My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

25K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
A New Attack Plan
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
Author's Note

A New Reign Begins

128 6 12
By TarableTaralynn

 After tossing Vassago around the room for a few minutes, he grew bored with it, so he stopped and let Vassago recover for a few seconds. He leaned against the wall watching him, arms crossed, a smirk on his face, as he waited for Vassago to get to his feet again. Once he was standing shakily, Vassago looked at Dean with a mix of anger and confusion on his face.

 "No! No, this isn't possible, dammit!" Vassago said angrily.

 "What's the matter, Vassago?" Dean taunted smiling.

 "How?" Vassago demanded. "How is this..." He trailed off confused.

 "Aw, what's the matter, Vassey-baby, have you forgotten how to make a complete sentence?"

 "You're powerful, yes, but, if you had your full powers you not only would have come here alone, you would have already killed me too." Vassago stated smiling, as he realized what was going on.

 "Oh, no, you caught me, I did bring my family." Dean replied smiling, as Roman and the others entered the room and stood beside Dean silently, Vassago stared at them.

 "Aren't you forgetting someone?" Vassago questioned, as Dean looked at the others pretending to not know what he was talking about. "I do believe that Keeper has joined our little family reunion."

 Hearing his name Keeper entered the room silently and joined the others who stood with Dean. No one spoke for a few seconds, as Dean and Vassago stared at each other angrily.

 "Look at all of you, each one willing to die for Dean." Vassago taunted smiling. "It's pathetic really, Ambrose. I had expected more from you, instead, you have a group of mortals, a Watcher, and two traitorous Vamps."

 "I can assure you, Vassago, that you're highly underestimating this group."

 "Is that right, Keeper?" Vassago mocked smiling.

 "Yes." Keeper replied. "Dean and I trained them ourselves and you know yourself, Vassago, what we're capable of."

 "I quiver with fear." Vassago mocked again. "Have all of you forgotten who I' am? I' am Vassago, dammit, King of Vampires, I have more strength and power in my pinky finger than all of you have in your entire bodies combined."

 "Wrong, Vassago, it is you who has forgotten." Dean said smiling, as he stood up straight.

 "Have I?"

 "Yep." Dean replied smiling, as he clenched his hands into fists at his sides, but the rest of his body remained relaxed. "You have forgotten that you might be King and have all of these cute, little powers, but I' am the Chosen One, the one the Elders wrote about in the prophecy."

 "Oh, yes, the prophecy." Vassago said smiling. "What was it that the prophecy said about you again...oh, that's right, it said you were supposed to be the strongest and most powerful Chosen One that there ever has been. Of course, they were also referring to your full powers, it's too bad all you're able to do right now is silly, little party tricks. Maybe, you should have waited a little longer for full powers to have come in before you came here." He added sighing.

 Instead of saying anything Dean just continued staring at him smiling, as he squeezed his fists tighter. Seconds later, still smiling, he transformed into his Vamp side to make sure he had absolute control and full use of his powers. He then used his powers to send Vassago flying backward into a cement column, sending him completely through it before Vassago landed on the floor.

 "How's that for a party trick?" Dean teased smiling. "You've wasted enough time, dammit, let's get this party started." He added, as he rolled his head against his shoulders.

 Hearing that, Kira, Bastian, and Carter came into the room smiling, as Vassago slowly got to his feet and saw the new additions.

 "You three will pay for your betrayal." Vassago warned, as all of the Vamps turned into their Vamp sides.

 "Nah, I don't think so, Vassago. You see, when Dean's finished with you, there won't be anything left of you to get revenge on us with." Kira taunted smiling, as everyone except Dean moved into position; circling around Vassago like sharks circle their prey.

 Vassago and Dean didn't move or acknowledge the others, they stood staring at each other silently. Finally, a few seconds later, Vassago looked around him at the others an evil smirk on his face as he did, before he looked back at Dean, the smirk still on his face.

 "Oh, no, it seems like I'm outnumbered, what am I going to do?" Vassago mocked smiling.

 "Really, Vassey-baby, we're going to do this shit? I thought you were above this childish bullshit." Dean said sighing, as he rolled his eyes. "Can we just get on with it?"

 "Looks like someone's in a rush to die." Vassago taunted.

 "Nope, but I' am in a rush to kill you." Dean replied smiling, as he took out his machetes. "Tell me, Vassago, what's it like knowing you're about to die?"

 "Good question, Dean." Vassago said smiling too. "I'll be sure to ask you before I rip off your damn head."

 "Bring it, bitch." Dean said, as he motioned for Vassago to come at him.

 Vassago smiled and made it look like he was going to attack Dean; but instead, he used his powers and sent all of them flying backward in different directions. They landed hard and rolled across the floor, Dean landed on his stomach; he lifted his head and quickly looked around at where the others had landed. Once he knew they were all okay, he looked around to find where Vassago was and saw him standing by the window, his back to them. Angrily, Dean got back to his feet and waited until the others were standing too, before he signaled for each of them to get into position. After they were ready, Dean used his powers and sent Vassago flying across the room again. Before he could get to his feet, Dean used his powers to lift Vassago into the air, choking him, before he threw him into a wall.

 Still on the floor, Vassago used his powers to send them all flying around the room again, giving himself time to recover and get to his feet. After a few seconds, they had recovered and got to their feet too. Wasting no time, the battle began with everyone attacking Vassago at the same time, giving him no chance to use his powers or recover. As the battle went on Vassago managed to knock some of them down, cutting their numbers down. None of them were any match for him; not even Keeper, except of course, for Dean. The two of them were evenly matched, both giving and receiving hits. Dean was beginning to get pissed off; the fight was taking too damn long, longer than it should have, dammit! He was done with Vassago's bullshit, this ended now! His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of breaking wood; he turned towards the noise and saw Roman and Seth lying on the floor on top of a now broken table, both were knocked out. Vassago then sent the others flying into different things around the room too, briefly taking them out of the fight; leaving only Dean and Vassago. Dean angrily looked around the room, Vassago turned to look at him and smiling spoke.

 "Looks like it's just you and me, Deano, just like it should be."

 "You know, Vassey-baby, I think for once you're right." Dean replied smiling, before he used his powers to throw everyone out of the room, he then shut and locked it, the whole time Vassago stood watching him in silence, a smile on his face. "Now, where were we?" Dean said smiling.

 Neither of them moved for a few seconds, both sizing each other up, Dean knew he could easily kill Vassago, but he wanted to drag it out, make it as painful as he could. So, he decided to toy with Vassago, let him think he had the upper hand, then when his defenses were completely down, that's when he'd strike. He watched Vassago closely, he was watching for any little twitch which would signal he was going to attack. Seconds later, he saw it; it was a small, barely noticeable movement of his fingers, something you'd miss if you weren't looking for it. Seeing it though, Dean did the same thing at the exact same time, causing both Vamps to fly backward and hit the wall. Both Vamps slowly got back to their feet silently smiling as they did.

 Once they had recovered, they charged each other, meeting in the middle of the room, connecting hard with one another. The battle went back and forth, both Vamps gaining the advantage for a little while over the other, both of them giving and receiving hits. Both of them used not only their bodies during the fight, but they also used their powers too; of course, Dean only used a tiny portion of his powers. Finally, the urge to kill Vassago became too much for him to ignore and Dean knew it was time to end this. So, when he saw Vassago go to use his powers again, instead of stopping him or fighting back, he acted like he didn't notice what was going on. Smiling, Vassago used his powers and sent Dean flying, he then went up to Dean, who was now on his hands and knees pretending he was more hurt than he really was and kicked Dean hard in the ribs. The kick caused Dean to fall back onto the floor on his back, smiling, Vassago kicked him again, this time in the face with the bottom of his boot. Believing he had the upper hand finally, he used his powers and again sent Dean flying across the room, the entire fight the others were trying to get back into the room to help him.

 After a few minutes of relentlessly beating on Dean, Vassago finally stopped, leaving an injured Dean lying on his back on the floor unmoving. Vassago was injured as well, but nothing that wouldn't heal with time; he was going to enjoy not only killing Dean, but the others too, including their little Priest and the two mortal brats. He would make their deaths as slow and painful as possible. Sighing happily, he walked up to Dean and standing over him he spoke.

 "You put up a valiant fight, Chosen One, you just weren't better than me. Don't worry about your little family though; I'll take care of them."

 Dean stayed quiet, trying not to smile, as Vassago sighing again, crouched down beside him and smiling patted Dean on the cheek, before he spoke.

 "Like I told you, I win again. So, Chosen One, any last words?" Vassago asked, Dean nodded weakly and motioned for Vassago to come closer.

 Thinking that Dean was unable to do anything to him, Vassago still smiling leaned closer to him, putting his ear close to Dean's mouth.

 "I'll see you in Hell." Dean said, as Vassago's smile disappeared.

 Realizing that he had screwed up, Vassago quickly tried to pull away, but Dean was faster and attacked him, knocking him onto his back on the floor. He then straddled Vassago smiling, before he bit into Vassago's throat, ripping it open, the blood flowed into his mouth making him feel strange. He then lifted his head and looked around for his machetes, seeing one of them lying on the floor by the door; he smiled and used his powers to bring it to him. Still smiling he cut off Vassago's head, before he used his powers to unlock the door, the others quickly rushed into the room. They stopped in the doorway seeing Dean on top of Vassago's dead body, his head lying on the floor beside him. No one spoke or moved, they looked at each other, before back at Dean, Roman took a deep breath, as he stepped a little closer to Dean alone and spoke.

 "Dean?" Roman said quietly, but Dean didn't move or speak. "It''s over, the King dead." He added smiling, Dean still didn't speak, he just stood up and slowly turned to look at them, wiping the blood off of his face as he did.

 "Wrong." Dean said with no emotion in his voice or on his face.

 "What...what do you mean?" Roman asked nervously.

 "I mean the King isn't dead."

 Dean smiled, but didn't say anything, suddenly, Kira, Keeper, Carter, and Bastian left their spots realizing what he meant and went to stand by Dean. Seeing this, the rest of the family moved closer to Roman, before Zander spoke.

 "Dean, what the hell is going on?" Zander asked upset. "What do you mean the King isn't dead?"

 "It means exactly what it sounds like, brother." Dean replied still smiling.

 "Who's the King?" Paige asked scared.

 "I' am." Dean replied, as he spread his arms out presenting himself.

 "If...if this is a joke, Ambrose, it's not fucking funny, dammit!" Seth stated upset.

 "I promise you, Sethie, this isn't a joke." Dean replied, as the other Vamps smiled.

 "Dean, what's going on?" Roman said upset, tears in his eyes. "Why...why would you say that? despise Vamps and you always said you never wanted to be King."

 "I don't need a history lesson, Baby Boy." Dean replied smirking.

 "What changed?" Roman asked quietly.

 "Everything changed, Roman." Dean answered sighing. "You see, I've learned over these past few weeks, that this is my destiny and no matter how hard or far you run, you can't run from your destiny. So, I've decided to stop running and just accept my fate, it's not all bad, Rome, I get to be a King." He added smiling.

 "What about your family? What, dammit?" Roman demanded upset.

 "This is my destiny, Roman, you can't fight or change your destiny...I tried and I failed."

 "Bullshit!" Roman yelled upset. "After every-damn-thing we've been through together, after..."

 "Enough!" Dean yelled angrily, cutting him off. "I've accepted my destiny, dammit and now all of you need to accept it too. You can't change a damn thing, so stop trying."

 "So...that's it then?" Seth demanded angrily, Dean nodded. "How the hell can you, Dean fucking Ambrose, just give the fuck up after every-damn-thing we've been through? You were the one who made us believe that we'd win as long as we stuck together, remember that, Dean? Where the hell did the Dean Ambrose we knew go?"

 "Spare me the dramatics, Rollins." Dean said sighing. "Now, if you're all done trying and failing to make me change my damn mind, I have more important things to do."

 Refusing to just give up without a fight, Roman did the only thing he could think of and rushed to Dean and kissed him, hoping it would be enough to change his mind. His heart broke into a million pieces when he realized that Dean wasn't kissing him back. Before he could pull away though, the sound of the Raven Of Mourning letting out the loudest, longest, ear-piercing cry, as it flew to Dean, was heard. Everyone, except Dean and his new family covered their ears in pain, trying and failing to block out the noise. While they were distracted, Dean smiling used his powers to send them all out of the room, before he shut and locked the door again. Once they were gone, Dean looked at his new family smiling, before he walked over to where his other machete lay and picked it up. After putting his machetes away, he motioned with his head towards the window, before he walked over to it and went out onto the roof; the others quickly followed him smiling. They then jumped to the ground and using their Vamp speed they took off running into the woods without looking back.

 Meanwhile, after being thrown out of the room, Roman and the others landed hard in the hallway on their backs. Groaning, they got back to their feet and rushed to the door, they began pounding on it and yelling at Dean to let them in. Suddenly, the door began to break, so they all backed up from it, before they ran at it and hit it together hard. That was all it took for the old, wooden door to finally break causing all of them to crash through it into the room, they stumbled, but didn't fall. After quickly recovering, they searched the room for Dean, calling out his name, but he wasn't there, none of the Vamps were. Roman silently went to the window and stared out of it, his tears falling, while the others continued their pointless search.

 "He isn't here anymore." Roman said bitterly, as he turned to face them, wiping his tears away as he did.

 "We...we have to find them." Seth said upset.

 "How?" Roman demanded upset. "They could be any damn where by now."

 ", you want us to just give up?" Paige asked upset.

 "Never!" Roman replied angrily. "As long as Dean is still alive out there somewhere, I'll never stop looking for him."

 "Then what...what do we do?" Paige asked gently, as she took Roman's hand.

 "We go back to the monastery, get cleaned up and together we figure out what we do from here." Zander replied.

 "Okay, let's go." Roman said, as he led the way out of the room, he wouldn't quit or stop at anything until they found Dean and fixed everything.


 Dean stood silently staring out the window watching as the sun began to set in the evening sky, his Raven sat silently on the window ledge standing guard. Their new nest was quiet right now, Keeper and the others were off doing something Keeper had found for them to do, Dean didn't give a shit what it was, he just wanted to be left alone. Since finding the new nest a few hours earlier, Dean had locked himself in his chambers alone with his Raven. The only one he's seen or spoken to was Keeper and the last time he had done that was when they had first arrived and Keeper had done some kind of ancient Vamp healing spell on Dean's most serious injuries. He had to admit that he did feel better after the spell, but he also had lost any and all memories he had from the last few hours. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, before Keeper spoke letting Dean know it was him. Sighing and without looking away from the window, he used his powers to unlock the door. Seconds later, Keeper entered the room, shutting the door behind him, before he walked closer to Dean and bowed slightly, even though Dean couldn't see it with his back to him.

 "What?" Dean demanded bitterly, annoyed he had been disturbed.

 "Sorry to disturb you, but I just came to bring you something to eat, it's to help get your strength back quicker."

 "Keeper, tell me something." Dean said, as he turned to face him and took the cup of blood from him and took a long drink from it.

 "Of course, anything."

 "Keeper, why is it that ever since you healed me, I can only remember bits and pieces of what's happened over the last few hours?" Dean asked frustrated.

 "Really?" Keeper asked, Dean nodded, as he rubbed his forehead. "Well, what is it you do remember?"

 "I...I remember arriving at the old nest with you and Kira, but I don't remember a damn thing about where we came from or how we got there. I also remember killing the Vamps who were guarding the house and recruiting Bastian and Carter." Dean answered, as he took a drink of the blood.

 "Anything else?"

 "Only one other thing, I remember killing Vassago and us leaving." Dean replied sighing again.

 "That...that's it?" Keeper questioned, Dean nodded. "Well, then you remember everything." He added smiling, secretly happy to know that the ancient memory blocking spell he had used on Dean to block all memories he had of Roman and the others, as well as his old life, had worked better than he thought it would.

 "If that's true, Keeper, then why the hell do I feel like I'm forgetting something...or someone? It's like a huge chunk of my memory is just...gone. And why does whatever is missing feel like it is...or was at one damn time extremely important to me?" Dean said upset, as he rubbed his head again, before he drank the rest of the blood.

 "You're just weak from the battle, you just need to rest and recover. I'll bring you another cup of blood and you'll feel better soon I promise." Keeper replied, as he took the now empty cup from Dean, who had no idea that Keeper was giving him special blood that he was using to keep the memory spell in place and make it even stronger every time Dean drinks it.

 Just then Kira, Bastian, and Carter came into the room having finished setting up Dean's new throne room. Keeper turned to look at them smiling and seeing it they knew that Keeper's plan had worked.

 "Sire." Bastian greeted Dean, all of them bowed slightly at him.

 "Wait, Sire?" Dean asked confused, as he looked at them.

 "Well, you are King now, remember?" Keeper replied smiling. "You killed Vassago so you could take the crown."

 "I..I did?" Dean asked surprised, as he rubbed his head.

 "Yes, that's why you recruited Kira, Bastian, and Carter; you've begun to create your own family." Keeper explained. "Of course, I'm your Council; just as I was to Vassago."

 "And I'm your mate." Kira added quickly, as she went to him and kissed him, the others looked at her annoyed and rolled their eyes.

 " are?" Dean questioned her, something about her being his mate didn't feel right and when she kissed him it felt really wrong.

 "Sire, are you alright?" Carter asked.

 "I...I just need time to recover." Dean replied sighing, as he ran his hands over his face.

 "Good idea, Sire." Keeper said smiling. "We'll let you rest and recover for a while and then we'll discuss..."

 "No." Dean said firmly, cutting him off.


 "I don't need to rest, Keeper."

 "Are you sure, Sire, you just said..."

 "I know what I said, Keeper, but I changed my damn mind." Dean said bitterly, cutting him off again.

 "Then what do you need, Sire?" Keeper asked.

 "What I need be taken to my throne and another cup of blood."

 "Yes, Sire." Keeper replied bowing. "Kira, would you show our King where his throne room is, while I get him another cup?" He asked smiling.

 "Of course, Keeper." Kira replied smiling, before she kissed Dean again, this time he kissed her back passionately.

 "Keeper, get me my blood and meet us in the throne room, Kira, Bastian, and Carter, come with me, we have a lot to discuss."

 Keeper bowed smiling, before he left the room, once he was gone, the others took Dean to his throne room. Seeing his makeshift throne that they had made him, Dean smiled, as he walked towards it and went to sit down, but was stopped by Kira, who held out a beautiful, hooded robe that was similar to the ones Vassago always wore. Still smiling, she helped him on with it, before he sat on his throne; his Raven flew into the room and landed on the arm of the chair. Dean could feel his powers coursing through him, as he pet his Raven and smiling he looked at Kira, Bastian, and Carter, all of them stood silently waiting for his direction, damn it felt good being King!


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