Blessing in Disguise-VA

By LittleDhampir12

42.2K 1.8K 179

ALL HUMAN..... Rose is in an abusive relationship but doesn't no how to get out of it. Her boyfriend, Jesse Z... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 3

2K 67 12
By LittleDhampir12

The first half an hour of our dinner date was actually quite nice, Jesse didn't scare me and he seemed normal for a bit. We ordered our food and they told us it would be out in about 20 minutes which give us time to talk "Did the hospital say when you could take your sling off?" I looked down at my arm

"Its painful when i move it so not yet, i think they will tell me when i next go for a checkup." Jesse sighed

"Why do you always make me hurt you?" I frowned

"I don't make you, you just get mad easily." Jesse hissed and i could tell i was annoying him

"Well that wouldn't happen if you didn't bitch about me coming home late." I sighed and tried to cross my arms without hurting my shoulder

"How is it far for me if you come home late, i never get to see you" Jesse slammed his hands on the table causing people to look at us, i slumped down in my seat scared that he would hit me in public

"Dont make me so something that i will regret." At that point the sight of Jesse scared me, i needed to get away from him before he saw me cry, knowing that he was affecting me would only make things worse.

"One minute, i just...just need to go to the bathroom" Before he could say anything i ran in the direction of the toilets but before i reached them ran to the door without him seeing.

I ran down the street with tears falling from my eyes, i needed to get away from Jesse for good, it was doing me no good being in a relationship with him, i only got hurt. When i was too tired to run no more i sat down on the nearest bench and put my head in my hands, i could no longer control the tears that were coming from my eyes, sobs were escaping my mouth and my breathing was raged. I tried my best to calm down but it was no use it only made me cry more

"Are you alright?" Asked a voice, i looked up and wiped my eyes so i could see the figure standing in front of me. There was a tall man standing in front of me, he looked about 6'4, a giant compared to my 5'6 build! From what had already said already i knew he had a Russian accent. He had dark shoulder length hair and brown, bottomless eyes that made me melt. He stood over me looking concerned, it was only then that i realised that i had been staring at him and hadn't answered his question.


Me and Ivan were walking to the bar when i noticed a girl running down the road, i couldn't see her face so i didn't no what she looked like
"Come on man, you cant help everyone" Ivan joked, i looked at him confused and he nodded towards the girl

"She looks upset." Ivan rolled his eyes

"You may be a cop, but this is your day off at least have fun." I shook my head

"I'll be right back i swear." Ivan sighed

"Whatever, ill probably be too distracted by the ladies to notice that your gone" i laughed and walked down the road to where i saw the girl heading.

After a few minutes of searching and having no look i was going to give up and go back to Ivan, but then i heard sobbing coming from a bench the other side of the road. I walked over the road and stood in front of the crying girl, i still couldn't see her face but i knew she was upset.
"Are you alright?" I asked. The girl looked up and studied me, her eyes traveled down my body and eventually back to my face, normally i would think she was checking me out but in this case i don't think she was, i think she was just studying me to see if i was a threat.


"I-Im fine." I said, the man shook his head and sat next to me.

"Well i no thats a lie, what were you running from?" He asked. i knew he was just trying to be nice but he needed to mind his own business, i had never met this man and he had never met me and already he asks me more questions than he should.

"Nothing." i lie, "i don't mean to be rude but id like to be alone for a bit." He studied my body, his eyes landing on my sling

"Did someone hurt you, is that what your running from?" I look down at my hands not wanting to lie to the stranger that is trying to help me "They are?" He took my silence as a confession "I'm a police officer, i can help you" I shot up and looked him in the eye

"Oh god, i told a police officer. He cant find out you no, he will go ballistic..." The tears started falling again as i recalled in my head what happened last time i tried to get somebody to help me...


This was when Jesse had first started to hit me, he came home one night drunk and i didn't even have to make him angry before the beatings started. As soon as he walked through the door he charged over to me and pushed me against the wall, i hit my head and started to see stars just as i thought i was going to pass out he let go of me and threw me to the floor. I tried my best to crawl away and go to a phone to call the police but he kept kicking my ribs, i had no doubt in my mind that he had broken one but i carried on through the pain and tried to stand up. After many tried and failed attempts i gained my balance and ran upstairs to get my phone, i could hear Jesse running up the stairs after me but i carried on running until i had my phone in my hand and was locked in the bathroom. I dialled the police and it started ringing, Jesse must have caught on to what i was up to because he broke the door down and ended it before they answered. He threw me to the floor again and stomped on the phone. He had been satisfied that i wasn't going to do anything and went to bed leaving me in the bathroom. Luckily Jesse was so drunk that he didn't remember anything from last night and i wasn't stupid enough to remind him.

End Of Flashback:

"Please don't tell anyone, he will hurt me again...." i was now full on sobbing again to the point where i couldn't control my breathing.

"Who?" He asked "Who's hurting you?" I looked down to the floor and let the tears flow down my face, the man raised his hand and put it on my shoulder causing me to flinch and jump back only to be stopped by the bench. My legs failed and i fell backwards so i was once again sat down "Im not going to hurt you, i just want to help you." I used the back of my hand to wipe my tears away

"You would be helping me if you forgot what i said and walked away,"I pleaded "If you try and help me i will only get hurt more, i just want to run away and forget i ever met him." I buried my head in my hands, the man sat next to me

"Do you need a lift anywhere, i am more than happy to drive you? My friend is in that club down the road and i don't particularly fancy going inside." I looked up to see if he was serious

"Thats kind of you but i don't have anywhere to go, my only friend is on vacation with her boyfriend. I'll just have to go home with him and hope for the best." Realisation clicked in and the man asked

"Is it your boyfriend? The one who is hurting you?" I didn't say anything so instead i looked down to the floor again and nodded. "I no you might think its weird because you don't no me but i have a spare room in my house that you are welcome to stay in tonight if you want, i really wouldn't mind?" I looked up again

"Really? You would let me?" He smiled slightly and nodded

"But only if you tell me your name?" He joked, i smiled and sat up straight

"Rose, Rose Hathaway." I extended my hand for the man to shake

"Hi Rose, in Dimitri Belikov."

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