There's Always August [Comple...

By nkf350

44.1K 1.3K 204

If you had met self-conscious, acne-attacked Kadea Gennings at the beginning of the summer you would have swo... More

To Conclude


927 34 1
By nkf350

Hey guys, sorry for taking long! hope you're still interested :P


Chapter 18

Month 1:

I shook it again.

And then one more time just to make sure.

"ARGH!" I grumbled.

Why me?

And then I cried.

All alone in a dirty supermarket stall, I cried like a one year old.

My head was placed between my hands that were clenching and unclenching my tangled hair.

Someone knocked on the door. "Are you alright, Miss?" It was that sweet lady from the supermarket counter.

I nodded before realizing that she couldn't see me. "Yah." I used the long sleeve of my hoodie to wipe away the tears and snot.

Have I ever mentioned how ugly I look when I cry? Well, now you know.

I unlocked the stall and looked down at the elderly lady that stood before me; towering over her since she looked to be about four foot eleven.

"Is something wrong?" She asked me; deeply concerned by my red eyes and the tear lines all over my face.

I was surprised she hadn't put two and two together.

I nodded. "Thank you for letting me use your bathroom." I began walking away.

"Any time..." I heard her say; her voice giving away the confusion that I was sure she felt.

I left the small corner store and started the hike back to my neighborhood.

I only hoped that he would be home.

"Is August in?" I asked Felipe.

He shook his head and pointed down the road. "Skate Park." Then he closed the door in my face.

I followed the tarmac road for a good five minutes until my ears were filled with noises of people cheering, skateboards clanking against the ground and a group of boys ranting on and on about some trick that they planned on doing.

I blocked all of that noise out.

Instead, I spotted August and began blindly walking up to him.

Skateboarders crossed in front of me, behind me and by my side but I just didn't seem to notice them as I dragged my feet across the park; heading towards August.

He seemed to be in the middle of some great story; surrounded by a bunch of other guys that were enthusiastic to hear about whichever tale he was telling.

When he noticed me approaching, he smiled and - despite the protests of the people that were listening to him - came up to me and gave me a huge hug.

I didn't hug him back.

He must have sensed something was off because then he put me at arm's length and stared at my face. "What's up?" He sounded - and looked - worried.

I simply pulled out the annoying, white stick and showed it to him.

Then I pulled out the second white stick.

And then the third.

All of them showed him the exact same sign on the tiny screen.

His eyes grew wide as he pulled me in for another bone-crushing hug.

He gave me a light kiss on the lips. "Why didn't you come and see me right when you got these instead of crying on your own in God knows where?"

I didn't say anything; afraid that I would start crying again if I opened my mouth.

"How did you know?"

"Period didn't come... and I could just kind of sense it, you know?" I clenched my fists and fought back the tears.

"Once... we had sex once and this had to happen." He muttered.

I watched without reaction as he pulled the three pregnancy tests out of my hands and stuffed them into his back pocket.

"I don't even want to know how you were able to generate enough pee to use three of these." He joked.

The corner of my mouth pulled up a little.

By now, the group behind us had dispersed; everyone had picked up their skateboards and were all over the place; pulling off mindless tricks that I could never really master.

"Let's go home." August wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me away.

I wasn't quite sure whether he meant my 'home' or his 'home' but I honestly didn't care because I just wanted to be alone with him for a while.

How the hell was I going to tell my parents about this?

The one thing my mum had warned me about on so many occasions that I basically had her entire speech stapled in my memory.

She's going to be so mad.... Or worse, disappointed.

I wallowed in my own misery for a good ten minutes after August had led me into his boyish room. And then I finally decided to make the best of the situation by trying to cheer up and not be such a downer.

August was seated on an office chair across from me with his hands on either side of his head; elbows resting on his knees.

He wasn't looking at me.

I got up from the edge of his bed and cautiously walked up to him.

I moved his arms from their position on his thighs and sat down in his lap; resting my head in the crook of his neck.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"There's nothing we can do about it now..." I muttered, my eyes were fixed on a spot on his carpet. "We just have to keep our heads up and live with the mistake." I gave him a soft kiss.

"Condom must have broken..." He shook his head. "What are the fucking chances?"

"It's okay, Oggy. We've got this thing down." I smiled.

He laughed. "Funny how you're the one consoling me when I'm not even going to have to carry the thing around for nine months."

I grimaced. "It is nine months, isn't it?" I groaned.

He nodded. "We better do all the fun stuff before you get round." He gave my stomach a pat.

"I'm just happy that you didn't run away when you could have." I told him; not letting my gaze wander from his sincere eyes.

He gave me a serious look. "I would never have run away."

A pause. "Enough mushy stuff. Can we please go eat something? I'm starving... And I also kinda have to pee."

He laughed. "I honestly cannot wait to start making fun of you with a big, round stomach."

I mock scowled. "Har har."

We walked, side by side, down to his kitchen where he opened the fridge and groaned.

"Nothing." He informed me.

"Pancake house." We suggested in unison.

"Great minds think alike." I concluded.

He drove us down to the Pancake house where I sat across from him and ordered a large plate of pancakes for the both of us.

"It's funny how you never even mentioned having an abortion." I muttered, looking out the huge, glass window next to our booth.

"Not an option." He sounded serious. I looked up at him and then looked down when I saw the intense look that occupied his eyes.

I nodded.

"How are you gonna break it to your mum?" He asked me.

I groaned. Forgive me for not wanting to think about that... "I have no idea. She's going to kill me." A sigh this time.

"...I think it'll be fine..."

"She barely took me having a boyfriend well, I doubt she can handle this."

"I think we'll have to figure everything out before we tell her; plan our future and what-not."

"Mmhm." I crossed my arms on the table in front of me and lay my head in the square space I had created.

When the food arrived, I lifted my head and was slightly taken aback by the steady gaze that he had settled on me.

His purple eyes had darkened.

I cleared my throat. "Pancakes are here." I grabbed a side plate and placed a pancake at its center before layering the surface with butter and pancake syrup.

August quietly followed my lead but I couldn't help but notice how he cut a piece of the pancake off and played with the triangular shape he had created. His fork was sliding back and forth across the plate; spreading syrup all over the place.

I let out a long sigh. "Okay, tell me what's up?"

He shook his head; his thick curls flying all over the place. "Nothing."

"Talk to me. I kind of think you're obligated to do so seeing as you are the father of my unborn baby."

He appeared to cringe at the thought. "We're so young..." He finally muttered.

"What the hell can we do about that now?" I jammed a piece of pancake into my mouth.

He smiled at the sight of my stuffed face. "Nothing, I guess..."

I swallowed the pancake and grinned at him.

"What?" He asked skeptically.

"Oh, nothing." I feigned disinterest.

"Seriously, what?"

"Do you really want to know?" My eyes held an evil gleam now.

"No." He remarked sarcastically.

A long silence for dramatic effect. "You're bad in bed."

His eyes turned to slits. "Am I really?" He paused. "'Cause, as I recall... you were screaming my name all night."

"It was all an act."

He gave me a doubtful look and took a bite out of the piece of pancake that had idly sat on the end of his fork for a while.

It worked! I had easily managed to distract him enough to bring back his appetite.

A smile of victory spread across my face.

A week later and I had already experienced morning sickness a total of three times.

I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EXPERIENCING MORNING SICKNESS FOR ANOTHER MONTH. ARGH. Maybe Fate really does hate me... I mean; first, it lets me get pregnant and then it makes the symptoms of pregnancy come early. What did I ever do? Why me?

It was horrible.

Every smell seemed to have intensified to about ten times what it was before.

At least, that's what it felt like to me.

I couldn't eat anything without feeling even a little bit ill.

Warning to all you girls out there that think it's 'cool' or whatever to have sex when you're young: don't do it.

Just, don't.

I hadn't missed a day of school which meant that, of course, I would randomly ran out of one of my classes so I could barf my guts out in the nearest toilet stall.

I know, eww.

But, no one seemed to notice since I just told the teachers that I was coming down with a flu or some other stomach sickness.

August knew.

He was, after all, in every single one of my classes and couldn't hold back the worried look that settled upon his face every time I would walk back into the classroom with a hand on my stomach and my face tinted a pale green.

The teachers would all give me the same skeptical glance whenever I told them it was nothing and that I just wanted to get on with the lesson.

Three times. I had ran out of one of my classes a total of three times.

Thankfully, I never had the same teacher twice otherwise they would surely have sent me home straight away which was exactly what I wanted to avoid. But, I was sure they would all eventually notice since teachers tended to talk about students in the staff room; it was no secret that they liked to gossip as much as the students did.

Another week passed and Rachel was starting to notice the tale-tell signs but I wasn't exactly sure I could tell her anything; scared of how she would react... or not react.

Three weeks since I'd lost my virginity and two since I had found out I had a bun in the oven.

It was a Sunday morning and August was coming over to pick me up so we could go surfing together. I hadn't told him about just how much I sucked since he seemed so excited by the idea of going surfing; something about not catching the waves since the seventh grade.

I still had about half an hour before he would show up which was why I was rather confused when I heard the faint sound of a hoot erupting from the general direction of my gate. I had my earphones in so, initially, I thought I had imagined it.

The hoot repeated itself, except much louder this time.

I groaned and got up.

My mum and dad were out on some sort of brunch date that I had refused to be a part of. This meant that I was left with the responsibility of opening the gate for the person that had conveniently chosen to visit me.

I lazily walked out my front door and up to the gate.

I peered through the eye-hole and smiled.

It was Rachel.

She was sitting alone in the driver's side of her car with an agitated look on her face.

She was never one to wait and claimed that patience was her enemy.

I had obviously made her restless by ignoring the first hoot.

I unclasped the lock and opened the looming metal frames of my gate so that she could drive in.

The car stopped just outside my front door and she jumped out.

Along with Cole.

And then Kade.

I gave her a look.

"What? You would never have let me in if you saw them there as well." She reasoned incredulously.

She's right...

I worked on locking my gate as Cole and Kade pulled out a long white sheet with something painted on it.

"This is an intervention." Rachel stated.

I gave her another look.

"You definitely need this." Cole opined.

I glared at him.

"We've all noticed that you've been terribly quiet these past few days and it makes us feel uncomfortable since you do tend to be the loudest out of everyone most of the time." Rachel crossed her arms.

"She thinks you and August have become total loners." Kade simplified.

I was caught between a rock and a hard place.

They were my closest friends and I wasn't sure whether I should tell them or not.

Or maybe I was just scared because the whole situation would become real as soon as they found out...

A long silence filled the area.

I took this time to finally read what was on the banner. 'STOP BEING SUCH AN OUTCAST, WE'RE YOUR FRIENDS TOO.' It said.

I laughed at that.

It was so cheesy.

And then the smile was erased from my face as I realized that I had an important decision to make.

Every single one of the people standing before me was stone-faced and I started feeling uneasy.

"Talk to us, Kades." Rachel finally uttered; looking at me with concerned eyes.

The silence reappeared as I finally made my mind up.

"I'm pregnant." I looked down; not wanting to see any of the expressions that might have sprung to their faces at my shocking news.

"You're... what?" Cole was the first person to get over his shock.

"I'm pregnant." I said it a bit louder.

I looked up.

All of them seemed to be processing what I had said; a blank expression on each of their faces.

The banner lay limply on the ground; stretched between Kade's and Cole's feet.

They all snapped out of it almost at once.

"How long have you known?" Rachel asked.

"Lost it on my birthday, found out the week after." I muttered.

"You've known for a whole two weeks?" Cole questioned.

I nodded.

"And you didn't bother telling any of us?" Rachel added. "...Not even me?"

I thought of something logical to say. "It's not that easy..."

"It's not supposed to be easy, Kadea!" Now her voice was rising. "You're fucking pregnant! Pregnancies aren't fucking easy, Kadea!"

I cringed.

She seemed to soften up a bit at my involuntary reaction to her harsh voice.

"It's embarrassing." My voice was barely over a whisper.

Her face softened even more.

"I'm your best friend, Kadea. You can tell me anything." I noticed that the two boys were trying as hard as possible to blend into the background; not wanting to ruin the moment.

"I'm sorry guys." I addressed all of them. "I'm sorry for not telling you, sorry for 'becoming a loner' and sorry for whatever else I did. BTW, nice banner." I chuckled.

"Thanks, made it myself." Cole informed me with confidence.

"Explains the ugly handwriting." I retorted and smiled.

The smug look on his face disappeared and was replaced by a glare.

And then he grinned.

"You're back!" He pulled me in for a breathtaking hug.

And then quickly let go and looked down at my stomach. "You think I hurt it?" He asked.

I honestly had to laugh at his stupidity. "No." I laughed some more.

I looked behind Cole; following the sound of rustling at my gate.

A few seconds later, August sauntered through.


He stopped talking as soon as he noticed my company.

"Hey guys." He smiled and closed the distance between us.

He waved at everyone and then pulled me in for a kiss.

They all gave him different looks; Cole and Kade's showed approval whilst Rachel just kind of stared at him.

His arms were wrapped around my front from behind. He leaned in close to my right ear and whispered: "They know?"

"Yup." We all answered for him.

"Cool." August nodded. "So, me and Kadea were planning on going surfing... want in?"

Cole laughed. "Kadea? Surfing?" And then he laughed again.

"What does that mean?" August asked me.

"I had tried teaching her some time back and it didn't end up that well." Cole explained. "Let's just say that if we had stayed any longer, she would have ended up with a huge welt on her forehead."

"Har har." I mocked laughter.

Cole shrugged.

"Well, I'm in." Kade spoke his first words since he had pulled up in front of my gate with the rest of them.

"Me too." Rachel grinned.

I scowled at Cole. "I'm in."

"Same." Cole was already walking back to Rachel's car; still laughing to himself and shaking his head.

We all went our separate ways; getting ready to meet up again at the beach in twenty minutes.

So much for not telling August about my inability to surf.

Stupid Cole.

Week three and I was beginning to fall back into my old routine; minus the fact that I still had morning sickness that didn't seem to want to leave me alone.

There was soccer of Mondays and Wednesdays. Baseball on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tutoring on every other day.

Guess who the brilliant tutor was?


Turns out he was about as smart as Felipe... maybe even smarter.

This may be totally wrong to say right now but MY GOD. He was so hot when he was being all smart and stuff.

I wasn't dumb though; if anything, I was actually quite smart. I just felt like getting the extra help with Physics and Maths -- free of charge -- since I planned on taking them both at a higher level the next year.

Call me strange but I had always had this thing for thinking about doing everything possible that could help me get into a good university ever since the eighth grade.

It was something I found I had in common with August.

The minute he joined the school, he had easily settled into the sports department; as though it was built just so he could be a part of it. The coach loved him.

He was a star player on the Soccer team (which was a big thing around here because soccer was THE sport to play on the islands), he was an ace surfer and he could pretty much handle any kind of ball.

Which meant that he was excellent at every single sport out there.

Like, literally every sport. 'Except figure skating... it's too feminine for my liking' he had told me once.

I was sure that if he had tried, he would kick ass at that too.

He was a fucking machine.

I was sure of it.

And, if I hadn't seen him totally naked, I would have believed it too.

Anyways! Back to my college rant.

We had the sports and the grades so all we were missing was the community and service.

Neither of us had really started on that and probably wouldn't get to it for a while knowing our busy schedules.

Four weeks.

Four whole weeks and I still hadn't told my parents.

They were completely oblivious to the fact that I had gained a larger appetite but couldn't eat quite a lot of the things that I was being given.

My stomach was still the same size as it had been five weeks ago and I heard it wouldn't start growing for a little while.

Which meant that I had a little time to figure out how I could break the news to my mum and dad.

My dad would probably take it a lot easier than my mum knowing how easy it was for him to lose his train of thought.

Or maybe he would just pretend I hadn't said anything and get back to whatever it was he was doing at the time.

My mum, on the other hand, would probably freak out and give me a real beat down. Or she would revoke all of my privileges, like TV and whatnot, until she was able to get around the whole idea.

Or she would kick me out.

Or she would castrate August.

Or, all of the above.

I was scared.

So far, it was still only Kade, Cole, Rachel and August that knew.

And I wanted to keep it that way.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm actually really proud of this chapter :P IT'S LONG!!!! :D well, longer than the ones I made before.... WHATEVER!!! I tried...


I wonder what'll happen next :O


Idiot, out :)

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