Merlin? Yea that's me! (Harry...

נכתב על ידי Hiatus_x_Hunter

233K 6.6K 5.9K

Hello! I m writing another GAMER fic. What is wrong with me? NOTHING!!!! I love writing these fics and I hop... עוד

Philosopher's stone| Ch. 1| Mothers
Philosopher's stone| Ch. 2| A new world?
Philosopher's stone|Ch.3| Leaving and the Sorting hat!
Philosopher's stone|Ch.4| First day of class
Philosopher's stone|Ch.5| Potions!
Philosopher's stone| Ch.6 | Flying lessons
Philosopher's stone |Ch.7 |"The duel"
Omake#1!| Introduction
Philosopher's stone |Ch.8 | Regular Saturday
Philosopher's stone |Ch.9 | Regular Sunday
Ch.10| To hell with Mondays!
Ch.11| Trolls
Ch.12| Brigands
Ch.13| Romance Problems
Ch.14| Promises and Plants
Ch.15 | Transfiguration Class
Ch.16 | Where is the Expedition?
Ch. 17 | End of Expedition
Ch. 18 | Bahamut Day!
Ch. 19 | First Battle of the Tournament
Ch.20 | Time and Matter vs Trickery
Ch.21 | The most boring fight ever
Ch. 22 | The Blessing
Ch.23 | Uncle Bahamut
Ch.24 | Human Behavior
Ch. 25 | The Return to School
Ch.26 | The Battle
Ch.27 | To Give and Recieve.

Prologue| Dragons and more Dragons!

24.8K 402 1.2K
נכתב על ידי Hiatus_x_Hunter

Originally made July 12 2020

Y/n = Your name

A/n = Author's note



[Anything GAMER related]



Y/n's POV: 

I've always liked pranking people, as much as I love collecting treasures. It was funny looking at their reactions, specially when the prank was well made. It was also fun looking at the treasure's you've collected. Don't misinterpret me, I wasn't born in a rich family, but I've always had this luck of attracting treasures to me. I found several lost artefacts and collected several precious gemstones over the time of my life. 

Who would've that the smallest prank I've done coupled with envy for my treasures would end up killing me. 'Heh' I grunted as I touched my bleeding chest. 'Who would've thought that my prank would save someone' I thought as my vision blurred and my thought got hazy. 


I walked through the streets preparing my newest prank. My partner came to work drunk and  embarrassed me at work by yelling out that I am a virgin. He made a huge scandal and nearly got me fired. I've had a big record of pranking people since forever. I've pranked people since I can remember. Nothing too serious. Nothing life threatening. Nothing that could harm or injure someone. Just a prank that would get laughs from everyone but the one being pranked.

It was a simple prank. I made a water bucket wait at the entrance of the bank. It was vey well hidden, I had placed it next to paint buckets which were there due to a small renovation the bank was going through. My partner would walk through the door and I would drop a small amount of water over him.

I saw my partner walk through the door, however the moment I dropped water over him another man came from behind him and pointed a gun towards all of us. I pulled the sting attached to the bucket harder making the bucket fall on the criminal's masked head. He was startled for a second. Without thinking I ran towards the criminal and jumped at him making both of us fall down.

"CALL THE POLICE!!!" I yelled as I struggled to take the armed man's gun from his hand. I took off the clip of the gun and threw it sideways. The man kicked me on the chest making me fall on my but. "Aghh" The robber grunted as he pointed the gun at me. "You're not too smart man" He said putting his finger on the trigger. 

"Jokes' on you!" I yelled out. 'I have to get out of this situation!' I thought, alright, let's do this Sherlock style. 'This musn't register on an emotional level' I thought as I got up and got a small bag of marbles on my right pocket. "That gun has no more bullets left!" I yelled once again making the robber look at me confused. 'Step one, distract target' I thought as I threw the bag of marbles on his face. 

'Step two. Slap gun away' I thought as I ran towards the robber and slapped his hand away. The shock of sudden pain made him drop the gun. 

'Step three. Get bag of marbles and hit jaw' I thought as I took the bag of marbles and slapped his jaw with it. 'Step four. Use confusion to break ribs' I thought as I hit the man's chest with my fist three times. 

'Step five. Block right hook and fully break the jaw' I thought as I blocked the hook and hit his jaw once more, compleatly breaking it. 'Step five.' I thought as I felt something in my chest. Like I was in danger, I dodged to the left as  I heard a bang come from my right me. I glared at the person who shot me. My work partner had just tried to kill me. I dodged another bullet and started running towards a safe location. 

'He must've gotten the clip from before' I deduced as I ran towards a table I could use as cover. However I was too late a loud bang was heard. All I felt was pain, I fell down on my knees looking at my chest. There was a small hole there with blood coming out. I looked towards the pistol I had slapped away and saw my work partner smirking.

'Asshole' I thought as I pulled as hard as I could while falling down. The rope connected to the bucket was pulled making the bucket from before hit the criminal on the back of the head. The last thing I heard were sirens and the police entering and arresting my partner at work and his partner. 

Flashback End!

Now here I am bleeding out, dying from a bullet to the heart. 'Damn, I didn't even get to make my Fate marathon.' I thought as I remembered one of my favorite games. 'Heh, I am never gonna receive that replica I bought online' I grimaced as I closed my eyes. 'I'll never get to re-watch the Sherlock movies or series. Damn' I thought as I my mind started slightly blurring.

'Never gonna read that last chapter of Harry Potter I left out' I thought as felt my conciseness waver. 'I'll never get to cosplay as merlin from fate like I wanted.' I remembered as I sighed. 'Man I had the costume and everything' I thought.

'Ahh, life sucks. If only it were like a game.' I thought remembering a certain manhwa I used to read. 'Then I could learn magic, I could do so many cool things, like that manga' I thought as everything went black. That was when I heard a robotic voice

"Wishes have been heard. Wishes are being granted." The robotic voice said inside my head.

"System installation: 10% complete. Installing system and titles. " It said as a small green bar appeared in my head as it slowly loaded. 

"System installation: 30% complete. Adding specified item to inventory!" It loaded so slowly. 'What is happening?' I asked myself as I watched the loading screen in my head.

"System installation: 50% complete. Adding previous live learnt skills!" I had no idea how much time it loaded for. I just know it was a long long time. So long I stopped caring.

"System installation: 70% complete. Installing race and bloodline" It continued, the bar moved from one side to the other in my head.

"System installation: Complete!" The bar disappeared and a white screen appeared in my head.

[Hello GAMER! Will you start a new life?]

Soon the screen flickered and another screen popped up in-front of the previous one.


'Is this even debatable?' I asked as I watched the button in my head. 'Either I press the sketchy button or I die forever' I thought as I tried reaching for the button without much success. 'Right, I'm already dead' I remembered.

I tried to mentally press the button however nothing happened. 'Hmmm, this works in most fanfics I read' I thought as tried thinking of an answer.

'Yes?' I thought as screens popped at the same time.

[Bending reality to Convert item #00001 into reality]

[Adapting user's race and bloodline for wish and item utilisation]

[Stats changed accordingly to race and bloodline]

[Alterations made]

'Wow, too many popups at the same time!' I thought as I read the screens one by one. 'Neat' I thought as a new screen popped up. 

[User will be reborn into the world user knows the most about!]

[World chosen: World of Harry Potter!]

'Huh?' To say I was confused was an understatement. Yea I know quite a bit about the Potterverse, however to say I know the most about it from all the anime and cartoons I've watched is impossible. 

'Why Harry Potter?' I asked myself as I tried to recollect my thoughts that proved difficult however when a screen kept appearing in my head.

[Percentage wise user knows more of Harry Potter than other shows.]

[Technically user knows more of the verse called DxD and RWBY]

[However those worlds were deemed to have a very high difference in power scaling and therefore user will be unable to enter them for now]

'That makes sense.' I agreed looking at the screen in my head

'I mean, in the DxD verse i could get killed if I showed any symptoms of being powerful or having something powerful. In the rwby verse I would be hunted by Grim the moment I entered the world. Not a pretty idea' I thought as I recalled the threats of each world before remembering something.

'Hey hey hey!' I yelled internally. 

'The Potterverse isn't much better dying wise!' I screamed remembering the many. MANY ways of dying in the verse. However I was too late I was falling down and crashed. The last thing I saw was a green forrest and in-front of me a screen. 

[Welcome GAMER! To the Potterverse!]

???'s POV:

'Something crashed nearby' I thought as I left my cave and went in the direction of the mysterious crash. I looked around and eventually found the source of the destruction.

'A child?' I asked myself looking at the young human child in-front of me. He was but naked and was sleeping soundly. Tossing and turning, searching for some heat. 'A human child will get eaten lying here' I remembered glaring at some prying eyes. 'Although, he's not fully human. He's something else.' I thought as I brought my snout and sniffed the child before raising my head surprised.

"My my. You're his descendant, this'll be troublesome" I said to the sleeping child in-front of me. He had white hair and I would bet anything to say he also had violet eyes.

 Sighing I grabbed the child  with a spell and made him float to my back. I then returned safely to my cave and awaited the child's awakening. 

Y/n's POV:

I stirred awake. The moment I woke up and saw a cave entrance I shot out of wherever I was sleeping. "Who!? Why? When? Why?-" I screamed looking around until my eyes met sapphire blue. I took a step back as I saw a GIANT silver dragon looking at me through it's sapphire eyes. "WHAAAAAAT!?" I yelled falling on by but looking at the giant creature.

'Oh, the threat levels are lower it said' I criticised in my head. 'Oh, it's better than other worlds it said' I continued ranting in my head. "Re wux authot mrith dout ranting ghergo ir?" It said? Asked? As its snout came closer to my face. 

'The fuck!?' I asked confused as I felt my heart beat harder and harder in my chest. I was a trickster, a prankster and I was mischievous. I was not some iron clad fearless hero. I was practically pissing myself looking at the giant scaly dragon in-front of me. If it wanted to it could probably destroy half of Russia because why not. 

[The dragon is speaking Dragon tongue. A translating skill skill or user's knowledge of the language is necessary to be able to understand the dragon.] 

'That makes sense and all. Still though...' I trailed off looking at the dragon as it moved the GIANT snout out of my face and used it to point at some boxes. "Klae nomenes ekess yor ekess urcaxa vur plyn." She said pointing at the boxes. Not understanding jack-shit I opened one of the boxes and saw. Old scrolls?

I grabbed one from the box and immediately a screen popped up.

[Would User like to learn skill: Dragon speech?] 


'No' I said sarcastically as another screen popped up.

[Is user sure? Skill: Dragon speech shall not be lernt, user will have to wait a day before trying again]


'Yes! Of course YES!' I thought as the book started to glow and turned into gold particles. Soon the particles entered my body and I acquired the knowledge of how to use the skill. 

[Skill [Dragon Speech] has been learned!]

"Hoh? That's new" A feminine yet intimidating voice said from behind me, I turned around and saw the dragon looking at me. "I don't think I've ever seen that happen" She said once again in different words. 

"It's news to me" I said catching the dragon's attention. "You can kampiun me?" She asked as I looked at him confused. Putting two in two together I nodded. 'She probably asked if I could understand him' I deduced.

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 2]

"Only a bit" I said making the dragon nod. I took another scroll, this time however no popup appeared. Sighing I started reading the scroll. 'Nothing else to do I guess' I thought as I read throught the scroll, which was a basic dictionary between Draconic and English. 'Thank who ever I have to, for me learning english' I thought reading the scroll to it's end.

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 8]

'Oi! That was a massive jump in levels' I thought as I looked at the screen.

[For gaining new knowledge user has gained +1 INT] 

'Right! I forgot Stats existed in the system' I remembered embarrassed. I was too caught up in the moment, meeting a giant dragon and all. '[Stats]?' I called out as a screen appeared. I read throught it and was both surprised and frustrated. 



Name - Y/n ???? ????

Level - 1

Titles - "???" "???"

Age - 3

Race - Human/????/????

Bloodline - ????/????

Hp - 120/120

Mp - 550/550 (0.05 Mp per second)

STR - 9

END - 6

AGI - 10

INT -11 

WIS - 5

LUC - 100


'Cool, I'll explore this late' I thought as I kept reading the scrolls. 

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 9]

Once I finished the beginner's books I moved to intermediate. They were very hard to understand, but I could feel myself learning faster than usual. 

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 14]

'It jumped again?' I asked myself as I dismissed the screen and kept reading. 

"Read all of those until you can understand froneel" She said, I nodded understanding what she meant. 

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 16]

[For gaining new knowledge user has gained +1 INT] 

'Ok, let's keep reading then' I thought as I kept reading. 

(Time-skip Brought to you by Y/n smirking with a white haired violet eyed man with a staff. )

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 32!]

[For gaining new knowledge user has gained +13 INT] 

'I finally finished all of the books and scrolls' I thought tiredly as I put the last scroll back into the box. Sighing I stood up and checked my stats.



Name - Y/n ???? ????

Level - 1

Titles - "???" "???"

Age - 3

Race - Human/????/????

Bloodline - ????/????

Hp - 120/120

Mp - 1,200/1,200 (0.05 Mp per second)

STR - 9

END - 6

AGI - 10

INT -24

WIS - 5

LUC - 100


'What's with all the question marks?' I asked myself looking at the question marks in-front of me. 

[Question marks in Status page are there due to User's lack of knowledge on his bloodline]

[Status will be reduced as long as user doesn't unlock his bloodline]

[Bloodline will be forcibly learnt at age 15!]

"Ok?" I said out loud. A few moments after I heard stomping noises, I looked at the direction of said noises and found the dragon from before looking straight into my eyes. "Are you done?" She asked making me nod. The dragon seemed a little happier at my response. "Great, you learn too quickly ghergo one" She said nodding in approval. 'Ghergo, probably means young or child' I deduced getting a reward.

[For gaining new knowledge user has gained +1 INT] 

[For deducing something correctly user has gained +1 WIS] 

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 33!]

'Great!' I thought looking at the plus in stats. "Do you know your name young one?" The dragon asked making me nod. "My name is Y/n" I answered in dragon speech, she nodded and lowered her head. "Get on" She said making me nod. I climbed up on her neck and held one of the silver scales on her neck. She raised her neck, gave a small run before flying into the air.

It all felt great the wind on my face as she flew as well as the magnificent view of where I was. A forrest with a giant lake in the middle. "Where are we going?" I asked looking at the back of her head. "Home" She simply said making me blink in confusion. "Home?" I asked waiting for an answer nervous and scared. A dragon bringing a human "home"? 

"From here on out, you are my child" She said turning her head to look at me with her beautiful blue eyes. I nodded but internally I was extreamly glad she wasn't gonna eat me. Soon we arrived at a small wooden house, it had two stories and was right next to the lake in the middle of the forrest. 

The lake was glowing with small golden orbs floating all around them. "Fae" The dragon said looking at the golden orbs floating around the lake. "The most powerful type of fairy. Even someone such as I hold nothing but respect for them" She said making me nod. "Well let's go in" She said turning to face the house which was easily twenty times smaller than her. Moments after she glowed blue and a girl appeared in her place. 

She still held some of her draconic appearance. She had wings at her back, horns on her head and a tail. The first thing I thought was that she looked beautiful. She turned to face me and gave me a motherly smile. 

"Come on in" She said making me nod, I walked towards her and she placed her hands on my shoulder as she dragged me inside. "This'll be our home" She said showing me around, everything seemed to be magically cleaned and looked after. "So, shall you become my child young one?" She turned as she asked me. 

I thought about it for a while. 'She clearly has resources to make me stronger. I can't see any cons to staying with her' I thought as I accepted. The moment I said yes she hugged me. "My name is Silberne Sapphyrus, from now on your name shall be Y/n Sapphyrus" She said took me by my legs and carried me like a baby to a room. 

"This shall be your room. You can look around, but are forbidden to look outside the house" She said. I nodded as she put me on a bed and nodded. "I'll go get us something to eat" She said leaving the house.

[Secret Quest complete!]

[Description: A lonely silver dragon found you sleeping in the forrest!. Get into Silberne's good graces]

[Rewards: Money, Stat points!]

[Failure: possible Death, certain abandon]

'I would've died if I had refused?' I asked myself grimacing. 'Status' I called out as a white screen appeared in-front of me.



Name - Y/n ???? ????

Level - 1(0/100)

Titles - "???" "???"

Age - 3

Race - Human/????/????

Bloodline - ????/????

Hp - 120/120

Mp - 1,250/1,250 (0.06 Mp per second)

STR - 9

END - 6

AGI - 10

INT -25

WIS - 6

LUC - 100



[Quest Alert! Books. Books, where are the books?]

[Description: Find a Skill book in your new house. Silberne has left the house. Look around for a skillbook you could use. Time limit 12 hours]

[Rewards: +1 Skill, +5 Stat Points, +1 Random item]

[Failure: Unable to use GAMER abilities for five years]


"Hmm" I hummed as I pressed accept. I always loved a good gamble, maybe that's why my luck is so high?

I didn't loose time and started looking through some books arround. Eventually I descobered a quicker way of finding the skill book. I touched the first book on the book shelf and ran forward making my hand touch all of the books on that layer of the shelf. No skill books here. 

I did the same to all layers with little success. It had been an hour already and I had not found any skillbooks. It would be better if there wasn't a timer constantly reminding me I was running out of time, but whatever. 

Silberne arrived minutes after my search for skills and told me to ready the table. I nodded and placed the plates, utensils and cups on the table along with a water jug I found laying around. "Y/n! Come here, I need your help with cooking!" She said with a sing-song voice as I walked to the kitchen. She handed me a cooking book and told me to correct her measurements if she got the wrong. 

She had hunted a wild boar and had neatly cut everything eatable. The moment I touched the book I got a message. 

[Quest "Books. Books, where are the books?" Complete!]

[Description: Find a Skill book in your new house. Silberne has left the house. Look around for a skillbook you could use. Time limit 12 hours]

[Rewards: +1 Skill, +5 Stat Points, +1 Random item]

[Failure: Unable to use GAMER abilities for five years]

'Great!' I thought as I looked at the cooking book. 

[Learn skill Cooking Beginner level?]


I clicked yes and the book turned into dim white particles and entered my body. I went to where my new mom was and cooked with her. In the end we cooked a simple but good meal. I also ended up not eating in my seat and instead I ate on my mom's lap due to her insistence of family bonding. It was extreamly embarrassing, especially the way she fed me. I saved some food for if I was hungry later in my inventory. I usually get up from sleep for a midnight snack.

"Y/n it's time to sleep" She said carrying me to my room and putting me on my bed. The bed lacked blankets so it was slightly cold but I didn't really care. "Alright, tomorrow we'll train alright" She said kissing my forehead. I nodded as I looked into her eyes. I wanted to prank someone sooo bad. 

"Here, let's read a bedtime story!" She said pulling a book for children. "Hey, Silberne" I called out making her turn her head to face me. "Why did you want to make me your child?" I asked, I found it interesting. Why would a powerful, GIANT dragon want a... I don't know what I am, but why would she want me as her child?

"Because I can't have my own, Dragons may only reproduce with one mate. Mine died a long time ago" She said sadly as she looked at me and smiled. "So I thought, why not adopt a child" She said looking back at the book. 'That was insensitive of me' I thought slightly sad. "Oh, I rather enjoy this story." She said pulling out a book which read  "The Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs" I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the book, 'Isn't one of the climaxes of the book a hero killing an evil dragon?' I asked curiously. 

"Why that book?" I asked Silberne who looked at me. "A dragon dies in that book. Aren't you sad that a fellow dragon dies in the book?" I asked my new mom as she giggled. "Yes, but you see. I met the dragon in this book. I can say with 100% certainty that he was a jerk" She told me making me sweat-drop and nod as she began telling the tale of Sigurd. Throught the middle of the book however, when Sigurd was about to face the evil dragon a notification appeared. 

[User has found a dungeon!]

[User is entering the dungeon!]

Suddenly the book started glowing much to Silberne's surprise and I was sucked into the book. "Y/N!!!" She shouted as I entered the book. 

"What on earth!" I heard a man say from behind me, I turned around and saw a man with ice blue eyes. He had purple and white hair and was looking at me calculatively , but also cautiously. He had a glowing cyan sword which resembled a light-saber from Starwars more than a sword "Who are you?" I heard him ask thankfully in english. 

"Ummm, My name is Y/n Sapphyrus, I don't know where I am" I said looking around. 'Is it me or my voice changed?' I mused still looking around and finding a giant black dragon with a glowing green mark on his chest. 'Sh!t' I thought as I looked at the dragon in-front of me. 

He was smaller than Silberne, but still was huge, around ten times taller than my house, making Silberne twice as tall as him. "Hoh? Intriguing, have you come to steal my treasure too?" The dragon in-front of me asked. I took a step back and fell down on my but. 'Oh sh!t, oh sh!t! OH SH!T!' I screamed internally. 'Safer than other worlds they said' I remembered looking at the giant dragon.

'Better chances of survival they said' I thought as I took a step back. 'Who would want your treasures! I've had enough to bath in. In my past life that is' I thought as I looked at the dragon defiantly(still scared as sh!t though).

[Dungeon Quest! Dragon Slayer!]

[Description: Help Sigurd kill Fafnir the evil dragon of greed! Fafnir has summoned smaller weaker wyverns to aid him. Kill twenty.]

[Rewards: +1 Mythical item, +1 Mythical title, +1 Mythical item, +1 Mythical bloodline, +1,000 Stat Points, Xp, +10,000 Galleons]

[Failure: Death, Silberne goes in a rampage and dies by the hands of 10,000 wizards]

[Unable to refuse quest!]


'If I can't refuse why put the OPTION THERE!' I shouted as I pressed accept. I don't know what would've happened if I had refused, but I don't want to find out. 

I looked at who I presumed was Sigurd and went up to him. Is it just me or Sigurd seems to be a lot smaller than you would think. I mean, I am technically three and I am only slightly smaller than him. Well I know people were shorter long ago but still.

[Dungeons make the user have suitable physical age to complete them]

'Ohh, so I'm bigger and not him that's smaller' I thought as I read the screen.

"Hello, I'll aid you" I said making him nod. I may have looked calm on the outside, but again I am a prankster not a hero. I was almost pissing myself as I felt my heart beat in my chest as if a truck was hitting it every time it beat. Right now I was thinking of any way of beating or injuring the lesser dragons on the sky. Until I remembered

'Right! I have an item in my inventory! Maybe that'll help? It'll help more than just my fists. If it is the item I think it is then it probably will do more than just help!' I remembered looking at my inventory and looking at the obscured item. I took it out and the moment I did I was happy, too happy to care about anything else. I had a chance of winning, if only a small one! 

"YES!" I yelled out grabbing the hilt of the golden sword with fae runes engraved in it's Guard and blade. 

"What is that sword?" Sigurd asked looking at the sword in my hands. "Gram is reacting badly to it" He said narrowing his eyes at me. I smirked as I pointed my sword at the swarm of wyverns coming our way. "I present to you. The strongest holy sword!" I called out as I rose my sword in the air. And as such 9 seals of the thirteen were unlocked making a beam appear from the legendary blade.

[9/13 seals of the round table have been lifted]

[Skill [Prana Burst] has been learnt!] 

I felt my power leave me too quickly as I rose the sword and brought it down. 

"EXCALIBUR!" A giant beam of light shot out hitting many of the wyverns on the sky. Many of the wyverns started to fall out of the sky. I turned to Sigurd who saw the feat with his eyes wide. He smiled as he nodded at my direction. "I believe we now have a chance of victory!" He yelled as he rose his sword in the air and charging at Fafnir.

[Skill [Prana Burst] has gone up to level 4]

[User has gained +100,000 Xp x15]

[15/20 wyverns killed]

[User has reached level 10!]



Name - Y/n ???? ????

Level - 10(30/1,000)

Titles - "???" "???"

Age - 3

Race - Human/????/????

Bloodline - ????/????

Hp - 320/320

Mp - 1,750/1,750 (0.06 Mp per second)

STR - 19

END - 16

AGI - 20

INT -35

WIS - 16

LUC - 105



I panted as I used my sword as a support. 'That took much more prana than I thought it would' I thought looking at my empty Mp. I sighed as I dodged incoming fireballs by jumping and rolling just in time

[For continuous running user has gained +1 AGI]

[For continuous running user has gained +1 END]

'Is there any way to recover prana faster?' I asked myself searching for a solution. 

[Mp can be gained faster by eating or sleeping]

I almost jumped in joy as I read the message. 'I am too lucky' I thought as I pulled out a small sandwich with pig meat. That's there was but it was good anyway. I ate and ran until my stomach was full. I jumped behind a rock and hid there as I swallowed the whole sandwich. 

[Mp has been restored!]

"Ah shit. Here we go again!" I said as I pulled up my sword once more and rose it up once again. I looked around trying to see where the other wyverns were. I found them near Sigurd, they were circulating around him.

'Here we GO!' I yelled internally as I swung the sword creating a yellow beam which cut through the wings of four of the wyverns were beamed out of existence. The moment they fell on the floor craters formed. 

[User has gained +100,000 Xp x4]

[User has gone to level 14]

[Skill [Prana Burst] has gone up to level 5]

"One more!" I yelled slashing the air once again and draining what was left of my mana to shoot a beam which hit the last wyvern I needed to kill.

[User has gained +100,000 Xp]

[User has gone to level 15]

[Skill [Prana Burst] has gone up to level 6]

'I did iT!' I thought as I panted and looked over at Sigurd who stabbed his sword inside Fafnir's heart. He looked at me and smiled. "Thank you Y/n, without your Aid it would've been tricky to kill the evil dragon"

I nodded as I fell I stood with my back straight. 'Man Excalibur took a lot out of me. I was not expecting that' I thought as I looked at Sigurd going up to me and shaking my hand. I shook his hand for a brief moment before stretching a little bit. "It was a hard fight. Rest a little" He suggested making me nod.

[Dungeon Quest Complete! Dragon Slayer!]

[Description: Help Sigurd kill Fafnir the evil dragon of greed! Fafnir has summoned smaller weaker wyverns to aid him. Kill twenty.]

[Rewards: +2 Mythical item, +2 Mythical titles, +1 Mythical bloodline, +1,000 Stat Points, Xp, +10,000 Galleons]

[Rewards have been placed in inventory!]

[Titles have been gained]

[Title effects will only take effect once User becomes of age 15 years old]

[User has gone to level 20!]



Name - Y/n ???? ????

Level - 20(145/255,000)

Titles - "???", "???", "Dragon Slayer", "King of Warriors!"

Age - 3

Race - Human/????/????

Bloodline - ????/????/Sigurd

Hp - 520/520

Mp - 2,250/2,250 (0.21 Mp per second)

STR - 29

END - 26

AGI - 30

INT - 45

WIS - 26

LUC - 109


Money- (10,000 Galleons)


'Holy root!' I yelled looking at the gain in stats. 'I feel incredible!' I noticed as I opened and closed my fists. Sigurd bowed his head in appreciation as the dungeon started to take me out. "I will remember you as a hero" He said as I nodded. I took looked at one of the items in my inventory and smirked.

[Fafnir's cooked heart] 

I ate the heart and immediately felt as if my head was going to split apart. "AHHHH!!!!" I grunted as I fell on my knees. I saw Sigurd run at me and hold my shoulder. "Are you alright!?" He asked worriedly, however I was leaving the dungeon and he couldn't do much to help me. My vision blurred as I closed my eyes.

When I re-opened them I was back home. My head stopped hurting and I felt some weight on the bridge of my nose. 

[User has gained the title "Crystallisation of Knowledge"]

"Y/n!" I heard Silberne yell as she hugged me. She then started checking every angle to see if I had any damage. She exhaled in relief the moment she found none. She looked closer at my face and took something from them. 'Glasses?' I asked in my head as I looked at my mother inspect the glasses which were on my face. She looked at me with teary eyes as she hugged me once again.

"W-where were you?" She asked, but before I was able answer she asked another one. "Where did you go" She asked making me grimace. 'How long was I out?' I asked internally. 

[1 hour in real life is two in the dungeon]

[You've been gone thirty minutes, therefore fifteen minutes have passed in the real world]

'I see, she's been worried' I thought as I hugged her back. "I was in the book." I told her. She immediately pulled out of the hug and looked at me. "IN the book?" She asked looking at me in the eyes. I nodded as she narrowed her eyes. He put the glasses back on me and crossed her arms. 

"What happened inside the book?" She asked impatiently. I sweat-dropped at the change of attitude. "I ummm" I said not knowing how to explain that I killed lesser dragons with a legendary sword that I bought online for 60 bucks. 

"I. Saw the hero kill a black dragon with a glowy green chest mark" I answered making her nod as if she was waiting for more information. "The hero gave me the heart of the dragon and cooked it. And then I ate it!" I told her happily making a her blink in surprise. 

"You ATE the heart!?" She loudly asked making me nod and point at the glasses. "Ah, of course!" She said taking the glasses once more. "These are the fabled Crystallisation of Knowledge. I've heard of it before. Never seen it though"  She said giving me back the glasses. "No one but you can use those you know" She pointed out making me nod. 

'System, what do these do exactly?' I asked confused. 

[System: Crystallisation of Knowledge have several effects, one of them is that all skills learnt will start at level 25. The secondary effect is that user will be able to memorise vast amounts of knowledge in a short amount of time. A tertiary effect is that with the skill observe all information will be given no matter the difference in levels, this effect may only be countered with a noble phantasm of equal value. The glasses can not be used by others and cannot be broken by usual means. If they were to be broken new ones will appear on the User's nose]

'Holy sh!t' I thought as I read the HUGE amount effects of the glasses. I was suddenly glad I was the only one able to use these glasses. I imagined Voldemort with these glasses. It would be a disaster to be bale to master one fourth of a skill by looking at it. Scary.

"Doesn't matter!" My mom assumed before sniffing me and smiling. "All that matters is that yo have a more permanent dragon scent" She said as she put me in the bed and hugged me hugging me with both her arms and wings. "Silberne, why are you in my bed?" I asked lowly to my mom who smiled and hugged me tighter. "You will sleep with me until you leave the nest. That way you will be safe" She said as she snuggled closer to me. 

Knowing it wouldn't do anything to protest I snuggled closer to her and went to sleep.

(Time-skip Brought to you by Y/n pranking people in Chaldea)

I opened my eyes as rays of light fell on my face. The first thing I noticed was that Silberne was not there. I got up from bed and headed to the living room, there I found Silberne humming as she sat on a small sofa. She stopped and looked my way. "Ready for training?" She asked with a smile that was too sweet to believe. I nodded scared to what she would do. It was only after I got a quest that I truly feared my new mom.

[Quest Alert! Survive Silberne's training]

[Description: Survive Silberne's brutal training.]

[Rewards: 100 Stat Points, +1 random Skill book]

[Failure: Possible Death, certain inability to use muscles for rest of life]

[Quest cannot be refused]


(Time-skip after the training.)

[For going beyond your limits user has gained +10 in all stats but luck!]

I was panting and grunting on the cold hard floor while looking at my mom who looked like she was taking a stroll across the forrest. 

[Quest Complete!Survive Silberne's training]

[Description: Survive Silberne's brutal training. ]

[Rewards: 100 Stat Points, +1 random Skill book]

[Failure: Possible Death, certain inability to use muscles for rest of life]

[Rewards have been received. Skill book has been placed inside user's inventory.]

I mentally opened my inventory and looked through it. There was excalibur, one random item, one random skillbook and... GRAM!?

'That's the mythical item i was gonna get!?' I asked myself shocked by the news. Shaking my head I tapped the random item first, 'to Silberne it must look like I'm just waving my arms around the air.' I thought as I watched the small question mark in my inventory become a ring. 'A ring?' I thought as I looked at the ring inside the inventory. Next to the ring there was some information. 

[Rank D(Rare) Item. Low rank spacial ring: Can contain 10 meters cubed worth of items]

'Cool' I thought as I revealed the random skillbook.

[Would User like to learn skill: Basics of Illusion Magic?] 


'YES, YES, YES!' I thought as I clicked on the yes button. The book turned into glowing white particles and entered my body. I was gonna prank so many people with this skill!

I got up slowly and looked at Silberne. "Hey Silberne, could you teach how to use magic?" I asked my dragon mom who put a finger to her chin and eventually nodded. "Usually a human child can only learn magic when they are 11, however you are different. You are a hybrid" She said looking at me and smiling. 

"A hybrid?" I asked her. I already knew I was a hybrid, but I was curious to know what kind of hybrid I was. She she widened her eyes and gasped. "You don't know?" She asked getting near me. "You're an incubus hybrid" She said making me blink twice. 'I'm a what?' I thought looking at her surprised. "Yes, but lately you've smelt like a dragon too. So you're human, incubus, dragon hybrid!"She exclaimed as a message appeared in-front of me. 

[Skill [Dragon Speech] grew to level 34!]

[User knows part of his heritage! Would the GAMER like to continue with his stats or would he like to increase them accordingly with his race?]

[Continue with Stats/ Change according to Race]

'Is that even a question?' I asked about to press the earlier option were it not for another screen which appeared just in time

[Once user changes stats according to his race user will gain stats slower and it will be harder to level up!]

[Stats will forcibly change at age 15! However if User chooses for his human race to be dominant, his potential will be the sae]

[Accept stat change /Refuse stat change]

'So if I change my race I'll have a boost in stats but I risk being way stronger in the long game. If I don't I have a better chance of being stronger in the future, but I'll have to work my ass for it.' I reflected as I looked at the screen. Without hesitation I pressed the refuse stat change. 

'Fuck that. I want to be powerful enough to not be messed with. I want to be the prankster not the one being pranked' I thought as I pressed the Refuse Stat change button. "How to train your magic?" She questioned as she placed her finger on her chin once again. If I said I wasn't getting worried i'd be lying.


Explanations!/Stat changes/ Level Ups/ Skills!/Items



Name - Y/n ???? ????

Level - 20(145/255,000)

Titles - "???", "???", "Dragon Slayer", "King of Warriors!", "Crystallisation of Knowledge"

Age - 3

Race - Human(Dominant)/Incubus/Dragon

Bloodline - ????/????/Sigurd

Hp - 720/720

Mp - 2,750/2,750 (0.36 Mp per second)

STR - 39

END - 36

AGI - 40

INT - 55

WIS - 36

LUC - 109


Money- (10,000 Galleons)




(Passive)[Gamer's Body]LvL(MAX) - Allows the user to live life as if it was a videogame. When user goes to sleep all statuses will disappear, and Hp and Mp will be restored

(Passive)[Gamer's Mind] LvL(MAX) - Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect.(Passive)

[Collector]LvL(MAX) - The "talent" to collect high quality goods. A "luck" that draws rare items into the possession of the user.

(Passive)[Eye of mind(False)(A++)]LvL(MAX) - A natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, intuition, or prescience. The accuracy of this instinct can be augmented by experience. The ability also grants an effect of offering resistance against penalties caused by visual obstructions.

(Passive/Active)[Eye of mind(True)(A++)]LvL(0)(%) - A heightened capacity for observation, refined through training, discipline and experience. Also a danger-avoidance ability that utilizes the intelligence collected up to the current time as the basis in order to predict the opponent's activity and change the current situation. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning.

(Passive/Active)[Dragon Speech]LvL(34)(23%) - Talk the language of Dragons! The higher the level the higher the comprehension of the Dragon language. At max user will be able to use Draconic runes and fully read and write in Draconic!

(Active)[Cooking Beginner level]LvL(2)(1%) - Cook simple dishes, show the world the culinary arts! At max it becomes [Cooking Intermediate level]

(Active)[Prana Burst]LvL(6)(32%)- The increase in performance caused by infusing one's weapons and body with and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the effect of a jet burst by expending large amounts of Magical Energy.

(Active)[Basics of Illusion Magic]LvL(0)(0%)- The basics of illusion magic. Create basic things that are not really there. Confuse people. At max skill will evolve to [Intermediate Illusion magic].




Excalibur- Used to be a pvc sword made for cosplaying. Apon wishing for his life to become a game Y/n's fake sword turned into the real thing. Stored in his inventory he can only use it's full power if he releases the 13 seals of the round table also called the [Restraints of the Round table]. Y/n can combine this with his [Prana Burst] and to create a giant holy beam of light capable of saving the world.

Gram- A sword gifted to him after helping in the defeat of the Evil dragon of greed Fafnir. The strongest demonic sword rivaled only by the strongest holy sword Excalibur. A sword of ruin and hope reforged to be able to kill a dragon! Y/n can use this together with his [Prana Burst] to create a giant beam of darkness capable of both causing ruin and salvation. Killing all dragon's in its path. 


If you've read the title you should know that the Mc is the descendant of merlin. Don't worry he will assume his lineage soon(Merlin wise that is). 

The skills he has are all from his past life. As stated before he has always had a pull for treasures. He has always had a killer instinct for danger. He honed said instinct with his observational skills. He was a fan of the series Sherlock and the movies which the detective was in. He honed his observation to be able to become like his idle. 

Ask away!

המשך קריאה

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