Hxh and Assassination Classro...

By LemonCookie34

243K 8.5K 4.9K

Killua was in a new world and, soon enough, enrolled in a school out of boredom. He would've been placed in o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 4

12.9K 440 132
By LemonCookie34

The teacher had insisted to take Killua home, but the boy had denied the offer. Killua didn't need anyone's help. Now here he was, heading back to the apartment when the sun had already set. Killua checked his wallet, he didn't have enough money for another night.

"Guess it's time to find an abandoned building," Killua thought out loud, taking a chocolate bar out of his backpack. He looked around, trying to spot a potential area he could stay for the night. He couldn't find a place so he continued walking.

Soon enough, the boy had made it to the hotel. Gathering his clothes and items he stuffed them in his luggage. He had to leave within an hour. Killua had already cleaned up, so with his remaining time, he began to make some dinner. He quickly made a sandwich and devoured the food. Exiting the room, he placed his room's keys in the box next to the door.

Killua made his way to the elevator, opening the door up. Not looking at any of the people inside, he stepped in, dragging his luggage next to him. For some odd reason, he felt like he was being watched. 'I swear if they turn out to be some middle-aged man that looks like a pedophile version of the McD clown, I'll kick him in the balls,' Killua thought, turning his head to glare at the person behind him.

"OCTOPUS?!" Killua shouted, looking at the horribly disguised octopus. His nose was so out of place, it sent shivers down Killua's spine.
"Nurufufu, the one and only," he cockily said, face gaining a few green strips. That was until his face faded into a blank face when he realized the name Killua called him. Killua frowned, looking at the other.

"Why are you here?" Killua asked as the elevator door opened. Killua walked out, followed by the octopus.
"I'm just checking up on you. I wanted to make sure you got home safe," he explained. The two walked out of the building and soon wandered off to the streets.

"Can you stop following me?" Killua demanded more than asked, a vein popping on his head. The octopus didn't reply, still following the other.
"Come on leave me alone!" Killua shouted, earning the attention of some passing people. The octopus became flustered at the cold expressions sent at him.

"Oh, sorry! I'll be going now, see you tomorrow at school!" He said, dashing away. Killua sighed and continued in his search for a new place to stay. When Killua couldn't find a place, he headed to the forest and sitting on the floor. Killua looked up at the sky.
"Why is my life so miserable without you two," Killua mumbled out, staring at the stars in the sky, and eventually the moon.

Killua didn't want to kill, even if it meant saving the earth. He would do it if he was with Alluka and Nanika or even Gon, but if it's just him, he didn't mind. 'My life is worthless anyway, I had no real goal other than caring for Alluka and Nanika. If I die they won't be able to notice. I'm stuck here, all alone,' Killua thought, lowering his head to look at the ground. Killua stood back up, grabbing his luggage and backpack off the floor. He began to look for a cave.


Killua was laying down on the damp earth, looking up at the ceiling of the cave. Water was dripping off there, some of it landing on the boy. He had made sure to clear the area from bugs and any kind of critters.
"All alone in the wilderness, just like in the hunter exam and Greed Island," he said. The boy smiled at the memories of his friends, he had so much fun back then. He shifted to his side, laying his head on a pillow he stolen from the hotel, and drifted to sleep.


Light poured into the cavern, making the puddles of water shine. A ray of light hit the boy's face, the warmth radiating from it waking him up. The boy slowly stood up, scratching his back and yawning. He looked around confused before remembering about yesterday.

"Right, I'm living in a cave now," Killua grumbled out. He turned around to grab his chocolate, only to see a raccoon holding it in its claws. They both stared at each other for a while before bloodlust filled the whole cave. The raccoon shook in place, before putting the wrapped chocolate in his mouth and running away. Killua was screaming at the creature, following right behind it.

"GIVE THAT BACK! IT'S MINE! ISN'T CHOCOLATE POISONOUS TO YOU OR SOMETHING?!" Killua shouted, leaping at the raccoon. The mammal's mouth was held down by one hand, the other was ripping the sweet away.
"Sheesh, don't grab my chocolate, you're lucky I'm letting you live, plus I saved your life! Don't you know this stuff is bad for you idiot!" Killua scold, waving his finger around, and pressing it against the raccoon's forehead.

The boy eventually let the mammal go, returning to his cave. He decided to make a door, so he chopped some trees down with his bare hands. When he got enough wood, he started to chop them into pieces, until he was left with enough parts to cover the cave entrance.

"There, all better," he said, clapping the dust and dirt off his hands. He then realized he couldn't enter. Sighing, the boy took down one of the wooden walls, entering the cave and grabbing a bar of soap.
"Well it's time to shower," the boy said out loud, grabbing some clothes. When he spotted his school uniform, his eyes widen. 'Shit, I forgot I had school!" Killua stuffed the unwrapped chocolate in his mouth, grabbing his uniform and his backpack.

The boy headed to a nearby pond, taking his clothes off and hopping in. Once he washed decently, he began putting the uniform on, accidentally putting his head through the armhole.
"Damn it! I'm so late!" Killua shouted, not bothering to tie his tie probably. He wore no jacket, just a white button-up shirt, light gray pants, and his tie.

He grabbed his clothes and dashed back into the cave, throwing them in there with the soap, he put the wrapper in his suitcase and closed the cave's gap with the wood. Only one strand of his backpack was on as he dashed to the top of the mountain, hoping he wasn't too late to class.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Killua you are late to class and you aren't even wearing your tie properly," the octopus said, waving his tentacle around. He dashed toward Killua, fixing up the tie, combing the boy's hair, and tucking in his shirt.
"Much better, now head to your seat," he explained, walking back to the front desk with a snicker. Killua felt like punching the octopus, he had styled his hair into a small ponytail.

Killua blushed as a few students began giggling. Taking the band off his hair, he walked to his desk, sitting in the chair and glaring at the octopus.


The day was uneventful, nothing was interesting. All that happened was that a teacher walked into their class to check on the process. Killua also heard one of the students tried assassinating the teacher with a baseball covered in Anti-Teacher BBs. It was a good effort, Killua could see the boy throwing booms at the teacher in the future.

"Uh, hey!" A student with blue hair said, walking next to Killua. Killua raised a brow looking at the other. It was after school so Killua took out his writing notebook.
"I just wanted to introduce myself, seeing as you didn't talk much yesterday or today," the teen pointed out.
"Are you a girl or boy," Killua asked, not responding to the previous words. The student stiffened before smiling.

"Ah, I'm a boy, the name's Nagisa. Anyway-," Nagisa was cut off by Killua walking to another desk. He didn't want to socialize.
"I just wanted to ask you something!" the boy said, walking back to the other's side. Killua ignored him by looking at the notebook in front of him.
"Alright, I'll just ask later," the boy sighed in defeat, walking out of the class. Korosensei entered the room right after, holding lots of papers, and some food.
"Alright, let's begin your extra studies!"


The next morning Killua woke up, but not from the sun. A large shadow loomed over him as the boy stared at his teacher. Killua sweated nervously, a bit shaken up.
"Kr-Korosensei," Killua stuttered, backing away a bit. A menacing glare detected at him. He wasn't worried if he'd get hurt, he was worried that he'd be punished or worse of all, pampered like a child because of his living conditions.

"Killua," the octopus replied with no clear emotions in his voice. Killua noticed the chocolate in his tentacle hand.
"YOU BASTARD GIVE THAT BACK!" Killua shouted, tackling his teacher, only for him to dodge.
"No can do, I won't allow you to eat this in the morning, or lunch for that matter," the octopus said, as Killua kept trying to tackle him down.

Killua slightly smirked, he had cornered his teacher and now it was time to get his chocolate back. Killua leaped at him, making sure not to use all his strength or speed. The teacher dodged to right, the only open spot Killua left. Killua flung a rock hidden in his sleeve, throwing it where he had predicted the teacher would stop. The rock hit the teacher right above the crescent moon, throwing him off guard.

Killua took this opportunity to get his chocolate back before leaping back a few feet. The boy quickly stuffed the treat in his mouth, laughing in victory.
"Bet you didn't expect that!" Killua shouted, grabbing his school clothes off the floor. Korosensei looked at him in confusion before his smile grew even wider.

"That would've been a perfect assassination Killua, but too bad you resorted to a rock. I have noticed you aren't taking this assassination seriously," the octopus said, watching the boy grab a bar of soap.
"Look, not everyone wants to kill. I have my reasons and I don't wanna talk about it," Killua said, walking out of one of the openings. Killua then began to place the wood back, covering the entrance and leaving the teacher in there.

"Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to bathe," Killua said, walking away. The octopus became shocked when he realized he was left in the cave by himself.
"Wait for me!" He said, moving the wood out of his way and placing it back when he exited.
"At least let me help you clean up!"
"Hell no, I'm not letting you touch me! Now stop following me!" Killua was running off with the teacher following behind. Korosensei had grabbed Killua trapping him in his tentacles and cleaning him up. He had styled the boy's hair, cleaned his face, and even painted his nails blue.

"All better, now go along and change," the teacher smiled, pushing Killua behind a tree.
"I didn't need your help!" Killua snapped before changing quickly. Once he finished he stood in front of the teacher.
"Get out of my face," he sneered.
"No can do, I can not ignore the fact that one of my students is living in a cave! Also, the messy tie," the octopus explained while tying Killua's tie. Koro-sensei took Killua's clothes, putting the clothes back in the cave, and returning to his student.

"It's none of your business," Killua said, walking towards the school. Korosensei followed him, eyes getting serious, but smile never fading.
"Of course it's my business, you are my student!" Killua ignored the other, remembering how his friends would say similar things to him.


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