The descendant power rangers

By ArielCornell

977 18 0

Ariel and her friends are descendants from former power rangers. They first meet each other at school but soo... More

Chapter 1 new friends
Chapter 2 Ariel and her friends get the morphers
Chapter 3 Ariel's gymnastics training
Chapter 5 Ariel's friends find out her plan to help Alyssa
Chapter 6 Ariel's fighting spirit
Chapter 7 Ariel's project
Chapter 8 Ariel's secret battle plan
Chapter 9 Tommy's reason for wanting to protect Ariel
Chapter 10 Ariel saves her dad
Chapter 11 the big battle
Chapter 12 Alyssa's vengeful attack
Chapter 13 the final battle

Chapter 4 Ariel and Virginia face their fears

70 2 0
By ArielCornell

A few days later Ariel was sitting by the window when Virginia came to visit her. "Hey Ariel." Virginia said. "Hey, what's up?" Ariel asked after turning her head to her. "Not much." Virginia said. "It's a nice day and I want to go out but I can't. It sucks being in here 24/7." Ariel said. "Yeah, it really does suck." Virginia said. "You know that during the summer I like to go swimming." Ariel said. "About that..." Virginia began. "What? Why are you acting kinda weird all of a sudden?" Ariel said. "I used to do some diving. One day I was ready to do a dive and I just lost concentration. When I did that dive I hit my head on the board. Ever since that day I have been too scared to do any diving." Virginia said. "So you didn't even try it the year after that." Ariel said. "Yeah." Virginia said. "Well you like to swim, right?" Ariel said. "Yeah, but no diving, okay?" Virginia said. "Okay." Ariel said. A few weeks go by and Ariel was able to go home. The next day Ariel was walking along the streets of Zeilinople with a few of her friends. "Do you guys want to go swimming sometime at the community park?" Ariel asked. "Yeah." John said. "That would be good as long as I don't get to do any diving." Virginia said. "Okay, I just thought that I would ask because summer is coming up in a few weeks." Ariel said. A few weeks later Ariel was walking past the community park with John. "I was talking to Virginia on WhatsApp last night and she said that she doesn't want to do any diving. It's just weird." John said. "I thought it was weird too, especially after she said she was afraid to go in the water." Ariel said. When they walked by the pool at the community park John saw Virginia on the diving board. "Did she tell you she was afraid to go near the water? She looked like she changed her mind." John said. Then Ariel looked over at the diving board. "Oh my gosh, I don't believe she's up there." Ariel said. "Not for long." John said. After she did the dive Ariel and John walked over to the pool. "Good job Virginia." John said. "That was cool. What made you change your mind?" Ariel asked. "You did Ariel. I had to do something to show you that you can overcome your fears." Virginia said while getting out of the pool. "Yeah, but." Ariel began. "Now there's something you need to do." Virginia said. "I know." Ariel said. The next day Ariel did her balance beam routine. After that Virginia walked up to her with the rest of their friends. "You did great." Virginia said. "Yeah, I was going to say that I was not going to do it. But I knew that I had to try to overcome my fear of the balance beam." Ariel said. "There wasn't anything to be scared of." John said. "Yeah, you're right." Ariel said. The next day Virginia told them that Alyssa was still causing problems for them. "She just doesn't know when to give up." Ariel said. "I know, right?" Virginia said. "Yeah, I bet that's she's planning a new attack." Joe said. "There's only one way to find out, I think that we should get someone to spy on her." Ariel said. "But who Ariel?" John, Joe, Virginia, and Josh say at the same time. They have done that in fourth grade. "You guys have to stop doing that." Ariel said with a laugh. "Maybe we can find someone in town to spy on her." John said. "I was thinking that I could get my brother to spy on her." Ariel said. "Are you sure it's a good idea to have your brother spy on her?" Joe said. "Yeah, I'm sure, he doesn't really know her the way I do. This would be a great opportunity for him to get to know her better." Ariel said. "Okay, but he has to spy on her without her knowing." John said as they were walking to connoquenessing valley elementary school. "Hey, remember when we used to hangout by those trees up the hill from the playground during recess?" Virginia asked. "Yeah, eventhough I didn't hang out with you guys on the first day." Ariel said. "Hey, you were new to the school, and you didn't know anyone." Virginia said. "I just wanted to get to know more about some of the other students." Ariel said. The next day Ariel noticed that her friends were acting kinda weird. "Hey, are you guys okay?" Ariel asked. "We're just scared about something." John said. "Hey, everyone is afraid of something. It's like you can't tell me that there's not a single person who is not afraid of anything." Ariel said. Then Alyssa showed up. "Oh great, look who's back." Ariel said. Ariel noticed that something was bothering Alyssa but doesn't know what it was. (In Ariel's mind: Whoa, what's wrong with her? Looks like something is bothering her. Maybe I should talk to her.) Her friends start to attack her when Ariel gets in between them. "Guys, don't attack her. Something is wrong with her." Ariel said. "Ariel, are you sure about helping her? What if she tells you something but it's a lie and you believe it, only to find out that it was a lie." Josh said. "Guys, just give me and Alyssa some space. I'll meet you guys back at the headquarters." Ariel said. "Okay." Her friends said. Then they give her and Alyssa some space. "What's wrong Alyssa?" Ariel asked. "I don't want to talk about it." Alyssa said. "Look, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." Ariel said.

"So what you're saying is that your mom thinks that you have betrayed her?" Ariel asked. "Yeah, but I didn't." Alyssa said. "Okay, I have a plan to help you with this but my friends are not going to like it. They're going to hate me for this." Ariel said. "What's your plan?" Alyssa asked. "You have to make me evil." Ariel said. Then Alyssa used the same spell that Rita used on Tommy to make him evil.

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