Power Rangers imagines and on...

By carnationcreation

42.7K 427 90

Imagines and One shots for any and all season of Power Rangers and the movies. I noticed there was a lack of... More

Front Row Seat (Tommy Oliver x Sister!reader)
Bad Timing (Adam Park x reader)
The Real Winner (Rocky DeSantos x reader)
We Are VR (Rocky DeSantos x VR Trooper!Reader)
True Blue Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Locked In (Adam Park x reader)
New cover + authors note
His Type (Brody Romero x reader)
Halloween party (Tommy Oliver x sister!reader)
Rally Ranger (Justin Stewart x sister!reader)
Notebooks and Banners (Adam Park x reader)
Back For You (Ethan James x reader)
Starting Over (Ollie Akana x reader)
Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)
Dream Buddy (Adam Park x reader)
New imagines book!
Memories (Zayto x reader)
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Hello, Cello (Adam Park x Cello player! reader)

1.8K 18 3
By carnationcreation

TITLE: Hello, Cello (Adam Parks x Cello player! reader)

Prompt/summary: (Zeo episode 12, Instrument of Destruction) Adam needs to be a more rounded student and gets placed in the same class as the reader who is a cello player in the classical music class

Word Count: 1,427

Warnings: none


Adam had a very weird morning. He went to school early to try and get some studying done, but of course the machine empire never rests. He saw Coggs trying to get into the music room where a mysterious piano player was and right as Adam and the Coggs got in the piano player was gone. By the time the first period came Adam was more confused than ever.

"And just as we got there, the music stopped, and the guy with the cape got out the other door" Adam explained to Kat and Tommy.

"Did you see who it was?" Tommy asked.

"Nope, All I saw was his back."

"Aw man," Tommy sighed, "I wonder why the Cogs are interested in music?"

Before they could answer the guidance counselor approached the three rangers, "Adam, there you are. I've been looking for you."

"Is there a problem, Miss Rodriguez?" Adam asked.

"I've been going over your class schedule, and I noticed you've taken creative writing twice."

"But I got an A both times," Adam said.

"Exactly my point, I think you need more of a challenge. You should strive to be a more rounded student. Good luck," she said as they handed him a new schedule.

Adam looked down at his schedule confused, everything looked the same as the one he had made. Then he saw his seventh period class had been switched from creative writing, to classical music appreciation.

"Well," Bulk said behind him, Adam jumped, "What do we have here? Classical music. You and a bunch of losers playing boring music together? Sounds like loads of fun, right Skull?"

Adam ducked and turned around to face the two knuckleheads.

"Huh? Oh yeah. What a bunch of dweebs," Skull said.

"Well I think it's great Adam is trying something new and different," Kat said.

"Yeah I mean after all Adam is great at creative writing, classical music will be a challenge," Tommy chimed in.

Miss Rodriguez interrupted, pulling Skull away from the group.



Adam entered the classical music class, sitting down at the piano he was assigned to. He watched as Skull kicked a dude off the drumset and took a seat.

"Mrs Rodriguez says I need to be a more well rounded student," Skull scoffed.

"What's wrong with that?" Adam asked.

"If anyone catches me in here, especially Skull, I'll never hear the end of it."

Mr. Hamms got the classes attention and started the introduction.

"Class! I'm classical music and this is Mr. Hamms," the class laughed at the teacher's mix up. "Oh! That's not right, I'm Classic Hamm and this is Mr. Music! No, no that's wrong too. Well, anyways, before we play I have an announcement. There will be a music recital tonight at the youth center featuring our advanced students."

"Thrilling!" Skull said sarcastically.

"There's extra credit if you attend," the teacher said, which seemed to persuade Skull.

"One of the advanced students is our very own (Y/n) (Y/l/n) who has volunteered to help in our beginners class for this semester. So if you need any help don't be afraid to ask them."

Mr. Hamms pointed to a student on the left side of the classroom. They were right across from Adam holding a weird stringed instrument. They waved shyly at the class. Adam caught their eye and they both smiled at each other before turning back to Mr. Hamms.

"(Y/n) would you care to play us a little excerpt from what you're going to play tonight?"

"Now?" (Y/n) asked nervously.

"If you don't mind to demonstrate your love for your instrument to the rest of the class."

"Alright, can you play track 7 on the cd player for my accompaniment?" they said. They moved their chair and stand to the front before sitting down and adjusting their bow and sheet music. Mr. Hamms pressed play on the recording.

(A/N if you want to hear the song I'm describing, it's Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 33. It's the same song Mia plays in If I Stay and it's one of my favorites to listen to as a cello player.)

They took a deep breathe as a recording of a piano began to play with them. The song was fast and passionate. Adam sat in awe as he watched the musician pour every ounce of passion they had into the strings. Their fingers were fast and the bow looked like a fury of powerful strokes. As the song came to a crescendo (Y/n) closed their eyes, the tempo got faster as the notes became higher and higher. Finally (Y/n) hit the last two chords to end the solo and let out deep breaths of air while holding her bow slightly in the air. The class was silent for a moment before erupting in applause. (Y/n) blushed before smiling and waving at the other students.

Adam was amazed. He had never seen someone play so passionately. Mr. Hamms instructed the class to experiment with their instruments. Adam began to play Chopsticks on the keys in front of him. (Y/n) placed her cello in her case before walking over to the boy, "Hey that sounds pretty good, where'd you learn that?"

"We had a piano when I was little, my mom knew a few things."

"Well I'm glad you're not a complete beginner then," (Y/n) said, "Mind if I sit?"

Adam scooted over to let them sit next to him, "My name's Adam."

(Y/n) stuck out their hand, "(Y/n). I play the cello."

"Oh is that what that is? Well it sounded amazing earlier."

"Thanks," (Y/n) chuckled, "So I haven't played piano in a while but I do remember the basics, so you want to place your hands like this-"

(Y/n) grabbed his hand lightly and guided them to the keys, "Keep your fingers rounded and a little loose so you can move them easier."

"Like this?" Adam said, he began a simple roll starting from his pinky finger and moving up to his thumb.

"Yes exactly," (Y/n) smiled.

The two lost track of time with (Y/n) teaching Adam the basics of sheet music and melodies. Before they knew it the bell was ringing and (Y/n) was packing up her bag.

"Hey," Adam said, causing (Y/n) to look up, "do you think we could get together and practice over the weekend? I'd love to try and learn the piano part of that song you showed me earlier, what was it called?"

"Le cygne? It'd be a while before you could try that with the rhythms and everything, but I could show you the simple parts of it if you'd like."

"That'd be awesome. Maybe we could grab some food afterwards too?"

(Y/n) smiled, "Like a date?"

Adam blushed but smiled, "Yeah, like a date."

(Y/n) smiled and wrote something down on a piece of paper before handing it to Adam, "There's my phone number, call me Friday and we'll set up that date."

Adam put the paper in his pocket. (Y/n) waved as they put their bag on their shoulder and walked out the door.


As (Y/n) walked onto the stage at the youth center, they looked everywhere for Adam in the crowd. As Adam and (Y/n) locked eyes (Y/n) let out a sigh of relief. Placing the sheet music onto the stand (Y/n) readied themself for their performance.

'I'll never get tired of this,' Adam thought as he watched (Y/n). They seemed to go to a different place when they played. Adam wondered if they got nervous playing in front of all these people. (Y/n)'s eyes were closed and their body seemed to become one with the beautiful wooden instrument. As the final chords rang out through the youth center, the entire audience erupted in applause. Adam stood and followed (Y/n) to the back behind where the stage had been set up.

"You were amazing!" Adam said as he pulled the cello player into a hug.

"Was I really?" (Y/n) asked. Adam nodded his head, his arms still wrapped around them as they pulled back to look at him.

"I always close my eyes when I'm on stage, it makes it seem like I'm focusing but I'm really just trying to ignore all those eyes on me."

Adam laughed causing (Y/n) to smile. They both continued to look into each others eyes, smiling like idiots. Finally Adam leaned down and connected their lips. (Y/n) wrapped their arms around his kneck. Everything felt blissful as they pulled back and opened their eyes.

"See you Saturday?" (Y/n) asked.

"Sounds like a date."

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