much but it's pretty good, actually, so I hope you like it. They taste best with milk. - She said as she poured some white liquid into both their cups.

-It looks so pretty, I feel conflicted about ruining it. - He commented staring at it.

-Well, you'll have to otherwise it'll get cold and won't be as good anymore. - Laughed Stacie, slipping behind the table opposite him, and picking up her utensils.

Ivar watched Stacie use a butter knife and a fork to neatly cut off a piece and pop it into her mouth, then followed her example, making sure to get a bit of everything in that one bite.

-Well, how is it? - Asked Stacie anxiously, staring at him practically with sparkles in her eyes as Ivar took his time savoring the bite purposely to tease her.

-Well, I must say I am glad I never tried Mr. Stephen's cooking and yours got to be the first because I am quite impressed. - Said Ivar, after swallowing.

-So you like it then? - Beamed Stacie feeling as excited as a kid who just got praised.

-Quite. It is very satisfying. - He said, popping another serving into his mouth. - The texture of the pastry, the sweetness of the syrup, and the contrast of the fruit. The combination is perfect. I might ask you to make this again for me sometime. - He added as he enjoyed every bite.

-Heh, sure thing! I'm glad you like it because it is very easy to make. - Stacie couldn't contain her grin. "Wow, what constructive feedback." She let out a soft giggle. "He can totally be a professional food critic."

-So, Stacie, why did you never gave me that letter? - Suddenly said Ivar out of the blue, making her nearly choke on the milk she was drinking at that moment.

-W-which letter? - She stared at him with a stun, wiping her mouth.

-The one in which you confessed your feelings to me. - He pierced her with a purple glint in his eyes.

-Eh?! - Stacie gaped at him in a shock as her face suddenly flushed pure crimson. - H-how d-did you know about it?... - She stammered with extreme awkwardness and embarrassment, very aware of how red her face was.

Polished stone* - Granite

Silver storage unit* - Refrigerator


The song I used for this chapter is my favorite from Josh Groban collection, called "My Confession"

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